Jahi’s family wants her declared 'alive again’

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I feel sorry for Jahi, but I really feel sorry foe her siblings. They have been through so much with this horrible mess. They should have grieved their loss, with the support of their family and friends and community, then MOVED ON. But it is never-ending for them. And kind of morbid, no doubt.

I have two different friends who kind of lived in the 'shadow' of lost siblings. My childhood friend lost a younger sister to a drowning during a family vacation. And her mother made the entire home a shrine to the child. And everything was about her and her memory, and my friend was neglected, emotionally and spiritually. She was even compared to her = like, if she drew a picture, mom would say, I wonder how Sonya's would have looked if she were here to draw one. :cry: My friend became an alcoholic/drug addict. Sadly.

A similar thing happened to another friend in college. She and her brother were hit by a drunk driver. Her brother was killed, and she was not hurt at all. So much guilt came from that for her. And her parents didn't help at all. She truly lived in his shadow for years. IF ONLY was the family refrain, in her mind.

So when I think about the siblings my heart hurts for them. Their childhood has been turned totally upside down.

I know. I was really upset for the younger sibling, who was "persuaded", IMO, to wear a (huge!!) tribute to Jahi on her own graduation gown. It couldn't have just been a day to celebrate the achievements of the sibling-- the family (IMO) had to go and usurp that little bit of normalcy and achievement for the younger one and exploit it into a Jahi-worship situation. That made me very sad for the sibling. That child should have had one stinking day to be the center of the family's attention, IMO. To have her own achievements mean something and be recognized and celebrated, apart from living in the shadow of her sister's sad and awful situation. And even that little bit was taken from her by the actions of the family, IMO. How confusing for a young child, IMO.
I think I may have nailed it down a little closer, and it's somewhat like you said. Looking at the court records again today, apparently another hearing has been scheduled again for that very same day, except this time it's in Division 14, the tentative rulings court. So it's been moved out of Division 31, Grillo's court room. So, perhaps the court has gone ahead and issued a tentative ruling due to Dolan withdrawing his initial petition and subsequent dropping of his request for continuance. A tentative ruling has been made, and now the court is just waiting to see if Dolan presents any further motions or petitions in regards to the matter up to and including the day of that hearing.

Does that sound plausible?

Not completely sure, but my guess would be that the court hasn't issued the ruling yet but plans to on that day at the hearing if nothing changes. So pretty much what you said. I don't know a lot about the different court sessions at that level and in that state.
Not completely sure, but my guess would be that the court hasn't issued the ruling yet but plans to on that day at the hearing if nothing changes. So pretty much what you said. I don't know a lot about the different court sessions at that level and in that state.
Hi lawstudent. I was browsing on Go "Fund Me" and found this.

Note the date!

Jahi Mcmath August 2014 Update, The latest news in this ongoing saga as of today is that jahi's body has been fitted with a feeding tube at the undisclosed ...I knew they had removed one!

I went to yahoo search, after leaving pg.1 of this. site.
I paraphrased this from the funding site that was updated 2 weeks ago.

"Her organs are fully functional and her skin is flawless.

All of her joints are nice and loose. She is just like a real sleeping beauty.

She continues to be more responsive to my voice and becomes more responsive all the time.

If you ask her at the right time she lets you know that she knows left and right, a leg, an arm, a thumb, an index finger, etc.

She follows the commands but it seems to tire her out so we try not over-exert her. But I get so excited that it is hard to contain myself.

It is incredible how something so simple as a wiggling finger can mean so much!!! But I love my daughter very much and I have witnessed her progress since December of last year.There is definitely an improvement.

Jahi had an MRI done recently and it does show damage but it also shows brain structure and blood flow. She also had a lot of other tests done which confirmed what I already knew. JAHI CAN HEAR ME!!! Her EEG shows brain waves which I was told she didn't have when she was in California.

I have seen with my own eyes that my daughter had a brain with structure.I was told previously that it would be liquefied or have holes in it because it had been without blood flow and oxygen for 9 months.

But that is not the case with Jahi. Every person heals differently. Jahi has also started puberty!! She started her menstruating a few months ago and it occurs monthly and last 3-5 days like any normal female. If you think about it, consider the fact that Jahi now is capable of giving life. How can something dead give life?

