Is JBR's killer alive or dead?

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Is JBR's killer alive or dead?

  • Yes

    Votes: 86 53.4%
  • No

    Votes: 75 46.6%

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I do believe the killer is still alive, and sorry, but enjoying their freedom.

"Mind telling us which three shrink-types, and where we can find their opinion?"

They were:

Carole Lieberman

Wendy Maltz

Jamie Turndorf.

And I can quote their opinions to you!

Here goes.

Lieberman: "She wanted JonBenet to win and one day be Ms. America. But she also wanted to be the most beautiful woman in her own house. Did Patsy become jealous of JonBenet?"

(Mirror, mirror, on the wall...)

Maltz: "She's living her sexual fantasies through her 6-year-old daughter."

Turndorf: "I've seen this in women who have been molested. The compulsion to repeat a traumatic experience until it is resolved."
SuperDave said:
"Mind telling us which three shrink-types, and where we can find their opinion?"

They were:

Carole Lieberman

Wendy Maltz

Jamie Turndorf.

And I can quote their opinions to you!

Here goes.

Lieberman: "She wanted JonBenet to win and one day be Ms. America. But she also wanted to be the most beautiful woman in her own house. Did Patsy become jealous of JonBenet?"

(Mirror, mirror, on the wall...)

Maltz: "She's living her sexual fantasies through her 6-year-old daughter."

Turndorf: "I've seen this in women who have been molested. The compulsion to repeat a traumatic experience until it is resolved."

--->>>I donut believe PR and JR would have stayed steadfastly together IF IF PR did it, for any reason whatsoever, jealousy included!

Camper said:
--->>>I donut believe PR and JR would have stayed steadfastly together IF IF PR did it, for any reason whatsoever, jealousy included!


If you are correct, then obviously Patsy did not do it, since they remained together.

So did John not do it, either, because they remained together?

Think about it, IF IF you married a person because you loved him, would you stay with a husband who had been having perverted sexual encounters with your baby AND AND who ended up 'accidentally' killing her ?, AND AND stayed together facing the music through thick and thin until death parted you both?

Plus both of you TOGETHER, sued anyone with a half baked thought that Burke had done it.

Done, done and all done. Hmmm.

This puzzle is left for God to fix, and reveal the total truth of WHY tiny JonBenet is dead. The hiding murderer and their own helpie people, will face another judge that is not paid for by us the taxpayers.

Camper said:
This puzzle is left for God to fix, and reveal the total truth of WHY tiny JonBenet is dead. The hiding murderer and their own helpie people, will face another judge that is not paid for by us the taxpayers.

So true, there's no "The Fix is in" with the ultimate Judge and Jury, the all-powerful, all-knowing.

Another thought about victims of childhood abuse projecting it onto another victim, I'll have to edit in after re-reading your post, suddenly forgot what I was going to say. Senior moment.

About the killer still being alive. I think he showed us that he is still here by getting Karr to go through such a fiasco and promising to get him off, plus, who knows what else? Karr's computer, evidence, was "lost", by some California "bungling", y'know. Question is, who's The Deceiver, and that influential? Obviously enjoys jerking us around, messing with our minds. Almost like Bin Laden taunting us. "You can't catch me." Nyah Nyah. And who knows, maybe he does have some kind of tie with Bin Laden, who I believe "trained" in the U.S. like Lucas and Toole. One of them claimed to have beheaded a 6-yr old, shy child Adam Walsh, years earlier. Could there be some connection?

Little Adam Walsh was just standing around a Sears toy department watching some older boys playing pinball or something, while, correct me if my memory is wrong, his mom was shopping. The older boys started fighting among themselves and were evicted from the store, Adam with them, and he disappeared.
Camper said:
Think about it, IF IF you married a person because you loved him, would you stay with a husband who had been having perverted sexual encounters with your baby AND AND who ended up 'accidentally' killing her ?, AND AND stayed together facing the music through thick and thin until death parted you both?

Plus both of you TOGETHER, sued anyone with a half baked thought that Burke had done it.

Done, done and all done. Hmmm.

This puzzle is left for God to fix, and reveal the total truth of WHY tiny JonBenet is dead. The hiding murderer and their own helpie people, will face another judge that is not paid for by us the taxpayers.



I have thought about it, and reckon they are both jointly involved. I doubt if Burke had anything to do with JonBenet's death. The extent of the violence and the complex staging do not reflect that of a 9-year old's profile.

JonBenet's killers obviously removed her from the true crime-scene and with it any other incriminating evidence. This will be why the BPD turned the house over they knew evidence had been removed. Same as they got a warrant for the Atlanta residence.

Its this that is the missing link in this case, the smoking-gun, so to speak, left with a staged wine-cellar crime-scene to speculate on can only result in erroneous theories e.g. Lou Smit's Intruder Did It.

"Think about it, IF IF you married a person because you loved him, would you stay with a husband who had been having perverted sexual encounters with your baby AND AND who ended up 'accidentally' killing her ?"

Hedda Nusbaum didn't crack right away, did she?

"AND AND stayed together facing the music through thick and thin until death parted you both?"

Romance isn't dead yet!
I'd say he's alive, and used Karr to taunt us, Bin Laden style, promised to get him off, and probably some big bribe of some sort. Just a hunch.

No matter how this turns out if it ever does turn out, it will not bother me because I've said all along I have no favorite theory. We don't even have knowledge of all the evidence.

