Is there any possibility of a Plea Deal on the Murder Charges?

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Do you think this case will end in a plea agreement?

  • Yes

    Votes: 81 44.8%
  • no

    Votes: 100 55.2%

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I don't think so. Firstly, why should she take a deal when it will be necessary for her to admit guilt, which will give her an automatic LIFE sentence. And life means life in Florida.

Her chances of being sent to death are fairly slim, imo. She is too pretty, too tiny, too young; they won't do it here.

I realize this may tick some off, but it is just my opinion and I think she has a very good chance of LWOP in this case.

It is Florida, not Texas and as horrendous as the case is, KC has a very good chance of sympthathy when the defense starts talking about her dysfunctional family.

She won't plea. She doesn't need to. IMO

Also, she is a sociopath who is a narcicisst (sp?) and she does not want to get up there and tell the world what she did to a 3 year old and then go to prison and wait for the backlash.

she could plea nolo contendre I believe and save herself the stress of a trial without technically admitting guilt.
Cindy has no say in this plea deal at all. None. KC barely acknowledges her in court.

And the state has no reason to go for a plea deal unless KC is willing to admit and say everything she did and how she did it and exactly how Caylee died. She won't do that. Sociopaths believe they are immune since you didn't see me, you can't prove it.

With respect intended....I think Cindy has more to do with what will go on more then you think. There is no way she would let ANYTHING grow beyond her control. When it boils down to Cindy taking the stand and getting thrashed about by the SA, I'll bet she tries to talk Baez into speaking to KC about a deal.

But it's cool...we just agree to disagree:seeya:
With respect intended....I think Cindy has more to do with what will go on more then you think. There is no way she would let ANYTHING grow beyond her control. When it boils down to Cindy taking the stand and getting thrashed about by the SA, I'll bet she tries to talk Baez into speaking to KC about a deal.

But it's cool...we just agree to disagree:seeya:

She is not going to thrash anyone on the stand. The only reason she is doing what she is doing is because she dropped the ball and the child is dead. In order for her to live with herself, she has to say KC didn't do it. KC would never do it. Someone else did it. KC is a wonderful mother and I am a wonderful grandmother. We loved that child. Otherwise, she has to admit that KC the sociopath, as Cindy referred to her, killed the child and since she never went for custody, she did not take care of Caylee. She will never admit that.
she could plea nolo contendre I believe and save herself the stress of a trial without technically admitting guilt.

I don't think so. Not in a case of this magnitude. She will have to say exactly what happened. She won't do it.
KC can plea at any, during jury selection, on first day of trial, on last day of trial....

But I will be shocked if they have a tentative plea agreement working but wait until May(and many MORE deadlines) before presenting any agreement to the court.


IIRC ICA can plead out any time until the Jury is ready to return with a verdict.

If there is a plea in the works initiated by the Defense then the SA are going to play hard ball. The Defense negotiation position is very weak.

CM and JB might want an out but will ICA buy it or just roll the dice? A DP sentence affords her automatic appeals and a better chance of a technicality or something at least causing a re-trial.

If I was to bet on this I'd bet ICA goes for appeals after conviction and defiant martyrdom. It is never over in Anthonyland....
She is not going to thrash anyone on the stand. The only reason she is doing what she is doing is because she dropped the ball and the child is dead. In order for her to live with herself, she has to say KC didn't do it. KC would never do it. Someone else did it. KC is a wonderful mother and I am a wonderful grandmother. We loved that child. Otherwise, she has to admit that KC the sociopath, as Cindy referred to her, killed the child and since she never went for custody, she did not take care of Caylee. She will never admit that.

As I said ...we agree to disagree. Just my opinion and :twocents:
What if she was able to spin a tale about an accidental death? Surely she would not get LWP for that. Of course then she would have to admit that she used the duct tape to derail the investigation. (Not saying this is what actually happened, just a "What If".
I don't think so. Not in a case of this magnitude. She will have to say exactly what happened. She won't do it.

Yes she can. At any given point, she can change her plea to nolo contendre (no contest)

But a no-contest plea has advantages for both the court and the defendant. For the court, it offers a quick resolution to a potentially troublesome case.

For a criminal defendant, pleading no contest enables him to deny the act at a later civil trial. An accused may find this useful when the criminal penalties are light compared to the cost of a trial, but the potential civil penalties are great.