Thank you all for your donations, kind words of encouragement and PRAYERS. Please keep praying for Jahi that is the most important thing you could ever give her.

I believe more than anything it is the positive thoughts and faithful prayers that have been keeping her going. We will pray for you all as well thank you."

I had not seen this information before in other articles. I'm not sure what they are basing it on, but this article states that apparently Dr. Fisher wants another neutral (court appointed?) doc, presumably a pediatric neurologist, to examine Jahi and make a report. I think that's a very good idea, if the family seeks any more court action related to "alive again".

I'd like to see Dolan make a petition to the court to ask for court appointed, independent pediatric neurologist/s to examine Jahi, in a medical setting. That would be much more credible than what he's done in the past 30 days or so, IMO.

From the news article which is filled with errors, I believe that the AUTHOR thinks that Dr. Fisher "wants" another opinion from a physical, accurate clinical examination with appropriate testing modalities performed, i.e. the AUTHOR is "mind-reading" from Dr. Fisher's comments to the court!
Now my turn to hypothesize: EVERYONE with a modicum of common sense and clinical expertise would LOVE to review any relevant, performed under controlled conditions neuro testing.....the RAW DATA, thank you!
BTW: the AUTHOR'S comments regarding "another tester" as a court-appointed, well-credentialed, independent entity would be a perfect solution to the courtroom tennis match that Dolan wants to champion!

ALL my opinion, of course................but so far, I've seen nothing to "revoke"/ withdraw or remove the Calif. certificate.
So mom thinks that Jahi can get pregnant and deliver a baby? Oh my Lord.

"But that is not the case with Jahi. Every person heals differently. Jahi has also started puberty!! She started her menstruating a few months ago and it occurs monthly and last 3-5 days like any normal female. If you think about it, consider the fact that Jahi now is capable of giving life. How can something dead give life?"
I paraphrased this from the funding site that was updated 2 weeks ago.

Her organs are fully functional and her skin is flawless.

All of her joints are nice and loose. She is just like a real sleeping beauty.

She continues to be more responsive to my voice and becomes more responsive all the time.

If you ask her at the right time she lets you know that she knows left and right, a leg, an arm, a thumb, an index finger, etc.

She follows the commands but it seems to tire her out so we try not over-exert her. But I get so excited that it is hard to contain myself.

It is incredible how something so simple as a wiggling finger can mean so much!!! But I love my daughter very much and I have witnessed her progress since December of last year.There is definitely an improvement.

Jahi had an MRI done recently and it does show damage but it also shows brain structure and blood flow. She also had a lot of other tests done which confirmed what I already knew. JAHI CAN HEAR ME!!! Her EEG shows brain waves which I was told she didn't have when she was in California.

I have seen with my own eyes that my daughter had a brain with structure.I was told previously that it would be liquefied or have holes in it because it had been without blood flow and oxygen for 9 months.

But that is not the case with Jahi. Every person heals differently. Jahi has also started puberty!! She started her menstruating a few months ago and it occurs monthly and last 3-5 days like any normal female. If you think about it, consider the fact that Jahi now is capable of giving life. How can something dead give life?

Thank you all for your donations, kind words of encouragement and PRAYERS. Please keep praying for Jahi that is the most important thing you could ever give her.

I believe more than anything it is the positive thoughts and faithful prayers that have been keeping her going. We will pray for you all as well thank you.

Those are the "telling points" for me....timing & the belief that minimal uterine function are the primary indicators of LIFE!
I paraphrased this from the funding site that was updated 2 weeks ago.

Her organs are fully functional and her skin is flawless.

All of her joints are nice and loose. She is just like a real sleeping beauty.

She continues to be more responsive to my voice and becomes more responsive all the time.

If you ask her at the right time she lets you know that she knows left and right, a leg, an arm, a thumb, an index finger, etc.

She follows the commands but it seems to tire her out so we try not over-exert her. But I get so excited that it is hard to contain myself.

It is incredible how something so simple as a wiggling finger can mean so much!!! But I love my daughter very much and I have witnessed her progress since December of last year.There is definitely an improvement.

