Is there any possibility of a Plea Deal on the Murder Charges?

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Do you think this case will end in a plea agreement?

  • Yes

    Votes: 81 44.8%
  • no

    Votes: 100 55.2%

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The closer we get to trial the more information, or lack thereof, will be obvious as to who killed Caylee. Remember the jailhouse video where KC loses it and is shaking her fist. I'm sure someone will have to approach her if her attorneys want to work out a deal. They know by now it's a lost cause and I'm sure they have told her and she's probably not listening because she coming up with more and more tales. The clock is ticking so who will it be that breaks the bad news. I would think there is safety in numbers. lol
The closer we get to trial the more information, or lack thereof, will be obvious as to who killed Caylee. Remember the jailhouse video where KC loses it and is shaking her fist. I'm sure someone will have to approach her if her attorneys want to work out a deal. They know by now it's a lost cause and I'm sure they have told her and she's probably not listening because she coming up with more and more tales. The clock is ticking so who will it be that breaks the bad news. I would think there is safety in numbers. lol

I agree, LambChop... Scary, isn't it? JB has ALWAYS maintained the ultimate decision is with his client.
As far as the SA, could they just want a conviction and get this off the agenda? And it would save a huge amount of tax payers money?

I wonder what would happen to the state funds that deposits were already put down on hotels? I commend HHJP for taking this to a new level!
I have the feeling it may go to trial, but after a few days of Casey being in court and listening to be people testify against her, she might want to plea guilty and get it over with. Or she might not. She might want to torture her family with an entire trial. I can see her wanting that.

Plus, she likes her little solo cell away from everyone else. Why give that up until she absolutely has to? Casey is only going to do something when it benefits her. If there is no benefit to her pleaing right now, then she won't. She may change her mind when the trial comes around. I don't know.

I really do think she still thinks some miracle is going to happen and she'll walk out an acquitted woman. Until she's convinced that's not going to happen, she'll take this as long as she can. Or maybe she knows she's doomed, but is going to make everyone wait until she's ready to plea. I wonder how long that hallway is to her right now. What's going to tell her it's nearing the end? What moment is going to finally make her decide to bring an end to this circus?

Or does she not care about the hallway anymore?
As far as the SA, could they just want a conviction and get this off the agenda? And it would save a huge amount of tax payers money?

I wonder what would happen to the state funds that deposits were already put down on hotels? I commend HHJP for taking this to a new level!

Hi, Sooner! :seeya: Ya know, if I were the SA, I would be so offended by the accusations, fabrications, and out-right lies that the defense has spouted about the SA, LE, and anyone else that I would be less than willing to work with the defense. IMO, the defense has enough to sink their client. I wouldn't deal.
Hi, Sooner! :seeya: Ya know, if I were the SA, I would be so offended by the accusations, fabrications, and out-right lies that the defense has spouted about the SA, LE, and anyone else that I would be less than willing to work with the defense. IMO, the defense has enough to sink their client. I wouldn't deal.

:seeya: Hi Cheffie!

It is my understanding that she doesn't have to have SA approval to file a plea...I could be wrong..
Whenever ICA telling the truth in order to move on comes up I have to chuckle- this is the girl that was still telling her R.N. Mother that she was a virgin when she was almost 7 months pregnant. Now that takes audacity!
As far as the SA, could they just want a conviction and get this off the agenda? And it would save a huge amount of tax payers money?

I wonder what would happen to the state funds that deposits were already put down on hotels? I commend HHJP for taking this to a new level!

The State Attorney' Office will do what is best for the state of Florida. We are all emotionally invested in this trial. And while I am sure both JA and LDB personally find KC and her actions abhorrent, they will do what is in the best interests of everyone involved, including the tax payers of Florida. While 99% of people in FL know something about the case, I think we here on WS would be surprised if the media did a poll and asked: Should the State spend the money to take this case to trial or should they save money and agree to a plea deal. I would not be surprised if about 50% of Floridians didn't even think about this case any more and would have to be reminded of what it was about. I think the poll would be 75% for saving the state money and 25% for taking the case to trial.

WS is a close knit community with like minded people - who occasionally disagree with each other - very politely, of course. Outside of central FL where the media reports on every little detail, this case has taken a back seat to other news in other cities and counties.

For reasons of money alone, I can see the State considering a deal - but only if they get most of what they want.
Just my own personal observation of ICA..I would be shocked if she ever admitted wrongdoing EVER. .While I don't know if it would be legal, ethical or even possible given that no plea could be made without her admitting guilt to something.. I can't help but be curious as to whether her attorney could even approach the SA office with a 'hypothetical scenario' in an attempt to see if a plea was possible..without ICA giving permission for them to do so..Hope that even makes sense..I don't know any other way to word it, lol!..
I don't know if anyone on the defense has even gone over Casey's options with Casey herself? I personally think that the defense is scared of Casey and what reactions she might have if they even attempt to talk about anything other than that "mistrial" Jose had promised her? We all know what a little tyrant Casey can be. They don't want to get her so frush-trated that she can't schwallow.

