"It's a lady"?

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Bottom line: the dictionary open and dog-earred is a FACT.

I believe it was a poster (couple years back) that first mentioned Linda exclaiming the kids played Doctor - I don't know it that's true - it could be a forum rumor.
Okay, let's put it this way....

If this happened to you, would you look in the dictionary to see whther or not your child could be put on trial for incest?

Why not look into criminal trials of children? They must have known that children are tried differently and more leniently than adults are.
Unless the child is of age and can be tried with the death penalty in force. Incest with a half sibling...is it incest, they might wonder?
I for one do believe the dog-eared page to be a fact. If this was just a nasty rumor the Ramseys would have had plenty of time to put that to rest. The fact that they never even mention it and they avoid the subject altogether only deepens my belief. In my opinion this case has everything to do with incest. I believe the whole cover-up was done because of the total embarrassment surrounding JBRs death. My believe is the 2 kids were playing doctor several times before that fateful night. I believe the dictionary was used by Patsy in a lecture to the children prior to that evening. When the cover-up was in progress a few days later, all was forgotton about a lecture and the dictionary being used as a reference. In my opinion the dictionary is a very important clue and was missed in the rush to cover-up.
Originally posted by Imon128
Unless the child is of age and can be tried with the death penalty in force. Incest with a half sibling...is it incest, they might wonder?

So you believe it may have been JAR? Burke is not a half sibling....I know you know that!

Is an 8 year old a child of age?

I do believe, Eliza, that are avoiding the total subject altogether. Maybe they thought it patently ridiculous and not worth an excuse.
Do you think his alibi was incorrect or lied? You know that a few murder investigations have been solved that way before, right? Honestly, in the beginning, I leaned towards him, too.
I think he could have lied, using another person as well. Why would he admit to any involvement? That's why I think the killing was done at the time that it was.....an alibi was to be in place and a likely suspect was out of Boulder, visiting mumsey. No connection, right? Or wrong?
I have always thought the note was written beforehand, it just seems to long and drawn out to do after the murder. IMO the offender was in a rush to leave, or displace himself with the crime altogether.
Originally posted by ajt400
Do you think this was maybe a cry for attention from his father and step mother?

It might have been, or an act of rebellion against them, or more likely IMO, to cover his covert inappropriate activities with JB. I think he might have been spoiled and out of control, and drowning in self pity, not realizing how good he had it. Perhaps typical of some teenagers his age, from a wealthy family. Dunno. He was having problems at that time, no doubt, and why was he busing tables at Jay Elowsky's? He surely didn't need the money, did he? Did daddy cut him off? Why was he there, in that capacity? Community service for his drunkeness?
I don't think he would have fit the streotypical profile of a spoiled kid from a rich family because JR didn't aquire the wealth until his second marriage was under way. Maybe because of his jealousy because of that.

BTW, I do not knock any parent that expects their child to work, especially if they are rich. It creates a work ethic that may otherwise not develop. I have had a full time job since I was 16.
JR didn't seem to want for much, that we know about. John, even according to Patsy, was very attentive to his first wife's and his kids. I can imagine, though, seeing how Burke and JonBenet (especially her with the bucks spent on pageants) would be a source of malcontent, if JAR didn't have the same bene's. But I think JAR had at least, a good setup from John and Patsy for JAR's college days there in Boulder. While I'm certain it wouldn't have hurt him to work, why WOULD he have, especially at Pasta Jays, in that capacity? John was dumping mega bucks into JB's pageants, via Patsy, why would JAR not be able to study and be free of work obligations? JAR was having drinking problems at that time. That entire JAR thing, is a red flag, IMO.
I think JAR was definitely in Atlanta at the time of the murder. The police would have investigated his alibi thorougly. To me, the only way JAR figures into the murder would be if the murder involved two people: JAR in Atlanta and the killer in Boulder.
We must remember that Steve Thomas felt JAR and Melinda were given a pass prematurely, although I have a feeling he sort of bought JAR's alibi. MJenn showed us that JAR could have gone to Boulder in the time frame....I sure do think JAR had an accomplice. Brad Millard had NO reason to spend the night at JAR's house in Atlanta that night, as they purport. Why would he have?
Originally posted by eliza
I for one do believe the dog-eared page to be a fact.
Why on earth do you believe such a thing?
If Steve Thomas was looking a phot and suddenly "noticed" the dictionary being open to a certain page and its being 'dog eared' don't you think he would have to have an extremely large magnifying glass? How would such an item be visible unless it were a close up of the dictionary. IF it were a close up of the dictionary, then someone would have noticed it then and it would have been logged into evidence then.

What on earth would anyone gain by looking at a dictionary?
Spelling? Precise definition? I want all of you to suddenly drop what you are doing, go grab a dictionary, look up the word 'incest' and then reflect for a moment: what possible benefit was that? What did you just learn that you did not already know?
Just what nuance was in the dictionary that was unknown to you already? Just what could you have reasonably expected to find in any dictionary definition of the word that you did not already know? Now go back to the dictionary and repeatedly look up the word until it becomes dog eared? What more did you gain that you didn't gain the first time?

A little common sense about this dictionary: Steve Thomas saw it. Steve Thomas seems to "see" and "hear" alot in this case that bears little semblance to the truth.
Originally posted by ajt400
So you believe it may have been JAR? Burke is not a half sibling....I know you know that!

Is an 8 year old a child of age?

I do believe, Eliza, that are avoiding the total subject altogether. Maybe they thought it patently ridiculous and not worth an excuse.

ajt400, If this was my family and rumors are being told and they were totally false I would want to set the record straight. I would think that it would be my right to at least say certain things are not true to defend my family. If the rumors are true I guess it would be kind of stupid to tell the world they are not true when proof could be shown. The Ramseys are not shy people and have spoken on several occasions. I just find it enlightning the subjects they avoid. Its little things like the dictionary that give the Ramseys a bad rep. If I were the Ramseys I would be knocking down the untruths one by one, that is if they are indeed untruths.

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