"Investigative" e-mails between Dominic C, Cindy A, Lee A, etc...

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I sure am glad Cindy was re-baptized; otherwise, she might have had some really bad ideas in her emails to DC...LOL Kinda hard to remember this is the 'kinder, gentler' version of that woman.
BBM- on this point we are in 100% agreement.

Just to clarify- I dont think the A's handled ANYTHING well in the last year and a half. I believe they are living on hope and denial. I believe that KC more than likely killed Caylee.(am still waiting for all of the evidence though).

I just cannot stand double standards where it ok to do something from one side of the fence , but not the other.
There has been plenty of dirt digging on KC and her family. And rightfully so. But why it is called investigation when its us doing it, and called dirt digging when its CA and co?
Thats where I have a problem.

The intent. WE are trying to solve a murder and convict a murder.

They are doing it to punish those who are trying to solve a murder and convict a murder.

They also treated TES horrible and all those volunteers who were trying to help by finding the body. They also attacked LE and the SA in the press, almost from the get go.
Doesn't wash:

1) They have never searched for Caylee.

2) None of their emails reflect a plan to find a living Caylee. The emails reflect only a need to find an alternate perp.

3) Parents in denial do not try to derail investigations, they literally harrass LE, to find the real killer/kidnapper. If anything, they are excessive in their helpfulness.

4) Most parents who believe a child has been kidnapped appeal to the kidnapper, through the media. The As never have.

To bad you have to point out the obvious.
CA knows Caylee is dead she also knows that Casey caused her death, she may believe that Casey killed her accidently, but I have no doubt she knows it was at the hands of her daughter that her grandchild is dead. CA is now working to get her daughter out of jail and keep her from being prosecuted because this is what Casey expects after years of doing things that deserve punishment her mother has always made excuses and NEVER made Casey pay for her crimes against the family.

CA in these emails is trying to find anything that can raise doubt to use in court. Even the photo of the "older Caylee" - it is not that CA actually thinks it IS CAYLEE she is just trying to make ZG real by saying the girl looks like the description of ZG and even the photo of the child on her Myspace resembles Caylee - in other words "CAN WE say THIS is ZG?"

It makes me sick the way this woman continues to try and place suspicion over anyone and everyone except for the real killer.

I can't believe they went so far as to include the Windchime fiasco!
Now that these communications by CA about RG have been made public, and make CA look like more of a crazed, throw- anyone- under -the -bus type of gal, can we now provide proof that her comments and view of RG have some merit?

Although he has changed his webpages, I have alot of it saved. I spent a good month or so digging into RG after seeing his websites, blog comments, interviews etc which scared the heck out of me. So maybe I'm a nutcase too- but then I know for a fact I was not the only Ws'er who viewed RG as suspect- (Not necessarily A suspect).

RG is head of the supernatural response team. He was asking for public donations in order to buy a bus so that he and his team could travel far and wide to perform exorcisms on people and houses.and he already had 'proof' of how successful his exorcisms were.

There is so much more 'out there' stuff that I can post here but doubt that the mods will allow it despite it coming directly from RG's sites. (but it backs up much of what CA had to say about RG)

I am not saying any of this because I don't agree with his religious beliefs , I just dont think its fair to have people believe that this was all in CA's imagination.

She didn't make those things up! They come straight from RG (or someone posing as him), and posters here as well as the public should know that, because this is about getting to the TRUTH. Not distorting the facts.

Distorting the facts is something the A's have done from day one and still do. I don't thinks it's right that you are trying to make RG look bad, he has nothing to do with Caylee's disapearrance or death. JMO
I sure am glad Cindy was re-baptized; otherwise, she might have had some really bad ideas in her emails to DC...LOL Kinda hard to remember this is the 'kinder, gentler' version of that woman.

Yes, considering Baptism is supposed to be a transformative experience, I would say she has failed miserably.
Maybe an exorcism is what's required here...
To bad you have to point out the obvious.

Yes, considering Baptism is supposed to be a transformative experience, I would say she has failed miserably.
Maybe an exorcism is what's required here...

WOW! CA spitting green pea soup. Her head spinning 360. Throwing priests out the windows-- JUST like LInda Blair!
They pulled up enough ZFG, Gloria, Morales, etc. from myspace and people search. Had addresses and everything. Even people they thought could be related to Caseys friends. Pretend and real. RK and JG's former residences. Their searches have covered I don't know how many states so far. Now it's Puerto Rico. Drug dealers and Fusian. Rape and religious sacrifices. The birthday card from JG to Caylee.

