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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I don't know if any of you have read this link but it has tons of stuff there that was new to me. More details about his relationships with both of his x's. His apparant penchant for young girls at an early age. He didn't finish his senior year in HS rumor was he was asked to leave after being caught kissing a middle school girl. Also said he would cruise the middle school after his first divorce. Would not let his wife to to hospital to deliver babies, was abusive to wives and controlling etc.

What I found very interesting was that his mother died when he was young in an automobile accident. She was hospitalized shortly after his birth with what was thought to be postpartem depression. I remember reading somewhere that babies need to form an attachment to their mothers and when they do not severe mental illness can result. A sort of detachment disorder where a person has no empathy for others. Sort of a sociopath. Maybe someone knows more about this?

I know he made reference to the fact that his mother tried to raise him more like a girl. Perhaps she was mentally ill as well?

His father was an executive with GM and had no time to raise the children by himself so that is why the grandparents raised them.

There was always questions about where his money came from. It seems the grandparents didn't have any. I would be surprised if the father didn't help them out financially? That is unclear.

Lots more here:

Sherlockmom said:
I don't know if any of you have read this link but it has tons of stuff there that was new to me. More details about his relationships with both of his x's. His apparant penchant for young girls at an early age. He didn't finish his senior year in HS rumor was he was asked to leave after being caught kissing a middle school girl. Also said he would cruise the middle school after his first divorce. Would not let his wife to to hospital to deliver babies, was abusive to wives and controlling etc.

What I found very interesting was that his mother died when he was young in an automobile accident. She was hospitalized shortly after his birth with what was thought to be postpartem depression. I remember reading somewhere that babies need to form an attachment to their mothers and when they do not severe mental illness can result. A sort of detachment disorder where a person has no empathy for others. Sort of a sociopath. Maybe someone knows more about this?

I know he made reference to the fact that his mother tried to raise him more like a girl. Perhaps she was mentally ill as well?

His father was an executive with GM and had no time to raise the children by himself so that is why the grandparents raised them.

There was always questions about where his money came from. It seems the grandparents didn't have any. I would be surprised if the father didn't help them out financially? That is unclear.

Lots more here:

Trino said:
Just a lurking question. Would a pedophile attack a victim in her own home, or would they attempt to lure them to another location? Although rapists often do this, I can't think of another case where a pedophile broke into a house and attacked a child in her own house while her parents were home.

Ever made out with a boy/girl/both? :D while your parents were home?

Maybe that had some elevated sexual benefit for him to attack her in her home?

calus_3 said:
Ever made out with a boy/girl/both? :D while your parents were home?

Maybe that had some elevated sexual benefit for him to attack her in her home?

I don't think the killer wrote the ransom note for no reason. I think the ransom note proves he did not intend to molest the girl there. He had lots of time in the house before the family returned and clearly intended to kidnap her. There has been speculation that he intended to remove her from the house in the suitcase that was left under the window in the basement. It was surmised that he had to change his plan when he figured out the suitcase wouldn't fit and didn't want to risk going into the main house to exit. He knew the ramsey's bedroom was on the third floor and he had JonBonet in the basement with duck tape over her mouth. No way was anyone going to hear the poor little girl. I imagine he had fantasized what he was going to do with her and simply decided to do it all there and forget the kidnapping.
stonewall said:
I don't think the killer wrote the ransom note for no reason. I think the ransom note proves he did not intend to molest the girl there. He had lots of time in the house before the family returned and clearly intended to kidnap her. There has been speculation that he intended to remove her from the house in the suitcase that was left under the window in the basement. It was surmised that he had to change his plan when he figured out the suitcase wouldn't fit and didn't want to risk going into the main house to exit. He knew the ramsey's bedroom was on the third floor and he had JonBonet in the basement with duck tape over her mouth. No way was anyone going to hear the poor little girl. I imagine he had fantasized what he was going to do with her and simply decided to do it all there and forget the kidnapping.
And then he wrote the RN?

Or do you suggest he wrote the note beforehand?
In this case you suggest he enters the house and comes up with the idea of a kidnapping and starts writing the note in their house. Even though he don't even know they will be coming home at all that night? And he is just lucky the alarm is not on.
And if he botched the kidnapping why leave the note with his handwriting on it?
He was quite meticoulous bringing all his other items with him, why leave his handwriting at no purpose.
tumble said:
And then he wrote the RN?

