Israel - Palestinian militants launch massive attack, 7 Oct 2023 #12

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Not to detract from the joy of the hostages released but a reminder to those who deny the truth and to once again explain the reason we are here for discussion. imo

Background (in my words)
An idiot called in to spew filth and ask a question.
Eylon didn't even have to answer this question as there was another who attested to the atrocities of Hamas on Oct 7, 2023.


Unbelievable some people still actually think the beheadings and rapes were debunked.
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'I won't celebrate until the last of the kidnapped returns'​

Yoni AsherCopyright: Yoni Asher

Yoni Asher - whose wife and two daughters were among the Israeli hostages released today - says he "won't celebrate until the last of the kidnapped returns" home.

Asher saw a video of his wife, Doron, and daughters, Raz and Aviv, being loaded on to a truck with other hostages. They had been staying with relatives near the Gaza border at the time.

In a video published online, he says: "I am happy that I have got my family back, it has allowed me to be happy and it has allowed me to shed a tear.

"But I won't celebrate, I won't celebrate until the last of the kidnapped returns.

"I want to emphasise - our children, our fathers, our mothers, our sisters are at this time in captivity, there are people whose hearts are broken and I want to make sure that every last abductee returns home.

"The families of the kidnapped are not posters, they are not slogans, they are real people, and the families of the kidnapped are from today my new family, and I will make sure and do everything that the last of the kidnapped comes home."


Nathavaree Mulkan among the 11 foreign nationals released from Gaza

View attachment 463504

Nathavaree Mulkan is among the 11 foreign nationals who were released earlier today in a separate deal from the one that brought 13 Israelis back home, Channel 12 reports.

Ten of the foreign nationals, including Mulkan, are from Thailand. One of them, Jimmy Pacheco, is from the Philippines.

Mulkan is the only woman among the foreign nationals released today.

She was falsely rumored to have been pregnant and to have given birth to a baby in Gaza.

The 11 foreign nationals have arrived at Shamir (Assaf Harofeh) Medical Center in Be’er Yaakov for evaluation by medical staff.

The hospital reports that all 11 of them are in good condition.

The foreign nationals are welcomed by diplomats from Thailand and the Philippines as well as representatives from the Israeli government.

BBM. The person who started that rumor was the PM's wife, who sent a letter to Jill Biden. Yet another lie, apparently.

transcribed this pack of lies:

Q:how many Israeli hostages are you holding?

Hamas: We are talking about two categories—we are talking about the soldiers and the civilians…or foreigners, some dual citizenship, regarding this the soldiers and brigade talked about around 200—
Civilians about 50 to 60
…but now no one can exactly give a number because of the heavy bombardment and the presence of these captured people in different areas with different groups its difficult now t give exact numbers or figures about the capture of the hostages

Q: is that because you killed some of them?

Hamas: How, from where u get this info—you cannot raise or ask us this or accuse us….where we are bombarded and we have clearly said at least 60 of the hostages were killed with our families and and and still under the rubble of of our houses because of Israeli bombardment—how can we kill someone we are considering as a as a as a as a guest or as hostages…

Q: do you consider these hostages as guests—is that how they are treated ?..

Hamas: by the way from the first day of the confrontation we have said we are ready to release all the civilians including the foreigners uh but we need a security conditions so that it is safe to to to release them but Israel unfortunately have always rejected this offer and have said we will continue bombarding Gaza and killing women and children until we get our prisoners released by force…

Q: so missiles have still been fired into Israel from Gaza over the last couple of weeks—do you want this war to end?

Hamas: I think Palestinians are under occupation for 75 years and Israeli tanks shelling our people on a daily basis for 75 years-we are under siege, suffocating siege for 17 years—our children are dying because of hunger, malnutrition for decades and therefore we are occupied people -they are the occuping power- if they are not happy with our presence beside them you can leave us and leave us alone—therefore it is an act of defense but shelling , having tanks inside if hospitals sure killing children…

Q: let me ask you about the hospitals because we have seen the pictures, the horrific pictures of babies being killed but Hamas has built tunnels and stored weapons under the biggest hospitals in Gaza, under the rules, international rules, that makes them a target in warfare—Isn’t it Hamas putting these innocents at risk?

