Is Mel Gibson really like this?

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"Maybe you don't know this about me, but I've got a little bit of a temper," Gibson told Jay Leno. "It's been kind of weird over the past few years - it's like living in a bad B-movie... how did I get here? It is bizarre."

Not directed at Donjeta, just my thoughts on Mel.

Having a "little bit of a temper" is not an ailment. Becoming angry is not something that "happens" to you. You create your emotions not the other way around.

I, too, had quite a temper when younger but patience can be learned. In fact, most of us have to learn patience. We aren't just born with a lot of patience. I don't recall ever meeting a patient baby when they wanted something. JMHO

Mel's rages remind me of a 2 yr old that isn't getting what he wants---right when he wants it.

Learn patience grasshopper is all I can say.

ETA: I agree sobeczar, he shifts blame onto others, justifies and reasons away his bad behaviors. What a pity to be his age and not be able to take responsibility for his own actions and own his own emotions.
I remember seeing a standup comic making fun of "the passion of the Christ".
It was about Mel pitching "the passion of the Christ" to a movie studo.
Mel says: I want to make a film about Jesus Christ.
Studio exec says: Hey, that sounds great! You want to tell the story of how He taught us all to love and respect one another?
Mel says: No, just the final days of His life, when He was betrayed, arrested, tortured, and killed. So what do you think?
studio exec: Um, yeah, we'll get back to you.
I remember seeing a standup comic making fun of "the passion of the Christ".
It was about Mel pitching "the passion of the Christ" to a movie studo.
Mel says: I want to make a film about Jesus Christ.
Studio exec says: Hey, that sounds great! You want to tell the story of how He taught us all to love and respect one another?
Mel says: No, just the final days of His life, when He was betrayed, arrested, tortured, and killed. So what do you think?
studio exec: Um, yeah, we'll get back to you.

Rather a misstep on the part of the comic. Betrayal, arrests/captures, torture and murder are pretty much necessities these days for a lot of filmmakers and studios---these are practically requirements for big box office films. I believe Mel's "passion project" was self financed. I'm sure he was very aware of what type of film would guarantee these most profit.
On a related note, my husband was once talking with a car service driver in Nashville and they were speaking about his celebrity clientele. The driver said in all his years of driving celebrities and artists to and from the airports or around town, the only celebrity that stood out to him as being just a nasty, nasty person was Michael Richards (Kramer--of Seinfeld fame). I remember how it surprised me to hear at the time. I was such a fan of the show. Then years later, he had his own public meltdown during which perhaps his true character was revealed publicly. People's true colors have a way of shining through eventually.
I heard that MG was recently on Leno. What did the crowd do when he walked out? Why wouldn't the audience refuse to applaud and just say BOOOOO! IMO it's insulting to your audience to bring a guest out like that. I feel the same way with a Kardashian guest. That's the best the Leno show could do? Pathetic, IMO. I'd rather see a trained gerbil.
I heard that MG was recently on Leno. What did the crowd do when he walked out? Why wouldn't the audience refuse to applaud and just say BOOOOO! IMO it's insulting to your audience to bring a guest out like that. I feel the same way with a Kardashian guest. That's the best the Leno show could do? Pathetic, IMO. I'd rather see a trained gerbil.

Because the audience is given prompts as to what to do when a quest comes out... and surely if any boo'd or was vocally untoward, the person would have gotten ejected and that part edited out. Those talk shows are well-oiled machines that are usually recorded a good 5 to 6 hours before airing... for all we know they may have boo'd. But going in, the audience knows hours ahead of seating time who is going to be on the show: so those that were in the audience were fine with seeing MG on there.
I won't say this is true of Mel, but a guy I dated in high school had a Dad who was two people. Intelligent and charming when sober, abusive, angry, vulgar etc, etc when drunk. Everyone lived in efar when he drank. More then once their dog came home with me because she had barked the night before and he was drinking threatening to kill her.

