James Kolar's New Book Will Blow the Lid off the JonBenet Ramsey Investigation

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Thanks, cynic, for posing the question. You can't imagine how much I wanted to know the answer to that one thing
Having read your thread on strangulation, I think I have a pretty good idea :D
About his response... He seemed pretty uncertain of the answer and didn't seem to understand the significance of it until you explained it to him. Since this was something that happened early on the case, and since Meyer didn't make note of it in the AR, I can see why it might not have seemed important to him. Even then, he seemed to hedge the answer to something like (not a direct quote), "If I recall, I think some of the hair had been pulled out from the scalp."

That's not really the definitive answer I can be satisfied with to stop pursuing it. I can imagine that some of the hairs would be pulled out from the weight of the paintbrush and cord being joggled about as JR ran up the stairs holding her body. "Some" hairs would be pulled out like that. This wouldn't be the same as saying that every single hair that was caught under the cord was pulled out by the root. Were that the case, I could drop saying that the "handle" was completely nonfunctional (even though I would still have a hard time believing it was actually used as implied by its being there).
I agree.
I'm not sure if you've ever read Steve Thomas' deposition, but you would think that someone who spent so much time on the case that he developed health problems would not have any problems recalling things to do with the case. Not so, the years can be unkind with respect to instant recall.
I suppose the way to go would be to give Kolar a list of questions that he could research prior to the show.

Nice to see you posting again by the way.
Thank you for understanding and support.

From your post: 'if BR hit her in the head, and the parents were not aware of that, he may have waited a considerable amount of time before telling them.' What the reason to wait 1.5 hours? To see if JBR will 'wake-up'?...1.5 hour is the VERY long time for the child to WAIT!:)...Agree?
From your post: 'if BR didn't tell his parents, but they discovered the situation themselves, it may have been well after the blow to the head'. This is very interesting thought....it means that Patsy or John JUST wake-up in the middle of the night for no reason (or maybe go to toilet:) and decide to look for JBR...? Because in this situation, no noises in the house, light is off and both of them are pretty tired, right? So, what make them to start looking for JBR?...Sorry, it's just my opinion, but I couldn't see neither of above scenarios to have common sense. Again, please forgive me...

With your permission, in regards of OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE...So, how we - the public - can raise this 'option' to LE/DA attention? Do we have lawyers in this forum (or/and FFJ forum) to help identify the 'cons' and 'pros' of this approach and help us with the petition? I do hope and pray that Mr. Kolar book will make progress in this 'cold case'. I don't want this book to become just 'another book'...I'm praying to God: let's this book be the 'last straw which broke the camel back'. It's long overdue! From the moment of Mr. Big Shot (John R.) lawyer-up with all these money-hungry creatures (including some DA officials), dragging his feet in providing information to LE, lying and making mockery of jurisdiction - the process of solving JBR murder was put 'on hold'....until it becomes absolute.

From your post: 'if BR hit her in the head, and the parents were not aware of that, he may have waited a considerable amount of time before telling them.' What the reason to wait 1.5 hours? To see if JBR will 'wake-up'?...1.5 hour is the VERY long time for the child to WAIT!:loser:...Agree?

Yes, it's a long time but he may have been afraid to tell his parents, and he may not have realized how seriously injured she was. there was no external bleeding from the skull fracture.

From your post: 'if BR didn't tell his parents, but they discovered the situation themselves, it may have been well after the blow to the head'. This is very interesting thought....it means that Patsy or John JUST wake-up in the middle of the night for no reason (or maybe go to toilet:loser: and decide to look for JBR...? Because in this situation, no noises in the house, light is off and both of them are pretty tired, right? So, what make them to start looking for JBR?...Sorry, it's just my opinion, but I couldn't see neither of above scenarios to have common sense. Again, please forgive me...

I'm not saying this happened, just wondering how it is they came to find out that JB was injured (if it was a BDI scenario - which in my opinion it was not)

So I just wondering, were they still up and knew that the injury happened just a moment or two afterwards? In this case it's very hard to imagine them waiting 90 minutes to do something (and IMO very hard to imagine they wouldn't call 911 for an ambulance)

Or were they asleep and BR had to come and tell them? In this case BR may not have understood the extent of the injuries, and/or was fearful of telling what happened. He may have waited.

