Is Casey the real Zenaida?

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Calls come in from 697721 only twice:

7/16/08 10:06:00 PM
7/17/08 8:47:12 AM

The first is eight hours or so after Lee changed KC's myspace page into the "Caylee is Missing" myspace page. Seems to fit with being blog comments.


I originally thought perhaps it had something to do the volume of incoming messages, etc., but, after seeing your code# list it does fit w/ Lee taking over the site.

Details more appropriate for the Myspace thread and will take it up there.
Looking specifically @ 6/16:

6/16/08 MON 11:43:12 AM INCOMING TEXT MySpace Alert 1697722
6/16/08 MON 11:52:51 AM INCOMING TEXT MySpace Alert 169722
6/16/08 MON 3:23:30 PM INCOMING TEXT MySpace Alert 1697724
6/16/08 MON 3:35:05 PM INCOMING TEXT MySpace Alert 1697722
6/16/08 MON 3:39:59 PM INCOMING TEXT MySpace Alert 1697723

This leaves *23 alerts. The 9 instances of *23 alerts happened:

6/17/08 TUE 8:23:32 PM INCOMING TEXT 1697723

Maybe I can just fill things in order??

- Friend Requests 697720
- Blog Comments 697721
- Profile Comments 697722
- Image Comments 697723
- New Messages 697724
- Event Invites 697725

Just guessing...

So...scooting back in on that limb a bit :poke:...w/ JWG delivering a good basis for *21=blog now. Here's what it looks like when we bring together the 6/16 & 6/17 MySpace activity...

6/16/08 MON 11:43:12 AM INCOMING TEXT MySpace Profile Comment
6/16/08 MON 11:52:51 AM INCOMING TEXT MySpace Profile Comment
6/16/08 MON 3:23:30 PM INCOMING TEXT MySpace New Messages
6/16/08 MON 3:35:05 PM INCOMING TEXT MySpace Profile Comment
6/16/08 MON 3:39:59 PM INCOMING TEXT MySpace Image Comment


6/17/08 TUE 8:23:32 PM INCOMING TEXT MySpace Image Comment

So...lets consider what these specific types of activity might tell us...

My working assumption is that "New Messages" is about the only type of comment that has to come from another user. incoming message to Casey's MySpace site from another MySpace user...albeit real (e.g. Amy, Tony, etc.) or imagined (e.g. ZFG). Still assuming...that the other message type alerts could either be the result of Casey's own activity on her MySpace site OR the result of another users activity on it.

Anyone familiar w/ MySpace able to tell us if comments on another users profile are available/common? IOW...when Casey would change, for example, the mood, "about me" comments, on her own profile would these be the changes that would likely fire off an alert to her cell phone advising a profile comment. Are there profile comments other users might make on Casey's profile? If these can be tied only to the MySpace page owner...then, like the "New Messages" type we have a little more to work with regarding Casey's activities.
As I recall, the alerts only come when someone else makes a comment, either on your profile, pics, or maybe on your blog. My son used to get all those alerts all the time until I demanded he take off the feature because his phone would go off at all hours.
Profile comments are made on the person's home page. They are like visitor messages on WS. RJ Grund has 2500+ comments on his myspace profile, so hopefully for the sanity of his family he does not get text alerts when they occur. :crazy:

Image comments are made by people who can view pictures in a photo album kept on myspace. This is very much like the albums people can keep on WS, where visitors can come in and comment on the images.

Messages are like WS private messages.

Comments placed in any one of the three areas will generate a text message from the uniquely assigned number, letting the recipient know what was done. I believe the comments themselves, or a portion of the comment, are sent in the message along with the identity of the person who posted the comment.
There is a comment section on the main page and a private message section. If someone sends a request to be a friend it would show as 697720 (docs pg 2875), a comment on her blog would show 297721 as shown on doc page 2880, a comment to the profile it would be shown as 69772 according to docs page 2873 and a private message would come through as 697724 as shown on doc page 2867.
There is a comment section on the main page and a private message section. If someone sends a request to be a friend it would show as 697720 (docs pg 2875), a comment on her blog would show 297721 as shown on doc page 2880, a comment to the profile it would be shown as 69772 according to docs page 2873 and a private message would come through as 697724 as shown on doc page 2867.

