Is the Story about the gun in Misty's

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And wasn't it said somewhere that Misty slept with a gun under her pillow? Was this the 9mm beretta perhaps?
if so please ignore!
Of course the gun had a safety or was not loaded cause Ron had to know the laws regarding loaded firarms and children. We all know MC would never break the law!!!! Keeping a loaded weapon under her pillow where she slept with small children could be disastrous! ~ she wouldn't do that now would she?

A person who stores or leaves a loaded firearm within the reach or easy access of a minor who obtains the firearm and commits a violation of subparagraph 1. commits a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083; except that this does not apply if the firearm was stored or left in a securely locked box or container or in a location which a reasonable person would have believed to be secure

I have several questions regarding the mystery of the gun and will post my thoughts in a couple of posts to see what your thoughts are. The gun, blanket and rose bug me to no end.

1. Just wondering here, not insinuating anything:
Why would Ron hide the gun period ... why not lock it up with the others at ggms house? Did he hide it because he feared LE may connect him with the gun that was used in the commission of a crime, when Ron ripped off the drug dealers? Was Joe, Timmy AND Ron involved in this robbery to get drugs and money? Is that what all the secrets are really all about with this gun? Did Joe want that gun to use as collateral for his share of the money and drugs Ron owed him? Why was Joe so angry with Ron? Did he threaten Ron that if he didn’t pay up, he was going to tell LE about the robbery perhaps? For what reason would Ron clean this gun other than if it had been fired. Did something go wrong with the robbery and someone was shot and/or killed? Was Ron afraid Joe would blackmail him?
2. Just wondering here, not insinuating anything:
Why would LE take this gun? I realize that Ron said he would shoot out the patrol car window, but obtaining another gun is not a difficult task (Ron said Orlando could get him another one). Did hearing that he had a 9mm click with LE with the recent drug-related crime they were investigating at the time?
If Joe was with Ron when he committed a crime with the gun, he would have no reason to retaliate with Haleigh, all he would have to do is go to LE. Unless Joe was the triggerman … and I doubt that Ron would protect Joe over “Daddy’s little girl.” Big shot Ron already stated he is not afraid of going to prison.
3. Just wondering here, not insinuating anything:
It is possible that Ron hid the gun from LE and told Misty that Joe stole it when she asked him where it was? It sounds like Misty believed this as she was at someone else’s house looking for the gun. As she was leaving and her search unsuccessful, Ron had a brilliant bombshell for her to look in the “culbert” and amazingly there it was! She may have threatened to go to LE claiming Joe had stolen it and that is why he let her find it to keep her mouth shut. Misty may not have had knowledge of the robbery as she was out with Nay and WBG during the time it occurred. I suspect Misty told TN the story of finding the stolen gun and that is why TN brought it up to the media. (This explains why Ron denied it.)
4. Just wondering here, not insinuating anything:
We know that Tom has stated that robbing someone is not his style - is it possible that Joe told him about what he, Ron (and possibly Timmy) had done? Is this where ratgate and threats to Tom’s kids come into play? If this is the case, Tom certainly knows what Ron is capable of and he could in fact be in fear for himself and his family. Is that why Tom recently tried to get Joe questioned by LE so he would talk about Ron’s involvement in the robbery? Or Does Tom think it is possible that Joe could have taken HC for revenge because Ron ripped him off?
Does Misty think Joe took HC in place of the gun? (To an adult this seems highly unlikely, but Misty doesn’t know the whole story about the robbery/shooting.) Misty only knew how angry Joe was with Ron and not being able to find the gun. She is just trying to fit the pieces together and figure out who would have motive to take HC. She knew that he had previously taken the gun.
OR, Did Ron at one point tell Misty about the robbery/shooting and claim that it was Timmy that shot the person? Is that who Misty is protecting here? She knows why HC was taken, but can’t say because it will implicate Timmy in a crime/murder?
There is a reason Ron denied any altercations with Joe; almost as if he did NOT want to raise suspicions.
5. Just wondering here, not insinuating anything:
Does Ron know that those responsible for taking HC are in retribution for the robbery and/or killing? Why is Timmy afraid to come back to Putnam County? I doubt very seriously that Ron wants Joe to be questioned by LE as he just MAY spill the beans about what he knows, even though he was an accomplice, or a witness. (Did Timmy, Ron and Joe throw this body to the alligators? Does that explain the blood and the scratches on the van?) We know of one missing person from around that time and I wonder if it had anything to do with this possible scenario. (make that two, both rso)
Is Misty the key because LE assumes she has knowledge of those involved. There is a reason LE was watching the drug activity of Ron and Misty, I wonder if it is to see if it involved the same people.
Seems like the more I learn, the more questions are raised! This case is driving me bonkers with every passing day. Blessings to HaLeigh and those who love her!
3. Just wondering here, not insinuating anything:
It is possible that Ron hid the gun from LE and told Misty that Joe stole it when she asked him where it was? It sounds like Misty believed this as she was at someone else’s house looking for the gun. As she was leaving and her search unsuccessful, Ron had a brilliant bombshell for her to look in the “culbert” and amazingly there it was! She may have threatened to go to LE claiming Joe had stolen it and that is why he let her find it to keep her mouth shut. Misty may not have had knowledge of the robbery as she was out with Nay and WBG during the time it occurred. I suspect Misty told TN the story of finding the stolen gun and that is why TN brought it up to the media. (This explains why Ron denied it.)