Wonder what Casey has to say about all of this? :waitasec:

Casey isn't the only one crazy as a loon.

DC made a lot of promises to follow up on. I don't see any evidence of it. Probably why he wanted to make Lee an intern.

They didn't search a lot of states, to find old addys.

You can find that stuff on Peoplefinders for cheap, then charge a lot for the time you didn't really spend.

I found two long lost cousins through Peoplefinders.
Is the doubt they are attempting to create through these emails "reasonable" to anyone here? I can imagine the A's think it's reasonable b/c their entire sense of reality is highly distorted.
I would bet that everyone who loses a child goes through denial at certain times.I spoke to another mom recently and we both had that in common,although she lost a baby to an illness.Even after the funeral you catch yourself thinking maybe there was a mistake,or maybe it was a dream ,or maybe that child you see a block away is your child.You have "moments"of denial.Not days,just moments.
The difference with the A's is that it is all of them collectively.Definitely CA and GA working on the coverup,together.Not sure where to fit LA in ,but can't wait to see at trial.And they have a group of people working with them on this.Are they all in denial? No.They know.They are working on a cause."Free KC" and all others be damned.But after all this time and with all this evidence I feel certain they know.I think they've always known.All you have to do is look back at GA's original interviews with LE and FBI and compare them with recent stuff.He went into coverup mode.They might be determined to keep this knowledge pushed aside so they don't have to deal with it,but they know.Working on defending KC actually helps them keep the knowledge tucked away in it's own little corner of their minds so they can ignore it.But they know.
They know the same way I know my son took his own ,young life.His choice.It's still unimaginable to me that he did it,or why he did it,but I know he did.You never want to lose a child,but to suicide----the stigma,the questions of why. I choose to not dwell on it in order to get up and function everday.It can be done,although it sneaks through at times.The A's do it every day.They set aside what they know .IMO of course.

Is the doubt they are attempting to create through these emails "reasonable" to anyone here? I can imagine the A's think it's reasonable b/c their entire sense of reality is highly distorted.

Apparently, it's reasonable to some.
The intent. WE are trying to solve a murder and convict a murder.

They are doing it to punish those who are trying to solve a murder and convict a murder.

They also treated TES horrible and all those volunteers who were trying to help by finding the body. They also attacked LE and the SA in the press, almost from the get go.

One of the most disturbing things about the A's behavior (and there are many) is the fact that they would without hesitation let an innocent person go down for the murder of Caylee, knowing full well their daughter is the only one responsible. Denial I can understand, trying to pin the blame on an innocent I can not.
My little seven year old nephew knows how to use the same people finders sight "Dom" uses for 7.99 for his school research. What a joke to his industry this guy was. Simple minds are easily amused, thus the relationship and kinship between he and Cindy. LOL That was mean and uncalled for, but these folks are a disgrace to all good people.
Phew! I'm glad to hear that someone else noticed the means by which this man searched. I always had a different vision of how a PI worked. Yikes! We're better than he is!
Have to wonder how CA now thinks she will be able to sell a book with all these email messages which were just released. Unless CA calls the book "My confessions of how I distorted the truth," a true story of the mother of Snow White and her 7 suspects. Don't think she will sell many. How long do we think it will take for GA to leave after this? BC, too, does not look too healthy.
I didnt say RG did it! Lets get that clear.
I said I suspected him at one point enough to do some digging.
So I'm not suprised that CA or anyone else would suspect him either based on some of his writings and their emotional need to find someone else other than their daughter responsible for caylee's death .

The point of my original post was that CA did not make up the whole exorcism thing- she didnt dream it up because she wanted someone else to blame. That is fact.

I really can't get my point across though since I know I cannot post here what I read on RG's sites that was an eery connection between his life/beliefs/writings, and this case.

There are too many signs that point to KC being guilty and not anyone else which is why I stopped the digging into RG.

RG addresses those rumors on his MySpace webpage today and he plans to sue people who start/propagate those 'mis-truth's..
Uhmmm....where do we do the bulk of our research?
And I recall several doc dumps including internet searches and blogger comments. So its ok for us and LE, but not them? I just dont get all these double standards.


I saw your point. I may not agree with their intentions... but I appreciated your calling that out.

I know you don't need to be told WHY their searches are in a different spirit than WS'ers and LE.. I don't think you were confused on that :) People here are FABULOUSLY sincere in sleuthing for the truth.. I think we all get a little carried away on objectivity sometimes.

Just wanted you to know I saw your intention :)

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