In some cases it's possible to enter a plea of no contest while actively proclaiming your innocence, as Ms. Soliah tried to do. We learn this from a case involving one Alford, accused of first-degree murder in North Carolina in 1963. While protesting his innocence, Alford pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of second degree murder to avoid the death penalty. He later tried to vacate his plea, claiming that it was coerced by fear of the death penalty. The Supreme Court ultimately heard the case and decided that a defendant may conclude that his best interests lie in pleading guilty to a lesser charge while maintaining his innocence, and that this alone does not make his plea coerced. The state does not have to accept such a plea, but it may accept it without constitutional defect.
Wouldn't it have been interesting, ok....wonderful...if Cheney Mason wanted a side bar to alert the judge that at 4:59 pm today he was to file his motion to withdraw as counsel for Casey Marie Anthony?

In the World According to Julia anything can happen.....if Mason can use my SNL skit references, especially.

Thanks to Nums for posting the videos. I just watched , and there is nothing to get excited over, they are simply going over schedules, I am certain of it. MOO

What I want to know is if anyone is aware of the dates that the state deposed Ricardo and Amy? Unless it were done by State Investigative Subpoena, the defense would have been present, so it is not as if they remain unaware of what those two could testify to, right? I do not expect to hear from Anthony R or Uncle Rick at the trial so I doubt that the state deposed them, they aren't on their witness list. If they did, it was likely brief. If the defense already has the state depo transcripts of Ricardo and Amy, them deposing them now may be just some follow up questions. If they do not have that, and they did not sit in on earlier q and a sesions, then it is egregious, indeed that they are leaving them for last. What could be more important than her whereabouts witnesses for the 31 days? You just can't make this stuff up!!!

I started laughing when someone said be nice to Amy fellas, she is on your penalty phase witness list. The funny thing is poor Mrs. Finnell not only could not muster up willing participants, she feared, imo, some of these folks would wind up on the evening news with this what the hell, has the whole world gone mad look on their faces when the reporter asks what they are going to be able to add to help out Casey in the dp phase. It is both laughable and offensive at the same time some of the names that are on there, but for perfunctory reasons they have to add them.

I noticed the judge pointed out that perhaps the defense may want Mrs. Finnell questioning the jurors. I'll say.

NOTE TO DEFENSE: Take the judge at his word, do not waste time on your jury questionnaire and your list of would be objections to the jury pool location. Put a dark line through that on your list. The judge is on to the next!!! Hear him, believe him, it is done! Get back to work on the dogs, the smell in the trunk, the hair....anything else.
Wouldn't it have been interesting, ok....wonderful...if Cheney Mason wanted a side bar to alert the judge that at 4:59 pm today he was to file his motion to withdraw as counsel for Casey Marie Anthony?

In the World According to Julia anything can happen.....if Mason can use my SNL skit references, especially.

Thanks to Nums for posting the videos. I just watched , and there is nothing to get excited over, they are simply going over schedules, I am certain of it. MOO

What I want to know is if anyone is aware of the dates that the state deposed Ricardo and Amy? The defense would have had been present, so it is not as if they remain unaware of what those two could testify to, right? I do not expect to hear from Anthony R or Uncle Rick at the trial so I doubt that the state deposed them, they aren't on their witness list. Is that correct? If the defense already has the state depo transcripts of Ricardo and Amy, them deposing them now may be just some follow up questions. If they do not have that, and they did not set in on earlier q and a sesions, then it is egegious, indeed that they are leaving them for last. What could be more important than her whereabouts witnesses for the 31 days?

I started laughing when someone said be nice to Amy fellas, she is on your penalty phase witness list. The funny thing is poor Mrs. Finnell not only could not muster up willing participants, she feared, imo, some of these folks would wind up on the evening news with this what the hell, has the whole world gone mad look on their faces when the reporter asks what they are going to be able to add to help out Casey in the dp phase. It is both laughable and offensive at the same time some of the names that are on there, but for perfunctory reasons they have to add them.

I noticed the judge pointed out that perhaps the defense may want Mrs. Finnell questioning hte jurors. I'll say.
ITA...if they're meeting as we speak, it's to make nice and do what the judge requested. I don't like the idea of fining someone and then taking it back...but if it moves the defense along and somehow controls their nonsense then the sanctions served a purpose.
Wouldn't it have been interesting, ok....wonderful...if Cheney Mason wanted a side bar to alert the judge that at 4:59 pm today he was to file his motion to withdraw as counsel for Casey Marie Anthony?

In the World According to Julia anything can happen.....if Mason can use my SNL skit references, especially.

Thanks to Nums for posting the videos. I just watched , and there is nothing to get excited over, they are simply going over schedules, I am certain of it. MOO

What I want to know is if anyone is aware of the dates that the state deposed Ricardo and Amy? Unless it were done by State Investigative Subpoena, the defense would have been present, so it is not as if they remain unaware of what those two could testify to, right? I do not expect to hear from Anthony R or Uncle Rick at the trial so I doubt that the state deposed them, they aren't on their witness list. If they did, it was likely brief. If the defense already has the state depo transcripts of Ricardo and Amy, them deposing them now may be just some follow up questions. If they do not have that, and they did not sit in on earlier q and a sesions, then it is egregious, indeed that they are leaving them for last. What could be more important than her whereabouts witnesses for the 31 days? You just can't make this stuff up!!!

