Is Casey the real Zenaida?

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There's always another possibility. Zanny the Nanny might have been an in-joke between KC and say, Lee that was her nickhame for CA. If CA has xanax in her medicine cabinet (and regardless of what I think of her I'd be popping pills living with that group) she might have been the impetus; after all she probably watched Cayleed "90% of the time". Perhaps it had its roots in the little children's book that's been mentioned. KC could have easily read that as a child and then thought a humorous twist would be to call her mother "the nanny" and Zanny the Nanny if her mom had a xanax prescription. I can see KC and LA thinking of all kinds of little secret code nicknames for their parents; I know my sisters and I had ones we used for ours.

That certainly could have been how it started - became a convenient status thing when telling her friends (employed or going to college), and then once she needed an actual name to go with it, she could have used ZG (and if it turns out she herself is ZG22 so much the better). They are all built around the z connection.

I think Zanny is a compilation of many people in KC's mind, including Cindy. Replace the word Zanny with Cindy - and consider her description about the kidnapping story at Blanchard. For example:

Zanny (Cindy) took Caylee - reflects Cindy's threat to take custody
Zanny (Cindy) gave me instructions to follow - Cindy always told KC what to do
Zanny (Cindy) took Caylee to teach me a lesson - no doubt Cindy would have liked to teach KC a lesson.

I think KC blames Cindy for the death of Caylee and it could be that the story she told about Zanny became Cindy under this circumstance.

At other times Zanny is perhaps KC's imagined ideal caregiver - perhaps herself, perhaps Jesse, Amy ... whomever.

She made up the story and embellished it over the years. Zanny represented her ability, as you suggest to continue the "working" facade, enabled her to spend the night elsewhere, go away for the week-end - no questions asked. Zanny gave her freedom.

I remain confused about the name - ZFG. I agree that the name is likley a compilation of names she had heard separately or together but the Sawgrass thing is bugging me. I cant beleive that it was a coincidence, but I have no explanation that the very same name that KC used for the imaginanny was also a name at Sawgrass.
I've never been able to get a handle on what it would mean for this to not be a coincidence. Did she choose the nanny's name based on the place she had already decided to dump the body? Or, did she choose the dump location based on the nanny name she had already come up with? It seems that one of those must be true if this is not a coincidence.

If it isn't a coincidence, it also seems to profoundly change what one would think about the Sawgrass situation.

I can tell you this, I do not see how the defense is going to convince a jury that all of the coincidences in this case are just coincidence. There are soooo many things that JB, KC, and the A's expect the public to just accept as coincidence that it is mind boggling. I could give you one thing being a coincidence, but not a dozen!

I went in and looked at this profile that was created on 5/20/08 by KC. on Cupid. It is so hard to believe if KC had this frame of mind in May, what could have happened to her between than and June 16th. ? She doesn't sound like someone who doesn't care about her daughter. Maybe this was all lies too. I know that when people post on these sites that they are not always honest, but why mention your daughter if you think that she might be a problem forming a relationship with someone new? You could always bring that up later. Tony and her new circle of friends?

I went in and looked at this profile that was created on 5/20/08 by KC. on Cupid. It is so hard to believe if KC had this frame of mind in May, what could have happened to her between than and June 16th. ? She doesn't sound like someone who doesn't care about her daughter. Maybe this was all lies too. I know that when people post on these sites that they are not always honest, but why mention your daughter if you think that she might be a problem forming a relationship with someone new? You could always bring that up later.

It reads to me as though she was simply putting down the things she thought people wanted to hear and that made her sound like a "good catch". Of course, IMO, this is probably how she sees herself, as a loving, doting mother, a sensible, down-to-earth gal. But, even CA had called her a sociopath, stated that she was always stealing. These things don't exactly go hand-in-hand with her profile of herself.
I can tell you this, I do not see how the defense is going to convince a jury that all of the coincidences in this case are just coincidence. There are soooo many things that JB, KC, and the A's expect the public to just accept as coincidence that it is mind boggling. I could give you one thing being a coincidence, but not a dozen!

Speaking of coincidences and whether KC is really Zanny- please go back and look at this thread on possibly who KC used as a template for ZFG -

There is so much info that relates to Vicky A. that KC used for her description of ZFG. More coincidences???? Even though Dante got on WS and blasted that Vicky had no direct connection to KC (and I do believe that she had NOTHING to do with Caylee!), I found it very interesting that both Vicky A. and Katie Sue R. are on the SA's witness list-

I have not been able to find their interviews either- if anyone has a link, please post it. Thanks!
I've never been able to get a handle on what it would mean for this to not be a coincidence. Did she choose the nanny's name based on the place she had already decided to dump the body? Or, did she choose the dump location based on the nanny name she had already come up with? It seems that one of those must be true if this is not a coincidence.

If it isn't a coincidence, it also seems to profoundly change what one would think about the Sawgrass situation.

