"Investigative" e-mails between Dominic C, Cindy A, Lee A, etc...

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Not having paid that much attention to this aspect of the case now it has come to our attention that DC is trying to avoid a Depo in November due to that fact he says he was working for JB.

Yesterday I ran across the letter, dated in October 2008, where DC shook hands and wished JB good luck before parting amicably.

This should be interesting.

Somewhere in all the LE interviews and depositions he claimed to have seperate emploment agreements with Baez, GA and CA and (drum roll please) KC herself.

Now lawyer types please correct me if I am wrong, but direct employees of a defendent, those having a direct relationship to the accused, can never be covered by the defendents lawyers attorney client privilege, correct? As a defendent your conversations with your own employee's would never ever be covered by any privilege, unless that employee is an attorney (or a direct member of the white house staff). Otherwise a defense attorney could easily quash prosecutors and LE witnesses and testimony by paying everyone involved a dollar. The only non attorney persons covered by the AC privilege are the attorneys direct staff. Those who work for him, not the defendent.

Am I missing something in this?
I was re-listening to KC's jail visits with her parents last night, and in one of the visits, DC comes up: CA wants KC to "open up" to someone, and CA says to KC "Jose is in New York, you know..." KC assures CA he is still working for her, though he is out of town, but that does not seem to be what CA is getting at-She wants to get KC to talk while JB is away, and without JB knowing about it.
CA suggests KC talk to Dominic, "he would be a good person to talk to."
KC did not take the bait, she told CA no way.

It was very sneaky of CA, and it sure undercuts the notion that DC was working for JB at all. OR, DC was working for JB, but wanted to get more into the A's side of things without JB knowing.
Either way, it could mean that DC himself breached the agreement he had with JB, if one was in place at that time, by going to the A's behind Jose's back and offering to get information out of KC-If he had spoken with KC, was he going to keep the info to himself, or share with the A's? Why would CA arrange this if she weren't going to get to know what DC found out? CA would have had DC share the info with her, thus violating privilages by involving a third party...DC has nothing to hide behind anymore, he needs to be deposed ASAP.
I was re-listening to KC's jail visits with her parents last night, and in one of the visits, DC comes up: CA wants KC to "open up" to someone, and CA says to KC "Jose is in New York, you know..." KC assures CA he is still working for her, though he is out of town, but that does not seem to be what CA is getting at-She wants to get KC to talk while JB is away, and without JB knowing about it.
CA suggests KC talk to Dominic, "he would be a good person to talk to."
KC did not take the bait, she told CA no way.

It was very sneaky of CA, and it sure undercuts the notion that DC was working for JB at all. OR, DC was working for JB, but wanted to get more into the A's side of things without JB knowing.
Either way, it could mean that DC himself breached the agreement he had with JB, if one was in place at that time, by going to the A's behind Jose's back and offering to get information out of KC-If he had spoken with KC, was he going to keep the info to himself, or share with the A's? Why would CA arrange this if she weren't going to get to know what DC found out? CA would have had DC share the info with her, thus violating privilages by involving a third party...DC has nothing to hide behind anymore, he needs to be deposed ASAP.

I remember Cindy urging Casey to talk to Dominic, during the jail visit. IMO, Cindy was trying to orchestrate. Those jail visits were in the summer, so even back then (July/Aug '08) there was somewhat of a split between DC and Jose, or at the least Dominic was moving over to the A's side ?

This thing might get real interesting if Dominic can be persuaded to tell the truth during his depositions. I would love to know how he came to find out that Caylees remains were off of Suburban in November...I wonder if the state has this bit of information ?

I remember Cindy urging Casey to talk to Dominic, during the jail visit. IMO, Cindy was trying to orchestrate. Those jail visits were in the summer, so even back then (July/Aug '08) there was somewhat of a split between DC and Jose, or at the least Dominic was moving over to the A's side ?

This thing might get real interesting if Dominic can be persuaded to tell the truth during his depositions. I would love to know how he came to find out that Caylees remains were off of Suburban in November...I wonder if the state has this bit of information ?

