ISIS burns alive Jordanian pilot hostage. **GRAPHIC CONTENT**

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ISIS is being funded to the tune of millions by oil sales, or so I heard this morning. Sales to who, for God's sake? Why don't we ever hear about western oil companies doing business with these people? Also why don't we make public the names of the wealthy donors in places like Saudi Arabia and Qatar who are sending them money? Why are they being protected- or are some of them members of the Royal families?
Sadly, ISIS apparently holds an American woman prisoner somewhere in Syria. I sure hope all efforts have been made to attempt to locate and rescue her. In light of this insanity of burning alive the pilot, I can't even imagine what this woman's fate will be.
I simply can't bring myself to view the video but came across this clip by Shep Smith of Fox News. He gives a detailed description of the video - it's difficult to take but done very well. Thought I would share it if anyone would like to see it.

That poor man and what he went through in the last moments alive......I can't even go there....

ETA: Sorry, my IPad will not allow me to paste right now....but the article is on the Huffpo website, or you can google "Shep Smith Delivers Chilling, Detailed Account Of ISIS Video Showing Burning Of Jordanian Pilot"

Thanks, Blondie

I just won't watch it...I did see Shep's account of it, and that was good enough for me to understand what transpired.

As someone above said, beheadings apparently aren't appalling enough, so now they are ramping it up.

I certainly don't know the answer to all of this, but they make it abundantly clear that one (a country) cannot "negotiate" with them.

Remind me, is this the "JV team?" I may have my terrorist groups mixed up.
I understand about the innocents, but then I say to myself, self if we continue to allow them to kill the innocents and do nothing then they will be the ones left in the end. If we kill some innocents while killing them then we (good guys) will be the ones left in the end. I don't see them going away anytime soon, and if I heard correctly they have lots of hostages left to murder. Something has to be done to stop this outfit. And no one(country) should barter with them. jmo idk

Can't they just stop there food supply and medical supply etc??? Surround them and then bomb the ++++ out of them.
Can't they just stop there food supply and medical supply etc??? Surround them and then bomb the ++++ out of them.

I read somewhere that the women of this group are being used as a blood supply for the wounded. I don't know what is going on over there seems the media is not reporting so much and I can't blame them for not going in, let's face it we are not seeing the anchor's from the big news org's going in and reporting from the front lines. I am not even sure what they want, I mean have they asked for anything? IIRC when it was first discussed about a swap I said then that I bet he was already dead and that is why they could not provide evidence of him being alive. Makes me wonder if there is even one person in control of this group of murderers. jmo idk
I read somewhere that the women of this group are being used as a blood supply for the wounded. I don't know what is going on over there seems the media is not reporting so much and I can't blame them for not going in, let's face it we are not seeing the anchor's from the big news org's going in and reporting from the front lines. I am not even sure what they want, I mean have they asked for anything? IIRC when it was first discussed about a swap I said then that I bet he was already dead and that is why they could not provide evidence of him being alive. Makes me wonder if there is even one person in control of this group of murderers. jmo idk

Yes true the media is not there anymore., I know they would steal the supplies we were giving to Syria but that has stopped, right? Idk what they really want either, they just killed a Muslim, setting him on fire which is not allowed in their religion.

I hope they are right and it has back fired on them.
ISIS is being funded to the tune of millions by oil sales, or so I heard this morning. Sales to who, for God's sake? Why don't we ever hear about western oil companies doing business with these people? Also why don't we make public the names of the wealthy donors in places like Saudi Arabia and Qatar who are sending them money? Why are they being protected- or are some of them members of the Royal families?

According to this guy, yes.

Moussaoui Calls Saudi Princes Patrons of Al Qaeda

He said in the prison deposition that he was directed in 1998 or 1999 by Qaeda leaders in Afghanistan to create a digital database of donors to the group. Among those he said he recalled listing in the database were Prince Turki al-Faisal, then the Saudi intelligence chief; Prince Bandar Bin Sultan, the longtime Saudi ambassador to the United States; Prince al-Waleed bin Talal, a prominent billionaire investor; and many of the country’s leading clerics.

Sometimes it makes me wonder if we are pawns in a game of millionaires, billionaires now. jmo idk
This is a very good article published last November in Newsweek:

How Does ISIS Fund Its Reign of Terror?

just one very tiny snippet

"More Mammon Than Islam

ISIS has made it clear its mission is less about Islam than about mammon. In June, when ISIS took Mosul, Iraq, and commandeered its 12 bank branches, its fighters went straight to the homes of bank employees—who weren’t working, in observation of the holy month of Ramadan—and forced them to reopen the Iraqi Central Bank, the former governor of Nineveh province Atheel al-Nujaifi told Newsweek.

