Is Casey the real Zenaida?

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Yikes! I knew you would ask that. I have been looking through old interviews; honestly I can't remember where I first heard that. Perhaps a more organized WS'er can dig that up. I apologize for bringing that up without my source in hand.:doh:

Okay, I found it. It's in the same pdf we're looking at near the beginning (page 4 I believe) in the investigative report. I'm thinking it might just be a typo.
Yuri Melich went to the office of the Sawgrass apartments at 8:45 a.m. on the 16th (less than 12 hours into the investigation). He had no idea when he got there that a real "Zenaida Gonzalez" had visited the apartments on June 17th. He learned it after getting there. Yuri Melich came to that office with a page of about 12 photos of the same woman. It wasn't the real Zenaida, because he didn't even know about her yet.

In fact, I doubt seriously he could have gotten 12 photos of ANY Zenaida Gonzalez by that time. But he darned sure could have gotten 12 photos of KC....peeing, humping, barfing or showing her butt.

you are c o r r e c t ! ! !

Detec Yuri Melich was there investigating....
he did know the name: Zenaida Fernendez Gonzalez as kidnapper
of baby Caylee Marie Anthony.... KC said she left her on the stairs
to apt 210 !..... then KC said I came back.... driving home from
work from UNIVERSAL arriving at SAWGRASS APTS and no Zenaida
no Caylee.... Sitting on the steps blah b l a h B L A H !!!! etc....

so Detec....YM ... had NOT spoken with ZG and he did NOT have her
picture... because she is NOT A REGISTERED CRIMINAL ! ! !

12 pics... of the same woman....
probably all those pics of KC :ee:liar::liar::liar
w/ short hair
w/ longer hair
w/ blonde hair
w/dark hair
w/frosted hair
w/hair pulled back
w/hair....................etc............... a l l her (KC's) many L@@KS !

it had to be KC's pic.... cause if CA/GA/KC had a pic of the
ZANNY/NANNY Zaneida Fernandez Gonzales they would have kept

GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I'm so happy if this is all true !!!
I'm thrilled :clap::clap::clap:
their really is SOLID EVIDENCE against KC !

*** Then she decided to say..... OOOPS I DID IT AGAIN>>>>>
I meant to say.... J BLANCHARD PARK ! ! ! ! and she gave
me "THE SCRIPT" to follow..... Going to FUSHION ETC ! ! !

Dear Lord... makes my head spin !!!!!

Okay, this may be my bad. (I don't know how to link to a single post) but here is one previously that indicates the application was mistakenly reported as 4-17 instead of 6-17. I still haven't found where I heard that one was filled out in April and logged in but the card was lost.

However, another poster astutely mentions that ZG's telephone number is marked as invalid on that card on 6-25, which would indicate that if KC was trying to frame ZG and had already known the phone would not work (hence her story to LE about ZG's phone being disconnected) she would have had to get the information somehow after June 17th, either through someone she knew or returning and seeing the card herself.
Was KC looking at apartments on the week of 06/16 to 06/20???

Yes she was! On 06/19 she called Matthew Crisp and makes an appointment to bring TL by to look at apartments. (This call does not show up on KC's records of 6/19, could have been made on TL's phone.) KC tells MC that TL is looking to break his lease and find a new apartment. KC and TL show up at MC's office and MC shows an apartment to TL.

Two important point/thoughts here: 1. KC was making these calls not from her own phone, so if she phoned Sawgrass it would not show up on her cell phone. 2. Harry Garcia's memory may be correct, and we may have the answer why KC's name wouldn't show up in the prospective renter database if she showed up with TL and TL was the prospect. TL's name in the database?
Okay, now I'm having flashbacks of what I wanted to ask the last time you were here and this thread got fun. Has the real ZG actually admitted being there that specific day or is that just something we assumed because of KC's description of the car with NY plates etc and the other evidence that has emerged.

If she has admitted to being there that day, then I would think she was "invited" to look at an apt by "someone" and in that case the guest log would have been a description of the real ZG. I had also heard something about her maybe visiting in April and that the guest log card was lost.

If not, then perhaps KC could have come up with the car description and plates from one of her trips to the tattoo parlor and transposed it because she knew there had already been a ZG22 at Sawgrass and it would crosscheck. Didn't a close friend of the real ZG work there?

Bold above by me.....
I did find this article:

clip from August 7th article:

"Thursday, Local 6 talked with the only Zenaida Gonzalez confirmed to have been associated with the Sawgrass Apartments.

Gonzalez said she went to the apartments on June 17 to inquire about renting an apartment and filled out a guest card and gave information."

"Deputies were back at the Sawgrass Apartments Wednesday over a discrepancy a Local 6 investigation found on an original arrest report.

