Interviews Lisa's Parents Good Morning America, Fox, The Today Show 10/17/2011 #2

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Yep, Joe T. the defense has cut off the communication between Lisa's parents and anymore interviews. I'm glad that Megan got to get her's in before that happened.

Nah - IMHO this was coreographed quite nicely. THey did all the interviews this weekend, probably made enought dough to pay Joe T, and THEN he shut down the interviews. I don't think for a second he would be their attorney without the payouts from the media. Remember, these two couldn't pay their own cell phone bills.

He probably has no problem with dealing with the media scrutiny now - he's used to it obvs. A stand up guy like him probably set up the media interviews just to guarantee his paycheck. I wonder if he'll even stay around for long.

Just my opinion.

No, in the M. Kelly interview Jeremy said LE implied he could have done something during the 2 hours he was home. I really have questions about timeline.

I really can't figure out why LE has not given Jeremy Irwin a LDT!!!:banghead:
Nah - IMHO this was coreographed quite nicely. THey did all the interviews this weekend, probably made enought dough to pay Joe T, and THEN he shut down the interviews. I don't think for a second he would be their attorney without the payouts from the media. Remember, these two couldn't pay their own cell phone bills.

He probably has no problem with dealing with the media scrutiny now - he's used to it obvs. A stand up guy like him probably set up the media interviews just to guarantee his paycheck. I wonder if he'll even stay around for long.

Just my opinion.


Very good point! He is most likely very confident that he can have the interviews kept out of the courtroom.
I just don't have an opinion on this case, even with all of these revelations...have no feeling at all for what really happened to this baby. Just a bad one that she may not be found.
The only reason I can think of is that they already know who did it.

They can't possibly know the full story at this stage. Even if they're sure his alibi is solid, they should still polygraph him to see whether or not he knows what someone else may have done.
I really can't figure out why LE has not given Jeremy Irwin a LDT!!!:banghead:

I can't either ... hmmm ... it is "possible" that "maybe" JI was not telling the "truth" about an LDT ?

And now that he has "lawyered up" he will never take one ...

MOO ...
( what is "just drunk"? )

Megyn: how drunk were you?
Deborah: just drunk.
Megyn: were you slurring your words? Were you stumbling?
Deborah: I don’t think so..
Megyn: is it possible you had a black out?
Deborah: it’s a possibility. I mean just like anybody else when you drink you don’t remember the things that happened and stuff like that but, yeah, it’s a possibility, but once again it has nothing to do with my daughter.

right----possibly blacked out, doesn't remember anything ----but----what could this possibly have to do with the missing baby??...good grief.

I agree with you lauriej. She was just drunk, but could have blacked out. :waitasec:

I don't know about her world but "Just Drunk" doesn't equal so drunk "I could've passed out" in mine. I've never been a big drinker but I've have enough experience to know the difference between what I'd describe as drunk and blacking out." I've never blacked out, but a couple of times I've been pretty damn drunk. I guess I always puked before I got so drunk I'd pass out.

It's been awhile since I drank anything at all but I can't remember ever being so drunk that I couldn't remember what went on the night before.

Is she deliberately keeping things vague in case of trial or is she just an alcoholic trying to plead to the lowest level without discounting anything that could help her at a possible trial?
No, in the M. Kelly interview Jeremy said LE implied he could have done something during the 2 hours he was home. I really have questions about timeline.

I have never sent a link to this page before so I hope I am doing it correctly. If you listen to part 3 of this interview after the 2:23 minute mark Jeremy talks about LE implying he could have done something to Baby Lisa during the 2 hours he was home and then Debbie finding out. What 2 hours????
Almost every county in every state has a grand jury, which is made up of citizens. Depending on the size of the county, the grand jury meets on a regular basis of once a week, or twice a month, or in the case of a small county it may even been once a month. The grand jury meetings are not open to the public and the proceedings are secret.

