Is there any possibility of a Plea Deal on the Murder Charges?

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Do you think this case will end in a plea agreement?

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I was watching some show the other night and the person entered a plea that I think meant they still claimed innocence but admitted the State had enough evidence to convict. Was it called an Alford plea? Is there a chance of that?

ETA: Oops should have looked up the page before asking that. I guess IS called an Alford Plea.
IMO there is a big difference between Casey accepting a plea deal in the check fraud case and possibly accepting a plea deal in the murder case. In the check fraud case there was ample direct evidence to prove that she was in fact guilty. We had the videos of her purchases, her signature on the checks, etc. Very difficult to argue against those when it is solid proof for a jury that she is guilty. With the murder case we do not have direct evidence (that we know of) to point to her guilt. There are no fingerprints on the duct tape that we know of. There is no video of Casey killing Caylee. There is no witness to the crime. It will be easier for Casey to think that she will be found not guilty because of these things. It also doesn't help that she still has at least one lawyer that is (more than likely) telling her she will be found not guilty. There is no reason for her to admit what she has done to Caylee. Life is the best deal she could get so why plead out? Better to take her chances that the jury will side with her.

There is a difference between pleading guilty (which she can do at any time) and a plea deal (the 'deal' is between the between the prosecution and defense: agreeing to , for example, reduced punishment in exchange the guilty plea.)

Was there a plea deal in the check fraud case or did she just plead guilty?
I think Mr.Baez is under the impression that he is Casey's Svengali and that she will do whatever he wishes. I suppose the evidence for this would lie in the pouting, preening, eyelash batting and coquettishness we see every time she be-bops into the courtroom trying to suppress grins and excitement. Something tells me his client isn't going to be too happy with him if he tries to get her to plead this out, he promised a mistrial not a prison sentence.

It would be interesting to see who is and isn't visiting her right now, it could give us an Idea which way the wind is blowing.
I cannot see Casey taking a Plea an if she does it better be LWOP few years that she will be out in 20..
I can't see Baez wanting it, because what will he do if this happened..????No Life, No Clients (unless they are stupid):floorlaugh: I know alot of posters are jumping on the Plea wagon. I just don't see it..I want a TRIAL to hear everything an see The "A"s sweat..:woohoo:

And I want to have my " I get it " explanation which Baez said he had so long ago. I want to understand.
Wouldn't it have been interesting, ok....wonderful...if Cheney Mason wanted a side bar to alert the judge that at 4:59 pm today he was to file his motion to withdraw as counsel for Casey Marie Anthony?

In the World According to Julia anything can happen.....if Mason can use my SNL skit references, especially.

Thanks to Nums for posting the videos. I just watched , and there is nothing to get excited over, they are simply going over schedules, I am certain of it. MOO

What I want to know is if anyone is aware of the dates that the state deposed Ricardo and Amy? Unless it were done by State Investigative Subpoena, the defense would have been present, so it is not as if they remain unaware of what those two could testify to, right? I do not expect to hear from Anthony R or Uncle Rick at the trial so I doubt that the state deposed them, they aren't on their witness list. If they did, it was likely brief. If the defense already has the state depo transcripts of Ricardo and Amy, them deposing them now may be just some follow up questions. If they do not have that, and they did not sit in on earlier q and a sesions, then it is egregious, indeed that they are leaving them for last. What could be more important than her whereabouts witnesses for the 31 days? You just can't make this stuff up!!!

I started laughing when someone said be nice to Amy fellas, she is on your penalty phase witness list. The funny thing is poor Mrs. Finnell not only could not muster up willing participants, she feared, imo, some of these folks would wind up on the evening news with this what the hell, has the whole world gone mad look on their faces when the reporter asks what they are going to be able to add to help out Casey in the dp phase. It is both laughable and offensive at the same time some of the names that are on there, but for perfunctory reasons they have to add them.

I noticed the judge pointed out that perhaps the defense may want Mrs. Finnell questioning the jurors. I'll say.

NOTE TO DEFENSE: Take the judge at his word, do not waste time on your jury questionnaire and your list of would be objections to the jury pool location. Put a dark line through that on your list. The judge is on to the next!!! Hear him, believe him, it is done! Get back to work on the dogs, the smell in the trunk, the hair....anything else.

