Interviews & MSM with/about friends, family, law enforcement etc...

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NG has barely covered the case though, for whatever reason. Do you think it will increase for the trial?

In fact, I have seen very little media other than local. I guess that may change when a trial is imminent. But NG barely touched on this case after the arrests-maybe part of one show?
NG has barely covered the case though, for whatever reason. Do you think it will increase for the trial?

IMO Hell yes! Jane Valez too. With all of the social media madness going on and the "drama" of all of this I can see them both getting a figurative erection as I type this. TM's dad passing just adds Viagra to the *advertiser censored* that we all know as investigative TV.
In fact, I have seen very little media other than local. I guess that may change when a trial is imminent. But NG barely touched on this case after the arrests-maybe part of one show?

It still surprises me that there is barely any national media interest in this case. I don't know if it will change when the trial starts. It did for the Jodi Arias trial, but I feel like for most high-profile trials, they are well-known before they start. This case has 54,000 people on FB, the parents are very active, and the victim fits a certain profile, and it still isn't all over the national news. I feel like the case is sensational, but then you think about how little national coverage there is, and you think, maybe it isn't, like compared to other high-profile cases? There has to be something about the circumstances that is keeping the media away, because what else could it be? People keep saying there will be a movie about this case, but this case hasn't even been on yet.

ETA: The national coverage for the trial will probably depend entirely on whether HLN decides to carry the trial.
I can't help but wonder about SM in all of this. He 'lost' his family and the C's became his family. He was arrested for protecting the man and said "I'd do it again" Clearly he cared for his father in law. I hope that this will weigh heaviest on his conscious. It was his infidelity that started this whole awful situation -- that HAS to be hitting home with him right now. I would hope so anyway.


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I believe Tammy said that, posting as him. IMO

ETA, not saying he doesn't feel that way...

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Tamra Willard, with the coroner's office, said because he died of natural causes there would be no investigation.
Right, by the coroner's office. What MaliaMansly is saying is an insurance company can request an independent investigation/examination.

For instance, my brothers death, ruled and overdose by the coroner's office - blood work/labs told the bottom line.

Had my brother had insurance, which he didn't, (goodbye Lil' Sis savings account) they more than likely would have wanted an investigation to determine if it was accidental or intentional (we are still not 100% positive either way, never will be). Many, most insurances have clauses that do not pay in event of suicide. The insurance company would want this investigated to protect their assets.

It happens. All the time.

Tamra Willard, with the coroner's office, said because he died of natural causes there would be no investigation.

Right, no official investigation. However, IF the insurance company doesn't accept that for whatever reason the Insurance company CAN do their own investigation at their own expense. It happens a lot actually.

Just trying to show that you are all right!
IMO Hell yes! Jane Valez too. With all of the social media madness going on and the "drama" of all of this I can see them both getting a figurative erection as I type this. TM's dad passing just adds Viagra to the *advertiser censored* that we all know as investigative TV.


Maybe after the results of the last couple of high profile cases in FL, and the lawyers harshly harshly criticizing the media coverage and how it affected the trial..they are laying off some? I kinda think that might have something to do with this one..JMO
Right, by the coroner's office. What MaliaMansly is saying is an insurance company can request an independent investigation/examination.

For instance, my brothers death, ruled and overdose by the coroner's office - blood work/labs told the bottom line.

Had my brother had insurance, which he didn't, (goodbye Lil' Sis savings account) they more than likely would have wanted an investigation to determine if it was accidental or intentional (we are still not 100% positive either way, never will be). Many, most insurances have clauses that do not pay in event of suicide. The insurance company would want this investigated to protect their assets.

It happens. All the time.

:tyou: The insurance also will not pay out to a beneficiary that is proven to be involved in the death (i.e., intentional OD of insulin, things like that).

So, so sorry for your losses! You're definitely not alone now. You have a whole WS membership behind you! Chin up!

Maybe after the results of the last couple of high profile cases in FL, and the lawyers harshly harshly criticizing the media coverage and how it affected the trial..they are laying off some? I kinda think that might have something to do with this one..JMO

I don't think so. Ratings are ratings, if a case will bring in high ratings and high ad revenue, they will cover it. I would actually think that high-interest trials will lead to more trials getting coverage, because it shows that Americans are interested in them. The Anthony trial probably sparked HLN covering Arias, Zimmerman, MacNeil, and Dunn trials live.
I honestly do not think TM will have any thoughts of guilt. IMO her personality is that of one which will cause her to blame Heather for this and harden her hatred for her even more. I think any chance of TM talking was lessoned by this tragedy.

