"Investigative" e-mails between Dominic C, Cindy A, Lee A, etc...

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Uhmmm....where do we do the bulk of our research?
And I recall several doc dumps including internet searches and blogger comments. So its ok for us and LE, but not them? I just dont get all these double standards.

Double standards? What? For those who seek justice, and those who seek injustice? You'd better believe it.
So.... why are you even bringing RG up?

Who cares about his exorcism thing? There are tons of spook shows on, lately.

What are the "eery connections?" I see no connection, at all, once KC and JG split up.

Is this thread not about the emails written by Ca/DC etc that point the finger at RG?
And are people not suggesting that this stuff is all in her head? And that she is a nutcase for thinking these things about RG?
I was just wanting to show that these points are true, not a fabrication by CA.
Since they are still looking at the possibility of finding a live caylee,(per BC's presser) and hoping that there was a DNA mix-up- I'd say they are still very much in denial and living on hope.

Doesn't wash:

1) They have never searched for Caylee.

2) None of their emails reflect a plan to find a living Caylee. The emails reflect only a need to find an alternate perp.

3) Parents in denial do not try to derail investigations, they literally harrass LE, to find the real killer/kidnapper. If anything, they are excessive in their helpfulness.

4) Most parents who believe a child has been kidnapped appeal to the kidnapper, through the media. The As never have.
OK, I'll bite. If RG was involved:

How did RG get Caylee away from KC? (Where is motive, method, and opportunity?)

Why is KC refusing to report him to LE?

If KC was silent because she was afraid for Caylee, why is she STILL silent, now that Caylee is dead?

How did he force KC to party-hearty?

How did he force KC to lie to LE about EVERYTHING?

How did he force LE to carry the decomposed remains of her daughter in her car?

Why didn't any of the As try to find Caylee- alive OR dead?

If you DON'T believe that RG was involved, what is your post all about?

BTW-- I don't like the guy either.

So, I won't be asking him to go with me for drinks.


I couldn't agree more with every single word of your post. Not a fan of his either. What these emails do show us is that absolutely nothing Casey said is credible and they know it. The problem I have with all of this insanity under the premise of investigation and trying to find Caylee. Here Jose is behind the scenes letting these fools run around and dig up dirt chasing their own tails in circles doing what is supposed to be his job. Jose certainly has access to Casey and she can talk to him. Very little to do with with finding a ZFG kidnapper/nanny. Casey throws out names and locations at random and this is the result. Jose knows it and is letting them try and find reasonable doubt in hopes of a miracle. As usual the A's doing Casey's bidding and trying to save her a$$ at any cost.

I just wanted to say that I do really enjoy your posts. Your screenname speaks for itself, and you seem to always remind us that sometimes there is another side (But What If?), and I think this helps all of us tremendously from getting too narrow minded, and for that, I thank you.

However, I personally don't understand why it appears that in an attempt to get us to look at other possible SODDIs, they are people who just don't seem to be linked to what actually happened to Caylee.

Last week, I read the thread on KioMarie but purposely did not participate as I didn't think it was fair to even imply that she could hold any responsibility to what happened to Caylee, foremost since she did not have access to Caylee. The speculation seemed to be leading to her brief interview with LE when she offered information about an area that KC frequented in the neighborhood and a foggy memory of a phone conversation she had. I would have done the same thing she did if in her position. After more reflecting and recalling of this phone conversation, her memory becam more vivid and she no longer believed it was KC she spoke with. I don't think it is fair to then try to make her "fit" the category of possible SODDI.

I feel the same with RG. For whatever his beliefs....or actions chasing supernatural ghosts....there is no link to him or his family having recent contact with Caylee.

If we are going to go down the road of speculating possible SODDIs, I would think it would be more logical to look first at the last known person to have contact with Caylee (taking KC out of the picture). This would be Cindy Anthony, on the 15th, and it has been reported that she flew into a rage that night, and we have seen her temper first hand.

Now I AM NOT SUGGESTING IN ANY WAY THAT CINDY IS PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR CAYLEE'S DEATH (I do NOT believe this!), but am trying to make the point that while I appreciate your efforts in speculating What If?, I don't think it is fair to implicate innocent people who may have had a temporary relationship with KC.