I believe Amy and Ricardo were deposed fairly early in the deposition order. I don't think that the defense was present. Remember the defense only gets to sit in on the prosecution deposition if they also have the person being deposed on their submitted defense witness list. remember the earlier delaying tactic of the defense taking forever to submit a witness list, and then just sending in a statement that essentially amounted to "we want to count the prosecutions list as ours", which was shot down by the judge? I am pretty sure that at least Amy and probably Ricardo were deposed by the state before JB had coughed up a witness list, hence he was not invited to attend. Instead all he gets is a copy of the transcript as discovery.

This same thing came up when the state sought a deposition for DC. The judge outright told JB that if he wanted to take part all he had to do was add DC to his witness list. For some reason JB never did, and that's when the SA was able to use the simple investigative subpoena.
There is a difference between pleading guilty (which she can do at any time) and a plea deal (the 'deal' is between the between the prosecution and defense: agreeing to , for example, reduced punishment in exchange the guilty plea.)

Was there a plea deal in the check fraud case or did she just plead guilty?

The big huge difference is that simply pleading guilty or pleading no contest without a deal agreement from the SA's office still leaves her facing the death penalty. See the Brian Nichols courthouse shooting case in Atlanta as an example of this.

The only way for KC to get the Death Penalty and the penalty phase of the trial off the table is to come to some sort of deal with the prosecutors. At this stage it is beyond unlikely that they would accept a plea of anything less than 1st degree murder with a sentencing recommendation of LWOP. Any prior discussions that may have included the possibility of KC claiming it was an accidental death evaporated when the childs duct tape wrapped skull was found thrown away in a swamp like trash.
I don't know if Casey will plead out at the last minute? Casey's expectations are a "mistrial." Which I find to be extremely laughable because I would think any innocent person would be unhappy with anything but a "Not-Guilty" verdict... but not our Casey Anthony... she wants a "Mistrial." She is so transparent!

The only way I can see Casey pleading out is if she believes that a trial would give her parents the answers they need to be free. If she believes that a trial will allow them to accept the truth... she'll plead. If the Anthony's are unwilling to accept the truth no matter what... Casey will want them to sit through a trial... and listen to everything she did to this innocent baby... and then continue to torture them with her lies until the day they die.

I think Casey has accepted that she will never leave jail... and she will be content as long as she knows that her parents are suffering... and she will make sure they suffer because she blames them for what happened.


ETA: The reason I believe that Casey has accepted that she will never leave jail is because early on she knew she would be spending "eternity" in jail.
The big huge difference is that simply pleading guilty or pleading no contest without a deal agreement from the SA's office still leaves her facing the death penalty. See the Brian Nichols courthouse shooting case in Atlanta as an example of this.

The only way for KC to get the Death Penalty and the penalty phase of the trial off the table is to come to some sort of deal with the prosecutors. At this stage it is beyond unlikely that they would accept a plea of anything less than 1st degree murder with a sentencing recommendation of LWOP. Any prior discussions that may have included the possibility of KC claiming it was an accidental death evaporated when the childs duct tape wrapped skull was found thrown away in a swamp like trash.

Well now I suppose, if she wanted, she could still say that the death was accidental and the only reason she used the duct tape was to make it look like a kidnapping. No one would believe it, except the Anthonys themselves, but she sure could claim it!
The big huge difference is that simply pleading guilty or pleading no contest without a deal agreement from the SA's office still leaves her facing the death penalty. See the Brian Nichols courthouse shooting case in Atlanta as an example of this.

The only way for KC to get the Death Penalty and the penalty phase of the trial off the table is to come to some sort of deal with the prosecutors. At this stage it is beyond unlikely that they would accept a plea of anything less than 1st degree murder with a sentencing recommendation of LWOP. Any prior discussions that may have included the possibility of KC claiming it was an accidental death evaporated when the childs duct tape wrapped skull was found thrown away in a swamp like trash.

While Judge Perry obtains a recommendation of sentence by the jury, he can sentence her differently if he wishes to do so.
And I want to have my " I get it " explanation which Baez said he had so long ago. I want to understand.

Oh c'mon Horace. You and I know damn well he was just blowing smoke out of his butt. He's got nothing.