Or did they discover it on their own? And as you point out, why did they discover it? Got up to use the bathroom ? Woke up and just felt like checking on the kids? She was probably in her bed at this point? So they wouldn't need to go to the basement.

I think BDI theorists have to at least attempt an explanation of how the Rs became aware of the injury and why they waited 90 minutes to strangle her.

As to the book and making progress on the case, I don't think anything will come of it. I'd like to be wrong. I have not ordered my copy yet (have to wait to funds are available) but it looks like the book is mainly a re-telling of the facts of the case (very useful in itself) but maybe Kolar has some fresh analysis? My guess is that there will be no charges brought as a result of this book.
Well, someone inflicted the prior vaginal injuries. It's in the autopsy. She had time to get them from someone.

Your argument, to me, only goes to limiting the perpetrator even less opportunity; so it would have to be someone who was with her often, in the family. She did sleep in Burke's extra bed at times, Patsy herself said.

And there's one more thing: how do you know there wasn't blood in her underpants? Patsy called the pediatrician 3 times after hours on Dec. 17th, 1996, just one week before she was murdered. When asked why, Patsy said she didn't remember. Do you believe that?

So who do you think did it?

I had a client/friend that called me one Sunday about her four year old daughter and a little bleeding in her panties. Her daughter was playing with her nine year old half brother while his step dad took a nap. I told her to take her to the doctor and she got off the phone. That week my grandson had a dr. appointment and I asked if she had seen them and she said no and I mentioned the phone call and I thought that they would see her. She said there is "no reason NO reason for blood to be coming out a little girls vagina" and that is signs of sexual abuse. I talked to my friend and mentioned seeing our dr. and she said they went to the children's hospital that Sunday afternoon sat for six hours and left. She said it more like it was an waste of her of time and inconvenience when I asked how her daughter was.

Did JonBenet have a history of constipation?
My guess is that there will be no charges brought as a result of this book.

I hope (and pray!) that you're wrong:). Somehow, I wishfully thinking that behind Mr. Kolar's book is army of people from LE (and possibly some from DA) who wants the conclusion in this matter...who wants to steer-up the stinking water without identifying themselves...IMO, Mr. Kolar wouldn't be able to write this book with such a details from his 'memories'. He would need to have thousands of document's copies like ST done before he left LE. And I hope that these copies were provided to him by his 'supporters' to achieve the main goal: get justice for JBR. From clever title of the book (using perfect choice of words from RN), the visual presentation of it's cover (crown, spider web and dark 'intruder' for letter 'I' ) - looks like this book screams: ATTENTION, ATTENTION: we exposing the FREUD here!!!!...so, maybe, just maybe (please God!!!) some good outcome will comes from it!....

...meanwhile, good night my friend!:)
I hope (and pray!) that you're wrong:). Somehow, I wishfully thinking that behind Mr. Kolar's book is army of people from LE (and possibly some from DA) who wants the conclusion in this matter...who wants to steer-up the stinking water without identifying themselves...IMO, Mr. Kolar wouldn't be able to write this book with such a details from his 'memories'. He would need to have thousands of document's copies like ST done before he left LE. And I hope that these copies were provided to him by his 'supporters' to achieve the main goal: get justice for JBR. From clever title of the book (using perfect choice of words from RN), the visual presentation of it's cover (crown, spider web and dark 'intruder' for letter 'I' ) - looks like this book screams: ATTENTION, ATTENTION: we exposing the FREUD here!!!!...so, maybe, just maybe (please God!!!) some good outcome will comes from it!....

...meanwhile, good night my friend!:)

I hope I'm wrong.
Yes, it's a long time but he may have been afraid to tell his parents, and he may not have realized how seriously injured she was. there was no external bleeding from the skull fracture.

I'm not saying this happened, just wondering how it is they came to find out that JB was injured (if it was a BDI scenario - which in my opinion it was not)

So I just wondering, were they still up and knew that the injury happened just a moment or two afterwards? In this case it's very hard to imagine them waiting 90 minutes to do something (and IMO very hard to imagine they wouldn't call 911 for an ambulance)

Or were they asleep and BR had to come and tell them? In this case BR may not have understood the extent of the injuries, and/or was fearful of telling what happened. He may have waited.

