Israel - Palestinian militants launch massive attack, 7 Oct 2023 #9

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''He says Israel is making a concerted effort to screen the footage to influencers in the US. “The campaign [against Hamas] is being waged mainly in Gaza. But the pictures that Hamas sends out from there to the world, and the lies it disseminates, are starting to turn [public opinion against the war], with calls for ceasefires and pauses… things that would harm our capacity to destroy Hamas.”

Hence, the diplomatic imperative to show “that we are dealing with people… whose only goal is to destroy Israel, with nothing to do with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”

Next week, he says, he is set to screen the footage for 150 influencers in Los Angeles, hopefully in Hollywood. “We have to work bottom-up in the US — so that the decision-makers in Congress and the White House are influenced by public opinion, by the understanding that this is not an organization that wants dialogue… and that the operation won’t stop until [Hamas] is never again capable of carrying out such atrocities.”

I believe in one of the posts last night, an IDF spokesperson was on social media asking for calm safe evacuations from Gaza. He did offer " assistance" in a way, by stating that the IDF would provide " safe corridors" on the way out ( South ) of Gaza. That, I believe would be assisting...but that is MOO.

I will look for the post..

ETA: Found the link posted previously

There wasn't an elaboration. Only that one sentence and it was vague and it wasn't repeated by anyone else. If they were providing a "safe corridor", they could have said something like "Look for the signs", "Look for the friendly vehicle" (and by vehicle, it could have been several stationary tanks with soldiers providing directions, not necessarily rides) "Look for the flagmen". (Flags are often used). If soldiers were afraid of getting shot, they could have posted signs.

Nothing like this was offered in that video.
''A recent social media post shared by Israel’s Embassy in the U.S. underscores the vast reserves of wealth in the hands of the Hamas terror group, and the disparity between its leaders and the Palestinian people they claim to represent.''

''It notes that Hamas uses its funds for tunnel-building rather than basic infrastructure such as wells and water treatment, with the result that 12 per cent of childhood deaths in Gaza are due to contaminated water.''
''It also estimates the net worth of several Hamas leaders — all of whom, it notes, live hundreds of kilometres from Gaza, in Qatar. Abu Marzuk, deputy chair of the Hamas Political Bureau is worth $3 billion, while senior leaders Khaled Mashal and Ismail Haniyeh are each worth about $4 billion.''

''It suggests that hundreds of mid- to high-level Hamas leaders have become millionaires, often due to the 20 per cent tax on all smuggled goods brought through the organization’s network of underground tunnels, and through international donors, primarily Qatar.

A report by MSN notes that, in addition to creating personal wealth, Hamas assets are often used to compensate jailed terrorists or their families, with payments ranging from $400 per month for those serving up to three years, to $3,400 per month for those serving 30 years or more. This in a region where 60 per cent of Palestinians live under the international poverty line of $60 per month.''
I was refuting a claim that "IDF offered to assist with evacuation.".

They did not "offer to assist with evacuation". They warned. There is a difference. They posted on SM, dropped leaflets etc. That isn't "assisting", in my opinion.

If I get a tornado warning and it says it "seek shelter in a bathroom or basement" I don't consider that assisting, I consider it a warning. Also there was no mention of which roads to take or where in South Gaza was safest.

To the best of my knowledge there was no offer from IDF to assist with evacuation.
I don't know what that means. Flyers and social media? Signs on the road? Flags? Escorts?
Nothing else was said. Just one sentence with interpretation. There is no video of them doing anything like that. There is no video of them placing signs on the road or anything....It's just one sentence...What does it mean?

If you can provide details, I would appreciate, but it's one sentence without any evidence of action. I have not read anywhere in the Times of Israel or Haaretz that anything more was done besides announcements. Certainly if this humanitarian gesture was done, it would have been documented somewhere.
I don't know what that means. Flyers and social media? Signs on the road? Flags? Escorts?
Nothing else was said. Just one sentence with interpretation. There is no video of them doing anything like that. There is no video of them placing signs on the road or anything....It's just one sentence...What does it mean?

