Is the state's case effective so far?

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It's getting better- today they established that George couldn't have been there when Caylee "drowned" or he wouldn't have been asking her about Caylee on June 24th. Also they established the party pix, Caylee alone on the balcony, and the shovel, and the bruise under Caylee's eye, and sleeping in the same bed as Ricardo!
George also established Casey's temper when she threw the "f*ing" gas cans at him. Also, George had shovels in the shed, so why the need to borrow the neighbor's shovel? The neighbor also established that she backed the car in, and now that she wouldn't let Tony or George see into the trunk implies a secret.

Hang in there and have faith, these are established prosecutors!

Let's also not forget some of the excellent testimony from ME today, not least of which was this direct quote from ICA: "I'm such a good liar."

I think they have done a great job in showing that KC is a liar and pretty much acted the same way after her daughter died (no matter what cause) as she did before Caylee died.

I also think they did a good job of showing that surely if GA is going to call the police about stolen gas cans, that he would have definately called them if Caylee had drowned.
I can't wait till the jailhouse videos are brought in. Or the phone call---- *Nobody cares about me, all they care about is getting Caylee back!* (paraphrased) And when Kristina is bawling on the phone trying to get Casey to cooperate, and Casey isn't shedding a tear, but instead is mad at her friend?! That does not and will not help this abuse excuse angle. That someone else is hysterical over Caylee and Casey wasn't? All she cared about was getting Tony's number from Lee so she could call him? Ugly coping? Riiigghhhht.......
We may hear a lot more about the duct tape and accusations against George using it. Baez may try to say that George got it at the search center. There's already been mention of it being used on a missing poster .
The State is doing a great job. They are methodical in their presentations of witness/evidence and I can't wait for the forensics to come in...I think ICA has done another universal and has her back up against the wall...I can't wait for those walls to come tumbling down....:maddening:


Justice for Caylee
I'm tired of hearing all the news shows claiming that the DT seems to be putting on the better case at this point, while the state is kind of plodding along slowly.

It really doesn't matter that the DT came into this case like a bull entering the ring (and it's foolish of the bull to assume that the matador doesn't have anything up his sleeve).

The team that scores the winning point late in the game is nonetheless the winner.
mallory's testimony did NOTHING for the state

and only showed that SHE thought ICA was a great mom and had an "amazing" "sniff sniff" relationship with Caylee.

oh yeah, and that she and LA went looking for ICA one night at the request of CINDY, not George, even though the statement/question by JB was stricken.

the state did not even cross on the insinuation that GA was not involved in the decision to have LA and Mallory look for ICA.

they left it hanging, no response, other than having the statement/question stricken.

still the implication was clear: GA did not participate in getting them to look for ICA.

damaging, imo.
According to Geraldo, the State pros. are doing just fine.

Geraldo Rivera says prosecution portraying Casey Anthony as a '*advertiser censored*'

“I think the prosecution has... done an excellent job in what I call the “slutification” process. They have really portrayed Casey Anthony effectively, I think, as someone who is heartless, selfish, narcissistic, self-involved,” Fox News TV host Rivera said on the cable show 'Fox and Friends.'
According to Geraldo, the State pros. are doing just fine.

Haven't read the article yet, but find it kinda funny that he says the state "portrays" her as such. Through her actions, she portrayed her own self over and over and over.
According to Geraldo, the State pros. are doing just fine.

Geraldo's opinion is questionable to say the least.

The State is doing an excellent job presenting the real ICA. She wasn't home knitting Caylee sweaters before, during, or after. She was obsessed with lying and stealing and lots of men.

I'm looking to the State to present ICA's motives. She wasn't really into being a mother, hated her parents and robbed them blind, wanted the beautiful life, and was late for a date with Tony. ICA's actions support this as a motive.