For some reason, I have a feeling that Casey is looking forward to the trial. I think she wants her parents to have to sit through every-single-detail of what led to Caylee's murder... all which will be pointing directly at them. In Casey's mind, she may have physically murdered Caylee, but it is her parents that made her do it. She wants them to know that. She wants them to live with that. She wants them to suffer knowing that THEY are the reason that Caylee is no longer alive.

She wants to punish her parents for what she believes caused her to be where she is at today. She is going to allow her defense to mercilessly attack them... especially during the penalty phase and I believe that Casey is going to enjoy every minute of it.

Casey is wicked. She is probably one of the most wicked people I have ever witnessed. I believe that if anyone deserves the death penalty, it would be Casey Anthony, but I do believe she will get LWOP and I am okay with that too.
The State Attorney' Office will do what is best for the state of Florida. We are all emotionally invested in this trial. And while I am sure both JA and LDB personally find KC and her actions abhorrent, they will do what is in the best interests of everyone involved, including the tax payers of Florida. While 99% of people in FL know something about the case, I think we here on WS would be surprised if the media did a poll and asked: Should the State spend the money to take this case to trial or should they save money and agree to a plea deal. I would not be surprised if about 50% of Floridians didn't even think about this case any more and would have to be reminded of what it was about. I think the poll would be 75% for saving the state money and 25% for taking the case to trial.

WS is a close knit community with like minded people - who occasionally disagree with each other - very politely, of course. Outside of central FL where the media reports on every little detail, this case has taken a back seat to other news in other cities and counties.

For reasons of money alone, I can see the State considering a deal - but only if they get most of what they want.

I live in Fort Myers, Florida. No one I talk to even knows what I am talking about when I bring up Casey Anthony. When I remind them of Caylee, they remember bits and pieces, like the 31 days and how beautiful Caylee was, and are floored that this hasn't gone to trial yet.

You are 100% correct that we here at WS are a close knit community and although there are a lot of us, there are a lot more people who do not follow these cases as closely, if at all.

I would have no problem with the State giving Casey a plea deal of LWOP. I just don't think that they will give in to anything less and I don't think anyone reasonable person who looks at this case for even a second would want to see Casey get anything less... no matter the cost.

As a Floridian, who is paying for this case to go to trial, I would never put a price on Justice for Caylee or anyone who is a victim of a violent, senseless crime. I say... Whatever it takes!
Has anyone posted a recent visitor log and I missed it?
:seeya: Hi Cheffie!

It is my understanding that she doesn't have to have SA approval to file a plea...I could be wrong..

She can plea guilty at any time,but without the DEAL part ,agreed to by the Prosecution and Judge,she could still be sentenced to death or LWOP. That's my understanding,anyway. The great Legal Minds we have at WS can correct me or explain it better.
Has anyone posted a recent visitor log and I missed it?

This is the most recent that I've seen.

You'll see November's visitors but scroll down to see December's. I can't figure out if that's the entire list for December or not. It basically just shows a bunch of visitors on Dec 21st.
they're making a stupid mistake operating under the knowledge that death qualified juries do not like to sentence pretty*, young, white, middle class women to death. I also find it unlikely that she will be sentenced to death...but as her attorney, with her behaviour, I'd be very nervous indeed to trust any jury watching her stone cold face for 8 weeks of trial and pin my hopes on what juries typically do or dont do.

her demeanor has always been what will hang her. so to speak. this is not to say that alone makes her a murderer, it's the evidence that shows that...but she doesnt make a sympathetic figure at all.

*(I dont think she's particularly lovely, but compared to some dirty drug addicted monstrosities of parents I've seen convicted, she is)

I think people are sickened by parents killing their children. It seems like there is a new case every week. Once the jury sees the pictures of what Casey did to Caylee, duct tape and all, they won't give a hoot what she looks like. JA will describe very vividly what Caylee's suffering was like before she passed. The jurors will probably need counseling after seeing and hearing what Casey did. That's why I think she will get the DP. However, I think Casey thinks she's too pretty for the DP. She's in for the shock of her life.

I hope Casey goes to trial and there is no plea deal. Casey needs to be held responsible, something she hasn't ever had to be. Casey, her family and everyone who actually cares about Caylee needs to hear what she did. I don't want Casey and her family to be able to say she took a plea but she didn't do it. I want it to be very, very clear exactly what she did to that sweet little girl.