If you can provide details, I would appreciate, but it's one sentence without any evidence of action. I have not read anywhere in the Times of Israel or Haaretz that anything more was done besides announcements. Certainly if this humanitarian gesture was done, it would have been documented somewhere.
On October 15, the IDF released an announcement to the people of Gaza that they will enable their evacuation southward. Enable would be according to the standard definition: provide the means to do so.
On October 15, the IDF released an announcement to the people of Gaza that they will enable their evacuation southward. Enable would be according to the standard definition: provide the means to do so.
After they were confronted about this, they showed proof that they dropped leaflets in Arabic.
Enough of this. Done with this discussion . If you have a video or article fine,

They did say they are assisting with aid distribution and I believe them because they elaborated on it.
8:08 PM

RECAP; Nasrallah declares America responsible for war in Gaza; Blinken calls to protect civilians in third visit to Israel; Netanyahu rejects ceasefire that is not tied to hostage release

Israel’s war against Hamas has entered its twenty-eighth day, three weeks after Hamas killed at least 1,300 Israelis and wounded more than 3,300 in a merciless assault. In the Gaza Strip, the Hamas-controlled health ministry reports that more than 9,227 Palestinians have been killed. Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad are holding hostage more than 242 soldiers and civilians, including foreign nationals.

Israeli forces surround Gaza City and its environs "from the air, land and sea," according to the IDF. Hamas and Hezbollah rocket fire at Israel and Israeli airstrikes on Gaza continue. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited Israel to reiterate U.S. support and work towards the release of hostages held by Hamas. Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah praised Hamas’ brutal attack as “heroic” and blamed the U.S. for the war in Gaza.
Damage at the front of one ambulance, and roughly 20 injured or deceased people. How does Hamas know that it was an IDF missile? Hamas has been wrong so many times in the last 3 weeks that verification requires evidence that it was an IDF missile and not another Hamas home made missile that fell out of the sky.
Lengthy article, rbbm.
by Michael N. Schmitt | Oct 15, 2023

''Reduced to basics, an assessment of Israel’s warnings to evacuate requires a comparison of two alternatives: an urban assault into an area full of civilians; and evacuation into a place that is not fully prepared to accommodate them. Undoubtedly, residents of Gaza City and other concentrations of civilians in the north will be at a greater risk of harm staying in place than moving away from the combat zone. Moreover, once the operation starts, fleeing the hostilities will become extraordinarily dangerous, and access to humanitarian assistance will become impossible for those remaining behind. Regardless of the lawfulness of Israel’s siege-like actions, the simple fact is that civilians who head south will be safer. Moreover, warning the civilian population makes good sense not only because it protects civilians but also militarily, as U.S. forces learned in Fallujah and Mosul''.

''Given this reality, it is bewildering that humanitarian organizations are not encouraging the civilian population to move away from what will be a destructive and deadly urban battle, in which telling the difference between fighters and civilians is particularly difficult, especially considering Hamas’s past tactics of operating near civilians, engaging in perfidy, and failing to distinguish themselves from civilians.

Along the same lines, it is mystifying that humanitarian organizations are not condemning Hamas’s efforts to keep the civilians in place. Obviously, this is an attempt to exploit the civilians as human shields to complicate Israel’s operations, for the more civilians in the area, the more complicated Israeli targeting and clearance operations become. And, sadly, the more civilians who tragically will become “collateral damage.”
The BBC continues to quote the Hamas run Health Ministry even though it has been repeatedly shown to be not truthful. In my opinion I don't think the BBC is a reliable news source any more in regards to this story.
The BBC continues to quote the Hamas run Health Ministry even though it has been repeatedly shown to be not truthful. In my opinion I don't think the BBC is a reliable news source any more in regards to this story.
Any article from any source that starts with “Hamas run” is doing itself and the public a disservice. IMO
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