I just don't want to see us go down the road that we just witnessed CA and DC on by engaging in witch hunts without any valid link to the details of the case.
Uhmmm....where do we do the bulk of our research?
And I recall several doc dumps including internet searches and blogger comments. So its ok for us and LE, but not them? I just dont get all these double standards.

IIRC TM went twice to Florida taking full teams with him to search on the ground, by boats, horses and atvs.
Volunteers from all across the country drove thousands of miles to walk, hike and battle insects and vermin on foot to search for their Grand daughter.
Many, too many to count, WSers from right here went to search and took their trained dogs with them all at their own expense to search through nothing but snake and alligator infested swamp land. So, no just internet searching is not all that we do. When the need arises we do get off our A$$es and on our feet and search, which is more than I can say for the A's!
IIRC TM went twice to Florida taking full teams with him to search on the ground, by boats, horses and atvs.
Volunteers from all across the country drove thousands of miles to walk, hike and battle insects and vermin on foot to search for their Grand daughter.
Many, too many to count, WSers from right here went to search and took their trained dogs with them all at their own expense to search through nothing but snake and alligator infested swamp land. So, no just internet searching is not all that we do. When the need arises we do get off our A$$es and on our feet and search, which is more than I can say for the A's!


Truthwillsetufree this HAS to be the Post of the Day!
This is the MOST absurd thing I have ever read! :banghead: "People who fly under the radar and can make things happen"? WTH? I picture a covert operation of the Keystone Cops!

Covert Keystone Cop = Dennis M? LOL :biggrin:
:rolling: :rolling: :rolling:

This is the MOST absurd thing I have ever read! :banghead: "People who fly under the radar and can make things happen"? WTH? i picture a covert operation of the Keystone Cops! [/B][/B]She really thinks WAY too highly of herself! :loser:

Now see, the image I conjure up in my mind is one from our local pest control commercial with the older guy dressed up in a "bug suit" flapping his wings!
Now that these communications by CA about RG have been made public, and make CA look like more of a crazed, throw- anyone- under -the -bus type of gal, can we now provide proof that her comments and view of RG have some merit?

Although he has changed his webpages, I have alot of it saved. I spent a good month or so digging into RG after seeing his websites, blog comments, interviews etc which scared the heck out of me. So maybe I'm a nutcase too- but then I know for a fact I was not the only Ws'er who viewed RG as suspect- (Not necessarily A suspect).

RG is head of the supernatural response team. He was asking for public donations in order to buy a bus so that he and his team could travel far and wide to perform exorcisms on people and houses.and he already had 'proof' of how successful his exorcisms were.

There is so much more 'out there' stuff that I can post here but doubt that the mods will allow it despite it coming directly from RG's sites. (but it backs up much of what CA had to say about RG)

I am not saying any of this because I don't agree with his religious beliefs , I just dont think its fair to have people believe that this was all in CA's imagination.

She didn't make those things up! They come straight from RG (or someone posing as him), and posters here as well as the public should know that, because this is about getting to the TRUTH. Not distorting the facts.

The difference between what you and the posters here did as opposed to what Cindy did is significant. It sounds like you all were bringing some facts to light; some that apparently sounded real strange. But Cindy, on the other hand, was saying she thought he was "involved," maybe had done some blood tests and was crazy enough to "sacrefice" (sic) for his strange beliefs. Now, I have to say ~ I do believe that this quackery was all in CA's imagination! Exorcisms on people and houses is vastly more innocent (although it may sound weird to you) than Cindy's suggestions of human sacrificial rituals!!! Now, that's what I call distorting the facts.
Now see, the image I conjure up in my mind is one from our local pest control commercial with the older guy dressed up in a "bug suit" flapping his wings!

Or the Orbitz guy in the hovercraft,cape ,helmet and all!
Is this thread not about the emails written by Ca/DC etc that point the finger at RG?
And are people not suggesting that this stuff is all in her head? And that she is a nutcase for thinking these things about RG?
I was just wanting to show that these points are true, not a fabrication by CA.

I don't read these e-mails that way at all, that she's a nutcase for believing what she perceives as "bizarre" things. To me she seems thrilled with all the revelations she's getting.

In the one about RG and RK living in the same state at one time and possibly knowing each other she says "That would be huge." I think she's saying "that would be huge in court when this goes to trial to cast reasonable doubt", not that she really believes he has anything to do with it.