Along with cash kept in bank vaults in the Iraqi city of Tikrit, an estimated total of $1.5 billion has been seized from banks by ISIS, witnesses in Iraq told Newsweek. “ISIS was inside the banks,” says an Iraq-based American refugee worker in Erbil, whose circle of associates in Mosul includes a Christian teacher who “went to the bank to take out money and was not allowed to.… No other employees were there, just ISIS militants.… People in Mosul believe ISIS has stolen the money.” Others making withdrawals from banks in ISIS-occupied cities are “taxed” up to 10 percent, according to Treasury, which says ISIS routinely robs banks."​
Heartbreaking.The world really needs to get it together and shut these terrorists down.

I believe, as someone stated previously, this is the game changer. The middle east is the most vulnerable to ISIS, and I think this is the moment that they unite with the US and our long standing allies, including Jordan and Saudi Arabia, completely.

Even Japan has threatened retaliation.
Till we run 'out of fuel and bullets': Jordan's king vows to crush ISIS

"He said there is going to be retribution like ISIS hasn’t seen,” said Rep. Duncan Hunter Jr., R-Calif., a Marine Corps veteran of two tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan, who was in the meeting with the king. “He mentioned ‘Unforgiven’ and he mentioned Clint Eastwood, and he actually quoted a part of the movie.”
Fox news has embedded the complete video on its site. It has caused outrage in some quarters, support in others.

I hope Pilot Moaz's family never, ever watch it. My deepest, deepest condolences to them. But I personally believe it should be shown. ISIS have gone too far. There are very few people in the world who can empathise or support a group who film, close-up, a young man screaming in agony as his burning flesh melts and drips from his face. The video is not Hollywood, as they hope. Instead it stands alongside certain films of the Holocaust - the Shoah - of WW2. Irrefutable evidence of man's inhumanity to man. One day, it will be used to convict these men, and will haunt their families for generations.

This is what they have done. This is what ISIS is. If any one of those masked, armed men who stood around and watched or participated, was a family member of mine I'd help capture them and bring them to justice. The dignity and bravery of that young pilot was astounding. He didn't even try to pull off his gasoline-soaked clothes.

The Syrians are idiots for allowing purposeless young, European men to come and live out their angst and create carnage in a country with which they have no connection. They can go home when they've had enough. Syria has to live with itself. This is the beginning of the end of ISIS.

WARNING: The video is very graphic.
Fox news has embedded the complete video on its site. It has caused outrage in some quarters, support in others.

I hope Pilot Moaz's family never, ever watch it. My deepest, deepest condolences to them. But I personally believe it should be shown. ISIS have gone too far. There are very few people in the world who can empathise or support a group who film, close-up, a young man screaming in agony as his burning flesh melts and drips from his face. The video is not Hollywood, as they hope. Instead it stands alongside certain films of the Holocaust - the Shoah - of WW2. Irrefutable evidence of man's inhumanity to man. One day, it will be used to convict these men, and will haunt their families for generations.

This is what they have done. This is what ISIS is. If any one of those masked, armed men who stood around and watched or participated, was a family member of mine I'd help capture them and bring them to justice. The dignity and bravery of that young pilot was astounding. He didn't even try to pull off his gasoline-soaked clothes.

The Syrians are idiots for allowing purposeless young, European men to come and live out their angst and create carnage in a country with which they have no connection. They can go home when they've had enough. Syria has to live with itself. This is the beginning of the end of ISIS.

WARNING: The video is very graphic.

I still beleive this will be the tipping point in more ways than one. I can't watch the video but i understand your point that it should be seen. Particularly by anyone with even an ounce of sympathy remaining to ISIS. We need to quickly expedite any equipment, supplies, weapons, and air support that Jordan needs to follow through with their threats, or promises, if you will, and I believe that will happen. This is one instance where even the two parties are going to come together to get the job done. They have to.

This is a horrible tragedy, but it is also, IMO the biggest mistake ISIS could have made.
Sadly, ISIS apparently holds an American woman prisoner somewhere in Syria. I sure hope all efforts have been made to attempt to locate and rescue her. In light of this insanity of burning alive the pilot, I can't even imagine what this woman's fate will be.

