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Everybody has little flights of fantasy when they get involved in a case. Mine just seem to be more consistent than most.
Hiya Everyone! My name is Christine...really :) I am 35, 36 very soon, married with 12 yr old and 6 month old. I work FT as Full Charge Bookkeeper and have 2 PT home businesses, 1 computer repair, 2 bookkeeping and taxes.

I came to WS to read about Ray Gricar, a missing PA DA who helped my family a great deal back in the 80's. From there, I went nuts! There is so much on WS to do! Then I decided to slow down a bit, was getting behind at work and home, LOL, and try to concentrate on just a few cases at a time. So, I thought, I'll pick one hot (Amber Harris) and one cold (Rose Cole).

I am currently involved in Rose Cole case, which has brought me to this case, and also working on Amber Harris. I followed the Amber Harris case from day 1 and as most of you know the case went from missing to Homicide just recently.

I want to find Rose so bad because she was so lonely, and I want her to know how much she IS loved, even by us, and we don't even know her!

I now want to help find Anna.....what a joy that would be, what a JOY!

I love each and everyone one of you here, you are all an incredible bunch! I have made some good friends since hanging out at WS.

BTW...who's coming to the WS 1st Annual Get Together ????? A chance to meet in person and discuss all of our work here!
Welcome, Christine2448. We can use all of the help that we can get.

For years, Annasmom and her family felt that while people were sympathetic to their situation, no one seemed interested in actively assisting in the search for Anna. Well, Websleuthers have risen to the occasion and as a result, we are closer to finding an answer than we have ever been. With all of your help, we can find the truth.
Dr. Doogie said:
For years, Annasmom and her family felt that while people were sympathetic to their situation, no one seemed interested in actively assisting in the search for Anna.
I just got a form letter from the San Mateo Sheriff's office in response to my request for a copy of the case file (made on the proper form). They asked for a postage fee and picture identity but then said since the case involved a juvenile (38 years old??) I would have to have a court order from Juvenile authorities to get the file. This, after the detective supposedly on the case helped me fill out the form. I think they just want me to go away.
Annasmom said:
I just got a form letter from the San Mateo Sheriff's office in response to my request for a copy of the case file (made on the proper form). They asked for a postage fee and picture identity but then said since the case involved a juvenile (38 years old??) I would have to have a court order from Juvenile authorities to get the file. This, after the detective supposedly on the case helped me fill out the form. I think they just want me to go away.
WHAAAAT?????? The detective said that if there was any trouble, to call him and he would be able to approve the release. Sounds like trouble to me, so lets see if he will do what he says he will. :furious: :banghead:
I bet they are going to pull the old, "she was a juvenile but she would be an adult now and entitled to the right to her privacy" excuse.
Why would they even bother to ask for a postage fee and picture identity if they were going to play cat and mouse? So infuriating. I have "met" some of the nicest people in LE offices you could ever hope to meet, and I have met some that are so infuriating that I just want to go screaming into the night. I hope somehow you are able to sort this out and get them to offer up their file.
Doesn't make sense to me. 32 yrs ago a stranger (MH) gets a copy of the file, but not a family member today? :snooty: Gee, do I smell trouble. Oh, have I ever mentioned "go higher" yet?
SherlockJr said:
Oh, have I ever mentioned "go higher" yet?
In the course of rereading Annasmom's manuscript, I was reminded that the FBI did review the case in the context of a cluster of missing girls that occured in the Bay Area in the 1980's (Amanda Campbell, Amber Schwartz, etc.). They never were able to come to any conclusions.

There are jurisdictional issues concerning the FBI. At the time of Anna's disappearance, the law stated that the FBI could only get involved if there was a ransom note or if strong evidence existed that the child was transported across state lines. That criteria has now changed, but I do not know if it is retroactive to pre-existing cases.