Excellent...the discovery matches our assumptions. :clap: I love it when things come together.
Trying to keep up with you busy beavers!!! lol

Hey, can you point me to the source where you go the times for those myspace alert messages? While I do have links to released docs that have myspace alerts, I can't find these particular ones! It's driving me bonkers.

Thanks guys!!!
It's driving me bonkers.

:) Mission accomplished! :highfive:

Source=AT&T phone records. timestamps on these messages. Started into that w/ a footnote on a post over in the 'deleted myspace messages' thread. See the * at the bottom of my post there. [ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Casey's deleted myspace messages[/ame] I don't wanna screw up the ZFG topic w/ details that fit better re: MySpace thread IMHO.

Assumming all this KC / Zenaida myspace is factual:

Is it possible the defense can argue that the zenaida myspace profile was set up by KC , b/c "zanny" didn't have a clue on how to set an account up , so "invisible zanny" asked KC to make the myspace account for her and the next time KC brought Caylee over to be babysat, then KC could show "invisi-zanny" how to access /use it ?

Well I would say that explanation wouldn't fly since this Dora the Explorer Zenaida myspace was created up on June 16, 2008 ... the same day that KC says Zenaida took Caylee. Now, she might say that as part of the script she was forced to set up this account to communicate ... in fact that sounds exactly like the half baked explanation that KC in all of her supreme narcissistic glory would expect "us" to buy!

Could the defense drag that person(s) in , b/c the myspace acct. was set up on their IP address and e-mails / comments etc. were sent and received , so therefore casting reasonable doubt?
I hope that they do ... because in order to have a myspace you have to have a valid email account ... email providers collect identifying information like IP and these days most even collect MAC addresses as well ... a MAC address identifies the exact device used ... not just the location of it. You can mask or spoof your MAC address just as you can your IP ... but I don't think that KC was nearly that savvy!

:) Mission accomplished! :highfive:

Source=AT&T phone records. timestamps on these messages. Started into that w/ a footnote on a post over in the 'deleted myspace messages' thread. See the * at the bottom of my post there. Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Casey's deleted myspace messages I don't wanna screw up the ZFG topic w/ details that fit better re: MySpace thread IMHO.

LOL - you're so mean *waaaa*

Hey, what I meant was where did the record that there were myspace alerts on the referenced dates come from?

specifically these...

6/16/08 MON 11:43:12 AM INCOMING TEXT MySpace Profile Comment
6/16/08 MON 11:52:51 AM INCOMING TEXT MySpace Profile Comment
6/16/08 MON 3:23:30 PM INCOMING TEXT MySpace New Messages
6/16/08 MON 3:35:05 PM INCOMING TEXT MySpace Profile Comment
6/16/08 MON 3:39:59 PM INCOMING TEXT MySpace Image Comment
FWIW...not oft cited...but IMHO, the incoming MS notifications Casey received on her cell phone give us some potential clues as to when Casey may have been engaged in MS activity. Looking specifically @ 6/16:

6/16/08 MON 11:43:12 AM INCOMING TEXT MySpace Alert 1697722
6/16/08 MON 11:52:51 AM INCOMING TEXT MySpace Alert 1697722
6/16/08 MON 3:23:30 PM INCOMING TEXT MySpace Alert 1697724
6/16/08 MON 3:35:05 PM INCOMING TEXT MySpace Alert 1697722
6/16/08 MON 3:39:59 PM INCOMING TEXT MySpace Alert 1697723

...I say potential clues, because these alerts may have been the result of something Casey did directly on her MS page (e.g. updated a profile) or indirectly (e.g. a response from someone else on MS to something Casey left on their page).

Looking into this further...I have record of 6 different types of MS alerts that Casey received to her cell phone. IF (speculation) each alert-type is unique to a specific type of MS activity (e.g. profile change, wall message, etc.) then we have a little information available that we can look into :sleuth:.

When I looked @ the breakdown of frequency of receipt vs. type I get the following:

Alert Type/Frequency 6/1-7/17:
1697721 2
1697723 9
1697722 60
1697724 70
1697720 71​

From this, I speculate the *22, *24, *20 alerts are prolly the result of common MS activity (e.g. friend left a message, commented on something, etc.). Further, the 2 instances of *21 alerts resulted on 7/16 ~10PM & 7/17 ~8AM. Since these happened after word started to get out re: Caylee being missing I speculate they are unique codes that aren't of interest at the moment...perhaps system messages due to high volume, etc.