Jahi had an MRI done recently and it does show damage but it also shows brain structure and blood flow. She also had a lot of other tests done which confirmed what I already knew. JAHI CAN HEAR ME!!! Her EEG shows brain waves which I was told she didn't have when she was in California.

I have seen with my own eyes that my daughter had a brain with structure.I was told previously that it would be liquefied or have holes in it because it had been without blood flow and oxygen for 9 months.

But that is not the case with Jahi. Every person heals differently. Jahi has also started puberty!! She started her menstruating a few months ago and it occurs monthly and last 3-5 days like any normal female. If you think about it, consider the fact that Jahi now is capable of giving life. How can something dead give life?

Thank you all for your donations, kind words of encouragement and PRAYERS. Please keep praying for Jahi that is the most important thing you could ever give her.

I believe more than anything it is the positive thoughts and faithful prayers that have been keeping her going. We will pray for you all as well thank you.

If she had made this much amazing 'progress', how come NONE of her caregivers from the NJ Hospital have made note or testified to this?
I paraphrased this from the funding site that was updated 2 weeks ago.

Her organs are fully functional and her skin is flawless.

All of her joints are nice and loose. She is just like a real sleeping beauty.

She continues to be more responsive to my voice and becomes more responsive all the time.

If you ask her at the right time she lets you know that she knows left and right, a leg, an arm, a thumb, an index finger, etc.

She follows the commands but it seems to tire her out so we try not over-exert her. But I get so excited that it is hard to contain myself.

It is incredible how something so simple as a wiggling finger can mean so much!!! But I love my daughter very much and I have witnessed her progress since December of last year.There is definitely an improvement.

Jahi had an MRI done recently and it does show damage but it also shows brain structure and blood flow. She also had a lot of other tests done which confirmed what I already knew. JAHI CAN HEAR ME!!! Her EEG shows brain waves which I was told she didn't have when she was in California.

I have seen with my own eyes that my daughter had a brain with structure.I was told previously that it would be liquefied or have holes in it because it had been without blood flow and oxygen for 9 months.

But that is not the case with Jahi. Every person heals differently. Jahi has also started puberty!! She started her menstruating a few months ago and it occurs monthly and last 3-5 days like any normal female. If you think about it, consider the fact that Jahi now is capable of giving life. How can something dead give life?

Thank you all for your donations, kind words of encouragement and PRAYERS. Please keep praying for Jahi that is the most important thing you could ever give her.

I believe more than anything it is the positive thoughts and faithful prayers that have been keeping her going. We will pray for you all as well thank you.


BBM - Bad thoughts of JM having an "immaculate conception" or conception just to test the already busted boundaries of moral and good sense.

* * *

Ugh! I find myself struggling with my strong support of parents to do as they feel is best for their child and, in this case, wanting someone/anyone to step in and restore sanity to this situation and let this poor child pass on. Ugly case getting uglier by the day. JMVHO
So mom thinks that Jahi can get pregnant and deliver a baby? Oh my Lord.

"But that is not the case with Jahi. Every person heals differently. Jahi has also started puberty!! She started her menstruating a few months ago and it occurs monthly and last 3-5 days like any normal female. If you think about it, consider the fact that Jahi now is capable of giving life. How can something dead give life?"

Does she not know that for years now a test tube "can give life"? Sheesh... I'm speechless.
I know. I was really upset for the younger sibling, who was "persuaded", IMO, to wear a (huge!!) tribute to Jahi on her own graduation gown. It couldn't have just been a day to celebrate the achievements of the sibling-- the family (IMO) had to go and usurp that little bit of normalcy and achievement for the younger one and exploit it into a Jahi-worship situation. That made me very sad for the sibling. That child should have had one stinking day to be the center of the family's attention, IMO. To have her own achievements mean something and be recognized and celebrated, apart from living in the shadow of her sister's sad and awful situation. And even that little bit was taken from her by the actions of the family, IMO. How confusing for a young child, IMO.

I thought it was ridiculous that the family was allowed to disrupt the graduation ceremony with their antics. The poor sibling was turning into a walking billboard and I found it disrespectful to the other families who had children graduation that day. It was graduation day for 20+ other children, not "Jahi McMath" day."

