"Investigative" e-mails between Dominic C, Cindy A, Lee A, etc...

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Somewhere along the way of the above post..
I think we are missing something..

I wish the FBI would release everything they have!
Somewhere along the way of the above post..
I think we are missing something..

I wish the FBI would release everything they have!
Yes, we are missing something. I read back over my "little" time line and realized it covered more of the PI's search than anything else, and didn't fit here. I was working on a time line in an effort to sort some things out, but maybe this is one of those answers we have to wait for ? I hate waiting.

Those "hacked" e-mails must have held some good information or else Kathi B. wouldn't have forwarded to the FBI. I believe Cindy sent them by mistake to Kathi, during that time period she did seem to be on medication (heavy), and later came up with the lame hacking excuse. In the WFTV video on this, some messages are shown, on Kathi's Blackberry, and one from Cindy states that she already talked to Yahoo and they have it worked out. Sounded to me like she wanted Kathi to do no further investigating.

Here is the link to the video (thanks Kentjbkent), the Blackberry message is at about 1:26.

Fuhrman, working for FOX News, recounted a meeting with Caylee's grandparents, George and Cindy Anthony, in their living room.

"I looked straight at them and said gently, 'You know Caylee is dead,' " Fuhrman wrote. "There was silence. George looked at me and he just bobbed his head up and down, as if to say yes. Cindy cried quietly. I got the feeling George knew that the baby was dead and that Cindy also knew but was blocking it out."

Fuhrman, working for FOX News, recounted a meeting with Caylee's grandparents, George and Cindy Anthony, in their living room.

"I looked straight at them and said gently, 'You know Caylee is dead,' " Fuhrman wrote. "There was silence. George looked at me and he just bobbed his head up and down, as if to say yes. Cindy cried quietly. I got the feeling George knew that the baby was dead and that Cindy also knew but was blocking it out."


TWA...thanks for refreshing our memories with your posts and videos. Everything makes more sense now, than it did when the case began. It's good to look back. :blowkiss:
So it was this far back when Kronk's ex s were being talked about with the banter between Mom and Dom. Do any of our local members know if Dominic is still on good terms with the Anthonys? Is he writing a book with them or on their foundation board? In the recent hearing regarding him having a deposition did anyone notice if he spoke to the Anthonys?

When it was mentioned in the very recent hearing that the trial could be years away, it came to my mind how many loyalties may change over time.

If Casey is indigent, that will be the excuse the Anthonys offer up for releasing their book to help her. I give it sixty days.
So it was this far back when Kronk's ex s were being talked about with the banter between Mom and Dom. Do any of our local members know if Dominic is still on good terms with the Anthonys? Is he writing a book with them or on their foundation board? In the recent hearing regarding him having a deposition did anyone notice if he spoke to the Anthonys?

When it was mentioned in the very recent hearing that the trial could be years away, it came to my mind how many loyalties may change over time.

If Casey is indigent, that will be the excuse the Anthonys offer up for releasing their book to help her. I give it sixty days.

BBM. I would not SPEND ONE THIN DIME to help their daughter.
I'm really hoping Dominic mans up and tells everything he knows. He's at the center of much of this email crap and can clear up a lot. He needs to stop going down for the Anthony's and stand up to them so we will all know the truth! I just know it's going to be "Anthony's or your private investigator license, which is it, Dom? Remember, you pick Anthony's, you pick jail. You pick you, and you walk out of here. What means more to you?"

He just really needs to talk and get it over with. I am so tired of waiting!
I'm really hoping Dominic mans up and tells everything he knows. He's at the center of much of this email crap and can clear up a lot. He needs to stop going down for the Anthony's and stand up to them so we will all know the truth! I just know it's going to be "Anthony's or your private investigator license, which is it, Dom? Remember, you pick Anthony's, you pick jail. You pick you, and you walk out of here. What means more to you?"

He just really needs to talk and get it over with. I am so tired of waiting!

Aedrys I share your frustration, and suspect many more here do too... but there has been speculation that Dom may have turned state's witness. If so, might that explain his silence? Or has that speculation been debunked in a piece of thread I might have missed? (Seriously I do my best to keep up but there are so many thought-provoking posts on this case that many days it's all I can do to keep the old nose above the waterline, as it were!)

