Investigators search east of Skyline school

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Today being 8/8 (my birthday) 8 is my lucky number!
I wished and prayed today only for Kyron to be found, please let
the searchers find him.............powerful thoughts and prayers for us to pull together!
Bless all searchers, hope the weather is's so hot here.
I cannot believe what his parents are going through right now..............
Yes if Kyron is found once confirmed it would be brought here.

We will if the locals go out today also bring to you the areas being searched. But only once confirmed by the locals.... :)
I hope that D&K were warned about the searches coming up this weekend...feel fairly sure they would be, even if they are not always kept as informed as they would like to be. I can't imagine how they are managing this weekend.

It is interesting that one source confirmed that a tip from Dede led to the searches doesn't mean for sure that she knows something, but adds some hope that this will be over soon. :(
PLEASE tell me that if there is any indication they may have found Kyron...that a mod will bring that here? I really don't have the brain power to weed through the scanner threads. Broken knee and no pain killers...but if there is something important, please at least tell us over here, that we should read over there and link us to the page where the important stuff starts... okay?

Thanks... I will go back to my ice now. :(

I'm positive that if Kyron is found that will be brought to here or a new thread started. Just like in Chelsea King.......I heard it on scanner and a few minutes later it was confirmed.
I do not even want to think about if they found him somewhere that is on the way to the school.... on the way to the Horman's.... if they have driven by the spot a hundred times since June 4th. I can literally imagine all 3 parents getting physically ill upon realizing that if it was the case.

That actually... sounds precisely like something she might do. :(

"Search teams were seen near a field off Cornelius Pass Road, about one mile south of Skyline School. Kyron was last seen at the school June 4 and his stepmother was the last person known to have seen him.

Crews were also seen in a field off Cornell Road on Sunday."
It is chilling to even think he may be nearby..and may have been there all this time. I wish we knew if Dede had her immunity or would give a sense as to how much she has told, if she has knowledge.

But I do wish for the sake of the families that this horror ends soon and also, for the other students, that Kyron be found before school starts again. I am sure the community must be feeling very anxious today.
snipped from the above article:

FOX 12 has confirmed that a tip from DeDe Spicher -- a friend of Kyron's stepmother Terri Horman -- is what sparked the search.

Multnomah County deputies wouldn't confirm whether they were searching based on a tip and they did not reveal whether any new evidence was found.

Does this make any sense to anyone. How can fox12 report the tip came from Dede Spicher when the MCSO hasn't said? Is there a leak coming from the MCSO, perhaps intentionally to needle TH?
MsFacetious I'm sorry you broke your knee....... Blessings for fast healing. xoxo Gram
snipped from the above article:

FOX 12 has confirmed that a tip from DeDe Spicher -- a friend of Kyron's stepmother Terri Horman -- is what sparked the search.

Multnomah County deputies wouldn't confirm whether they were searching based on a tip and they did not reveal whether any new evidence was found.

Does this make any sense to anyone. How can fox12 report the tip came from Dede Spicher when the MCSO hasn't said? Is there a leak coming from the MCSO, perhaps intentionally to needle TH?

Could be a LE leak, they are good for those, who knows tho, I just hope he is found Kudos to The SAR teams out there today!! PLease bring Kyron home!! Thanks!!
IIRC Drew P. GJ took a LONG time..........seemed like FOREVER

In the Drew Peterson case, the grand jury began hearing testimony in November 2007 and didn't return an indictment until May 2009.

But, with Casey Anthony, the grand jury heard testimony on October 14, 2008 and returned an indictment later that afternoon.

So there's no telling how quickly or how long a grand jury will take.
Today being 8/8 (my birthday) 8 is my lucky number!
I wished and prayed today only for Kyron to be found, please let
the searchers find him.............powerful thoughts and prayers for us to pull together!
Bless all searchers, hope the weather is's so hot here.
I cannot believe what his parents are going through right now..............

Happy Birthday PF and I hope all your birthday wishes come true! I know so many people born within this week, my hubby's is tomorrow.
:praying: Still praying that if Kyron is out there, he will be found today!!! :praying:
Well, I just hope Dede realizes the game is over and is telling them everything she knows. It's ridiculous for her to still be holding back information. Makes me so angry. I hope that they find Kyron and if she had anything to do with it that she gets a cell with TH. Huh, that would be real punishment for Dede, I'd imagine.

God, please, let Kyron be found and this nightmare have an end to it. I do have the gut feeling they're close, they just need to find him...
Do we know if some searchers have dogs out there also..........where ever they are searching.
Does LE always keep search areas so secret????

Yesterday, Freefallzzzz reported in her picture slideshow that there were dogs in kennels in the back of one of the SAR pick-up trucks, so it appears they're using dogs too.
Crews Search Again In Kyron Horman Case
POSTED: 11:09 am PDT August 8, 2010
UPDATED: 11:21 am PDT August 8, 2010

Crews returned to northwest Portlandon Saturday in the search for missing 7-year-old Kyron Horman.

FOX 12 has confirmed that a tip from DeDe Spicher -- a friend of Kyron's stepmother Terri Horman -- is what sparked the search.

Search teams were seen near a field off Cornelius Pass Road, about one mile south of Skyline School. Kyron was last seen at the school June 4 and his stepmother was the last person known to have seen him.

Crews were also seen in a field off Cornell Road on Sunday.

It does sound like the SAR teams are searching in a limited search area. It makes me think they DO have some specific information to base the search on. It may be cell phone pings and/or something that someone has told investigators, but it does seem to be a specific area. Maybe TH and DD's cell phones pinged from the same location at one point on June 4th?
I hope they don't find little Ky today, at least not where they're searching. It would mean he's gone and I really want to believe that some perp has him and alive and hopefully, at least physically unharmed as well. That's one of the reasons I really don't want to believe that TH was involved. Maybe I'm just a dreamer, but I'm praying he's alive....somewhere.
I wonder where exactly they are on Cornell. That's a ways south of the school.
We were out geocaching here last weekend and what is usually a whole lot of fun, kept bringing my thoughts back to Kyron and thinking how horribly difficult it would be to find a small person out in this kind of terrain. It was hard enough to find an object when I had the GPS co-oridnates right in front of me. And we weren't really that deep into forests. Really made me sad.
Somehow, when the searchers are back out there, it makes it so much more real and kind of heart-stopping...

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