In another post, Sealey wrote “The school said they received too many complaints about displaying anything about Jahi McMath…really????” So it seems that Uncle O is annoyed that all of the parents who want the graduation ceremony to be about the graduating students and NOT about Jahi.

He also posted "“If you don’t want a bunch of cameras and a bunch of activity, just give her an honorary diploma.” and bragged how he disrupted a school board meeting and used aggressive tactics to get Jahi a diploma.

Sealey, her uncle, had gone on social media to complain about the lack of recognition for his niece. Posting on Facebook Tuesday, the family said Jahi “should be graduating from the 8th grade this month but it may not be possible for her to make it to the ceremony, as she is fighting to recover.”

The post then said Jahi “deserves to receive the graduation certificate as she has completed most of the 8th grade work.”[/I]http://www.lifenews.com/2014/06/13/jahi-mcmaths-middle-school-grants-her-an-honorary-diploma.

(BBM - "it may not be possible for her to make it to the ceremony as she is fighting to recover".) Yeah, being dead makes it hard to attend social events.

BBM - She completed "most of her work"??. Um No, she didn't even complete half of the school year)
Does she not know that for years now a test tube "can give life"? Sheesh... I'm speechless.
Judging by the horrific things they've done to the body and memory thus far, I'm extremely afraid and concerned for what this family may try. Extremely afraid. She is just one poor-taste comment away from law enforcement needing to step in and see wth is going on.

And this, JMO, is based on how it seems they're trying to hook her up with a "boyfriend" via skype.
If she had made this much amazing 'progress', how come NONE of her caregivers from the NJ Hospital have made note or testified to this?

They couldn't even if they wanted to. HIPAA.
They couldn't even if they wanted to. HIPAA.
Of course, nothing stops them from eventually having their conscience take over and calling in an anonymous child welfare check.
If she had made this much amazing 'progress', how come NONE of her caregivers from the NJ Hospital have made note or testified to this?

Despite HIPAA, I'm surprised that info leaks re Jahi's actual condition have not been posted in soc med,
or at least not that I've seen referenced in W/S.
Maybe I've missed it?
Despite HIPAA, I'm surprised that info leaks re Jahi's actual condition have not been posted in soc med,
or at least not that I've seen referenced in W/S.
Maybe I've missed it?

There's someone who posts on the allnurses forums who seems to have some inside insight. It's not pretty.
Jahi's skin is hardly "flawless. There have been questionable spots on her hands and most pics of her have her completely covered in blankets, even all around her head.

As for her joints being nice and loose, we have all seen that he hands are curling up and the latest pics of her manicures show the unnatural way that they are bent in an effort to open her hand. We have seen the little tube-like spongy items that are in her hands in an attempt to keep them from completely curling up. Just look at the pics where her mother has tried to open her hand to show off the manicure. It is clear that he hand is already deformed. Her joints are nowhere near "loose". They are tightly clenched and closed.

MW as reports that Jahi "also had a lot of other tests done which confirmed what I already knew. JAHI CAN HEAR ME!!! Her EEG shows brain waves which I was told she didn't have when she was in California."

Really? What were these other tests? And if the results were so spectacular and it can prove that Jahi can hear then WHY wasn't this presented in court instead of the dubious and unimpressive videos of Jahi's foot jerking.
Hm vaginal bleeding is not actually any kind of guarantee that one is capable of "giving life".
Professor Thaddeus Pope tracks judicial, legislative, policy, and academic developments concerning medical futility and
the limits on individual autonomy at the end of life.

Excerpt from today's entry.
"In short, it is one thing to establish an actual refutation, to show that someone can be alive
even after a "correct" application of criteria for determining death by neurological criteria.

It is quite another to question the diagnosis based on spurious videos and unsubstantiated allegations."

He also refers to and links this Oct27 article headed:
"Jahi McMath Videos Highlight Uncertainty of ‘Brain Death’ Diagnoses
Doctors disagree on how to diagnose death, but the 13-year-old ‘corpse’ appears move when her mother asks her to do so"
(National Catholic Register)

Interesting to me that NCReg article has quotation marks around 'brain death.'
Along w "Doctors Disagree" and referencing Dr. Paul Byrnes,
the reporter repeated the oh-so-inaccurate "routine tonsillectomy."

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