The purpose of the grand jury is to hear evidence by law enforcement and the District Attorney in a case and determine if there's enough evidence to proceed with charging someone with a crime. After hearing evidence presented, the grand jury can request to have individual people testify before the grand jury in their quest to determine if there's a case.

If the grand jury hands down an indictment against an individual or individuals, the case proceeds to an arrest and charges.

thanks for the info,i guess we do have one but it is rarely in the press or heard of? idk?

i get the feeling its inevitable she'll be arrested after they meet (today/tomorrow? not sure of the time difference as im on GMT) hence why they have lawyered up.

im curious as to what they found in the neighbors house since the media weren't allowed in the street to photograph or video,gives the impression that it was pretty serious.also as a people have said id like to know if its the same neighbor that the teen had DNA taken? more than a coincidence if it is i think imo
TWO things we learned (and/or confirmed) today out of these interviews were:

1. DB was not only drunk - but also takes Rx meds for anxiety and was taking them that day.


2. JI left for work that day at 5:20

That's it for me. But I am glad that we now have a confirmed left for work time.
TWO things we learned (and/or confirmed) today out of these interviews were:

1. DB was not only drunk - but also takes Rx meds for anxiety and was taking them that day.


2. JI left for work that day at 5:20

That's it for me. But I am glad that we now have a confirmed left for work time.

We also learned from the Dan Abrams interview that DB follows missing child reports/shows on TV and that she always has blamed the she says she will not automatically assume that again
Here is the transcript for Part III of the Fox interview that I was asking about earlier. I have bolded the part that seems hinky to me:

MK: How far into it did they accuse you?
DB: A couple hours.

MK: Really?
DB: Yeah.

MK: Into the first interview?
DB Yeah.
JI: Yeah.

MK: What did they say?
DB: You did it. Where is…where’s she at? Sh….You know stuff like that. I can’t really get into that. I don’t want to affect the investigation. It’s not about clearing my name.

MK: Did they do that same thing to you Jeremy?
JI: Yeah, um, yeah. They did very same thing. (**DB mumbles something here and shakes her head no. I can’t make it out.**) They first told me it was her. Then later told me it was me and that an accident had happened or…but yeah.

MK: What about that because that is one of the theories that people speculate about? That…it’s not that you hurt your daughter but maybe she had an accident in the house and then you panicked.
DB: That’s what 911 is for. That’s the only answer I have for that. All the ideas people have on what me or him might have done or what….it’s just sick.

MK: The police told you that you failed a polygraph. They, also told us that you failed it and that you failed it miserably. Did they tell you what questions you failed?
DB: Yes.

MK: What questions?
DB: Do I know where she’s at?

MK: Anything else?
DB: No. I don’t remember. I don’t think so.

MK: What did you say to them when they told you that?
DB: That’s not possible. I have absolutely no idea where my daughter is. If I knew she’d be with me.

MK: And how did they respond?
DB: Called me a bad mother. And said I ought to fess up pretty much.

JI: They keep bringing up that maybe it was an accident, maybe you did it during the 2 hours you were home and she found out about it later.

DB: I’m scared of ‘em because they’ve scared the crap out of me. I mean they’ve managed to do a great job at that so….

MK: You could not only have lost your daughter, you could lose your freedom.
DB: Yeah, and I’ve done nothing wrong.
I am so behind but has anyone brought up the fact that if they couldn't even pay their cell phone bill then maybe there were serious financial problems in the home? I am as poor as can be and I always pay my cell phone bill. Have to have a way for the kids to stay in touch with me.
I have wondered if there was a financial motivation in this after seeing how profitable missing/deceased children have gotten lately.

Can't pay your cell phone bill, but can pay for a box-o-wine.

