Israel - Palestinian militants launch massive attack, 7 Oct 2023 #8

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Biden could have given a better response. He's been a senator since 1973. I found an AP article in response to Biden's comments last night.

He could have said, "The death toll for Palestinians is calculated differently, than the death toll in Israel or the way we calculate death tolls in the US wars. It includes their combatants. I will try to find the information for you that explains the difference".

The Palestinians did release the death rolls, It included name, age and ID #. Obviously, a good number were also unidentified. Cause of death is not included. (Which is another big difference than the way we calculate)
Nevertheless the UN agrees that the Palestinian toll is fairly accurate. (It was in my newsfeed as part of an article. Saw it this morning) It will be quite awhile for anyone to determine who was part of Hamas and who wasn't. That's gonna take a long time.
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#BREAKING: IDF confirms ground offensive is expanding:IDF spokesman, Brigadier General Daniel Hagari:In the last few hours we have increased the attacks in Gaza. The Air Force is widely attacking underground targets and terrorist infrastructures, very significantly. Following the offensive activity we carried out in the last few days, the ground forces are expanding the ground activity this evening. The IDF works powerfully in all dimensions in order to bring about the realization of the goals of the war."

3min ago

Israel: Hamas terror group’s main operations base is under Shifa Hospital in Gaza City

In a briefing for reporters of international media outlets, IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari says the Hamas terror group’s main base of operations is under Shifa Hospital in Gaza City.

Hagari says that Hamas has several underground complexes under Shifa — the largest hospital in the Gaza Strip — which are used by the terror group’s leaders to direct attacks against Israel.

He says Israel has intelligence that there are several tunnels leading to the underground base from outside the hospital, so that Hamas officials do not need to enter the hospital to reach it. But Hagari adds that there is also an entrance to the underground complex from within one of the wards.

Additionally, according to the IDF, Hamas’s internal security has a command center inside Shifa Hospital, from which it directs rocket fire on Israel and stores weapons.

He says that the hospital’s energy infrastructure is also used by Hamas’s underground base.

Hagari accuses Hamas of using the hospital — with 1,500 beds and some 4,000 staff — as human shields.

He says the information on Hamas’s use of the hospital is based on a wide range of intelligence sources collected by the Military Intelligence Directorate and Shin Bet security agency. He says the intel has already been provided to allies.
What are they gonna do about it?
I read on the Times of Israel, they are not in violation of international law if they bomb it, but jeez.

Wonder if this is new or has been there for years?
They've known about the location of the tunnels for a long time ... there's a link upthread.

Watch the tunnels explode

They've known about the tunnels.

But did they know Hamas had their main Qassam HQ under Shifa Hospital?

Sounds like this is recent intel based on an intercepted phone conversation between two Gazans.

In the recording speaker A says: 'Now they have plans of all of the underground tunnels. When they blow up a university or when they blow up a hospital or a mosque or a school.'

Speaker B replies: 'They know all of this.'

Speaker A then adds: 'Under them are headquarters. So... where are the main headquarters of the Al-Qassam Brigades?'

Speaker B says that they do not know.

Speaker A then says: 'Under the (hospital) compound Al-Shifa.'

Speaker B replies: 'God forbid, are you serious?'

Speaker A says: 'Yes, the leadership headquarters are under the Al-Shifa compound... bathrooms, rooms, headquarters, all under the main compound.'
Old article. Old news.

Top Secret Hamas Command Bunker in Gaza Revealed​

And why reporters won’t talk about it​

The idea that one of Hamas’ main command bunkers is located beneath Shifa Hospital in Gaza City is one of the worst-kept secrets of the Gaza war. So why aren’t reporters in Gaza ferreting it out? The precise location of a large underground bunker equipped with sophisticated communications equipment and housing some part of the leadership of a major terrorist organization beneath a major hospital would seem to qualify as a world-class scoop—the kind that might merit a Pulitzer, or at least a Polk.

"The idea that one of Hamas’ main command bunkers is located beneath Shifa Hospital in Gaza City is one of the worst-kept secrets of the Gaza war. So why aren’t reporters in Gaza ferreting it out? The precise location of a large underground bunker equipped with sophisticated communications equipment and housing some part of the leadership of a major terrorist organization beneath a major hospital would seem to qualify as a world-class scoop—the kind that might merit a Pulitzer, or at least a Polk.

So why isn’t the fact that Hamas uses Shifa Hospital as a command post making headlines? In part, it’s because the location is so un-secret that Hamas regularly meets with reporters there. On July 15, for example, William Booth of the Washington Post wrote that the hospital “has become a de facto headquarters for Hamas leaders, who can be seen in the hallways and offices.” Back in 2006, PBS even aired a documentary showing how gunmen roam the halls of the hospital, intimidate the staff, and deny them access to protected locations within the building—where the camera crew was obviously prohibited from filming. "

July 2014

The skies are VERY quiet. Not a plane one coming or going from Tel Aviv. Perhaps a sign something is happening?


Israel intensifies Gaza assault and severs communications across territory​

IDF announces escalation of air and ground operations as UN warns besieged territory faces ‘massive health hazard’

Israeli air and ground forces are stepping up their operations in the Gaza Strip, Israel’s chief military spokesperson said late on Friday, amid exceptionally heavy bombing and a communications blackout across the embattled terrritory.

After nightfall, frequent explosions from airstrikes lit up the sky over Gaza City. The Red Crescent and other aid groups said they had lost all contact with their staff inside the besieged territory. The Palestinian phone service provider, Paltel, said its phone connections and internet services had been cut off.


In Ashkelon, an Israeli seaside town seven miles (12km) north of the Gaza border, the constant thump of detonations could be heard as helicopters and warplanes flew to and fro along the seafront. The road north was busy with people who had put off their departure until the last minute.

