I would bet that everyone who loses a child goes through denial at certain times.I spoke to another mom recently and we both had that in common,although she lost a baby to an illness.Even after the funeral you catch yourself thinking maybe there was a mistake,or maybe it was a dream ,or maybe that child you see a block away is your child.You have "moments"of denial.Not days,just moments.
The difference with the A's is that it is all of them collectively.Definitely CA and GA working on the coverup,together.Not sure where to fit LA in ,but can't wait to see at trial.And they have a group of people working with them on this.Are they all in denial? No.They know.They are working on a cause."Free KC" and all others be damned.But after all this time and with all this evidence I feel certain they know.I think they've always known.All you have to do is look back at GA's original interviews with LE and FBI and compare them with recent stuff.He went into coverup mode.They might be determined to keep this knowledge pushed aside so they don't have to deal with it,but they know.Working on defending KC actually helps them keep the knowledge tucked away in it's own little corner of their minds so they can ignore it.But they know.
They know the same way I know my son took his own ,young life.His choice.It's still unimaginable to me that he did it,or why he did it,but I know he did.You never want to lose a child,but to suicide----the stigma,the questions of why. I choose to not dwell on it in order to get up and function everday.It can be done,although it sneaks through at times.The A's do it every day.They set aside what they know .IMO of course.