Just sayin
( what is "just drunk"? )

Megyn: how drunk were you?
Deborah: just drunk.
Megyn: were you slurring your words? Were you stumbling?
Deborah: I don’t think so..
Megyn: is it possible you had a black out?
Deborah: it’s a possibility. I mean just like anybody else when you drink you don’t remember the things that happened and stuff like that but, yeah, it’s a possibility, but once again it has nothing to do with my daughter.

right----possibly blacked out, doesn't remember anything ----but----what could this possibly have to do with the missing baby??...good grief.

uh her attitude in that interview makes me sick,how can she s****** and shrug things off like that.i know there is no rule book on how people should act in situations like this but i wouldn't be having that attitude if it was me.
ive noticed that she refers to lisa as "her" when she says that "that has nothing to do with her" when questioned about how many drinks she had.

also ive watched quite a few recent interviews and i haven't seen her mention lisa or ask for her to be returned? i find that a bit strange i'd be begging for her to be safe at every oppurtunity.

the change in her demeanor from the first interview to now is shocking,she seems to be hard faces as to previously she was hysterical? iffy IMO
MOO ...

:waitasec: I am "thinking out loud" here ...

- We know that DB bought a "box of wine" at the grocery hours before her claim that Baby Lisa was "allegedly" taken by an intruder ...

- DB on "national tv" this morning, 10-17-11, and "admitted" to drinking wine the night Baby Lisa went "missing" ...

- Presser held this afternoon, 10-17-11 by DB and JI with their recently retained attorney JT -- IMO "spinning" a "defense" for the "family" ...

It is "my opinion" that this attorney was hired PRIOR to DB's appearances on these morning shows on 10-17-11 where DB discussed her "drinking" the night Baby Lisa disappeared ...

There was NOT enough time for this attorney JT to meet with both DB and JI since the morning shows aired, counsel them, etc. ...

And I think DB's "DEFENSE" will be that she was "drunk" ... And IMO ... I would NOT be surprised if this attorney was behind it -- or DB "overplayed" it -- because that is going to be her "defense" ?

Now ... was DB "drunk" ? We know she bought wine but we do NOT have any confirmation of "how much" she drank -- other than what DB said on this morning's shows ...


So I am wondering if maybe she is putting on an ACT -- for her DEFENSE STRATEGY ?

I hope this made some sense ...

TWO things we learned (and/or confirmed) today out of these interviews were:

1. DB was not only drunk - but also takes Rx meds for anxiety and was taking them that day.


2. JI left for work that day at 5:20

That's it for me. But I am glad that we now have a confirmed left for work time.

..i know megyn had said that in the next segment-----she would tell us who was watching the kids ( i presume when deborah went to the store ) did we ever hear about that?
From SmoothOperator
.. And now as BS exits the stage.. Entering onto the stage is Tacopina to pick up where BS left off with his check list of priorities in tow..

Priority list is as follows:
-continue whipping the media into a full fledged frenzy.

-feed the pariah that feed off the negativity of the parents soap opera/radaronline lifestyles..

- continue and escalate the circus type atmosphere

- and always always keep in the forefront of your mind that this case has got the potential to go all the way to Casey Anthony status if we play our cards right..

And that's what will generate the big bucks and make them the latest "stars"..

IMO it's just as I predicted all one big money/fame making machine with the family nothing but pawns used to generate both the fame and the money..

Precious baby Lisa.. Well this was never about her, period.. She is nothing but the name and the face for the poster of this twisted production that missing children's cases have become.. Infact, if anything I see their(this newfound mentoring media production) goal would be that she need not be found or discovered just yet.. They want to still drag that out a bit and have a build up of sorts with a major climax at just the right time of their having Lisa found or discovered!!..

That's exactly what's going on here!!!

Precious Lisa it seems as tho us here may indeed be the only one's who have your best interest at heart in desperately wanting you found!! I pray you're safe wherever you are!!

I'm absolutely disgusted at what has now become of our missing children!! Disgusted!!

This post came from a closed thread but needs to be reposted.

Standing Ovation!!!!
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