I would guess that for whatever reason the gun Ron had was "HOT" or stolen. All LE would have to do is check the serial # to find out or look to see that the serial # had been "rubbed" out. If that is the case LE never got the actual gun MC was referring to. If the gun was registered ro RC why hide it if he legally owned it. Guns do get traced back to their original owners....

In adddition... having a loaded gun in the MH with 2 small children (well 3 children counting MC) is a NO-NO! unless it is locked in a safe or the gun and the ammo are seperated.

IMO the GUN is a red herring... BUT needed to NOT be in the residence when LE showed up to search the premises. Unless it had been used in a crime....
but IMO with "blow back" even the most skilled cleaning of a gun that has been used in say "shooting" someone still has minute fragments that are still left... MOO

I would add that MC was a little too young and a little too naieve-sp to realize the real reason for getting the gun out of the MH. SHE WAS ALSO a juvenille (under the age of 18) and could not legally OWN or SLEEP WITH a LOADED GUN under her pillow!!!! SO she prob should not have said that. Did LE chose to ignore her statement???? Maybe this was why RC poo-pood the whole "gun story" cause he didn't need anymore trouble?

IMO the gun plays no part from the time Haleigh got off the bus until RC got home at 3:23am.
MAYBE in the day or days before... IDK
all MOO!
2. Just wondering here, not insinuating anything:
Why would LE take this gun? I realize that Ron said he would shoot out the patrol car window, but obtaining another gun is not a difficult task (Ron said Orlando could get him another one). Did hearing that he had a 9mm click with LE with the recent drug-related crime they were investigating at the time?
If Joe was with Ron when he committed a crime with the gun, he would have no reason to retaliate with Haleigh, all he would have to do is go to LE. Unless Joe was the triggerman … and I doubt that Ron would protect Joe over “Daddy’s little girl.” Big shot Ron already stated he is not afraid of going to prison.

Unless Joe was the triggerman in a crime unrelated to Haleigh, Ronald knows about it and kept it quiet.

IF Ronald is responsible for his daughters death, and Joe knows it, do you think he would tell on Ronald? I don't. If Joe told on Ronald for murdering his daughter, Ronald would tell who Joe murdered (with the gun Ronald was hiding/protecting), they both go down. So, I guess they are even now...
2. Just wondering here, not insinuating anything:
Why would LE take this gun? I realize that Ron said he would shoot out the patrol car window, but obtaining another gun is not a difficult task (Ron said Orlando could get him another one). Did hearing that he had a 9mm click with LE with the recent drug-related crime they were investigating at the time?
If Joe was with Ron when he committed a crime with the gun, he would have no reason to retaliate with Haleigh, all he would have to do is go to LE. Unless Joe was the triggerman … and I doubt that Ron would protect Joe over “Daddy’s little girl.” Big shot Ron already stated he is not afraid of going to prison.

In the event RC's gun was used on a person...

JO or RC being the trigger man is no big deal. Prints can be wiped off.
Why would RC wipe JO's prints off a gun that JO fired? He would want to make JO out to be the trigger man wouldn't he? BUT RC wiped the gun clean right? or so we hear.

If RC'S gun was used this is what he will need to explain. AND if JO had it he can't right? (*EXCEPT* he wiped JO's prints off) and I bet the gun is registered to RC.

Shots fired at very close range can also cause internal muzzle staining. When this happens, the victim's blood is sucked back into the gun's muzzle by the cooling of the explosive gases that are released when a short is fired. Testing the gun's muzzle for blood can provide an additional clue to solve a case.
Police report last year, Croslin complaint against Ron when they went to GGM's to get Misty after she reportedly called them in distress, stated "Ron Cummings is known to carry a gun at all times."
I'm right there with you B4.. I believe that the gun story is all about what happened...I believe that Ron, Joe and who ever sat around drinking beers and talking about selling their drugs, which I believe Joe brought from TN. Talking turned into bragging as Ron loves to do.. Ron calls them out and says lets rip off a dope boy.. So they do..Maybe it was RSO C.R. missing still today... "THE GUN" was fired and killed someone, the body was taken to Shell Harbor to dispose of, tied to cinder blocks.. They swear to secretcy...Misty goes off on her 3 day binge a couple of weeks later, pi$$ed as can be at Ron, and rats him out.. People at the party were friends with the guy who was shot, and disappeared.. I really don't think that the gun that LE has is the same gun that was used in the murder!!
I'm right there with you B4.. I believe that the gun story is all about what happened...I believe that Ron, Joe and who ever sat around drinking beers and talking about selling their drugs, which I believe Joe brought from TN. Talking turned into bragging as Ron loves to do.. Ron calls them out and says lets rip off a dope boy.. So they do..Maybe it was RSO C.R. missing still today... "THE GUN" was fired and killed someone, the body was taken to Shell Harbor to dispose of, tied to cinder blocks.. They swear to secretcy...Misty goes off on her 3 day binge a couple of weeks later, pi$$ed as can be at Ron, and rats him out.. People at the party were friends with the guy who was shot, and disappeared.. I really don't think that the gun that LE has is the same gun that was used in the murder!!

