It's All About Caylee

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goodnight sweetpea! please know that justice will be served for you. i know everyone at websleuths loves you. watch over all of us and remember we love you!
“Who will sing my lullaby?
Who will hold me when I cry?
When I awake and no one’s there
Who will sing my lullaby?"

I'm so, so sorry, Caylee. I fail you every day. I am so sorry. I am not saying I am giving up, though. I will keep trying to find out who gives you your voice, and I will work with them however I can to help your voice be strong and clear.
Caylee, I was so sad to see your cute little shoes all lined up in the pics yesterday. It broke my heart that you will never walk in them again. You will never be forgotten, angel.

Sweet kisses
Dear little Caylee I know you are safe and happy in heaven, singing and dancing with angels.

I love this picture so much of you Sweetie. Caylee, the little Princess...
I think of your sweet smile and beautiful little face every single day! I will forever remember you, Caylee.
I wept when I heard your JoJo talk about missing you, how he misses watching DVDs with you, and reading books and singing songs with you. I know he really misses you Caylee. My hearts hurts for him. You are a very special and sweet little girl. I love the videos of you and your beautiful eyes and how shy you were after singing for your great grandpa. You sang so beautifully. I also love the video of you dancing to music with your pink slippers on. I am sure you are singing and dancing happily in heaven at peace now with the angels! You are a beautiful angel.
dear sweet caylee, i was looking at the pics of where they found you and my heart broke. you deserved so much more. you should be dancing and singing and enjoying the little things in life. i am so sorry that she took that away from you. i know you are dancing and singing with the angels, but i so wish you were still with us. please know that i think about you all the time and hugs and kisses are sent your way. goodnight sweetpea!

I love this picture so much of you Sweetie. Caylee, the little Princess...
I think of your sweet smile and beautiful little face every single day! I will forever remember you, Caylee.

That is an amazing picture! Full of wonder and majestic imagination :)
You are remembered, Caylee. Thank you, for the things you have taught me.
Sweet, sweet angel, I have received so many messages these past few days from people who truly care about you. People do care about you, Caylee, and it is from their hearts. You are not forgotten, you are not swept aside, you are not lost.

People are seeking the truth of what happened to you. They want to know your story. They want to know why you are not here any more. They want you to have all the dignity and respect you deserve.

You matter, sweet girl. What happened to you, what continues to happen to you matters. It was wrong, and it is wrong.

You may never get justice in the court system, Caylee, but in the hearts and consciences of many people, you do and you will.

You are loved, Caylee, and thought of every single day.

Rest easy, precious baby. Sweet dreams.

Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.
Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message Caylee is dead
Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.
Caylee was our North, our South, our East and West,
Our working week and Sunday rest,
Our noon, midnight, talk, and song;
I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong.
The stars are not wanted now: put out every one;
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun;
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood;
For nothing now can come to any good.

Author unknown.


Good morning, sweet girl. Thought you might want to play with your potato heads for a while.

Thinking about you every single day, Caylee.

Good morning baby girl.

I cried for you last night when I took my daughter to dance class.

I pictured you dancing with all the other little girls, and my heart broke again because you should have had that chance.

I hope you are dancing in Heaven, baby Caylee. I hope you are lighting up Heaven with your smile and beautiful little angel face.

I hope that your beauty radiates down here to all mothers and helps them understand how precious their own children are.

I know I now hug my daughter closer, tighter, and with more love than I ever thought possible.

Caylee, sunshine girl - I love you baby princess.
Hey, sweetie pie! :sunshine:
Just wanted to come tell you hello...I think about you every single day...but I know you know that. :)
Sleep well with the angels, baby.
We love you. :blowkiss:
HI beautiful baby girl... sleep well tonight baby. Here is a lullabye for you.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky!

When the blazing sun is gone,
When he nothing shines upon,
Then you show your little light,
Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.

Then the traveler in the dark,
Thanks you for your tiny spark,
He could not see which way to go,
If you did not twinkle so.

In the dark blue sky you keep,
And often through my curtains peep,
For you never shut your eye,
Till the sun is in the sky.

As your bright and tiny spark,
Lights the traveler in the dark,—
Though I know not what you are,
Twinkle, twinkle, little star.
Dear sweet Caylee,
You are such a beautiful and wonderful little girl. Please always remember that there are bunches of people that love and adore you.


You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

Please, our heavenly Father, wrap this child in your loving embrace...I know she is with you now.

hi little sunshine .. thinking of you .you never leave my heart or thoughts little one ,i hope you are joining the pillow fights with the other angels .. its supposed to snow here today ,my mom always told me when i was a little one like you that when it snows the angels were having pillow fights :)
Good afternoon beautiful baby girl.

I am very sad today, have cried several times thinking of you.

I wanted to stop here now because it lifts my spirits to chat with you and read all of other beautiful things people have written to you.

Baby Caylee, you have changed so many lives, because as a mother myself, I realize how precious my own daughter is, how much she means to me and how much I love her.

Not that I didn't know these things before, but now where I may have taken certain things for granted, I cherish that little life and know how much a child trusts their parents.

You did absolutely NOTHING wrong, sweet angel.

Millions of mothers everywhere no doubt tell you this every day.

I hope you can find the peace you need to dance for eternity in beautiful Heaven. I hope you can forgive those who hurt you, and understand that it had NOTHING to do with you.

What am I saying. I'm sure that now you are smarter than any of us down here, and understand more than we ever could.

Sweet child who has touched the hearts of so many... I wish for you everything pure and delicious and loving and joyous.

We love you Caylee.
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