Hamas: Honored Lady, I’m I’m very surprised that you are talking about things the Israelis themselves they they were not able to prove it -they have this propaganda…[loud overtalking] …look… look …look …no…no ,,You haven’t seen anything..<<<loudly trying to interrupt her]

Q: I’m really interested in what you have to say about this but we have seen vision-
Provided by Israel of tunnels under Al-Shifa hospital-are you saying that’s not true ?

Hamas: I’m sorry-not true- you are misled or misinformed because I I —you cannot give me any proof because the Israel they were not able to prove any of these allegations they have brought-they have said about the hospital as if it is a headquarters or as a centre of command and control and they have found nothing—some bottles of water, some CDs

Q: they found weapons …

Hamas: No, no weapons, no weapons—do you believe that the command centre of Hamas will will will will be directed by a kolishmikov in the MRI centre , in mri centre you cannot have a ring in your hand to be inside the inside the room, again
The Israelis have failed to prove all these allegations-the same thing when they have said beheading the beheading of babies it was proven false—the raping of women it was proven false , like the burning of civilians and then the Israeli uh newspaper has proven it was isijits [?] who have killed and banned all these citizens—I think you have to read again what the Israeli media talking about their actions and attacks against their own people in the Southern part of Palestine

Q: well these Western journalists who have gone into Gaza with uh the IDF and they have seen these tunnels, these weapons. The storage on munitions with their own eyes, so I don’t know what other proof we can get but look, Hamas is accused Of using Palestinian people as human shields so can I ask you why do you use money to build tunnels , store munitions instead of ...

Hamas:[interrupts] you believe when I when I living no I am I am Hamas I am Hamas leader-when I live with my family in my house in my land is it using my family as a human shield-because they are considering me as a legitimate target is this a human shield having my children, my brothers my sister my extended family in my house in my land is this a human shield who is using a human shield who is building settlements and using his own people in settlements, inside Tel Aviv as a human shield, all these military compounds in the settlements, in the kibbutz, Around Gaza Strip…

Q: If I may, let me ask you this then…when Hamas attacked Israel on October 7th you killed 1,400 people—Innocent people including babies-whole families—how did you expect Israel to react?

Hamas—Sorry again because unfortunately you are misinformed -they have said at the beginning it was 1,400 civilian killed then the Israeli’s themselves said no it was not 1400 it was1200 because 200 of them have proven to be Palestineans —do you believe that we will kill our people inside Israel but Hasertz 2 weeks ago have proven that all these people the the 1.200 people including the 200 Palestinians ,I mean our own people were killed by Israeli jets blindly attacking the music festival, this is the hard…

Q: so you[‘re saying Basim, so you’re saying the Israeli jets killed these young people at the music festival-is that what you’re alleging here?

Hamas: Yes, this is not what I said this this is what Israeli media…

Q: there was no bombings at the music festival…

Hamas: this is the Israeli media Is media saying …

Q: I’m sorry B that is just, that is completely untrue

Hamas: why?

Q: so you think Israelis killed innocent Israeli’s at a music festival why?

Hamas: because they ...simple…Israeli , I mean IDF believing in so-called Hannibal Doctrine —Hannibal Doctrine means if any Israeli is arrested or captured Israelis giving the IDF give themselves the right to attack the captured one and the capturer in the same scene and this has been done many times…for example in 2014 one Israeli soldiers captured and they have killed him with 300 other Palestinians

Q: yah OK…

Hamas: I refer you to Israeli media who are talking about all the civilians who has been killed by the Israelis

Q: we’re getting deep into conspiracy theory territory, Basim, thank you for your time Live, we’ll leave it there

That was the Hamas Spokesperson, you heard his claims at the end of his live interview for yourselves—we are really getting into the realms of ridiculous
Pretty ironic for the Hamas spokesperson to complain about malnutrition, when Hamas are the ones stealing all the food and foreign aid for themselves, and are starving the Gazan children. How can he say that with a straight face?