I agree. Right now I am more than inclined to leave it in the coincidence bucket.
I agree. Right now I am more than inclined to leave it in the coincidence bucket.
I am so agreeing with the partial coincidence theory. I think she picked the ZG name to tell RG way back to create the illusion of a real nanny. Then she had friends at Sawgrass and probably even helped out in the office sometimes, as she seemed to insert herself helpfully into people's lives. Then the coincidence of a real ZG showing up to look at an apartment. Files info away in little brain for future use. Then the kidnapping story - kc style to add lots of detail to make the stories so much more the truth - she adds the Fernandez with a hyphen. More details, more real. I just see her using lots of odd information from a lifetime of storing little bits and pieces to weave stories. And I think the real ZG not ZFG was just a coincidence that KC took full advantage of. But one coincidence doesn't sink this guilty ship in my view. What cha' think?
I'm not trying to get in the middle of anything, but I actually think mitzi is trying to point out that chloroform can't be ruled out at this time. I took her post as a reply (in another thread) to some one who had taken the last doc dump to mean chloroform testing would not be done. I believe she was just trying to correct that by showing the testing is being done by another lab, but not released yet.

Just my 2 cents.

LMAO When I first saw them big ole red letters, my first thought was, "Wow something I don't have to strain to read". Then I member the very first time I changed the fonts size---it was huge when it posted. Not tryin to start nuttin either.

It's all good. We need a d-dump. Maybe some activity from the A home front. Hey, Somebody told us that there isn't anythang about the A's on LK's home page. Went and looked and sur nuff---they ain't there anymore.
I've never been able to get a handle on what it would mean for this to not be a coincidence. Did she choose the nanny's name based on the place she had already decided to dump the body? Or, did she choose the dump location based on the nanny name she had already come up with? It seems that one of those must be true if this is not a coincidence.

If it isn't a coincidence, it also seems to profoundly change what one would think about the Sawgrass situation.

Am lost---why would it change?
I think Zanny is a compilation of many people in KC's mind, including Cindy. Replace the word Zanny with Cindy - and consider her description about the kidnapping story at Blanchard. For example:

Zanny (Cindy) took Caylee - reflects Cindy's threat to take custody
Zanny (Cindy) gave me instructions to follow - Cindy always told KC what to do
Zanny (Cindy) took Caylee to teach me a lesson - no doubt Cindy would have liked to teach KC a lesson.

I think KC blames Cindy for the death of Caylee and it could be that the story she told about Zanny became Cindy under this circumstance.

At other times Zanny is perhaps KC's imagined ideal caregiver - perhaps herself, perhaps Jesse, Amy ... whomever.

She made up the story and embellished it over the years. Zanny represented her ability, as you suggest to continue the "working" facade, enabled her to spend the night elsewhere, go away for the week-end - no questions asked. Zanny gave her freedom.

I remain confused about the name - ZFG. I agree that the name is likley a compilation of names she had heard separately or together but the Sawgrass thing is bugging me. I cant beleive that it was a coincidence, but I have no explanation that the very same name that KC used for the imaginanny was also a name at Sawgrass.

Very nice and insightful post. I think you got it. I have always said that she had a collection of zannys thru out her life and you post opened that up in my brain. Thanks so much.

Wished we had a place for Insightful post. There are so many "right on the money" that kinda puts a huge piece of the puzzle into the place.

I went in and looked at this profile that was created on 5/20/08 by KC. on Cupid. It is so hard to believe if KC had this frame of mind in May, what could have happened to her between than and June 16th. ? She doesn't sound like someone who doesn't care about her daughter. Maybe this was all lies too. I know that when people post on these sites that they are not always honest, but why mention your daughter if you think that she might be a problem forming a relationship with someone new? You could always bring that up later. Tony and her new circle of friends?

Well, hmmmmm---maybe KC lived in 2 different worlds, in her head. the real and the fantasy and maybe the fantasy part of her head just took over. Maybe she liked the fantasy better. Maybe the separation of the 2 happened one night when she got so mad at CA and killed Caylee out of pure rage---pop gits in the fantasy and runs from the real.
??????????????? Am reachin. LOL
OK-Where e-body go?
You see my ole bear? Thats how I feel. LMAO

:clap: :clap: :clap:
Thanks for loving your children !

Thanks for Not Killing them.... !!!!!

H A P P Y ~ M O T H E R S ~ D A Y !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:


God Bless !
I think that KC chose the name Zanni and used it for awhile (maybe for xanex.. although I go back and forth whether or not she was actually drugging Caylee). I'm not convinced of that yet. I think that she used Hispanic names for the babysitter to convince her parents of the "babysitter kidnapping story" because she knew her mother didn't like hispanics. I think she may have hyphenated the name ZFG because she saw the name ZG at Sawgrass apts "somehow" (although I don't know how) and used that name but added the F to throw off LE.

When I listened to the 911 tape for the very first time, I noticed that she gives the name of the babysitter in a very odd way.. she states the name very distinctly and in a flat monotone.. as if she's making it up as she's going along....(same thing in her first interview with Mr. Melich)...

Too much of a coincidence that there was a ZG at Sawgrass and she used this name as well to me.. JMO
I'm not trying to get in the middle of anything, but I actually think mitzi is trying to point out that chloroform can't be ruled out at this time. I took her post as a reply (in another thread) to some one who had taken the last doc dump to mean chloroform testing would not be done. I believe she was just trying to correct that by showing the testing is being done by another lab, but not released yet.

Just my 2 cents.

I like your 2 cents, Valhall :blowkiss: ...that is exactly why I was doing.
I believe Mitzi's post was in response to my post, in which I stated they did not test for Chloroform. I took no offense at all. Rather, I welcomed the additional information.

Thankyou also, victoria...appreciate it. I only bolded and enlarged because I wanted that part of the article noticed. I know when I read it, I thought :woohoo:
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