Agree with all who have gained new insight from rereading these older docs with many months' experience under our belts. Am particularly struck by the fact that RK came up so early on, when they have only recently attempted to publicly toss him at the wall to see if he sticks.

I don't think this means they have kept him all this time as their ace in the hole. I think it means they have exhausted everything else and are now combing through old leads to see if they can get any traction out of them. Which would fit with what we know of AL's tactics (thanks largely to sleutherontheside's solid research). Review what's gone before and look for weak links and new possibilities.

The odor of desperation is beginning to compete with the stench from the trunk, methinks.

I really hope you're right, and if so, that is another big blow to the defense, and both the defense and the Anthony's should be even more nervous. If he's turned state witness, then he can shed some real light on things that were going on and really make the Anthony's look worse than they already do. Maybe that's why the fraud hearing wasn't taken so seriously. It's such small potatoes compared to what's going to happen if this circus actually goes to trial.

I wonder if the Anthony's understand how much of their shenanigans and lies, including all of that email stuff, is going to come out in trial? I have the feeling that whole family is going down...
The A's have definitely worked overtime to "free KC",but I think part of the reason they continue ,is to avoid grieving .They stay angry at everyone else,SA,bloggers,people leaving memorial items,everyone.They focus on every negative aspect of others because it keeps them from focusing on what their daughter did to their grandaughter.They are willing to cause grief and pain for others ,in order to avoid those very feelings for themselves.They have surrounded themselves with yes people,willing to encourage them in throwing innocents under the bus.They get a thrill from every little negative they can find on ANYONE ELSE.It's like a drug that keeps them from feeling the grief and the horror at what actually went on in their home,in their family.They don't care who they have to hurt as long as they don't hurt,as long as they don't have to take any responsibility.
Just my own opinion,of course.

Mega Quote Respect MissJames :)

Your post is amazing! You have, for me, made some sense of the Anthony's crazy behavior.

Thank you for your post. You really said it all in such a great way.

Now that these communications by CA about RG have been made public, and make CA look like more of a crazed, throw- anyone- under -the -bus type of gal, can we now provide proof that her comments and view of RG have some merit?

Although he has changed his webpages, I have alot of it saved. I spent a good month or so digging into RG after seeing his websites, blog comments, interviews etc which scared the heck out of me. So maybe I'm a nutcase too- but then I know for a fact I was not the only Ws'er who viewed RG as suspect- (Not necessarily A suspect).

RG is head of the supernatural response team. He was asking for public donations in order to buy a bus so that he and his team could travel far and wide to perform exorcisms on people and houses.and he already had 'proof' of how successful his exorcisms were.

There is so much more 'out there' stuff that I can post here but doubt that the mods will allow it despite it coming directly from RG's sites. (but it backs up much of what CA had to say about RG)

I am not saying any of this because I don't agree with his religious beliefs , I just dont think its fair to have people believe that this was all in CA's imagination.

She didn't make those things up! They come straight from RG (or someone posing as him), and posters here as well as the public should know that, because this is about getting to the TRUTH. Not distorting the facts.

Quote Respect butwhatif?

I didn't even go out of my way to look for any information on RG outside of WS but it ended up happening, recently. Sigh. His religious beliefs are what I, in my own head, call "out there" and that is putting it nicely. But any of that, means much less that he would have had anything to do with Caylee's death, than the truth about Casey in her every word and deed. Having very different religious beliefs(different from who? is the philosophical question here) does not in any way logically go to: kidnapping or murder.

And, why wouldn't Casey say something about that, like how anyone else would have come to have Caylee. Well, she did-she said she gave her to Zanny. The G's had Caylee in their home so much, they had to say, "no more" to Casey about that, hence Casey telling RG about ZFG and Caylee spending less time with the Gs.

For the record I do not believe RG had anything to do with Caylee's death. If there was any sort of evidence regarding RG, why is it RK was the defense's lastest offering in SODDI? Non sarcastically, I may not understand how it works but why wouldn't Cindy share her information and suspicions at least with Casey's defense?

But, I wanted to say that I (in a very little tiny way), understand where butwhatif? is coming from. How's that for a compliment(?), sorry-I hope you can tell I respect your opinion and am just willing to talk about it because I did entertain the thought.