True CR is still missing, but no one was else ever reported?
Any young (er) folks die in early Feb 09 under odd circumstances... say OD, hit by a car... drowning? Maybe GER could remember?
If thrown in the river a body never came to the surface...
eventually it would disarticulate if only tied down with rope...
No way Ron would turn over "The Gun" if used in a "hit" no way!
maybe the gun was used to make someone 'do" something else? MOO
I know of two missing rso's and one death by subj being hit/killed by a car @ Dunn's Bridge (doubt this has anything to do w/players (Dunn's), but suspcious to me for other reasons) around the 2-09 date
I know of two missing rso's and one death by subj being hit/killed by a car @ Dunn's Bridge (doubt this has anything to do w/players (Dunn's), but suspcious to me for other reasons) around the 2-09 date

Thank You! That's it! :dance: Off to the Theories thread!
Elle, I believe you're dead on about the gun. Like you stated it was NOT the night before Haleigh went missing, as some have said, but rather when Joe first arrived in Satsuma a couple weeks prior. It was the handgun that Misty eventually found(with help from Ron on cell phone)in the culvert(ToC, LC describe it as a hidden spot under a drainage pipe). This event(Joe stealing handgun) is what Ron is speaking about in the Cobra tapes, where he states about crushing his hands so that Joe would never even be capable of stealing from anyone again... Before that handgun was stolen Ron had Timmy, Tommy, and Joe in the mh to have a look at his gun collection(basically for Ron to brag, IMO) this perhaps is when Joe steals the handgun or soon there after. Its also at this time when he proudly shows them his prized gun, which has been referred to as an assault rifle and also called a machine gun. It is this "prized" gun that Joe(& Tommy) go to steal from the mh that night when Misty is babysitting Haleigh and JR. (which it has now been said, by Misty herself in the released jail letter, that the three of them were in cahoots to steal and split the profits)..If you remember Werter refers to this gun also on NG, but has changed the story to now say that Joe&Tommy were just going to "borrow" this high powered rifle to go deer hunting at night.IMO, this is because if a death occurs during the perpertration of a felony, I believe it then qualifies for DP. So, of course Werter has to change the story to fit his clients(ToC) best interest... But much to everyone's dismay, once there in the mh, Misty discovers that the "prized" assault rifle is NOT in the closet where it is usually kept(IMO, Ron removed his guns of GREAT importance after joe stole the handgun and had them stored elsewhere until Joe went back home to Tennessee) But whatever the reason the rifle was NOT in the mh that night. According to Werter Joe goes crazy cuz the guns not there for him to "borrow" and in this rage kills Haleigh. I do NOT believe it took place that way.. I think the scenario that I believe happened is NOT unbelievable&NOT fit together with the other puzzle pieces, as Werter's scenario does. The scenario I believe happened DOES make sense, DOES fit with all the pieces to this puzzle, and is no movie like plot gone wrong! Infact it came down to greed, anger, jealousy, and revenge and two men who's egos cost this little girl her life(Ron&Joe)...

I did not feel it was neccessary to post a repeat of links when each part has already been discussed in separate threads and posts already provided with their appropriate links...

Elle, I too wholeheartedly agree that it all comes down to what happened and didnt happen with these guns and I hope and pray:praying: that LE soon will have all that they need to prove what happened that night, then FINALLY :Justice: for our precious Haleigh!
Somebody’s lying. I don’t know if it’s Ronald Cummings, a family member, or a reporter, but somebody’s lying:

SATSUMA, FL -- Family members of Ronald Cummings say he got into a fight with another man over a gun one day before his daughter disappeared.

A relative told First Coast News Cummings accused the other man of stealing a gun. The relative could not remember the name of the man or where the fight happened.

The relative said the man disappeared the next day and the gun was found in a ditch.

Neves said "Joe" and Ronald Cummings got into a fight over a gun during his visit, and that the cousin left town the same day Haleigh disappeared.

But Cummings denies that fight ever happened.

"There was no fight with no cousin over a gun," he told,2933,498704,00.html


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