It's All About Caylee

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Dance little Caylee, Dance on the clouds,Spread your wings and fly,run jump & play.
Forever you will be in my heart.
I love you
Cathy Peters
Hi, sweetheart. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas with the angels. I wish you could tell us what it was like! I just know the angels are crazy about you, little cutie, and taking wonderful care of you.

Could you feel how many people were thinking of you on Christmas? You were on soooo many people's minds.

You did such a good job showing yourself when we were looking for you, and asking you to calling out however you could. You're such a smart girl!!

Now it's time for us who love you to work hard to find information that will help tell your story, your story of what happened to you that you're not with us any more. We want to know your story, sweet baby. We care about what happened to you, and that is why we want very much to know your story and to tell it.

Caylee, you are loved. You are special. You matter!

Hugs and :blowkiss:

Thank you, dear angels, for helping this baby be found, for helping her show herself, and for guiding the meter man to her and giving him persistence and determination and courage. We are so grateful. Please guide the state's attorney to the information he needs to tell this baby's story. Thank you, angels, for loving this child, and for all your extra help :)

Angels, please bless and guide LE, the FBI, and the state's attorney teams. Please help keep them on the path of wisdom. Ease their hearts and minds when their burden is heavy. These are such good people, and working so hard for Caylee.

Angels, please bless and guide the defense too, and Cindy and George and Lee. Help them always to treat Caylee with the respect and dignity and fairness. Help them be honest. Help them stay on the path of what is right for Caylee. Guard them from the manipulations of Casey. Protect them from the calls of ego and fame and greed and selfishness.

Angels, please watch and guide Cindy especially. Her heart is heavy. Please help her heal and ease her pain, calm her mind and show her the path to peace. Help her to grow. Help her to cling to her love of Caylee, and do what's right and just for this precious baby.

Angels, please also see all the love and true caring, the pursuit of what's right and just, in the hearts and minds of so many here on Websleuths. Guide them to the information they seek. Ease their pain and bless them with peace.

I ask for a lot, I know that. You, angels, know what we really need :)

Please help me to do what's right in my personal situation too, not to be so selfish. My heart is heavy. Please help me to take that step and do what's right.

and every day you gaze upon the sunset
with such love and intensity
it's's almost as if
if you could only crack the code
then you'd finally understand what this all means

Angels, please help me to understand what I struggle with, and to accept what I cannot. Please protect our children when we fail to.
Very Beautiful
There is not a day and sometimes not an hour goes by that I don't think of you little Caylee. However, I am comforted by the fact that as a hospice volunteer for many years, there is truly a place of peace, a place I call heaven. Having experienced time and again the expressions on a person's face as they pass away, that smile and words like "I'm going home".... it just convinces me each time that there is a life everlasting.
I watched a little two year old boy who had nearly drowned in the backyard pool go through the very same thing so I amgels beyond convinced that Caylee is safe in the arms of the angels and in the arms of a loving God. My prayer each day is for Cindy, George, Lee, the grandparents, and all those deeply affected by Caylee's untimely death, including the Grund family. I pray for healing in their lives ... None of us can fathom the huge loss in George and Cindy's life... she was so loved by them. I also want to thank the worker who found Caylee's remains and for the FBI and law enforcement, the search crews and Tim Miller... I want to thank Nancy Grace for keeping this case in the limelight so people all over the world could join together and pray for this child and her family. Lynette in Southern California
Dear sweet Caylee, I think you wanted to be found before Christmas so you could play with the angels. I have never saw such beautiful eyes. Everyone could see right down into your soul. You have touched so many hearts and many tears have been shed for you. I just want to say little angel...YOU WERE SO LOVED!

I woke up this morning to see tons of beautifully wrapped presents - they said "Caylee's Christmas Presents" that were being given to Orlando's homeless and sheltered, and I thought how powerful you are in such a short time!
Why you might even give Princess Di some competition in the years to come.

When I heard you say "are you tired Papa?" I knew you were born with the perception of a caring soul and in you short time to make a large presence, you will be loved and cherished by many far and wide- just because. Caring is brought to light in your name Caylee.

Blessings to you beautiful angel Caylee Marie Anthony...if you see Gloria and Rogers, tell them hello and I know they will show you a good time!


G :blowkiss:
I have two wonderful boys that if they notice I am stressed will say "are you okay". Who was there to ask Caylee if she was okay. This precious little girl, whose mother probably never asked her if she was tired, was concerned enough to ask PaPa if he was tired.