I wonder why Cindy didn't accuse RG in public? I don't know that she did, but I could be wrong. She only accused his son, Jesse-to LE and in public many times. If she had such strong feelings regarding RG, one could see she hadn't held back before...? When she received this information from her P.I. re: RG did she report her findings to LE? My understanding is Cindy did not want these emails turned over to LE.

I go there. I don't like anything Cindy has done. But for the sake of truth. I go there. I follow her down that rabbit hole. But then I say, "no!" Because: why wasn't there any follow up on him by Cindy? Or any of the people they felt were guilty, suspicious? They do yell that LE did not follow up, and we see they took things into their own hands-that's fine-but the proof is in the pudding. Time tells and more than any thing Casey or her family have said, it's what they haven't said that means they are not really interested in finding out what really happened to Caylee. If there were leads, they should be following them. Tirelessly. They would have found JH and Juliette like that one scientist did...

If I am playing to Cindy's side I think, "Cindy, follow those leads so you can prove that Casey is innocent." Right? But, then she doesn't.

And the comment that I put in bold re: people knowing the truth. I agree. I feel strongly about truth. But what is nice, is that anyone coming here to WS or looking for information via the internet can see the very same information available to everyone. No one has to take anyone's word on anything. Everything on the internet is just information, even us. It's great that Cindy was looking for information but there was no "realife" follow up, is what I am seeing. All talk and no walk.

Fuhrman, working for FOX News, recounted a meeting with Caylee's grandparents, George and Cindy Anthony, in their living room.

"I looked straight at them and said gently, 'You know Caylee is dead,' " Fuhrman wrote. "There was silence. George looked at me and he just bobbed his head up and down, as if to say yes. Cindy cried quietly. I got the feeling George knew that the baby was dead and that Cindy also knew but was blocking it out."


Is it just me, or has this document been removed? I tried several times, and it doesn't load.:waitasec:

Thanks! :)

Interesting reading! WOW! The Casey we have before us was not made in a day! It is a cautionary tale, spare the rod , spoil the child. That is not Anthonyonics, that is from THE BIBLE! Whenever I look at that picture of her adorable, empty room I do not know how Casey can come in the courtroom all smiles and joking with Jose as if she is about to win a game of beer pong.
I was just going back over the e-mails released (I know I'm asking for punishment), but I didn't see any e-mails between any psychics and DC or the A's. I guess they just developed an interest in the super natural, around the time DC went hiking in the woods...it's just odd there are no communications via e-mail. Maybe there is more to come ?

Also, in the released e-mails Lee tells his attorney that he hasn't used his gmail account since September, although it's still active. IIRC, that's the account that he listed on the Help find Caylee website for communication purposes about the case, the foundation, and for tips. I wonder if sometime in September he thought he wouldn't be receiving any more credible tips about Caylee ? Seems odd to stop using an account that was put out there to receive information about a missing child...
When CA said they did not want to lose another one could she have been referring to what Lee talks about in those blogs??
When CA said they did not want to lose another one could she have been referring to what Lee talks about in those blogs??

Did he blog a kind of open letter to an ex girlfriend on his myspace page regarding a gal that he believes aborted his child? I had not put that together LambChop, but that is very interesting. It was scathing. If indeed , in his mind, a gal did murder his unborn child...the idea of another little innocent baby in his family being murdered ..if and when he came to accept that Caylee was killed by his sister.... may have been more than he could swallow. Perhaps that accounts from his very public and overt absence from supporting her at any one of the hearings.

Normally, I wouldn't imagine a boy of that age would let his parents know that there had been a pregnancy that ended in an abortion. Once it is over...they could not help stop it...so the knowledge would only hurt them, but Lee decided to post a very public tirade that his folks and anyone else for that matter could see. The rage just jumped off the page. Am I correct...does anyone recall.... was it about an abortion?

Update: Yes , it was that exactly ..I found it.
Yes, World, Sleutherontheside has it posted above #355. He sounds as if he had taken that very hard. JMO
Watch Cindy's anger go from zero to one hundred, in a controlled environment. Imagine her reaction to yesterday's news conference.

Just thinking outloud...

IF there was a tip that sent DC to the dump site...
would the As have settled on...
"I didnt find anything" or "Nothings there" or whatever DC said coming back emptied handed????

Ooooh its just so important to know...

What does DC say when they cut off the tape during his interview????

AND most importantly...
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