I think it might go back in part to KeithW....Another poster had this idea, so I cannot take credit, but perhaps when KW brought the bag of stuffed animals to CA's door it prompted CA to have someone look down there....Maybe the items were Caylee's even though CA denied that or maybe they weren't but it got CA thinking about that area and the fact that KC used to play down there (and CA says she used to ride bikes with the kids at the end of Suburban in her depo).
Right after KW went down there, the hurricane came in, so the area became flooded....right as it began to dry, she sent DC down there, IMO. She DID NOT want TES down there, she hindered them....as she knew they were coming back to town and could go down there.
Another aspect may be that after the hurricane, CA herself went down there are saw that it was flooded and knew to wait until it dried out. Maybe she saw the pavers, maybe she recognized the pavers, or maybe DC made up the part about the psychic "seeing" the pavers to reinforce his story (weak) after he himself saw the pavers.
CA might have had DC concentrate on the area where Caylee was found because she figured KC could not have gotten Caylee's body into the fenced area, it would have to be that open area.
I was just looking back over those e-mails that were released in Sept. between Dominic and Cindy, Brad C., Lee, Jose. This has probably been covered, but in light of recent events...

Email from Dominic to Cindy on March 3, 2009

"My researcher Barbara is constantly scanning for ZG connection to JP and RM, that is one of her main tasks right now...then there is Kronk..."


Add to this Brad C's statement the day before Jose filed this motion naming Kronk as a possible suspect...

"They have been vilified unfairly. They know what it's like to be under a microscope unfairly and they don't want that to happen to someone who found their granddaughter," attorney Brad Conway said.
I have been thinking about the events around Nov. 15th, 2008 (Dominic's search of Suburban). I went through most of the e-mails here and couldn't find any e-mails, between DC and CA or Jose, during November of 2008. The closest I could find was around September. I was wondering if anyone knows of any released e-mails around the November time frame ? I also wonder if the ones released are all of them or if the state has more ?
On the released e-mails, page 8022, there is one dated November 17th, 2008 (I believe this is the last day Dominic searched the woods for Caylee). Anyway, it's an e-mail from Lee to Dominic, Cindy, George and Jose. There is no body to the e-mail though. Could this have been an e-mail concerning the search for Caylee or information related to it ? As you remember, a "source close to the investigation" reported to the media, in January of 2009, that Lee "knows what he's done". Could this be a tie to Lee and that search off of Suburban Dr. ? Just wondering...

Link to e-mails between A's and Dominic

There are also e-mails from people (family ?), to Cindy/Dominic, etc.. that know Kronk. Are some of these people the same ones who are talking to the defense PI now about Kronk and his history ? Just wondering...


Okay, I think I may be having a senior moment here but on page 13 of the above link to the emails, on the bottom of the email is a confidential statement but it also references "Intellectual Property Rights". That has to do with patents and copyright information. As an investigator why would he be concerned with protecting Intellectual Property Rights??? Am I missing something here??? The information contained in this email is protected by IP rights???
Okay, I think I may be having a senior moment here but on page 13 of the above link to the emails, on the bottom of the email is a confidential statement but it also references "Intellectual Property Rights". That has to do with patents and copyright information. As an investigator why would he be concerned with protecting Intellectual Property Rights??? Am I missing something here??? The information contained in this email is protected by IP rights???

Intellectual property is divided into two categories: Industrial property, which includes inventions (patents), trademarks, industrial designs, and geographic indications of source; and Copyright, which includes literary and artistic works such as novels, poems and plays, films, musical works, artistic works such as drawings, paintings, photographs and sculptures, and architectural designs. Rights related to copyright include those of performing artists in their performances, producers of phonograms in their recordings, and those of broadcasters in their radio and television programs

We know Dom is no inventor, so that leaves his books and movie rights he wants to protect....just kidding
These folks are going to be sued before this is over with. imo