I started laughing when someone said be nice to Amy fellas, she is on your penalty phase witness list. The funny thing is poor Mrs. Finnell not only could not muster up willing participants, she feared, imo, some of these folks would wind up on the evening news with this what the hell, has the whole world gone mad look on their faces when the reporter asks what they are going to be able to add to help out Casey in the dp phase. It is both laughable and offensive at the same time some of the names that are on there, but for perfunctory reasons they have to add them.

I noticed the judge pointed out that perhaps the defense may want Mrs. Finnell questioning the jurors. I'll say.

NOTE TO DEFENSE: Take the judge at his word, do not waste time on your jury questionnaire and your list of would be objections to the jury pool location. Put a dark line through that on your list. The judge is on to the next!!! Hear him, believe him, it is done! Get back to work on the dogs, the smell in the trunk, the hair....anything else.

Wait, AH is on the defense penalty phase witness list? How did I miss that? Was it published? And lol at the snl reference...wasn't actually the judge who said it's like SNL? And then later I saw you had mentioned SNL last night!
Yes she can. At any given point, she can change her plea to nolo contendre (no contest)

But a no-contest plea has advantages for both the court and the defendant. For the court, it offers a quick resolution to a potentially troublesome case.

For a criminal defendant, pleading no contest enables him to deny the act at a later civil trial. An accused may find this useful when the criminal penalties are light compared to the cost of a trial, but the potential civil penalties are great.

In some cases it's possible to enter a plea of no contest while actively proclaiming your innocence, as Ms. Soliah tried to do. We learn this from a case involving one Alford, accused of first-degree murder in North Carolina in 1963. While protesting his innocence, Alford pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of second degree murder to avoid the death penalty. He later tried to vacate his plea, claiming that it was coerced by fear of the death penalty. The Supreme Court ultimately heard the case and decided that a defendant may conclude that his best interests lie in pleading guilty to a lesser charge while maintaining his innocence, and that this alone does not make his plea coerced. The state does not have to accept such a plea, but it may accept it without constitutional defect.

I thought defendants had to have permission to plead that.
I cannot see Casey taking a Plea an if she does it better be LWOP few years that she will be out in 20..
I can't see Baez wanting it, because what will he do if this happened..????No Life, No Clients (unless they are stupid):floorlaugh: I know alot of posters are jumping on the Plea wagon. I just don't see it..I want a TRIAL to hear everything an see The "A"s sweat..:woohoo:
I want justice for Caylee.

Bella reminds me of Caylee a bit, although we never saw her truly seem happy in her photos.


Just so long as Casey can never be free to hurt another child, I am ok with her pleading guilty. The circus trial isnt the justice, the justice is the result, right?
The possibility of a plea seems so logical because of the "loss" of all her big deal lawyers (Lyon, Baden, Lee etc) plus the no reports from experts thing. I listened to an old youTube with Greta Van S was from a long time ago. She indicated the Anthony case will be a "slow plea". I googled "slow plea" and I got various answers for what it meant. However, this interview with Greta was prior to the Death Penalty being put on the table, I believe. "Slow Plea" is a legitimate legal term and apparently has to do with pleading not guilty while knowing and acknowledging that a guilty verdict is likely. It also has to do with the Judge being in charge of the sentence instead of jurors(?). Well, it is clear that the "tone" in the courtroom yesterday seemed different than it has in the past. Everyone is thinking that something is afoot. The energy is just really different.
What is afoot?
I'm thinking Alford plea, but then again I can't see ICA giving up the starring role in her trial either. I think that will be the high spot in her dreary little life.
Could the change in tone in the courtroom simply be because Casey was not there? HHJP a little more relaxed, fewer armed officers, no need for the defense duo to put on a show for their client, JA & LDB maybe not as somber and stern-looking? I think Casey's absence lightened the mood for all.

IMO, Casey will never, ever admit she murdered Caylee. I will eat my keyboard if it happens. I think there's a slim possibility of a no contest plea (won't eat my keyboard) but I doubt it.
I'm thinking Alford plea, but then again I can't see ICA giving up the starring role in her trial either. I think that will be the high spot in her dreary little life.

Let's hope someone/anyone on her team described the difference between life in prison compared to DP where her situation will be no different than what she has now but without the team visiting her. She will be secluded with no one to talk to for years. In the general population she will make friends and some not so friends but my guess is she will be popular. Somethings are better than nothing. jmo

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