Investigators search east of Skyline school

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IIRC Drew P. GJ took a LONG time..........seemed like FOREVER
Yes, I guess it must be made public then. However, I may be mistaken, but I think the GJ can be put on hold and they can be told they may be reconvened at a later date also. I kinda remember being told that. So, I guess there must be some sort of "limbo" they can apply where nothing would be said at all, because they are not done with the GJ process, just temporarily discontinuing. Yes, good question for the legal minds.
and yesterday the search was brought back to the school?

The search yesterday was not at the school; I keep reading that. free posted photos of the obvious search sites up the thread a bit.
The media used the phrase 'east of the school' poorly, IMO.

freefallzzz was also at the school yesterday.
BeanE, I read the school personnel were up next. Seems the GJ is working their way outward starting with those closest to Kyron. Then again, the principal already testified and yesterday the search was brought back to the school?

Was that a talking head speculating, or did the article say the reporter had been told of additional subpoenas and appearances for next week? Do you remember? I know there's been a lot of speculation by talking heads on who could be called, but I can't remember any reports of additional subpoenas for appearances for next week. I'm going to go dig around a bit.
Maybe just me, but I think we're jumping to conclusions about the new search and DS "telling them anything". What the article says is:
Searchers in the Kyron Horman investigation were working east of Skyline Elementary Saturday, acting on information developed from Dede Spicher, reliable sources told KGW.

I think it was worded that way for a reason. She didn't directly tell them anything new. LE is trying to tie her in and apply whatever she HAS SAID about her time that day to what they "believe" fits the scenario they have in their case against TH. It could very well be that what DS has told them doesn't fit with their original idea and that lead them back to square one. Which would make sense because the article goes on to say they think she has more info than she's giving. JMOO

I wonder if that also includes information developed from her cell phone(s) and her laptop, etc.
I think they intended to search SI again today, but as yet, no confirmations from anyone local. Some posters are trying to find out where they actually are.
How about no A/C, no TV, no recreation rooms, no visitors, no beauty products, no books, no letters, just a cell to live in and time to think about what they did to others?

Kind of like a Supermax prison?
Yesterday, at first, I really thought that Dede may have provided specific info but today, I am doubtful. It seems, if LE is on SI or plans to be, that areas are being searched in accordance to cell pings, perhaps, possibly combined with some sort of info from her, but not anything sure and specific. Not feeling confident, but hoping for results.
Was that a talking head speculating, or did the article say the reporter had been told of additional subpoenas and appearances for next week? Do you remember? I know there's been a lot of speculation by talking heads on who could be called, but I can't remember any reports of additional subpoenas for appearances for next week. I'm going to go dig around a bit.

KGW has learned that Skyline Elementary School principal Ben Keefer appeared before the grand jury on Friday.

Earlier this week, investigators asked the Portland Public School district for a list of employees. KGW has learned that several other school employees have been subpoenaed by the grand jury.

Now I see posters are requesting we get back on topic. My apologies for getting sidetracked.
This thread is getting way OT. Remember, this thread is about a search near Skyline.

If you want to discuss the GJ, do so here:

[ame=""]Will the Grand Jury Indict & if so, on what charge(s)? - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Did everyone read Kimster's message about current forum issues? If not, I suggest you do so!

[ame=""]***PLEASE READ - Current Forum Issues***#2 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Call me crazy but I am angry beyond comprehension tonight. The whole thought of search and rescue people and dogs spending days upon days, and hours upon hours, endangering themselves as they search, because SOMEONE is so wicked as to KNOW where a child is and not tell has my BP skyrocketing. As long as they do not tell, they put a heavy burden upon society to do a task that should never have to be done except for their wickedness.

It hit me tonight -- why do these people, once convicted, not get daily strikes or lashings or whoopings or whatever you want to call it? Nonsense, knowing that they will be incarcerated is NOT enough. Let them take a lash for every minute they cause others to search -- let their be a tally shown at the end of each search day. If 5 people 5 hours, 1500 minutes -- 1500 lashes to look forward to when incarcerated. Dole the lashes out in such a way that it is not blood letting, but it hurts like hell, AND don't stop doling them out on a daily basis until the minute count is paid in full. Let them FEEL a part of the pain they put society through. Let them KNOW at the end of each search day the number of lashes they are stocking up for themselves once busted and incarcerated.