I am usually not one who agrees with most of the lawsuits that go on in this country daily, however, I would agree, that each and every one of these people who have been thrown out there to the wolves by the Anthony's deserve to sue the crap out of them..
Intellectual property is divided into two categories: Industrial property, which includes inventions (patents), trademarks, industrial designs, and geographic indications of source; and Copyright, which includes literary and artistic works such as novels, poems and plays, films, musical works, artistic works such as drawings, paintings, photographs and sculptures, and architectural designs. Rights related to copyright include those of performing artists in their performances, producers of phonograms in their recordings, and those of broadcasters in their radio and television programs

We know Dom is no inventor, so that leaves his books and movie rights he wants to protect....just kidding

Yes, I was employed by an insurance company years ago and worked for an attorney whose duties included intellectual property in the copyright area. Is there no one connected with this case that is not writing a book???

OH WAIT!!! I think this confidentiality statement is for TL as I noticed his header on the emails. Now that makes sense. Feel much better now.
I have been thinking about the events around Nov. 15th, 2008 (Dominic's search of Suburban). I went through most of the e-mails here and couldn't find any e-mails, between DC and CA or Jose, during November of 2008. The closest I could find was around September. I was wondering if anyone knows of any released e-mails around the November time frame ? I also wonder if the ones released are all of them or if the state has more ?

I have been reading the WS case calendar for Nov. 08 because sooooo many odd things happened that month and was reminded that around Nov. 21 Cindy said someone had hacked her email and sent messages to the media (Kathi B. received one) and to a blogger named Sean Krause. They never revealed what the emails said but Cindy insisted they were not written or sent by her even though they came from her email account. I've always wondered what they said and now seeing that it was right after Dom checked out the woods, it's very curious. The FBI was supposedly going to investigate the hacking, but I don't remember hearing any results. Does anyone remember anything more? I'll try to find some news clips about it to link.
I have been reading the WS case calendar for Nov. 08 because sooooo many odd things happened that month and was reminded that around Nov. 21 Cindy said someone had hacked her email and sent messages to the media (Kathi B. received one) and to a blogger named Sean Krause. They never revealed what the emails said but Cindy insisted they were not written or sent by her even though they came from her email account. I've always wondered what they said and now seeing that it was right after Dom checked out the woods, it's very curious. The FBI was supposedly going to investigate the hacking, but I don't remember hearing any results. Does anyone remember anything more? I'll try to find some news clips about it to link.

I remember the alleged hacking incident. Kathi B was forwarded an e-mail and she called CA to ask her about it, IIRC. Then, KB forwarded it to LE, I believe. I don't think it was ever revealed what the content of these e-mails were, though. I would love to know what they said.
I remember the alleged hacking incident. Kathi B was forwarded an e-mail and she called CA to ask her about it, IIRC. Then, KB forwarded it to LE, I believe. I don't think it was ever revealed what the content of these e-mails were, though. I would love to know what they said.

I found a news report about it here: http://www.wftv.com/news/18181289/detail.html
The next day it was reported Cindy still had not filed a police report:
I wonder if she ever did?

It's interesting reading back because I realize I have forgotten so much. November 08 was a really busy month and makes for some good reading on the Media thread. There was so much going on I have to believe the emails would have been flying between CA and Dom. So I am guessing those have not been released yet.
I remember the alleged hacking incident. Kathi B was forwarded an e-mail and she called CA to ask her about it, IIRC. Then, KB forwarded it to LE, I believe. I don't think it was ever revealed what the content of these e-mails were, though. I would love to know what they said.

I recall that incident too, but couldn't remember details...for a refresher, here is news report from December 1st. It was a total of 4 emails (to Kathy) and brief description included in article below.

Methinks that CA did this forwarding herself, unintentionally, with all the forwarding around they were doing at the time! I don't think she was real careful in which addresses she was selecting in addy book when forwarding...whoops!

I recall that incident too, but couldn't remember details...for a refresher, here is news report from December 1st. It was a total of 4 emails (to Kathy) and brief description included in article below.

Methinks that CA did this forwarding herself, unintentionally, with all the forwarding around they were doing at the time! I don't think she was real careful in which addresses she was selecting in addy book when forwarding...whoops!


Be sure to check out the video report at that link too! There's a brief interview with Dominic about the emails.
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