The escalation came as the UN warned that basic services in Gaza had crumbled leaving people exposed to major outbreaks of disease with streets overflowing with sewage while food, water and medicine vanish.

The enclave had all but run out of fuel and was on the brink of a “massive health hazard”, Philippe Lazzarini, the head of the UN relief and works agency for Palestinian people, said on Friday. Unesco said Israel’s bombardment has damaged more than 200 schools – about 40% of Gaza’s total.


What are they gonna do about it?
I read on the Times of Israel, they are not in violation of international law if they bomb it, but jeez.

Wonder if this is new or has been there for years?
BBM. Even if it has been there for years, we do know that hostages are likely being held in those tunnels, so I hope Israel doesn't bomb it.

This is the most recent news article I could find. It was many hours ago and is relying on unnamed sources.


"We've seen sort of an evolution from sort of full-throated, unconditional hugging of Israel to a little bit more nuance," the former official said.

The administration had not expected Palestinian casualties to mount as fast as they have – now more than 7,000 dead in Gaza, local officials say – or for the humanitarian situation to deteriorate so rapidly, a U.S. official said on condition of anonymity.

Breaking: UN General Assembly votes in favour of immediate truce in Gaza​


Nada Tawfik
Reporting from UN headquarters in New York

The UN General Assembly has adopted – by an overwhelming majority – a resolution calling for an immediate humanitarian truce in Gaza.

The resolution – put forward by Jordan on behalf of the Arab group – also condemns all acts of violence against Palestinian and Israeli civilians, including all "terror and indiscriminate attacks".

It calls for unhindered aid and protection of civilians.

There were 120 votes in favour, 14 against and 45 abstentions.

Resolutions by the General Assembly are not legally binding, but they carry moral weight due to the universality of its membership.

CNN right now:

Jake Tapper and his guest, former General Petraeus, discussing how Hamas has used the vast majority of aid funds to construct the tunnels they have built.

We knew that though.

As supplies of virtually every basic human necessity dwindle in Gaza, one group in the besieged enclave remains well-stocked: Hamas.

Arab and Western officials say there is substance to Israeli claims of Hamas stockpiling supplies, including desperately needed food and fuel. Hamas, they say, has spent years building dozens of kilometers of tunnels under the strip where it has amassed stores of virtually everything needed for a drawn-out fight. It is a reality that Israel may soon find itself grappling with if it makes good on its threat to invade Gaza.

Hamas has hundreds of thousands of gallons of fuel for vehicles and rockets; caches of ammunition, explosives and materials to make more; and stockpiles of food, water and medicine, the officials said. A senior Lebanese official said Hamas, which is estimated to number between 35,000 and 40,000, had enough stocked away to keep fighting for three to four months without resupply.

One of the four Israeli hostages released by Hamas even described the group providingcaptives with medicine, shampoo and feminine hygiene products. All are now said to be extraordinarily scarce in Gaza more than two weeks after Israel, aided by Egypt, imposed what it called a “complete” blockade following the attack by the terrorist group on Oct. 7.


"I don’t know if they are safe or not": Family members left in dark after communications go down in Gaza​

From CNN’s Yahya Abou-Ghazala and Kyle Blaine

People who have family in Gaza tell CNN they have not been able to contact them after communications went down in the enclave following heavy airstrikes.

Jawwal, the Palestinian telecom company that provides mobile service to the Gaza Strip released a statement Friday night saying "the intense bombardment in the past hour has resulted in the destruction of all remaining international routes connecting Gaza with the outside world" leading to a "complete interruption of telecommunications services".

Said Alhayek, 42, from Las Vegas, said he has not been able to reach his family in Gaza.
“It’s like sitting in the dark not knowing what is going to hit you, I can’t reach them on any medium of communication at this point, I can’t even know if they are okay or not, I don’t know if they are safe or not," Alhayek said. "Also, the fact that they cut off communication, makes us feel as though they are about to do something terrible.”
Adli Anwar, 57, who is living in Ottawa, Canada, also said he has no way of communicating with his family.

“I can’t get anything — about three hours ago, we lost all communications, no phones, no internet, nothing. Before it would connect, about 80% of the time, and now it’s zero percent. It doesn’t get to the international line," Anwar said.

CNN tried calling several contacts with Gaza numbers over the last hour, both over international calling and over WhatsApp. On the international calls, they either go straight to voicemail or an automated message says “the number you are calling is currently unreachable. Please try again later.”

WhatsApp and iMessage are not delivering, and when using the internet to call, it just rings endlessly.

Israeli military 'cannot guarantee safety of journalists in Gaza'

Israel’s military has told international news organisations Reuters and Agence France Presse that it cannot guarantee the safety of their journalists operating in the Gaza Strip.

In a letter to the two news agencies, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said it was “targeting all Hamas military activity throughout Gaza”, adding that Hamas deliberately put military operations “in the vicinity of journalists and civilians”.

It noted that its high-intensity strikes on Hamas targets could cause damage to surrounding buildings and that Hamas rockets could also misfire and kill people inside Gaza. The letter concluded:

Under these circumstances, we cannot guarantee your employees’ safety, and strongly urge you to take all necessary measures for their safety.

The IDF’s letter came after the news agencies had sought assurances that their journalists in Gaza would not be targeted by Israeli strikes.

In response, Reuters said:

The situation on the ground is dire, and the IDF’s unwillingness to give assurances about the safety of our staff threatens their ability to deliver the news about this conflict without fear of being injured or killed.

AFP’s global news director Phil Chetwynd said:

We are in an incredibly precarious position and it’s important that the world understands that there is a large team of journalists working in extremely dangerous conditions.

At least 27 journalists have been killed since the outbreak of the Hamas-Israel war, the majority in Israel’s attacks on Gaza, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists.

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