When we broke up after 3 years, I called to arrange to pick up some things I had left at their house over the years and Dad answered. At first I was thinking "Oh no", but he was sober and was almost on the verge of tears saying I'd been like a daughter to them and how they would miss me.

My Dad went to their house with me for dinner one year when Dad was down from NY and George was the charming person. Dad said he knew a lot of drinkers who were the salt of the earth sober and horrible drunk. No excuse for it and I am sure the vile they spew has SOME base they keep buried.

I guess what puzzles me about it, is when the Lethal Weapon series began how the talk by all was they were family and they loved working together, the fun and pranks etc. Maybe it was all for the press/publicity, but was a payday really important enough to work with a bigot over and over?

Of course I haven't seen his family leaping to his defense other then his wife saying he wasn't violent, and their silence speaks volumes even if not intended.
Can you give us some examples? Because IMO there is no filmmaker who approaches Michael Moore's level of political vitriol, with the possible exception of Bill Maher (speaking of nasty little men, LOL) with "religulous".

I didn't mean to ignore your question. I just now saw it.

What is the basic story of THE PASSION but how those nasty Jews killed God Himself? In the nastiest possible manner.

What is the basic story of BRAVEHEART but how the virile, heterosexual Scotsman, Wallace, intervened with Princess Isabel and sired the English monarchy when gay, fey Prince Edward couldn't get the job done? NONE OF THAT HAS ANY BASIS in historical accounts; it's all an invention of Gibson and the screenwriters he hired. (There are historical reports that Edward II had a male lover, but nothing indicates he didn't also father his own child.)

Moreover, Gibson has Edward I throw his son's boyfriend out a window and PLAYS IT FOR LAUGHS! If that isn't "political", I don't know what is.

It's true that Michael Moore gets carried away by his own righteous indignation sometimes and you don't have to watch his films, but at least in his own mind, Moore is defending the little guy against the corruption of the powerful.

Bill Maher may mock religious beliefs and perhaps that hurts your feelings. But he doesn't play into centuries-old stereotypes about conniving, homicidal Jews.

Gibson, on the other hand, gives interview after interview bragging about the "realism" of his films without every acknowledging that the verisimilitude is entirely related to surface matters, such as the type of weapons employed. He has no interest whatsoever in historical accuracy concerning matters of gender, race, sexuality, ethnicity or religion, preferring instead to sell the same old blather about white Christian men being victimized by the rest of the world.

And THAT is political, just not as honest as Moore and Maher, who at least admit their points of view (even if you disagree with their conclusions).
To show you how you how much Gibson rewrote history in order to have a romantic interest in Braveheart, here are the actual dates of that time period:

William Wallace born c. 1272
Isabella of France born 1295 (Wallace age 23)
William Wallace resigned guardianship of Scotland 1298 and was thought to be in France from at least Nov 1300 until back in England by 1305,
Wallace died Aug 23, 1305

Information for these dates came from Wikipedia.

On 25 January 1308, Edward married Isabella of France, age 12
Isabella of France died Aug 22 , 1358.

So if Isabella could have had any contact with Wallace she would have had to be ten years old or younger, living in France with her parents.
A) I think all of Christendom thought that until 1965 (Vatican II).
B) Mean, loud, athiests don't hurt my feelings. You and your kind could never hurt my feelings.:seeya:
More on Mel, written by his ex-friend. This guy seems to be riding the money train off of Mel.


Also, noted I read an article a few days ago that Mel Gibson's nutcase Dad who is 93 is filing for divorce from his wife. He states she is trying to end his life and is abusing him by withholding meds from him/ other issues too. I don't care who you are, this is not behavior that is acceptable.


Joe Eszterhas sent a message to his former friend Mel Gibson Wednesday: "Please get some help before someone is hurt, because someone will be hurt."

The screenwriter's plea to the actor-director came during a CNN interview about the book "Heaven and Mel," which Eszterhas wrote about his turbulent relationship with Gibson.

"This is a very human story much broader than Mel," although Gibson is center stage, Eszterhas said.