I want to know his explanation for the baez smirk. He said we'd finally understand. I just figure it's gas from all that good eatin' he's been doing.
Let's hope someone/anyone on her team described the difference between life in prison compared to DP where her situation will be no different than what she has now but without the team visiting her. She will be secluded with no one to talk to for years. In the general population she will make friends and some not so friends but my guess is she will be popular. Somethings are better than nothing. jmo

ITA-there is a world of difference between LWOP and DR. I don't think she has been told what DR is like.

A few facts about DR:

For the most part, she will be in solitary confinement for the rest of her life. She will live in a tiny, unairconditioned cell. She will eat, sleep, and spend almost every moment of the rest of her life a few feet away from a toilet. She will never be able to eat with a fork again or choose what she would like for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

More from the prison web site:

"A Death Row cell is 6 x 9 x 9.5 feet high"

"Death Row inmates are counted at least once an hour. They are escorted in handcuffs and wear them everywhere except in their cells, the exercise yard and the shower. They are in their cells at all times except for medical reasons, exercise, social or legal visits or media interviews. When a death warrant is signed the inmate is put under Death Watch status and is allowed a legal and social phone call"

"Death Row inmates are served meals three times a day: at 5:00 am, from 10:30 am to 11:00 am and from 4:00 pm to 4:30 pm. Food is prepared by prison staff and transported in insulated carts to the cells. Inmates are allowed plates and spoons to eat their meals."

"The inmates may shower every other day."

"They do not have cable television or air-conditioning and they are not allowed to be with each other in a common room. They can watch church services on closed circuit television. "

Virtual tour of a DR cell:

I'm thinking Alford plea, but then again I can't see ICA giving up the starring role in her trial either. I think that will be the high spot in her dreary little life.

KC has been so secluded for the last 2 years. Whatever her life was prior to July '08 is no more. If she thinks she is still "a star" somebody better wake her up. None of us really know what she has become now that she is a prisoner. All we have is videos of her in court. She looks horrible and shell-shocked. She has no contact with the outside world except for her lawyers who do not appear to keeping her up with reality. Her family and friends don't visit. No one cares. Her life, essentially ended 2 yrs. ago (as did her daughter's).
KC has been so secluded for the last 2 years. Whatever her life was prior to July '08 is no more. If she thinks she is still "a star" somebody better wake her up. None of us really know what she has become now that she is a prisoner. All we have is videos of her in court. She looks horrible and shell-shocked. She has no contact with the outside world except for her lawyers who do not appear to keeping her up with reality. Her family and friends don't visit. No one cares. Her life, essentially ended 2 yrs. ago (as did her daughter's).

I am going to disagree with your statement, very respectfully though. I think KC has adapted very well to jail life. She has learned how to 'correspond' with the other inmates, manipulate a corrections officer or two to get 'special privileges, etc. She is a chameleon in that she takes on whatever persona she thinks will do her the most good.

I am probably in the minority here on WS but I do not think KC will get the DP, she may not even get LWOP. If a plea bargain is agreed to I think it will be something along the lines of 40 to life, time served and eligible for parole after serving a certain percentage of her sentence. If this happens, she will adapt just as well to prison life as she did to jail life. She may not be able to manipulate CO's as easily, but she will morph herself into whatever persona will do her the most good. She will get parole if it is allowed because she will be a model prisoner for the most part, taking classes, maybe even volunteering to help other inmates learn to read, etc. etc. She will become what she needs to be in order to 'enjoy' her enforced vacation. And as someone pointed out here on WS not too long ago - she will be away from CA.
I am going to disagree with your statement, very respectfully though. I think KC has adapted very well to jail life. She has learned how to 'correspond' with the other inmates, manipulate a corrections officer or two to get 'special privileges, etc. She is a chameleon in that she takes on whatever persona she thinks will do her the most good.

I am probably in the minority here on WS but I do not think KC will get the DP, she may not even get LWOP. If a plea bargain is agreed to I think it will be something along the lines of 40 to life, time served and eligible for parole after serving a certain percentage of her sentence. If this happens, she will adapt just as well to prison life as she did to jail life. She may not be able to manipulate CO's as easily, but she will morph herself into whatever persona will do her the most good. She will get parole if it is allowed because she will be a model prisoner for the most part, taking classes, maybe even volunteering to help other inmates learn to read, etc. etc. She will become what she needs to be in order to 'enjoy' her enforced vacation. And as someone pointed out here on WS not too long ago - she will be away from CA.