Or do you suggest he wrote the note beforehand?
In this case you suggest he enters the house and comes up with the idea of a kidnapping and starts writing the note in their house. Even though he don't even know they will be coming home at all that night? And he is just lucky the alarm is not on.
And if he botched the kidnapping why leave the note with his handwriting on it?
He was quite meticoulous bringing all his other items with him, why leave his handwriting at no purpose.
He obviously knew the Ramsey's whereabouts and that they would not be home for a while and took the time to make himself familiar with the house. I don't think he decided after he got there to kidnap her. I think he planned on kidnapping her all along but only decided to leave the note requesting a ransom when he discovered the Ramsey's checking statement and saw the 118,000.00 bonus money sitting there. As for him not retrieving the note when his plan went bad, could be he didn't feel it was safe to enter the main house again knowing the Ramsey's were now home. I think he felt safer going out the basement window.
stonewall said:
He obviously knew the Ramsey's whereabouts and that they would not be home for a while and took the time to make himself familiar with the house. I don't think he decided after he got there to kidnap her. I think he planned on kidnapping her all along but only decided to leave the note requesting a ransom when he discovered the Ramsey's checking statement and saw the 118,000.00 bonus money sitting there. As for him not retrieving the note when his plan went bad, could be he didn't feel it was safe to enter the main house again knowing the Ramsey's were now home. I think he felt safer going out the basement window.
He appearantly felt safe enought to go into the kitchen and leave the flashlight wiped on the counter.
"Doesn't it feel to anyone else like the amassing of a group of people who could be counted upon to defend their friends?"

Yeah, it does.

"Just a lurking question. Would a pedophile attack a victim in her own home, or would they attempt to lure them to another location?"

Trino, there have been MANY abduction cases since this one, and in ALL of them, the pedophile took them to a place where the criminal felt safe, usually their own homes.
tumble said:
He appearantly felt safe enought to go into the kitchen and leave the flashlight wiped on the counter.
I don't think it's been proven that the killer is responsible for leaving the flashlight on the counter, but if it has, then I don't think there is any proof it was used on JonBenet. He could have used it to snoop around this house and left it there before he went to the basement as he did the note.
stonewall said:
I don't think it's been proven that the killer is responsible for leaving the flashlight on the counter, but if it has, then I don't think there is any proof it was used on JonBenet. He could have used it to snoop around this house and left it there before he went to the basement as he did the note.
Why did he wipe it?
Why didn't he bring it with him?
Why does not the R's acknowledge it even though it was theirs?
Why did he wipe the batteries?
Why didn't he bring his own flashlight if he wanted to use one?
stonewall said:
I don't think the killer wrote the ransom note for no reason. I think the ransom note proves he did not intend to molest the girl there. He had lots of time in the house before the family returned and clearly intended to kidnap her. There has been speculation that he intended to remove her from the house in the suitcase that was left under the window in the basement. It was surmised that he had to change his plan when he figured out the suitcase wouldn't fit and didn't want to risk going into the main house to exit. He knew the ramsey's bedroom was on the third floor and he had JonBonet in the basement with duck tape over her mouth. No way was anyone going to hear the poor little girl. I imagine he had fantasized what he was going to do with her and simply decided to do it all there and forget the kidnapping.

I tend to agree that this pansy couldn't get that girl out that window. If you remember, it isn't just straight in the window. Going in you have to sort of wiggle into a rectangular area and then through the window. The suitcase probably wouldn't fit through the window or the pansy couldn't maneuver it through. I know my 7 year old would be impossible when he is asleep and his subconscious mind has some control of his muscles. A dead child or one kicking and flailing would be impossible to push up and out of that window.

I am certain that this case is on its last legs. Karr knows SOMETHING that no one else does.....he either gained that through being there and doing the deed, by being there and watching someone else do the deed, or being told the particulars by the actual murderer. Either way, someone is going to be charged for this crime. Who knows, perhaps he will somehow implicate John Ramsey or Patsy Ramsey in the crime. We just don't know.

What we do know is that the police have been investigating this for MONTHS and have been trapping him several ways...emails, etc. You don't go globetrotting across the world to pickup misdemeanor child *advertiser censored* suspects that skipped on bail.

"You don't go globetrotting across the world to pickup misdemeanor child *advertiser censored* suspects that skipped on bail."

Not intentionally, cal. But it looks like that's what happened.
stonewall said:
I don't think it's been proven that the killer is responsible for leaving the flashlight on the counter, but if it has, then I don't think there is any proof it was used on JonBenet. He could have used it to snoop around this house and left it there before he went to the basement as he did the note.

Hi Stonewall, Dr Spitz who worked on the case said the end of the flashlight fit perfectly into the wound on JB's head.

Perhaps Carr did intend to kidnap her, but once he had her in his "possession," he wasn't able to wait and impulsively decided to sexually assault her right there in the house. :confused:
SuperDave said:
If so, why didn't he have a note ready made?
As well...when would he have written it? The writer practiced some before writing the last draft, and even in the last draft a couple spots were marked out, indicating a change of mind in wording.

And why would he leave it on the staircase...rather than say, the breakfast table?
SleuthingSleuth said:
As well...when would he have written it? The writer practiced some before writing the last draft, and even in the last draft a couple spots were marked out, indicating a change of mind in wording.

And why would he leave it on the staircase...rather than say, the breakfast table?
The spot on the stairway where the note was found according to PR was the spot JR and PR used to place stuff that was supposed to follow the next person up the stairs.
Some intruder to chose that location.
Also there were three stairways leadning down. And the RN doesn't include any precaution that the R's find their daugter missing and calls LE before they find the RN. It like the writer knew the note was going to be found before JB were missed.

Leopold & Loeb in their ransom note for example included the case that LE was called before the note found it's way to the parents hands.

And BTW, Loepold & Loeb actually called the day after as a real kidnapper would do.

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