The State is going over the facts, just the facts of Casey's where abouts. They have gone over what a typical mother was doing in the months before her child died, during, and after. It is necessary to do this for the jurors. Geraldo forgets all the evidence that supports this not being an accident, and that ICA was never going to report her daughter missing.
I respectfully disagree. I think GA makes a great witness for the prosecution. Here's an example: this is the first time I've heard anyone suggest that GA said in an interview that he didn't put the duct tape on the older gas can. Had GA not offered the added info today that the gas can was taken by LE not once, but twice, and that when it came back the 2nd time, there was fingerprint dust and different duct tape on the can , I would have thought...oh man, he's lying about not putting the duct tape on the can. In actuality, what GA is saying is that he put duct tape on the can to cover the vent when the cap went missing, but that he was shown another picture of the can in LE interview, and there was ANOTHER piece of duct tape on it that he didn't put there. Hence why he said, "I didn't put that duct tape on there". As someone just hearing this info for the first time, GA's added commentary made a HUGE difference in how I percieved his answer wrt truthfulness. JB wanted the jury to take GA's statement about not putting the duct tape on the can at face value. GA wasn't allowing that. Good for him.


Yeah, I couldn't figure out why he went so berserk in his depo insisting he was right about the piece of duct tape, as if he were accusing LE of doing it. I think he meant he put the original piece of duct tape on the can (before it was stolen from the shed) and when it came back from being processed it had a piece of duct tape on it that he had not applied (meaning perhaps that ICA had replaced it?). Is that what you are getting at? If so, that makes perfect sense. It would mean somebody had used the cans, replaced the tape and returned them (with a "here's your f---ing cans!" epithet).
Not sure the best place to put this, but just wanted to say
I love Linda Drane Burdick! She is so professional, such an attractive, articulate, classy lady, and is doing a wonderful job! Thank you LDB! It is beautiful to see someone finally doing right by little Caylee.

The rest of the SA rocks too, but in re-watching LDB a little while ago, I was just overcome with what a great advocate Caylee has in this fine lady.
I think the SA's case is so much effective than the DT's case.... SA's is factual and realistic.....DT's is so exaggerated and me it's plain as day, the DT is just trying to throw everything but the kitchen sink to the jury, which shows desperation and lies,lies and more lies.
I think the SA has missed a lot of valid points that should have been brought out. For example, they never addressed Tony's conversation with Casey how when he had children he wanted boys, not girls. That's just one. Also, they didn't give GA the opportunity to answer why he did not call 911 at the impound lot. I think he was to shook to answer that when JB asked, but if given the opportunity, he was upset, knew CA was talking to ICA and just wanted to get the car home and get things straightened out. I think they missed opportunities with Mallory as well. I hope somehow they can wrap things back in.
I wish they would let LDB and JA do the questioning. They are quicker to see where the DT is going than FG. I'm not impressed with FG.
I'm tired of hearing all the news shows claiming that the DT seems to be putting on the better case at this point, while the state is kind of plodding along slowly.

It really doesn't matter that the DT came into this case like a bull entering the ring (and it's foolish of the bull to assume that the matador doesn't have anything up his sleeve).

The team that scores the winning point late in the game is nonetheless the winner.

Don't forget that some of those 'crime' shows such as JVM present scant factual information, mostly 55 minutes of hype interrupted by commercials, with a short story right at the end... she invariably has overwhelmingly defense oriented opinions on her panel, and sometimes she puts outrageous suggestions out there just to cause controversy, because that generates phone calls and emails, and keeps viewers on the hook.
I think the SA has missed a lot of valid points that should have been brought out. For example, they never addressed Tony's conversation with Casey how when he had children he wanted boys, not girls. That's just one. Also, they didn't give GA the opportunity to answer why he did not call 911 at the impound lot. I think he was to shook to answer that when JB asked, but if given the opportunity, he was upset, knew CA was talking to ICA and just wanted to get the car home and get things straightened out. I think they missed opportunities with Mallory as well. I hope somehow they can wrap things back in.

We have only seen the very beginning of the states brick by brick by brick (circumstantial, but tremendous evidence nevertheless) case.

I wish Patience for us all......but mostly Justice for Caylee Marie Anthony - - - however long it takes!!!!!:rocker:
The SA is just getting started. The first couple of days I was a bit concerned, but now I feel like it's coming together.

I'm anxious to see if KC is going to testify. She's painted herself into a corner, and IMO she's got to testify to support the DT theory. Of course, the prosecution will tear her to shreds over and over again. Like all narcissists, KC will think if only she could explain things, then everyone will understand and we can all pack up and go home. Unfortunately for KC, when it's all over, she'll go off to languish in prison rather than hit the beach like she once stated.
Just wait until the LE detectives get to tell about the investigation! I think the jury will get it when it's all been said and done.

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