I agree that Casey will eventually be able to adapt to whatever sentence that she is given, but I do not think the State will even entertain the idea of anything less than LWOP... if there are to be talks about a plea bargain. I also believe the State would accept nothing but the truth from Casey if they were to even entertain a LWOP plea bargain... and we all know that won't happen.

The State is ready to take this case all the way and I believe they have more than enough evidence for a jury to sentence Casey to at least LWOP.

It's going to be interesting!
She is not alone, unfortunately and she will create an alternate reality, again and again. Have you ever heard of this story of Esther Reed and how she stole identities? Esther, another small-town girl from Montana, was smart and manipulative, and in the midst of a decade-long trail of deception. She conned her way into Harvard and Columbia and stole over $100,000 in student loans. Stealing identities and perpetrating fraud, Esther's escapades took her across the country, including relationships with West Point and Annapolis military men.
Click on the top blue line to watch the correct video, if you press the play button, it takes you at stroy about another gal.

[ame=""]Catch Her If You Can - 48 Hours - CBS News[/ame]
DA, you said,

"When I say that the press has nearly everyone convinced that KC is guilty, I am talking about the overall general public, and according to that same press, you will find very few who think KC is innocent. So I think the press has convinced nearly everyone that KC is guilty."

very few think KC is innocent because it is perfectly obvious that she is guilty. the press be damned, or whatever. this is one case where the suspect is screaming at the world " I did it"

by her actions and words.

the press has nothing to do with it.
KC has been so secluded for the last 2 years. Whatever her life was prior to July '08 is no more. If she thinks she is still "a star" somebody better wake her up. None of us really know what she has become now that she is a prisoner. All we have is videos of her in court. She looks horrible and shell-shocked. She has no contact with the outside world except for her lawyers who do not appear to keeping her up with reality. Her family and friends don't visit. No one cares. Her life, essentially ended 2 yrs. ago (as did her daughter's).

agree to a point. but i also feel she might just have an interesting and vivid interior life. interesting and vivid to her.

as to "reality" ?
Why would a plea even be offered. The death penalty or at the very least LWOP is a slam dunk. There's just too much evidence for premeditated murder, plus the trial will be interesting and boost careers. It will go forward. Even jurors who never followed the circus will have no trouble seeing the premeditation and how the evidence all fits together. The only thing lacking is how she screwed up with ditching the vehicle.
I disagree that KC is incapable of taking the plea. She is no doubt a stubborn person (understatement), but we saw her stand up during the check fraud case and "apologize"...indeed she even seemed "saddened" that she had harmed her "friend". So, obviously, she is indeed capable of agreeing that she is guilty. She has been happy in her cell for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is that she doesn't have to deal with CA and she has been able to get off the merry-go-round of stealing and lying and juggling "obligations" other words, jail has not been as difficult for her as one would guess. In reality, she probably feels much happier there than yelling with CA night after night. She is at last "grown up" and "independent" like the friends she had who broke away from their families (while she could not).
When JB or Cheney tells her she has to take the deal..she'll take it. She will get lots of formal education in prison (beginning with her GED, she has so much time to study now she'll probably wind up with a couple of degrees...Diane Downs did). KC will wind up like the Manson girls--her long silky hair will turn kinky gray in the clink. I predict CA will finally understand that KC wants nothing ever to do with her and she'll move to another state. It's not the dramatic finish we'd like...but KC likes jail better than dealing with CA....that's the biggest reason that she'll opt to "stay" imprisoned.

I think Casey is quite capable of making a plea if JB tells her she needs to do it in order to avoid the death penalty.

If she is required to tell the court what happened, she will give a very emotional story, with occasional sobbing, about what happened. Sociopaths usually have good acting skills and are very capable of making up a believable story. They've watched television and movies and have a visual of how a distraught person acts. Casey's "confession" will mimic what's she's seen portrayed in movies and television, and will be peppered with a lot of self pity.

We know Casey is an habitual liar, so would anyone believe her story of what happened? I would probably view Casey's confession in the same light that I view her "zanny the nanny kidnapped Caylee" story. It would be just another lie.

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