They may however be able to use this to their advantage with SM. Telling him what stress this is causing his family and doing the right thing could prevent such a tragedy from happening there.

Sorry to say, TM will blame this on SM and HE. IMO

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I can't help but wondering how William Caison's passing will affect the trial, or won't for that matter. Maybe Sidney would feel more comfortable blaming his wife since her father is no longer alive. Sidney may have very well cared for his father-in-law, but I also think that Sidney would not want to cross him. I'm sorry Mr. Caison passed, but maybe a shift in the Caison family dynamic could lead to information about what really happened to Heather. Wishful thinking....
Off the top of my head - I don't - but if memory serves me correctly - SM's defense attorney made reference to it when he was talking about SM not really having any sort of criminal record (other than being present when the DVD was stolen at Costco and when he was defending his FIL). It was said in a way to indicate that SM cared about his FIL and was simply protecting him.

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Hoppy, OT but have you witnessed or heard of the Elvis family or supporters behaving badly during or immediately after court proceedings? Have they chanted or been aggressive with the Moorer family? This is repeatedly predicted and mentioned so Im wondering if I have missed something? From all the coverage Ive viewed, everyone behaved respectfully. TIA!
My guess is the case will proceed as it normally would and Mr. C's death will not ultimately affect the progression of the case. I also don't think either of the M's will confess to anything even though Mr. C has passed. I could be wrong and I'd be happily surprised if they did, but I'm guessing they won't. Whatever secrets, if any, Mr. C had have probably gone with him.

Given that his death has, to our knowledge per MSM, been determined to be "by natural causes," I'm also assuming that will be the end of that and there's no other connection to the criminal case.
Hoppy, OT but have you witnessed or heard of the Elvis family or supporters behaving badly during or immediately after court proceedings? Have they chanted or been aggressive with the Moorer family? This is repeatedly predicted and mentioned so Im wondering if I have missed something? From all the coverage Ive viewed, everyone behaved respectfully. TIA!

I pretty much think the Elvis family has shown an amazing amount of grace under a ton of pressure. It amazes me that I still haven't seen any of the immediate family stoop to the same low level as the people that keep trying to destroy them. I pray they remain steadfast.
My guess is the case will proceed as it normally would and Mr. C's death will not ultimately affect the progression of the case. I also don't think either of the M's will confess to anything even though Mr. C has passed. I could be wrong and I'd be happily surprised if they did, but I'm guessing they won't. Whatever secrets, if any, Mr. C had have probably gone with him.

Given that his death has, to our knowledge per MSM, been determined to be "by natural causes," I'm also assuming that will be the end of that and there's no other connection to the criminal case.

ITA but wanted to respectfully add that I could see SM fearing his FIL and now that he is gone SM taking a deal.
Does anyone know what happens now regarding William Caison's case against the reporter? Does that just get dropped now, not sure??
Hoppy, OT but have you witnessed or heard of the Elvis family or supporters behaving badly during or immediately after court proceedings? Have they chanted or been aggressive with the Moorer family? This is repeatedly predicted and mentioned so Im wondering if I have missed something? From all the coverage Ive viewed, everyone behaved respectfully. TIA!

There was none of that at the bond hearing - and other then the things that happened early on (in which there were OJ charges filed) - there's been nothing I am aware of. The Elvis family - they are wonderful people - and I can speak for everytime I have seen that at a vigil, bond hearing, or anything else related to this case - they have been quiet, reserved, respectable. Better than I think I could be for sure. My heart breaks for them - but I hold them in high esteem for the way they have carried themselves through this ordeal.

In fact - all this talk about why MSM hasn't picked up this case - I'd like to offer my 2 cents (FWIW) as to why this may be. First - the LE in Horry County made it VERY VERY VERY CLEAR that NO ONE in this case TALK ABOUT THE CASE. There is to be no talk in any shape, form or fashion. It may very well be that MSM has reached out to the Elvis family or Caison family - but due to the strong hand LE and the solicitor has exerted over this case (and probably with very good reason) - those requests may have been turned down. (We know that the Caison family was refusing to even speak with local media - however - I think there reasons for not doing so were very different) -- but MSM doesn't like to be turned down. If the people involved in the case aren't able or willing (because they are abiding by what LE/solicitor has stated is in the best interest of the case) to talk - then the MSM just refuses to report on it at all. I don't know that this is the reason - but I do think it is a reasonable theory as to why there's not more coverage on it. Now, with the gag order in place - there's little ways for MSM to 'get the scoop' - and so the combination of all of this has doomed this case from going big on MSM (at least for now). Like I said :my2cents:

Edited to add: The other people who have shown up to support the Elvis family and this case - it really seems as if they 'get it' - as in they show up and don't act up - so that they are not jeopardizing the case in any way.