It was reported that there is another woman but not at liberty to say name or nationality for her protection.
The video is not Hollywood, as they hope. Instead it stands alongside certain films of the Holocaust - the Shoah - of WW2. Irrefutable evidence of man's inhumanity to man. One day, it will be used to convict these men, and will haunt their families for generations.

snipped for focus

Germany still looking for the Nazi soldiers who massacred 642 French villagers to avenge death of German officer at hands of French Resistance in 1944.

The women and children were herded into the village church where SS troopers had soaked the church pews with petrol and barred all exits.

Fire grenades were tossed among the villagers and those that survived were later burned alive as a reprisal for attacks on German soldiers occupying France by members of the French Resistance movement.

More than 200 men were herded into a barn where machine gunners opened fire, shooting at their legs so they could not move then dousing them with petrol and setting them alight.
Fox news has embedded the complete video on its site. It has caused outrage in some quarters, support in others.

I hope Pilot Moaz's family never, ever watch it. My deepest, deepest condolences to them. But I personally believe it should be shown. ISIS have gone too far. There are very few people in the world who can empathise or support a group who film, close-up, a young man screaming in agony as his burning flesh melts and drips from his face. The video is not Hollywood, as they hope. Instead it stands alongside certain films of the Holocaust - the Shoah - of WW2. Irrefutable evidence of man's inhumanity to man. One day, it will be used to convict these men, and will haunt their families for generations.

This is what they have done. This is what ISIS is. If any one of those masked, armed men who stood around and watched or participated, was a family member of mine I'd help capture them and bring them to justice. The dignity and bravery of that young pilot was astounding. He didn't even try to pull off his gasoline-soaked clothes.

The Syrians are idiots for allowing purposeless young, European men to come and live out their angst and create carnage in a country with which they have no connection. They can go home when they've had enough. Syria has to live with itself. This is the beginning of the end of ISIS.

WARNING: The video is very graphic.

Hi everyone. I saw the article yesterday on Yahoo. I read it. That poor young man , his poor family! I was so upset I just cried all day. I have not watched the video. I cant. I'm crying now. I couldn't go to the trial I am following.I pray they get the ones who did this and many, many, more. For right now they are below scum. They are insane. I wish we could just bomb them and wipe them out. For a minute can you imagine his mother ? his family ? Oh God we need you NOW. Get rid of the fungus calling them selves people. Please wipe them out as trash. Give the Jordanians the strength to do what needs to be done. No human being should suffer as this man did...I pray, Noreen.
Will King of Jordan lead airstrikes on Islamic State HIMSELF? Reports say trained pilot could take part - after he quoted Clint Eastwood revenge Western in US Congress

Jordan's King Abdullah II quoted film character saying 'I'm not only going to kill him, I'm going to kill his wife and all his friends and burn his damn house down'

Abdullah told members of Congress how his only problem would be running out of fuel and bullets

'He said there is going to be retribution like ISIS hasn't seen,' one congressman said

The king was in Washington for meetings with members of Congress

When video emerged showing the brutal execution of Jordanian pilot Moaz al-Kassasbeh, he was brought to the White House for a last-minute meeting

Obama administration has announced a new $1 billion aid package to Jordan

Trained pilot may personally take part in airstrikes on ISIS targets, according to reports

Read more:
Slaughtered for their entertainment: Crowds gather to watch the barbaric murder of Jordanian pilot on specially erected giant screens on the streets of Raqqa... and CHEER when the airman goes up in flames

Shocking video shows ISIS supporters gathering to watch murder footage

Big screens have been erected in terror group's de facto capital Raqqa

Film of Moaz al-Kasasbeh being burnt alive appears to be playing on loop

Crowd cheer and shout religious slogans as pilot is engulfed by flames

Film then shows locals - including children - talking about the atrocity

Chilling new release is titled 'Muslims' Joy at Burning of Jordanian Pilot'

Read more:
Slaughtered for their entertainment: Crowds gather to watch the barbaric murder of Jordanian pilot on specially erected giant screens on the streets of Raqqa... and CHEER when the airman goes up in flames

Shocking video shows ISIS supporters gathering to watch murder footage

Big screens have been erected in terror group's de facto capital Raqqa

Film of Moaz al-Kasasbeh being burnt alive appears to be playing on loop

Crowd cheer and shout religious slogans as pilot is engulfed by flames

Film then shows locals - including children - talking about the atrocity

Chilling new release is titled 'Muslims' Joy at Burning of Jordanian Pilot'

Read more:

I will take your word for this..........I will be very upset....this is just horrible

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