Q: so missiles have still been fired into Israel from Gaza over the last couple of weeks—do you want this war to end?

Hamas: I think Palestinians are under occupation for 75 years and Israeli tanks shelling our people on a daily basis for 75 years-we are under siege, suffocating siege for 17 years—our children are dying because of hunger, malnutrition for decades and therefore we are occupied people -they are the occuping power- if they are not happy with our presence beside them you can leave us and leave us alone—therefore it is an act of defense but shelling , having tanks inside if hospitals sure killing children…

And then he has the gall to say that Israel should leave them alone? They were the ones that invaded Israeli homes on October 7th. Who should leave who alone?


No comment!
Elon Musk touring Kibbutz sites? Will he try to get into Gaza? Will he try to be a "war correspondent"? Will he try to broker peace? ...So much is wrong with this picture.

Maybe it's just me
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They've not been very successful at doing that: I think they should be going back to the drawing board on that one and if given a fair option the Palestinian people might encourage them to do so. Those of them who are left.
I think the Hamas goal all along was to force a two-state solution in order to force Israel to stay on their side of the border with Gaza and the West Bank.


"It was a surprise':

Palestinian woman, arrested at 16 and jailed for eight years for border guard knife attack had

'no idea' she was about to be freed by Israel -

as families celebrate release of other inmates."​

View attachment 463477

The article doesn't say why a 16-yr old girl would stab a police officer. Gee, I wonder if he was trying to assault her because she is Palestinian?
From your link:
'The police are in our house and are stopping people coming to see us,' her mother Fatina said.

'My daughter is weak, she has not eaten since yesterday,' she added.

Israeli police have issued orders banning celebrations in Jerusalem for released prisoners. White plumes of smoke were seen as authorities fired tear gas to disperse the crowds.

In the West Bank, prisoners were received with celebrations after they were released across the Beitunia checkpoint.
I am the worst at finding prior posts. If anyone can help I believe it was from Arkay, very upset about his city, and the property being damaged by protestors, and precious items being ruined. And wondering if it is the Middle East now or something.?
A terrorist.
It's because the perps don't face harsh consequences for their actions.


Kidnapping is a global crime, which is not concentrated in a particular region. The countries with the highest rates of kidnap are those with weak security infrastructures, high levels of impunity and economic disparity, such as Mexico, Venezuela and Nigeria, and those experiencing prolonged conflicts, such as Syria, Yemen and Afghanistan. The most highly developed countries with stable governments have the lowest levels of kidnapping.
:mad: You die for me! You die for me! I live in luxury!

Hamas's Haniyeh amid ceasefire: Palestinian martyrs are price of freedom​

The comments, made only shortly after rockets were fired into Israel during the enacted ceasefire agreement, also praised martyrs as "the price of freedom, liberation and independence."​

By REUTERS, JERUSALEM POST STAFFNOVEMBER 24, 2023 14:54Updated: NOVEMBER 24, 2023 17:54
People react as they hear the news of the release of 13 Israeli hostages held by Hamas in the Gaza strip, in Tel Aviv, Israel, on Friday, Nov. 24, 2023. Friday marks the start of a four-day cease-fire in the Israel-Hamas war, during which the Gaza militants pledged to release 50 hostages in exchange for 150 Palestinians imprisoned by Israel. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit)

People react as they hear the news of the release of 13 Israeli hostages held by Hamas in the Gaza strip, in Tel Aviv, Israel, on Friday, Nov. 24, 2023. Friday marks the start of a four-day cease-fire in the Israel-Hamas war, during which the Gaza militants pledged to release 50 hostages in exchange for 150 Palestinians imprisoned by Israel. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit)

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