Concerning the San Mateo Sheriff's and this new roadblock that they have thrown up: Annasmom, I would call the detective back and get his input on this. He seemed to be sincere in wanting to get us this info. You are probably right in that they want you to go away - what you need to do is make it clear to them that the only way for them to make you go away is to give us what we want. I know that is not your nature, but I would recommend that you get in touch with your "inner-" and become a pain in their rear.
Dr. Doogie said:
Concerning the San Mateo Sheriff's and this new roadblock that they have thrown up: Annasmom, I would call the detective back and get his input on this. He seemed to be sincere in wanting to get us this info. You are probably right in that they want you to go away - what you need to do is make it clear to them that the only way for them to make you go away is to give us what we want. I know that is not your nature, but I would recommend that you get in touch with your "inner-" and become a pain in their rear.
This made me laugh out loud. It's nice that you assume I'm not in touch with this, ahem, negative side. First, though, I just sent the six dollars and the photo ID and assumed the clerk had called the detective. I'll stay on it.
I was born 6 years after Anna 'vanished.' I am a mama to a 1 year old little girl and Anna was someone's little girl, that's what caught my attention. I dont post on ws much but I read on here whenever I can.My heart goes out to her family. I cant imagine how hard it must have been for them. I hope there will be an answer to all the questions and Anna will be found. I'll keep searching the internet for anything that could be related to Anna, so far I havent had any luck.
GraceBlue said:
I'll keep searching the internet for anything that could be related to Anna, so far I havent had any luck.
Thanks, GraceBlue, for your kind words and efforts. We each bring different talents to WS and yours may be the missing piece of the puzzle. Welcome!
Dr. Doogie said:
Concerning the San Mateo Sheriff's and this new roadblock that they have thrown up: Annasmom, I would call the detective back and get his input on this. He seemed to be sincere in wanting to get us this info. You are probably right in that they want you to go away - what you need to do is make it clear to them that the only way for them to make you go away is to give us what we want. I know that is not your nature, but I would recommend that you get in touch with your "inner-" and become a pain in their rear.

I just got an e-mail from their office; they have released the file and are mailing it to me!
Hooray! Sometimes persistence pays off.
My name is Gayle and I'm a 40 something executive with a large HR consulting and outsourcing firm. I am married to a wonderful man and we have a 7 year old little girl that is the light of my life. I have also two great stepsons, 1 is married with a little girl and 1 is engaged. We live in Illinois on a small piece of property with my 4 horses and dog. I love photography, scrapbooking, nearly everything to do with animals. I have a sincere interest in missing persons cases and occasionally am able to help Project Jason. I study lots of processes and procedures related to missing person cases and have been studying cadaver dogs for the past year with ideas on improving use and promoting the use of our local group of search and rescue dogs. I've done some writing to help people understand the types of dogs used in cases and how they work. My internet search experience is zero but I would like to learn. I've followed Anna's case closely and am attempting to educate myself on numerological values and the Kabalarians. I pray for Anna and her family every day. I'm amazed by you guys everyday.
My name is Maria and I am 40ish. I now live in Huntington, W.V. with my husband (a software developer/programmer) of almost nine years and numerous cats. I am originally from Portsmouth, Oh and have lived in Atlanta, Tampa and Cincinnati. I attended the Galloway School and Oglethorpe University in Atlanta. I was a Merit System administrator for the State of Georgia for many years and held a similar position for a local area hospital. I moved back to the area to be closer to my family, especially my grandparents. My mother and I share caregiver duties for them.

I spend time reading about true crime and Anna's case really touched my heart. In her pictures, it is as if she is reaching out to you....There is something very special about her. Yes, she is lovely and adorable, but there is something else. Looking at her smile makes me smile.

I do not want to downplay the many other missing children we have listed on the boards, but some of us do have our "special cases" and for me, it is Anna.

In addition, I have a powerful feeling that Anna is definitely still alive. I don't have any reason as to why I feel that is the case....I just do.

mfmangel1 i know the feeling as well when your researching a misssing person and u get this feeling about what happend to them besides following annas case, janice pockett 7 1973 tolland connecticut brought me to websleuths when i look at her picture it haunts me i know shes is no longer with us a feeling ive had since the begning of my research. hopefully where ever she is she can be found.
'Lo all

I don't think I've posted anything regarding Anna yet, but I have been following everyone's efforts from the beginning. I'm a transplanted Texan and have been reading about true crime since I was very young. I plan to keep reading and contribute when I can. I think the work everyone has done and continues to do is amazing.
Dr. Doogie said:
I realize that there is a similar thread in the Cold Case section, but I thought that it would nice for us who have become involved in the search for Anna to let each other know who we are. Please post as much about yourself as you feel comfortable with.
I am Annasmom's youngest brother, Dan. I was a college senior at the time of Anna's disappearance, living in married students' housing with my son and then wife about two thousand miles away (my son is three years younger than his cousin Anna). Because of the distance involved, the great amount of uncertainty surrounding the case and my reluctance to intrude on my sister's grief, there is a lot I am finding out here for the first time. I want to thank the members of this forum for the interest and involvement they've shown to the case and the comfort and love they've shown my sister.
Welcome Annasuncle. Glad you can be here with us! Jump right in if you have any questions or anything you would like to add.

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