This leaves *23 alerts. The 9 instances of *23 alerts happened:

6/4/08 WED 9:16:07 AM INCOMING TEXT 1697723
6/4/08 WED 1:16:32 PM INCOMING TEXT 1697723
6/16/08 MON 3:39:59 PM INCOMING TEXT 1697723
6/17/08 TUE 8:23:32 PM INCOMING TEXT 1697723
6/23/08 MON 8:09:33 AM INCOMING TEXT 1697723
6/23/08 MON 12:25:19 PM INCOMING TEXT 1697723
6/23/08 MON 12:26:27 PM INCOMING TEXT 1697723
6/24/08 TUE 12:40:28 AM INCOMING TEXT 1697723
7/8/08 TUE 8:41:34 PM INCOMING TEXT 1697723

I highlighted the 6/16 instance in blue FYI to consider the following. The first instance of receiving a *23 alert was on 6/4 and was the 3rd-ever Myspace alert (of any type) Casey received on her phone in the records we have (6/1-7/17 period). Now...we don't know if Casey set-up her alert-to-phone on 6/3 or before. But, IF she set them up for the first time 6/3...then we'd have something in the above that would suggest a new alert-to-phone was set-up 6/16...and subsequently altered (or others set-up) 6/17, 6/23, 6/24 and 7/8. So...I'm out on a limb here w/ speculation...pls recognize that...:poke: Turning OFF an alert-to-phone might be one reason for a post-arrest visit to the alleged ZG MS late as 10/14...maybe...maybe not.

Going a step further out on that same limb :poke:...:bang:

I looked @ the Fb alerts to Casey's cell phone. Because this is getting long..I won't go into the details. In summary, I have 21 unique Fb Alert types :rolleyes: Many of them are onesee-twosee's is difficult to determine if these are of any of these is code *187.

The two instances of *187 are:

6/6/08 FRI 8:58:29 PM
6/16/08 MON 4:53:33 PM 4:53PM 6/16 we know Casey had been gone from G&C's for ~40mins. :waitasec: I'd love to have a look @ her Fb records now to see what might've triggered this *187 alert. The only clue we have is that the only other instance of this type of alert was when she'd just arrived @ Fusian 6/6PM...:waitasec: Maybe nothing...maybe nothing @ all...I've cherry-picked out this *187 alert because of the 6/16 I dunno. Something to think about. Perhaps the *187 alert provides some evidence of Casey using her cell phone to access her Fb account for something :waitasec:

On (yet another) slightly related tangent...

I noted earlier...although haven't posted before...per evidence page 2679...Casey's deleted MS messages span 4/25-7/3

Consider that Casey's alert-to-phone messages from Facebook STOPPED 7/4 @ 3:08AM. :eek:

:waitasec: Hmmmm...

Anyone go looking for a Zenaida Fb account?

Now...if Casey had been posing as ZG on Fb or MS and sending visible messages to Casey's Fb or MS...well...someone would've remembered I don't think that happened.

But I am curious...if Casey set-up a bogus ZG MS account...did she set up a bogus ZG Fb account too? Was there something about the timing of the deleted MS messages and the ceasing of Fb alerts to Casey's phone? :waitasec:

Gosh, I love this concept! Ok, JBJ! I am curious about something. Maybe it doesn't really matter, but, still. I am curious as to the time difference, if any, between FL, where KC would have been setting these accounts up, and the host state, wherever MS & FB may be. The reason I ask is that the MS alert on 6/16 is at 3:39:59 PM and the FB alert on 6/16 is at 4:53:33. So, considering that there may be a time difference, these two alerts may have been 1:14:26 apart, or they may just be 14:26 apart. Do you follow where I am going here?
I've been away from this thread for a while ... but I have been continuously searching for any information that I can find on the ZG/Dora MySpace ... recently I came across a program that analyzes the source code of individual webpages. I've been unable to uncover anything of value from this page, however, I just started going through other pages where KC had commented ... there are a few people that haven't made their pages private or deleted KC's posts. From those pages I have uncovered some IP information that might help determine where KC was on particular days at very specific times. If any of you have pages that you would like me to use this pagespy program on I would be happy to. Right now, I am trying to organize the information I have so far.