Casey believes if she just keeps lying that in the long run things will work out her way. They always have. Why would she think anything different this time?

I hope this time things are different and she has to go to trial and is made to listen to what she did and know that the world has heard too.

I hope she gets death. Someone who kilsl their child and throws her out like trash doesn't deserve the opportunity to have a life.

Just my opinion,

I don't know if anyone on the defense has even gone over Casey's options with Casey herself? I personally think that the defense is scared of Casey and what reactions she might have if they even attempt to talk about anything other than that "mistrial" Jose had promised her? We all know what a little tyrant Casey can be. They don't want to get her so frush-trated that she can't schwallow.

For some reason, I have a feeling that Casey is looking forward to the trial. I think she wants her parents to have to sit through every-single-detail of what led to Caylee's murder... all which will be pointing directly at them. In Casey's mind, she may have physically murdered Caylee, but it is her parents that made her do it. She wants them to know that. She wants them to live with that. She wants them to suffer knowing that THEY are the reason that Caylee is no longer alive.

She wants to punish her parents for what she believes caused her to be where she is at today. She is going to allow her defense to mercilessly attack them... especially during the penalty phase and I believe that Casey is going to enjoy every minute of it.

Casey is wicked. She is probably one of the most wicked people I have ever witnessed. I believe that if anyone deserves the death penalty, it would be Casey Anthony, but I do believe she will get LWOP and I am okay with that too.


I agree. I also feel if kc does decide to plea,it will only be after
the SA. starts tearing into her.I dont think she realizes what all
they have and they will be going into her before they touch on her parents.
She is going to find out exactly what they know of her and the murder.
I dont think she can take it....screaming fits maybe?:floorlaugh::truce:
I worry that Casey will not be able to sit through the trial when that "bucket full of evidence" is presented, for all to hear. She will have no option but to sit quietly in the defendants seat, while all of her dirty laundry is aired publicly. I worry that at some point, during the trial, she will want to plea (if only to "make them stop"). For the sake of Caylee and justice, I hope the state stands firm by offering nothing less than LWOP. I can't imagine how I (and many of you) would feel if she got less than that.

Personally, I am looking forward to the trial. I want to see Casey squirm when the state demonstrates repeatedly just how evil she is and has been.

And, yes I have always thought that there would be a plea, at some point, but I hope and pray that this is not the case.
I hope Casey goes to trial and there is no plea deal. Casey needs to be held responsible, something she hasn't ever had to be. Casey, her family and everyone who actually cares about Caylee needs to hear what she did. I don't want Casey and her family to be able to say she took a plea but she didn't do it. I want it to be very, very clear exactly what she did to that sweet little girl.

Casey believes if she just keeps lying that in the long run things will work out her way. They always have. Why would she think anything different this time?

I hope this time things are different and she has to go to trial and is made to listen to what she did and know that the world has heard too.

I hope she gets death. Someone who kilsl their child and throws her out like trash doesn't deserve the opportunity to have a life.

Just my opinion,


Totally agree. And no more pleading to "it`ll all be explained in court". There is no explanation- there is no zanny. No more nonsense. Oh, I can`t wait for May, really.

Edit. Oh, except the dp- I`m willing to accept lwop- hope those letters were correct. :)
I worry that Casey will not be able to sit through the trial when that "bucket full of evidence" is presented, for all to hear. She will have no option but to sit quietly in the defendants seat, while all of her dirty laundry is aired publicly. I worry that at some point, during the trial, she will want to plea (if only to "make them stop"). For the sake of Caylee and justice, I hope the state stands firm by offering nothing less than LWOP. I can't imagine how I (and many of you) would feel if she got less than that.

Personally, I am looking forward to the trial. I want to see Casey squirm when the state demonstrates repeatedly just how evil she is and has been.

And, yes I have always thought that there would be a plea, at some point, but I hope and pray that this is not the case.

I often wonder how KC will take the trial as well. She is going to have to sit there while person after person after person details how she partied and slept at TonE's and cooked for him and his buddies, all while Caylee was "missing". She will have to sit there while person after person after person tells how she lied about Caylee being with the nanny at the beach and at Universal and at Disney. I hope she has to sit there while they play the videos of her cashing AH's stolen checks at Target and BoA. The jury will love that! I don't see her being comfortable at all. Oh, she will try to act like it is all a big conspiracy, and these people are just jealous of her. But, the sheer volume of negative information about who she is and what she has done will, hopefully, be too much for even her to bear, and I believe the jury will see the same outbursts that we saw in the jailhouse videos. The REAL KC will shine through. jmo

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