Same with all the other other people she's tried to throw the focus on since way back in the police interviews. She's trown so much speculation at so many different people it's obvious she doesn't really believe any of them are truly involved. If she believed it or had evidence of any kind she'd focus on the person(s) she believed responsible. She wouldn't bounce from one person and one theory to another.

"That would be huge." says it all for me. Maybe I'm reading these things differently than you or other WSers are but most of what I'm seeing is elation whenever a ray of light shines in on somebody else they could blame.

As a side note, and a more personal observation, these e-mails bolster the claim of what a demanding and controlling person she is (This site needs to come down! Do this! Do that! Find this person! Find that person! blah blah) without even starting off with a hello most of the time. While I think KC is guilty and totally responsible for her own actions, I feel for her having to grow up with a mother like this. This type of a role model certainly must have contributed to how she turned out. MOO
I definitely do not like that they are not cooperating with LE. If they truly want the truth, then the should definitely tell LE everything and deal with whatever comes out. I do think that they are bouncing back and forth between denial and attacking anyone that seems to be "against" them. Their inability to stand up for Caylee is what amazes me the most.

I would bet that everyone who loses a child goes through denial at certain times.I spoke to another mom recently and we both had that in common,although she lost a baby to an illness.Even after the funeral you catch yourself thinking maybe there was a mistake,or maybe it was a dream ,or maybe that child you see a block away is your child.You have "moments"of denial.Not days,just moments.
The difference with the A's is that it is all of them collectively.Definitely CA and GA working on the coverup,together.Not sure where to fit LA in ,but can't wait to see at trial.And they have a group of people working with them on this.Are they all in denial? No.They know.They are working on a cause."Free KC" and all others be damned.But after all this time and with all this evidence I feel certain they know.I think they've always known.All you have to do is look back at GA's original interviews with LE and FBI and compare them with recent stuff.He went into coverup mode.They might be determined to keep this knowledge pushed aside so they don't have to deal with it,but they know.Working on defending KC actually helps them keep the knowledge tucked away in it's own little corner of their minds so they can ignore it.But they know.
They know the same way I know my son took his own ,young life.His choice.It's still unimaginable to me that he did it,or why he did it,but I know he did.You never want to lose a child,but to suicide----the stigma,the questions of why. I choose to not dwell on it in order to get up and function everday.It can be done,although it sneaks through at times.The A's do it every day.They set aside what they know .IMO of course.
I don't read these e-mails that way at all, that she's a nutcase for believing what she perceives as "bizarre" things. To me she seems thrilled with all the revelations she's getting.

In the one about RG and RK living in the same state at one time and possibly knowing each other she says "That would be huge." I think she's saying "that would be huge in court when this goes to trial to cast reasonable doubt", not that she really believes he has anything to do with it.

Same with all the other other people she's tried to throw the focus on since way back in the police interviews. She's trown so much speculation at so many different people it's obvious she doesn't really believe any of them are truly involved. If she believed it or had evidence of any kind she'd focus on the person(s) she believed responsible. She wouldn't bounce from one person and one theory to another.

"That would be huge." says it all for me. Maybe I'm reading these things differently than you or other WSers are but most of what I'm seeing is elation whenever a ray of light shines in on somebody else they could blame.

As a side note, and a more personal observation, these e-mails bolster the claim of what a demanding and controlling person she is (This site needs to come down! Do this! Do that! Find this person! Find that person! blah blah) without even starting off with a hello most of the time. While I think KC is guilty and totally responsible for her own actions, I feel for her having to grow up with a mother like this. This type of a role model certainly must have contributed to how she turned out. MOO

Thank you, saved me from typing my usual stuff about CA. You hit the nail on the head, straight I might add.

Yep, that is how I have always observed CA's behavior. A bully who manipulates and intimidates others.

By the way, no other SODDI. The squirrels need time to gather food for the winter and they are tired of being blamed for the decomp odor and everything else CA said about them. They have left the Geico commercial business are are busy working on a deal with CBS to tell their story.
I don't read these e-mails that way at all, that she's a nutcase for believing what she perceives as "bizarre" things. To me she seems thrilled with all the revelations she's getting.

In the one about RG and RK living in the same state at one time and possibly knowing each other she says "That would be huge." I think she's saying "that would be huge in court when this goes to trial to cast reasonable doubt", not that she really believes he has anything to do with it.