That said, here's another fleeting thought, I may have already posted, but don't remember where if I did. Bin Laden is said to have "trained" in some kind of camp in Ga., if I'm not mixing up my rumors, where Lucas and Toole also "trained", and I never found out for what. One of them confessed or bragged about beheading a 6-yr old, shy little Adam Walsh.

I'm watching for some cunning mastermind to turn up when he gets old enough to get really senile, if he isn't caught for something else first. Maybe he's stirring up the world's terrorism, playing the Muslim religion against the Christian one, hating even our children, claiming everyone's too proud. JonBenet would have been really irritating to a psychopath, now called a sociopath. While we're waiting for that possibility, I'm still interested in every other avenue we explore.
I just started a web search to try to find out about that "training camp in Georgia" that Bin Laden and Lucas and Toole are said to have attended, not finding out anything so far except a surprising link to here!

Don't know yet WHY they beheaded 6-yr old Adam Walsh. To see if they could get away with it? Is it part of our gov't, maybe, reason officials aren't doing anything about the JonBenet case? Maybe from way back in Nixon days? People hinted after Watergate that there was more. No idea what. Just wondering. Anyone know anything about it at all? Was he molested? He was 6 yrs old, waiting for his mom at a Sears store where some older boys had been playing a video game, got into a fight, and he was ousted along with them to the parking lot. BTW, my initial search term was "Adam Walsh Beheading". Another term might yield more info.

Here's another link. Scared Monkeys
I still think that Beheading in Aruba was a message sent to keep your mouth shut ... Walsh is pretty sure Otis Toole killed Adam but evidence was lost, ...

Evidence lost? For a while they were saying Karr's computer was lost. Could he also have had some connection to that camp?
A lot of serial killers behead their victims. Many times it's just part of dismembering the corpse.
"This is 1 section from EIR's sepcial report on Satanism. This ....
Lucas's training lasted for seven weeks. After leaving the camp he was assigned to work on kidnaping operations run by the organization. He and Toole were ..."

Hope that link is clickable. I didn't try it yet myself. Wanted to just get it turned in. They all say beheading is a mostly-Muslim thing, but this link suggests the Atlanta area. And that it was or is an occult camp lasting 7 wks. Bin Laden went to a Satanist camp for 7 wks? And sure knows how to hide out. So did Toole grab little Adam just to try out what he'd learned? One link says John Walsh is sure Toole, who confessed, did it, but evidence was lost. Where have we heard that before? And why should they be untouchables, or even allowed to exist in America? Is the camp still there?

We don't know if there's any connection with this and the Ransom Note threatening to behead JonBenet. It may mean someone was involved who had that on the brain. An Adam Walsh Child Protection law was passed by the Democrats and there's some ridicule in some of the search results.

This time I used "Camp in Georgia Where Lucas & Toole Trained" as a search term. No time to go through any more pages. I have to get some work done today. No time to even go to the PP with this.
SuperDave said:
"Turndorf: "I've seen this in women who have been molested. The compulsion to repeat a traumatic experience until it is resolved."
Maybe JAR previously....
That's why the briefcase....
That's why "forgiveness"....
That's why JR went along with it?

Just pondering.
Rupert said:
Maybe JAR previously....
That's why the briefcase....
That's why "forgiveness"....
That's why JR went along with it?

Just pondering.

I came all the way here to see what you'd said that made SD say go on, and nothing's here yet unless you're saying the Barnhills were right and they and Melody Stanton were just ordered in no uncertain terms to recant their testimonies.

Another thing about "forgiveness", tho', sometimes I mention that a clergyman from hell is predicted in Holy Writ, whether or not all of us are believers, who I think has done some awfully malicious things to people he's envious of and "preached" forgiveness, fooling church people everywhere that we're trapped and have no recourse. JAR most likely heard some of it the "overkill" about it. As I believe Mother Theresa said, what you've built up over a lifetime someone else can destroy in a day, but build and create anyway. That ultimately it's between them and God, if they "sin willfully", not in your power to absolve them. One of the predictions is that nobody can keep any secrets from this imposter (brags about monitoring) who's even more flashy clandestinely than Patsy, and that "evil men set traps for humans" in Zion, or religion. They're evidently making "forgiveness" into a trap for us, forgetting WHO is monitoring THEM. Just something to keep in mind. A cunning impersonater probably could study and impersonate Hollywood stars' and PR's handwriting as well as their other mannerisms. He deceives the whole world for a time, so officials would "bungle" rather than go after him. Eventually a judgement will sit and he shall come to his end, "and none shall help him", some translations, Daniel 7, approximately vs 26. It's a popular subject and I personally think rather fascinating. "The prudent keep silence during this time" until his end comes, a lot of things are cleared up, and earth begins to sing.
That was so deep Eagle 1, that I shall have to read it more than once to get the full drift of the magic part of it.

It has been magic, a waving of hands, a paying of legal fees, an out of sight out of mind activity of 10 year duration.

First the coin is in the OTHER hand, then moved to behind the ear, then we discover THERE was no coin at all. Hmmm.

BUT, little JonBenet is indeed dead, and her memory will live forever, in our hearts until we pass on, and in the criminal annals historically forever.

WE do not know that that is a reality or certainty.

Boulder Law Enformcement does not APPEAR to know that, Mary Lacy may suspect it.

BUT SHE did not bone up on the finite details of this case, and spent our taxpayer money to CREATE a diversionary hoopla over Mr. Karr.

So was the expensive hoopla to get the Ramseys off the suspicion display stand, or was it pure ignorance?


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