Detectives followed up on the lead and requested the original guest card with Zenaida Gonzalez's name on it on Wednesday, sources revealed to Local 6.

A leasing manager who filed out the card confirmed to deputies that Gonzalez visited on June 17 and not April 17, which was written on the arrest reports.

Sources told Local 6 that when apartment managers tried to follow up with the woman after June 25, the phone number she gave was no longer valid."
Was KC looking at apartments on the week of 06/16 to 06/20???

Yes she was! On 06/19 she called Matthew Crisp and makes an appointment to bring TL by to look at apartments. (This call does not show up on KC's records of 6/19, could have been made on TL's phone.) KC tells MC that TL is looking to break his lease and find a new apartment. KC and TL show up at MC's office and MC shows an apartment to TL.

Two important point/thoughts here: 1. KC was making these calls not from her own phone, so if she phoned Sawgrass it would not show up on her cell phone. 2. Harry Garcia's memory may be correct, and we may have the answer why KC's name wouldn't show up in the prospective renter database if she showed up with TL and TL was the prospect. TL's name in the database?

Very good point! She could have also been scouting things out on her own on TL's behalf. At Sawgrass she knew enough people there (including Dante, Katie and Vicki) to maybe inquire more discreetly as well.

Since KC was often in the Anthony home after GA left for work and before CA came home (stealing food and getting "insurance records" for Zanny) - it's also possible she made the calls from the Anthony home phone to avoid using cellphone minutes on something that mundane. She could have always left TL's phone as a callback number.
Woooow ~ You all are on a roll tonight! Thank you!!!!

I'll tell ya there is a goldmine of stuff on the threads from July. Reading them is like putting on a pair of new glasses and you start seeing individual leaves and road signs. The sleuthers back then were sure kicking *advertiser censored**!
It seems like Tony would have said something in his statements about having gone to look at apartments at Sawgrass doesn't it? Or do you think he did say that and it's just being withheld? In any case, she could have gone with/for Amy H, too.
Gee, I sure hope the defense does not use this info to say
"oh, KC does have a problem, she thinks she is ZFG!"
Just what if she had a fake ID as Zanny for the purpose of KC being KC : a liar and a thief. If it is true what some have come up with as a theory, that it was a fake ID the day she got a ticket: then this is what the defense would need to "prove" KC has another personality.

By the way, I don't think KC has another personality.
Gee, I sure hope the defense does not use this info to say
"oh, KC does have a problem, she thinks she is ZFG!"
Just what if she had a fake ID as Zanny for the purpose of KC being KC : a liar and a thief. If it is true what some have come up with as a theory, that it was a fake ID the day she got a ticket: then this is what the defense would need to "prove" KC has another personality.

By the way, I don't think KC has another personality.

Nah----that can't happen. Even if she did have multiples, one of them inside KC did it--so they all go to jail. LMAO That isn't a mental illness--is a disorder. I don't really think she has one but like the idea. Sure would explain alot of the BS with the A's.

But-----I do think she had created a new id/person and after she killed CA and GA---maybe Caylee----she was gonna hit the road as the new person----> ZFG. It got all screwed up when she got pizzed at CA the night of the 15th and killer her daughter. Let the defense run with it. KC can't change her personality. She can't even play sick when they find her dead baby.
Okay, TL confirms in the 10/16/08 interview with OCSO that Cranes Landing (where Matthew Crisp works) and Mission Bay are the only apartment complexes he went to with KC looking at apartments:

page 52

EE: Now, in this same time was she running around visiting apartment complexes that you could remember? Maybe trying to look for an apartment? And I know we talked about that uh, (inaudible)...
AL: No. Uhm, the only time I saw her go to, was when she was with me when I went to, when I went to go look for, at apartments. She came with me to look for apartments for myself, not for her.
EE: Right. Did that ever take place in that controversial...
AL: No. It was Crane's Landing...
EE: Uh-hum (affirmative).
AL: and uh, Mission Bay.
EE: Okay. Have you ever been to Sawgrass?
AL: No. I don't even know where it is.

What is curious to me, though, is the initial question..."was she running around visiting apartment look for an apartment?"

Curious question.
Okay, TL confirms in the 10/16/08 interview with OCSO that Cranes Landing (where Matthew Crisp works) and Mission Bay are the only apartment complexes he went to with KC looking at apartments:

page 52

What is curious to me, though, is the initial question..."was she running around visiting apartment look for an apartment?"

Curious question.

Maybe not so curious IF the pictures that LE showed to the manager at Sawgrass, the ones where he thought he recognized one of them, were all of KC.
Okay, TL confirms in the 10/16/08 interview with OCSO that Cranes Landing (where Matthew Crisp works) and Mission Bay are the only apartment complexes he went to with KC looking at apartments:

page 52

What is curious to me, though, is the initial question..."was she running around visiting apartment look for an apartment?"

