Israel - Palestinian militants launch massive attack, 7 Oct 2023 #14

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And leave the people who actually had the cojones to commit the murders in place to do it again? This is not a serious solution.

I am not suggesting that the actual killers, hostage takers and rapists be allowed to get away with their crimes.

But killing hundreds of civilians to hit one or two (or none) of the criminal terrorists with each bombing is completely out of kilter.


'Every day could be their last': Hostage families speak out at Tel Aviv rally

“"My children likened [captivity] to the Fortnite war game, something beyond our wildest imaginations," said Hadas Calderon, whose children were recently released from captivity.”


“Elena Trufanov, freed from captivity in Gaza, shared her relief and determination: "I am Sasha Trufanov's mother, and I stand here grateful and moved. Your support has been crucial; without it, I wouldn't be here. We must now focus on bringing back my Sasha and everyone else."”


Eta: Ref / November 30, 2023

Sapir Cohen, released from Gaza; boyfriend Sasha Trufanov still a hostage

Russian-Israeli Trupanov family abducted or killed on Kibbutz Nir Oz, Oct. 7; mother and grandmother freed Nov. 29

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Yes, HAMAS has to go. About the rest, it is so complicated...

Take Barbra Streisand, a smart Democratic American Jewish woman, who, make no mistake, supported Israeli Jews fonancially, but recently she asked, "when does Anti-Zionism bleed into broad Anti-Semitism?"

I am surprised that most people who answer say it is the same. In fact, Zionism is a movement and a philosophy. People have the right to agree or disagree with its concepts. Like, I dont like Marxism but i don't like Ayn Rand either. Anti-Semitism is very different; it is a form of racism.

I think her question is very reasonable, is there a danger that one rocket too many will tip the scale and people around the world will take their dislike of Israeli policy on Jews living around the world? But it is as if no one understands what she is asking about.

There is no doubt that what is happening to the Palestinians in Gaza has ignited worldwide resentment against Jewish people and even when it is attributed to Zionists people are not appreciating the difference as it is being carried out by the State of Israel.

Ordinary people are angry about what they are seeing and don't understand it.

I await with interest next year's Holocaust Day which has been turning into quite a big event locally, nationally and internationally with multi faith and no faith turning out to commemorate genocides. In the light of the happenings in Gaza I wonder what the turnout at our local British Legion parade at the war memorial will be in 2024.
And that is what is frustrating. Israeli leaders plan ahead, make preparations to protect their people. The Iron Dome was quite a feat and takes a lot of effort. It is manned by many soldiers and engineers, 24/7.

But even with that, the people have to respond to the sirens and run to shelters, routinely and at all hours.

The Iron Dome is effective but expensive in time, effort and resources. But it saves a lot of lives.

On the other hand, Gaza's leaders do very little to help or protect their people. In fact they steal from them, taking their foreign aid and necessary supplies.

And worse yet, they use them as human shields, and hid their weapons, ammo and their extremists underneath the schools, mosques and hospitals.

AND WHAT HAPPENS? Israel is criticised because they don't have many casualties because of their Iron Dome. And they are criticised for retaliating against their neighbours, who just massacred 1,400 civilians, and continue to bomb their cities daily.

Gaza is allowed to bomb Israel, but Israel is not allowed to bomb Gaza because Hamas has left their people vulnerable. And that is somehow Israel's fault?
Israel would LOVE to not spend the millions it spends on the interceptors. I believe I read they are $50,000 USD a pop. But their neighbors leave them no choice.
I am not suggesting that the actual killers, hostage takers and rapists be allowed to get away with their crimes.

But killing hundreds of civilians to hit one or two (or none) of the criminal terrorists with each bombing is completely out of kilter.

OK. Tell me exactly how Israel is supposed to do that.
Almost every Israeli citizen (men and women) over the age of 21 is either a reservist or retired IDF. There are some who are exempt for various reasons.
IMO they released the hostages who were in the “best shape” and the ones they are holding are not good for PR, if released.
I have no idea, but they sure wanted more prisoners.....Did they change the hostages just to change the prisoners?? Either way, they sure wanted more and more bad prisoners......Sadly we may never know...Did they change the hostages when they realized that women were valued more than they assumed they were?
On the first day Hamas complained that they wanted prisoners who were incarcerated longer..(hint, hint..."You aren't releasing enough terrorists)

You are likely right, but I'm just expressing my little ole opinion... They sure want their terrorists back..
If you can see this Wall Street Journal article, it says that the humanitarian zone is too small and too barren to support camps of hundreds of thousands of displaced people.

It's their choice. They can evacuate to the crowded safe zone, where humanitarian aide is available, or sit tight and wait for the bombs to land on their neighbourhood.

They make their own choice. No one else is responsible if the choose to wait for the bombs fall on them. Reasonable people, when given a choice between a crowded safe zone or a bomb, will chose to be in a crowded safe zone.

The better question is why do some people in Gaza choose to wait for the bomb to land on their heads rather than preserve their own lives?
What kind of government is it if Gaza is not a state and those who live there are not citizens?