We are TOO SOFT as a society -- we do not let criminals suffer actual pain as a payment for their crimes. It is one thing to kill someone or kidnap someone, that is bad enough, but to drag everyone concerned for that someone through daily suffering as they look for the victim is yet more injury. It should warrant a stiff penalty along with incarceration IF the death penalty isn't given. IF they earn their stripes -- let them have them. The minutes of the searchers are only a small percentage of the minutes of pain EVERYONE is suffering.

Edited: rant off

I don't think I'd go along with physical pain, but we are too soft. I think Sheriff Joe Arpaio's (Maricopa County, AZ) approach, making inmates work at highway clean-up and not providing them with cable television and a lot of creature comforts beyond three meals a day and a bed,is appropriate.

Back to the topic, if DD or someone else knows Kyron's location and they're withholding that information, and it's later learned that they knew the location all along, there should be a penalty for withholding that information. Resources that are costly are being used unnecessarily if someone knows Kyron's location and just isn't telling. In these economic times, it's the county's (taxpayer - funded) payroll that's being tapped.

From Freefallzzzz's pictures we can see the elements the searchers are having to go through in their search - heavy vegetation that no doubt includes thorns and bugs. It's not an easy job.
Everyone is frustrated, but we don't need the Spanish Inquisition either.

That's why we have civilization, and even then horrible things happen. Lots of innocent people died by guillotine during the French Revolution. That made some people feel better but it didn't keep bad things from happening in the future, and it was just wrong.

I'd just like to have the right person caught and locked up before they hurt anyone else. I want Justice for Kyron. And eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

So long as we let fear and anger drive our society, we will have a society in which the primary motivations are fear and anger.

All we in the US have that stand between us and that sort of government is the constitution. It is terrifying to me to see how little it is valued by many people.
This thread is getting way OT. Remember, this thread is about a search near Skyline.

If you want to discuss the GJ, do so here:

Will the Grand Jury Indict & if so, on what charge(s)? - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Did everyone read Kimster's message about current forum issues? If not, I suggest you do so!

***PLEASE READ - Current Forum Issues***#2 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Bump back on topic to searches...... there are ongoing searches today we haven't locked into where exactly. If anyone finds MSM news please post it.
Do we know if some searchers have dogs out there also..........where ever they are searching.
Does LE always keep search areas so secret????
Crews Search Again In Kyron Horman Case
POSTED: 11:09 am PDT August 8, 2010
UPDATED: 11:21 am PDT August 8, 2010

Crews returned to northwest Portlandon Saturday in the search for missing 7-year-old Kyron Horman.

FOX 12 has confirmed that a tip from DeDe Spicher -- a friend of Kyron's stepmother Terri Horman -- is what sparked the search.

Search teams were seen near a field off Cornelius Pass Road, about one mile south of Skyline School. Kyron was last seen at the school June 4 and his stepmother was the last person known to have seen him.

Crews were also seen in a field off Cornell Road on Sunday.
Intensive Search for Kyron
Last Update: 8/07 11:16 pm

Search and rescue teams undertake the most intense search for the Kyron Horman we've seen in weeks as investigators scour parts of Washington County.

It's unclear whether search crews were out as a result of information brought forth in recent grand jury hearings, but a retired Portland Police Bureau detective commander says crews wouldn't be back searching the area without cause.

"I don't think they're checking without any background to it, they're checking for a reason," said Cliff Madison.

Just knowing that the searches that are taking place this weekend are based on some sort of information the investigators have put together is a hopeful sign they're zeroing in on finding Kyron.

This has to be very difficult for KH, DY, and TY. After being so hopeful of finding Kyron alive, the weekend searches have to be agonizing for Kyron's parents. :(
Do we know if some searchers have dogs out there also..........where ever they are searching.
Does LE always keep search areas so secret????

From the excellent pics that FreeFallzzz posted yesterday, it seems that at least one of the SAR teams had two canines in the back of their vehicle. I'm actually encouraged that they are using dogs to search because this can prove to be very effective. At the end of the day, we want Kyron found. Let's hope these puppies are well-trained in SAR and can help to find him.
today off Cornell RD. as to article we have something for the map. Thanks
They are searching today. Not sure where yet. Here is the scanner link. Remember scanner business stays in the Parking Lot unless a Mod brings it up to the Forum. Hope to have more information later.


PLEASE tell me that if there is any indication they may have found Kyron...that a mod will bring that here? I really don't have the brain power to weed through the scanner threads. Broken knee and no pain killers...but if there is something important, please at least tell us over here, that we should read over there and link us to the page where the important stuff starts... okay?

Thanks... I will go back to my ice now. :(

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