Curious question.

I can't get over the odd coincidences in this case. First she has a fake ZG id and then a real ZF goes to visit the same apts that she was looking at?
Was KC looking at apartments on the week of 06/16 to 06/20???

Yes she was! On 06/19 she called Matthew Crisp and makes an appointment to bring TL by to look at apartments. (This call does not show up on KC's records of 6/19, could have been made on TL's phone.) KC tells MC that TL is looking to break his lease and find a new apartment. KC and TL show up at MC's office and MC shows an apartment to TL.

Two important point/thoughts here: 1. KC was making these calls not from her own phone, so if she phoned Sawgrass it would not show up on her cell phone. 2. Harry Garcia's memory may be correct, and we may have the answer why KC's name wouldn't show up in the prospective renter database if she showed up with TL and TL was the prospect. TL's name in the database?

Valhall, thanks for coming in and shaking up all the threads the last week or so. I love your contributions!

Just wanted to correct a small point re: June 19 phone records. Here's what I see re: Matt Crisp.

2:10 pm Casey sends a text message to Matt.
2:10 pm Matt calls her back 4 seconds later.
2:58 pm Casey texts Matt.
3:07 pm Matt texts Casey.
More important information comes from Amanda Macklin's statement:

"On July 16....[they tell her they are investigating a missing child case and that they have reason to believe she was left at apt 210]...I checked our database and informed the detective that Kayley [sic] nor her mother were listed as ever being a resident or applicant for residency of Sawgrass....I was questioned as to whether or not I recognized the name of Zenaida Gonzalez, which I did not. I checked for her information in our database and found she had inquired about an apartment at Sawgrass apartments in June 2008."

Okay, couple this with the statement made by Harry Garcia...

"I told him we fill out a guest card for every person who visits the property as a prospect."

If the photo is KC, and Harry Garcia really did remember her as being a prospect at Sawgrass, does this mean she didn't use her real name when she came to look at apartments???

bolded and enlarged by me... I read April 17th. See all the attachments extracted from Police documentation. However, this is later corrected by the Guest card being dated as of June 17th.




Just a thought....
could someone at the police department have pulled up Zenaida's Myspace because her space was still not private as of July 17th at 10AM per a post here on WS.


She had a lot of photos of herself on there and she had different hairstyles and looks... Do you think they could have got a montage of ZG from the photo album?
Valhall, thanks for coming in and shaking up all the threads the last week or so. I love your contributions!

Just wanted to correct a small point re: June 19 phone records. Here's what I see re: Matt Crisp.

2:10 pm Casey sends a text message to Matt.
2:10 pm Matt calls her back 4 seconds later.
2:58 pm Casey texts Matt.
3:07 pm Matt texts Casey.

Awww! Gotcha, so she texted him, and then he called her. Thank you!
Just a thought....
could someone at the police department have pulled up Zenaida's Myspace because her space was still not private as of July 17th at 10AM per a post here on WS.


She had a lot of photos of herself on there and she had different hairstyles and looks... Do you think they could have got a montage of ZG from the photo album?

Well, not at 8:45 the morning of the 16th, because they hadn't learned of the Kissimmee Zenaida visiting Sawgrass yet. That's the point, the 12 photos were prior to knowing about her. Now, if you're saying did they find the Kissimmee Zenaida by searching DAVID prior to going to the Sawgrass apartment (and prior to even knowing she had ever been to the Sawgrass apartments), my response would be...

There's more than this Zenaida Gonzalez in Florida so why wouldn't they have a picture (or 12 pictures) of EVERY Zenaida in DAVID? They had no reason to have a montage of THIS Zenaida when they didn't have any knowledge there was a "special connection" with her versus any other Zenaida.
Sometimes it is the most simple detail that turns out to be the most important one!!! Great catch everyone on the picture theory. I can't fathom anyone else's photos they would have had-let alone 12 of the same person unless it was of someone they already suspected of posing as ZG. hmmmmm. makes one wonder....
Well, not at 8:45 the morning of the 16th, because they hadn't learned of the Kissimmee Zenaida visiting Sawgrass yet. That's the point, the 12 photos were prior to knowing about her. Now, if you're saying did they find the Kissimmee Zenaida by searching DAVID prior to going to the Sawgrass apartment (and prior to even knowing she had ever been to the Sawgrass apartments), my response would be...

There's more than this Zenaida Gonzalez in Florida so why wouldn't they have a picture (or 12 pictures) of EVERY Zenaida in DAVID? They had no reason to have a montage of THIS Zenaida when they didn't have any knowledge there was a "special connection" with her versus any other Zenaida.

That would be correct. Didn't think that one all the way out.... The 12 pictures had to be of Casey. Always good to rule everything other possibility out.
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