I also found another MySpace page that I had never seen before ... Sorry if it has been discussed already ... this is for a Zenaida in Orlando 22y/o (but remember that Myspace automatically updates ages based on the given birthday) ... anyway last logon was 5/23/08 which was also the date it was created. I'm thinking that this might have been a page that was made by KC and abandoned for some reason ... there is a picture on this profile.
LOL - you're so mean *waaaa*

Hey, what I meant was where did the record that there were myspace alerts on the referenced dates come from?

specifically these...

6/16/08 MON 11:43:12 AM INCOMING TEXT MySpace Profile Comment
6/16/08 MON 11:52:51 AM INCOMING TEXT MySpace Profile Comment
6/16/08 MON 3:23:30 PM INCOMING TEXT MySpace New Messages
6/16/08 MON 3:35:05 PM INCOMING TEXT MySpace Profile Comment
6/16/08 MON 3:39:59 PM INCOMING TEXT MySpace Image Comment

Those excerpts are from Casey's AT&T phone records, Valhall. When you look @ the raw record they appear as incoming texts, but, rather than coming from an individual phone# (e.g. (###)###-####) they come from a # of another format. There are several of these in the AT&T records. Some come from Facebook, some come from AIM, etc. In the case of MySpace each # string has a specific message type associated with it (e.g. Profile Comment, New Message, etc.).

Gosh, I love this concept! Ok, JBJ! I am curious about something. Maybe it doesn't really matter, but, still. I am curious as to the time difference, if any, between FL, where KC would have been setting these accounts up, and the host state, wherever MS & FB may be. The reason I ask is that the MS alert on 6/16 is at 3:39:59 PM and the FB alert on 6/16 is at 4:53:33. So, considering that there may be a time difference, these two alerts may have been 1:14:26 apart, or they may just be 14:26 apart. Do you follow where I am going here? does really matter, IMHO, chefmom. ;)

Looking into it now, but, I tried to direct it to the 'deleted myspace messages thread' so as not to muck up the Zenaida thread too much for those not interested in the myspace & Casey activity aspect of this stuff.

Its kinda early to make a definitive appears to me that there is a time delay associated w/ at least the MySpace alerts to Casey's phone. At the moment, IMHO, it doesn't appear to be a delay associated w/ time zone differences (e.g. the Photobucket on Mountain vs. Eastern time effect) but...need a little more time to sort it out. Based on the very limited sample I've been able to check there is def'n a time delay for MySpace...can't say if it is for all of them...just not fit for prime time yet, IYKWIM. does really matter, IMHO, chefmom. ;)

Looking into it now, but, I tried to direct it to the 'deleted myspace messages thread' so as not to muck up the Zenaida thread too much for those not interested in the myspace & Casey activity aspect of this stuff.

Its kinda early to make a definitive appears to me that there is a time delay associated w/ at least the MySpace alerts to Casey's phone. At the moment, IMHO, it doesn't appear to be a delay associated w/ time zone differences (e.g. the Photobucket on Mountain vs. Eastern time effect) but...need a little more time to sort it out. Based on the very limited sample I've been able to check there is def'n a time delay for MySpace...can't say if it is for all of them...just not fit for prime time yet, IYKWIM.

Yes, I do! Thanks! IMO, it is going to matter, as well!

OK...I had to check. The MySpace alerts on the AT&T records are all timestamped +3hrs from when the timestamp appears on the screenshot of the myspace in the released docs. I'm giving some examples in the "deleted myspace" thread so as not to clog this one up more than I already have.

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Casey's deleted myspace messages[/ame]
OK...I had to check. The MySpace alerts on the AT&T records are all timestamped +3hrs from when the timestamp appears on the screenshot of the myspace in the released docs. I'm giving some examples in the "deleted myspace" thread so as not to clog this one up more than I already have.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Casey's deleted myspace messages

Thank you Bond. This helps a great deal with something I've been working on in my spare time. What do you think of the girl pictured in the Zenaida myspace link? Pretty close to a 10?
Thank you Bond. This helps a great deal with something I've been working on in my spare time. What do you think of the girl pictured in the Zenaida myspace link? Pretty close to a 10?

Glad to help, AE.

I'm not touching the rate-a-Zenaida question. I'm just a little smarter than I look...not much...but just enough to spot a lose-lose situation ;)
Thank you Bond. This helps a great deal with something I've been working on in my spare time. What do you think of the girl pictured in the Zenaida myspace link? Pretty close to a 10?

Naw! To borrow a phrase from CA, "She's cute, but she's not a 10! I'm sorry, but she's not!" Lol!
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