You would need to ask HAMAS leaders that question. Ask Palestinians that elected HAMAS into power.

I know they receive a lot of aide money.. it goes to terrorism and not the people.

Nobody has done a thing about terrorists running Gaza for all these years. They look the other way while Iran is pumping Gaza full of weapons and the money being sent to help Palestinians is spent on tunnels and terror. Nobody did a thing to help when HAMAS fired rockets at Israel over and over and over again well before Oct 7th.. without warning.
OK. Tell me exactly how Israel is supposed to do that.

Probably in the same way that they have arrested and tried the past Hamas killers.

I find it incredibly sad that the killing of thousands of civilians is a-okay by (apparently) so many people.
That no-one can think of any other option than to obliterate an entire territory and much of its population.

All I can say is that I am trying to think of other options, as unsuitable as they may sound to you.

Israel does not appear to be doing this the right way, according to the reactions of much of the world.

What kind of government is it if Gaza is not a state and those who live there are not citizens?

Israel and the state of Palestine,” which is recognized by most countries as comprising the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem, are ratified parties of the four Geneva Conventions of 1949. Israel has not ratified the first and second protocols of the conventions, which in 1977 further regulated protection of civilians, property, and the environment during war. One of the prominent provisions is Article 75 of Protocol I, which Washington has long viewed as part of customary international law and thus the provision would bind not only the United States but also Israel. It requires that persons held by a combatant power shall be treated humanely in all circumstances and provides a detailed list of prohibited conduct. A plurality of Supreme Court justices in the 2006 decision stressed Article 75’s customary application. Palestine has ratified all three protocols, so as a state party, it is undeniably bound to their terms. Hamas, particularly as a de facto governing authority in Palestine (namely, over Gaza) with control over its own militant forces, is obligated as part of the state of Palestine to comply with the Geneva Conventions and its three protocols

IDF eliminates major Hamas commander​

“The IDF said that the Hamas battalion leader, who was also responsible for the slaying of six IDF soldiers duringThe IDF said that the Hamas battalion leader, who was also responsible for the slaying of six IDF soldiers during “Operation Protective Edge,” was eliminated in a targeted strike conducted by the air force.”

Oh wow, I think I remember learning about this operation yesterday, I think it’s in that Sinwar video, brb with link
2hr ago

New footage shows seaborne Hamas attack on October 7

New surveillance camera footage leaked online shows the moment Hamas terrorists managed to infiltrate into Israel via the sea on October 7.

The short clip shows six members of Hamas’s naval forces landing at the shore of Zikim Beach on a rubber dinghy, running onto a beach and opening fire.

The Israeli Navy had managed to thwart most of the Hamas vessels and divers trying to infiltrate from the sea that morning, though some terrorists made it ashore, killing at least 17 civilians and around two dozen soldiers on the beach and nearby army base.

The idf knows that and doesn't care. Evidently Blinken's suggestion doesn't matter because they still get the bombs and military aid anyway......JMO
Probably because the US knows who our enemies are. We have not forgotten 9/11. We know the Muslim extremists, like Hamas and ISIS, hate us as much as they hate Israel.

But Blinken can't say that. But he can offer up military aid. JMO
48 min ago

Aid trucks going into Gaza carried body bags and blankets, according to Egyptian Red Crescent​

From CNN's Lina El Wardani and Kareem El Damanhoury

Trucks carrying humanitarian aid enter the Gaza through the Rafah crossing with Egypt on Saturday, December 2.
Trucks carrying humanitarian aid enter the Gaza through the Rafah crossing with Egypt on Saturday, December 2. Said Khatib/AFP/Getty Images

The aid that went into Gaza on Saturday included body bags and blankets as hostilities resumed following a seven-day truce between Israel and Hamas, the Egyptian Red Crescent Society told CNN.

CNN reported earlier that food, medicine and some fuel had gone into Gaza.
Philippe Lazzarini, the head of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, had warned Gaza was running out of body bags earlier in the conflict.

On Saturday, a spokesperson for the Hamas-controlled health ministry in Gaza said at least 15,207 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli attacks in Gaza since October 7. At least 193 Palestinians have died since the truce expired on Friday and Israel resumed its offensive in the enclave, the ministry said.

In his visit to Gaza on November 23, Lazzarini also said internally displaced people in the southern Gazan city of Khan Younis told him they had no blankets.

"(T)hey haven't been able to change their clothes; 45 days with the same clothes, no blankets, no mattress," Lazzarini said, citing a father displaced with his wife and five children.

CNN's Mohammed Tawfeeq contributed reporting to this post.


Revealed: Hamas forced Mia Schem to say on camera how 'kind' they were, how well they cared for her – despite getting a vet to operate on her – and even praise their FOOD before they would release her​

Yeah, she acted all happy in the Hamas propaganda video, but as soon as she was released, you could see the blood drain from her face. It was obvious she was forced.
I noticed similar things in other videos too.
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