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There was none of that at the bond hearing - and other then the things that happened early on (in which there were OJ charges filed) - there's been nothing I am aware of. The Elvis family - they are wonderful people - and I can speak for everytime I have seen that at a vigil, bond hearing, or anything else related to this case - they have been quiet, reserved, respectable. Better than I think I could be for sure. My heart breaks for them - but I hold them in high esteem for the way they have carried themselves through this ordeal.

In fact - all this talk about why MSM hasn't picked up this case - I'd like to offer my 2 cents (FWIW) as to why this may be. First - the LE in Horry County made it VERY VERY VERY CLEAR that NO ONE in this case TALK ABOUT THE CASE. There is to be no talk in any shape, form or fashion. It may very well be that MSM has reached out to the Elvis family or Caison family - but due to the strong hand LE and the solicitor has exerted over this case (and probably with very good reason) - those requests may have been turned down. (We know that the Caison family was refusing to even speak with local media - however - I think there reasons for not doing so were very different) -- but MSM doesn't like to be turned down. If the people involved in the case aren't able or willing (because they are abiding by what LE/solicitor has stated is in the best interest of the case) to talk - then the MSM just refuses to report on it at all. I don't know that this is the reason - but I do think it is a reasonable theory as to why there's not more coverage on it. Now, with the gag order in place - there's little ways for MSM to 'get the scoop' - and so the combination of all of this has doomed this case from going big on MSM (at least for now). Like I said :my2cents:

Edited to add: The other people who have shown up to support the Elvis family and this case - it really seems as if they 'get it' - as in they show up and don't act up - so that they are not jeopardizing the case in any way.

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But the Elvis family talked to GMA, NG, Dateline, HLN? It seems like they did interviews with all who asked. I can't imagine they turned any down.

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There was none of that at the bond hearing - and other then the things that happened early on (in which there were OJ charges filed) - there's been nothing I am aware of. The Elvis family - they are wonderful people - and I can speak for everytime I have seen that at a vigil, bond hearing, or anything else related to this case - they have been quiet, reserved, respectable. Better than I think I could be for sure. My heart breaks for them - but I hold them in high esteem for the way they have carried themselves through this ordeal.

In fact - all this talk about why MSM hasn't picked up this case - I'd like to offer my 2 cents (FWIW) as to why this may be. First - the LE in Horry County made it VERY VERY VERY CLEAR that NO ONE in this case TALK ABOUT THE CASE. There is to be no talk in any shape, form or fashion. It may very well be that MSM has reached out to the Elvis family or Caison family - but due to the strong hand LE and the solicitor has exerted over this case (and probably with very good reason) - those requests may have been turned down. (We know that the Caison family was refusing to even speak with local media - however - I think there reasons for not doing so were very different) -- but MSM doesn't like to be turned down. If the people involved in the case aren't able or willing (because they are abiding by what LE/solicitor has stated is in the best interest of the case) to talk - then the MSM just refuses to report on it at all. I don't know that this is the reason - but I do think it is a reasonable theory as to why there's not more coverage on it. Now, with the gag order in place - there's little ways for MSM to 'get the scoop' - and so the combination of all of this has doomed this case from going big on MSM (at least for now). Like I said :my2cents:

Edited to add: The other people who have shown up to support the Elvis family and this case - it really seems as if they 'get it' - as in they show up and don't act up - so that they are not jeopardizing the case in any way.

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Its just as I thought but I wanted to be sure. If Heathers family and friends are going to show that much class and control in such a horrifying situation, the least we can do is give them credit for it. Thats a good point on the coverage. Thanks so much, Hoppy. Im glad you are here with us.
ITA, but it DOES occur to me that we don't know SM's "voice," like we do TM's. KWIM?

That's true too. Something just really strikes me as sounding TM-ish though. SM seems like a man of few words (probably because someone else wore the pants). But who knows, maybe SM did write's hard to tell. I would love to see some more of the messages/interactions he had with other people, so we could try to gauge his writing style a little more. IMO of course.

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