Same with all the other other people she's tried to throw the focus on since way back in the police interviews. She's trown so much speculation at so many different people it's obvious she doesn't really believe any of them are truly involved. If she believed it or had evidence of any kind she'd focus on the person(s) she believed responsible. She wouldn't bounce from one person and one theory to another.

"That would be huge." says it all for me. Maybe I'm reading these things differently than you or other WSers are but most of what I'm seeing is elation whenever a ray of light shines in on somebody else they could blame.

As a side note, and a more personal observation, these e-mails bolster the claim of what a demanding and controlling person she is (This site needs to come down! Do this! Do that! Find this person! Find that person! blah blah) without even starting off with a hello most of the time. While I think KC is guilty and totally responsible for her own actions, I feel for her having to grow up with a mother like this. This type of a role model certainly must have contributed to how she turned out. MOO

Another POTD!!! You nailed it! Thanks
BBM- on this point we are in 100% agreement.

Just to clarify- I dont think the A's handled ANYTHING well in the last year and a half. I believe they are living on hope and denial. I believe that KC more than likely killed Caylee.(am still waiting for all of the evidence though).

I just cannot stand double standards where it ok to do something from one side of the fence , but not the other.
There has been plenty of dirt digging on KC and her family. And rightfully so. But why it is called investigation when its us doing it, and called dirt digging when its CA and co?
Thats where I have a problem.

That distinction is easy: We are searching for truth and examining facts to get at that truth. Cindy & Co. are doing the opposite: avoiding truth and seeking to assign blame anywhere but on the perp. IMO.
Now that these communications by CA about RG have been made public, and make CA look like more of a crazed, throw- anyone- under -the -bus type of gal, can we now provide proof that her comments and view of RG have some merit?

Although he has changed his webpages, I have alot of it saved. I spent a good month or so digging into RG after seeing his websites, blog comments, interviews etc which scared the heck out of me. So maybe I'm a nutcase too- but then I know for a fact I was not the only Ws'er who viewed RG as suspect- (Not necessarily A suspect).

RG is head of the supernatural response team. He was asking for public donations in order to buy a bus so that he and his team could travel far and wide to perform exorcisms on people and houses.and he already had 'proof' of how successful his exorcisms were.

There is so much more 'out there' stuff that I can post here but doubt that the mods will allow it despite it coming directly from RG's sites. (but it backs up much of what CA had to say about RG)

I am not saying any of this because I don't agree with his religious beliefs , I just dont think its fair to have people believe that this was all in CA's imagination.

She didn't make those things up! They come straight from RG (or someone posing as him), and posters here as well as the public should know that, because this is about getting to the TRUTH. Not distorting the facts.
Dragging this poor man into this nightmare anymore than he has been just to make a point is not fair IMO. So he may be wacky (and I don't know the man so can't say one way or the other)...what does that have to do with Caylee being dead? The truth? Cindy said he was wacky (for lack of a better word) so we need to acknowledge that her opinion is true? Why? I don't get it. IMO, suspect "no"...victim, "yes".
Since they are still looking at the possibility of finding a live caylee,(per BC's presser) and hoping that there was a DNA mix-up- I'd say they are still very much in denial and living on hope.
Hope? They know Caylee is no longer alive. They just don't want anyone to believe it was Casey who killed her.
Dragging this poor man into this nightmare anymore than he has been just to make a point is not fair IMO. So he may be wacky (and I don't know the man so can't say one way or the other)...what does that have to do with Caylee being dead? The truth? Cindy said he was wacky (for lack of a better word) so we need to acknowledge that her opinion is true? Why? I don't get it. IMO, suspect "no"...victim, "yes".
Bravo RR!

I posted more or less the same thing on the "If you were the G's" thread. Just because RG has certain beliefs some of us don't happen to share is not a reason to use him as a scapegoat.

RG and family have honored Caylee more in death than her own flesh and blood.
You read my mind re: LA. He could do the grunt work, while the "PI" read blogs.

My little seven year old nephew knows how to use the same people finders sight "Dom" uses for 7.99 for his school research. What a joke to his industry this guy was. Simple minds are easily amused, thus the relationship and kinship between he and Cindy. LOL That was mean and uncalled for, but these folks are a disgrace to all good people.
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