My heart knows that Caylee is in heaven playing but still thinks about what could have been. I am sure she misses her family.
Caylee I went to the zoo today, and I fed every animal I could and told them that you loved them. We had so much fun ! Rest in peace little one, rest in peace.
It's so very difficult to try and make sense of an obviously senseless act committed on such an innocent human being. I find comfort in the words of my favorite book, The Wheel of Life by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, M.D.

In this passage, she is writing to a terminally ill child named Dougy who had asked of her “What is life and what is death and why do little children have to die?”

She wrote that “In simple language, I described life as a gamble, similar to the scattering of seeds in a windstorm, covered by earth and warmed by the sun, whose rays were God’s love shining down on us. Everyone had a lesson to learn, a purpose to his or her life, and I wanted to tell Dougy, who would die three years later and was trying to figure out why, that he was no exception.

Some flowers bloom only for a few days---everybody admires and loves them as a sign of spring and hope. Then they die---but they have done what they need to do. . .

I like to think that in Caylee's coming here and leaving in such a short while, she brought so very many people together who would never have otherwise made contact with one another. They united in a common cause - to bring her home. To honor Caylee, may we never forget that she accomplished what she came here to do.
It's so very difficult to try and make sense of an obviously senseless act committed on such an innocent human being. I find comfort in the words of my favorite book, The Wheel of Life by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, M.D.

In this passage, she is writing to a terminally ill child named Dougy who had asked of her “What is life and what is death and why do little children have to die?”

She wrote that “In simple language, I described life as a gamble, similar to the scattering of seeds in a windstorm, covered by earth and warmed by the sun, whose rays were God’s love shining down on us. Everyone had a lesson to learn, a purpose to his or her life, and I wanted to tell Dougy, who would die three years later and was trying to figure out why, that he was no exception.

Some flowers bloom only for a few days---everybody admires and loves them as a sign of spring and hope. Then they die---but they have done what they need to do. . .

I like to think that in Caylee's coming here and leaving in such a short while, she brought so very many people together who would never have otherwise made contact with one another. They united in a common cause - to bring her home. To honor Caylee, may we never forget that she accomplished what she came here to do.

What you wrote brought tears to my eyes.

We're all still here for you, Caylee.
God bless you and keep you in His safe, loving arms, little one. I still think of you every day. You are forever in my heart, Caylee Marie Anthony.
Happy new year sweet baby!
Justice will be sought for you by so many this year!
Happy New Year, sweet Caylee!

I'm praying that your story will be told fully and truthfully in 2009. So many of us want to know what happened to you, sweetheart. It matters. You matter.

You are loved by so many people, Caylee.

We will not forget you.

Little Miss Caylee, I'm always thinking of you. Sing with the angels, darling.:blowkiss:

In this New Year, may the whole truth and nothing but the truth be told at last, and may there be justice for this baby.
I woke up this morning to see tons of beautifully wrapped presents - they said "Caylee's Christmas Presents" that were being given to Orlando's homeless and sheltered, and I thought how powerful you are in such a short time!
Why you might even give Princess Di some competition in the years to come.

When I heard you say "are you tired Papa?" I knew you were born with the perception of a caring soul and in you short time to make a large presence, you will be loved and cherished by many far and wide- just because. Caring is brought to light in your name Caylee.

Blessings to you beautiful angel Caylee Marie Anthony...if you see Gloria and Rogers, tell them hello and I know they will show you a good time!


G :blowkiss:

Your post is beautiful and thank you so much for sharing and for your lovely words. God bless you and surely Beautiful Little Caylee is being held in the palm of our Lord's loving hands.
Caylee, you are always just a thought away.

Remember, you are loved.
Good morning, sweet Caylee. I hope that 2009 will see your story told, the story of what happened to you, and what is still happening to you. Your story is still unfolding before us. The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth is very hard to find.

Your story is not just how you left us and who is responsible. It is a story, a lesson, of love's imperfections, of how cold the hearts of those closest to us can be, of how warm the hearts of strangers can be, of good and evil, of the meaning of justice in our everyday lives versus in our legal system, and of so much more. Your story is so complex, Caylee, and so hard to understand.

I wish I knew if you can see what has happened, what is happening, what is hidden from us. I wish I knew if you can understand now what we cannot. I hope that death brings knowledge and wisdom and acceptance, and that there is no more disappointment or pain or sadness. I hope you are always happy, and always feel safe and nurtured and loved.

You matter, Caylee. You did and you do and you will.

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