Book details
Mel Gibson rants
By Alan Duke, CNN
updated 10:08 AM EDT, Thu June 7, 2012
A) I think all of Christendom thought that until 1965 (Vatican II).
B) Mean, loud, athiests don't hurt my feelings. You and your kind could never hurt my feelings.:seeya:

Are you calling me a "mean, loud, atheist"? I know I'm not an atheist and I don't think I'm generally mean or loud. I certainly didn't intend to be unkind to you, PHB.

If I gave you some other impression, I hope you will let me know. (I'm asking not because I'm wounded, but because I genuinely did not intend to offend you.)

P.S. No, my evangelical church taught that humankind killed Jesus Christ. That the individuals involved happened to be Jewish was an accident of geography. I'm aware that different denominations have different teachings, but Christianity doesn't and didn't necessarily require persecution of any other religious or ethnic group.
Just for the record, Joe Esterhaz is a colorful figure who has had his own issues in the past. I'm not sure there is a "sane side" to this feud.
To show you how you how much Gibson rewrote history in order to have a romantic interest in Braveheart, here are the actual dates of that time period:

William Wallace born c. 1272
Isabella of France born 1295 (Wallace age 23)
William Wallace resigned guardianship of Scotland 1298 and was thought to be in France from at least Nov 1300 until back in England by 1305,
Wallace died Aug 23, 1305

Information for these dates came from Wikipedia.

On 25 January 1308, Edward married Isabella of France, age 12
Isabella of France died Aug 22 , 1358.

So if Isabella could have had any contact with Wallace she would have had to be ten years old or younger, living in France with her parents.

Thank you for the more precise info, Redbird. I know it's customary in Hollywood to manipulate history so that the male lead can have some sort of romance with the female lead or at least a hot starlet.

And as I implied above, Hollingshed's Chronicles (the main pre-Elizabethan record of English history) does record that Edward II had a male lover. Christopher Marlowe wrote one of the greatest plays in English literature about it. But none of Hollingshed, Marlowe and the first three Edwards would have shared Gibson's stereotype of of Edward II as a sniveling, cowardly, effeminate queer. Nor would they have assumed Edward II was any less likely to do his kingly duty and produce an heir.

And the defenestration (I love that we have a word that just means "throwing someone out a window") of Edward II's lover for laughs was entirely an invention of Gibson and his film. And that scene was written and filmed AFTER Gibson had made a show of meeting with members of the gay community in Hollywood to hear their concerns about his homophobia.
I didn't mean to ignore your question. I just now saw it.

What is the basic story of THE PASSION but how those nasty Jews killed God Himself? In the nastiest possible manner.

What is the basic story of BRAVEHEART but how the virile, heterosexual Scotsman, Wallace, intervened with Princess Isabel and sired the English monarchy when gay, fey Prince Edward couldn't get the job done? NONE OF THAT HAS ANY BASIS in historical accounts; it's all an invention of Gibson and the screenwriters he hired. (There are historical reports that Edward II had a male lover, but nothing indicates he didn't also father his own child.)

Moreover, Gibson has Edward I throw his son's boyfriend out a window and PLAYS IT FOR LAUGHS! If that isn't "political", I don't know what is.

It's true that Michael Moore gets carried away by his own righteous indignation sometimes and you don't have to watch his films, but at least in his own mind, Moore is defending the little guy against the corruption of the powerful.

Bill Maher may mock religious beliefs and perhaps that hurts your feelings. But he doesn't play into centuries-old stereotypes about conniving, homicidal Jews.

Gibson, on the other hand, gives interview after interview bragging about the "realism" of his films without every acknowledging that the verisimilitude is entirely related to surface matters, such as the type of weapons employed. He has no interest whatsoever in historical accuracy concerning matters of gender, race, sexuality, ethnicity or religion, preferring instead to sell the same old blather about white Christian men being victimized by the rest of the world.

And THAT is political, just not as honest as Moore and Maher, who at least admit their points of view (even if you disagree with their conclusions).
BBM. Excellent post!!!:goodpost::clap::clap::clap:

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