Israel - Palestinian militants launch massive attack, 7 Oct 2023 #14

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There appear to be a number of links out there about the governing of Gaza by Hamas. I really wonder how many terrorists operated out of UNRWA-supported "offices" but I doubt we will ever really know the truth. :mad:

Links at the bottom of this page

And, here's an anti-Israel slanted link about Gaza governance here:

There are 121 Palestinian municipalities: 96 in the West Bank, and 25 in Gaza. These exclude Israeli-annexed East Jerusalem and UNRWA-administered refugee camps which instead have service committees. In addition to this, there are some 355 village councils and, in Jerusalem, local councils.

I have no idea, but they sure wanted more prisoners.....Did they change the hostages just to change the prisoners?? Either way, they sure wanted more and more bad prisoners......Sadly we may never know...Did they change the hostages when they realized that women were valued more than they assumed they were?
On the first day Hamas complained that they wanted prisoners who were incarcerated longer..(hint, hint..."You aren't releasing enough terrorists)

You are likely right, but I'm just expressing my little ole opinion... They sure want their terrorists back..
They need more terrorists. They lost many. IMO
#OTD, 1 year ago, a Hamas terrorist tunnel collapsed underneath an @UNRWA

On November 8, 2023, IDF troops exposed a terrorist tunnel shaft near an UNRWA school and neutralized the tunnel.

For years, we’ve been saying this—Hamas will exploit anything and anyone to achieve its murderous goals.
Yeah, she acted all happy in the Hamas propaganda video, but as soon as she was released, you could see the blood drain from her face. It was obvious she was forced.
I noticed similar things in other videos too.
I agree. Social Media had a field day. “Hamas treated them so well they didn’t want to leave”. Her aunt said she didnt’t get any meds. Imagine, having major ortho surgery by a vet and not having pain meds.
"My father didn't get the medicine and food he needed in captivity. It's murder"Boaz Zalmanovich, the son of Aryeh Zalmanovich, 85, who died in Hamas captivity, says:"My father was murdered in captivity in Gaza because he didn't get the treatment he needed and the food he needed. He was a man who was treated at home with many medicines and could not eat many kinds of food. Hostages who returned to Israel said that he only ate biscuits. And even if he was treated, it is not a serious treatment. You don't kidnap a person from his home with all his diseases and then treat him with a sticking plaster"

(sticking plaster = bandaid)
5h ago
Harry Davies

An Israeli military spokesman has defended the IDF’s use of artificial intelligence following reports by the Guardian and the Israeli-Palestinian publication +972 Magazine and partner Hebrew-language outlet Local Callabout how it is using an AI-driven tool to select bombing targets in Gaza.

As we reported on Friday, a secretive IDF intelligence unit is using an AI target-creation platform called “the Gospel”, which has accelerated a lethal production line of targets and is now playing a significant role in Israel’s response to the Hamas massacre in southern Israel on 7 October.


Over the past 24 hours, prominent human rights lawyers and experts have commented on the reports about The Gospel system and the IDF’s targeting practices.

The UN’s Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing, Balakrishnan Rajagopal, who has been monitoring the destruction of civilian housing and infrastructure in Gaza, said: “I deeply regret that Israel … is running its ‘mass assassination factory’,” referring to a description of the AI-based tool by one of +972/Local Call’s sources.

On Saturday, the former executive director of Human Rights Watch, Kenneth Roth, wrote on X:

“If the devastation of entire Gaza neighborhoods is the measure, Israel’s reliance on artificial intelligence to generate targets has been a disaster. It shows an indifference to Palestinian civilian life that is a virtual invitation to war-crime charges.”

For the Guardian’s full report, click here:
‘The Gospel’: how Israel uses AI to select bombing targets in Gaza

Right or wrong, one of Israel's stated goals at the outset of this was "destroying Hamas infrastructure in Gaza". I don't think many people honestly understood what that would entail. When you have tunnels, explosives, weaponry, etc manufactured, hidden, and utilized in and under civilian structures throughout Gaza, it stands to reason that it's going to get messy. It's not a case of a handful of big, empty office buildings or factories unattached to anything. It's houses, schools, hospitals, mosques, all connected by multi-million-dollar tunnels, deep in the ground. When Israel said they were going to destroy all that, they meant it. Again, right or wrong. jmo

Sorry to do this folks, but we can't stop a war, and this conflict is not a case to be solved at Websleuths. The discussion itself seems to be one of division, with a lot of bickering, rudeness and personalizing ... and Reports way beyond what WS staff are able to deal with on an ongoing basis. Nor should they have to !!

The topic was allowed only because it is such a significant world event. It is however becoming a huge headache for our Moderators (all 4 who try to keep things going 24/7), and Tricia has suggested we close this discussion.

WS has hundreds of cases of missing and murdered, and unidentified people .. cases that need help, that are more in keeping with a true crime genre of discussion, where we can maybe make a difference.

If you want to know what's going on with the war in the Middle East, just tune your television to a news channel that doesn't argue with you.

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