Or did they discover it on their own? And as you point out, why did they discover it? Got up to use the bathroom ? Woke up and just felt like checking on the kids? She was probably in her bed at this point? So they wouldn't need to go to the basement.

I think BDI theorists have to at least attempt an explanation of how the Rs became aware of the injury and why they waited 90 minutes to strangle her.

As to the book and making progress on the case, I don't think anything will come of it. I'd like to be wrong. I have not ordered my copy yet (have to wait to funds are available) but it looks like the book is mainly a re-telling of the facts of the case (very useful in itself) but maybe Kolar has some fresh analysis? My guess is that there will be no charges brought as a result of this book.

JonBenets scream?
One of the crime shows said that a severe blow to the head is very loud. I don't see why anyone didn't hear it and there was no reason for burke or patsy to have gone into a rage down in the basement. A surgically induced menopause woman could go into a rage in the kichen though. I think sleep problems associated with lack of hormones and kids making noise down in the kitchen would be more of a problem than bed wetting that night. Getting woke up and knowing that there wo
uld be no getting back to sleep maybe.
I'm wondering if the ligature was being used to move JBR even trying to encourage her to get up, BR not realising how seriously injured she was. Is it true that the head bash weapon has been identified

looking through the inventory of items removed on the search warrant (thank you acandyrose) there's golf clubs, baseball bats, a hammer and the flashlight

That agrees with the quotes I read at FFJ. For me its the confirmation that the chronic abuse was likely digital in nature. That is circumstantial evidence that leans towards a child or teenager abusing JonBenet as you suggest, otherwise her injuries might be more severe. Its definitely not proof, but, for me, puts BDI back on the table.


Not you specifically, UKG, but a reminder to everyone:

Don't get too focused on the term "digital" penetration. The coroner and the other experts who were consulted agreed that the injuries were consistent with digital penetration. There was material from the paintbrush that was found (and confirmed microscopically) in her vagina.

If you think about that, does it really sound like something done by an adult?
Quite possible, but then they are aware of her injuries almost immediately. So it takes them 90 minutes to decide that a good idea would be to strangle her and stage an intruder scenario?

If they thought she was already dead yes. They may of found her with her panties down and Burke with her after she screamed.

What to do, what to do to hide what happened. A small foreign faction sounds dramatic (and Pasty did dramatic speech for beauty pageants, could also explain her performance on the 911 call) and plausible with John's money and job with Lockheed. Anything, but something going on between a brother and sister. The shame for them and what would people think of Burke. The dictionary opened to incest says something was making someone have the page open to that.

Sometimes I wonder if JonBenet moved when she was assaulted by the paintbrush and they knew they had to finish the job, so they re staged adding the garrote and someone knelt on her back and pulled that rope tight. Now that would of been something I could never of done.
He didn't. It was mentioned that he thought a toy in the basement might have caused the marks on her back, and I saw the scattered and strewn parts in the video.


(But I see there are the other type as well.):


Me either. I must be missing something or I've assumed too much.

o gauge: lionel brand http://www.lionel.com/forthehobbyist/aboutgauge/

I'd be really interested in hearing more about this, if you wouldn't mind (obviously) repeating yourself. How is it that you predicted the "burnt" end of the cord, Cynic?

Sorry, just saw this.

We spent a few weeks doing various photo twistings and experiments. We posted the results and our thoughts about it at FFJ, as we worked through it.

We finally came to conclude that the cord ending tied onto the ligature over the segement of broken paintbrush was actually burned or melted, as Kolar tells us now in his book.

Cynic did the hard part and realized the end was melted, but I led him there...OH YEAH I DID! :woohoo:

Lord, the things we do to try to figure out this case.... Here is the thread, including our tortured and probably a bit insane explorations:

[ame="http://www.forumsforjustice.org/forums/showthread.php?t=10084"]How were the ligature cords cut and the paintbrush handle broken? - Forums For Justice[/ame]
Not you specifically, UKG, but a reminder to everyone:

Don't get too focused on the term "digital" penetration. The coroner and the other experts who were consulted agreed that the injuries were consistent with digital penetration. There was material from the paintbrush that was found (and confirmed microscopically) in her vagina.

If you think about that, does it really sound like something done by an adult?

Hm. Good point, but actually, it does sound like an adult to me.

Because very early in this case, I'm talking about when we found out that the child had a "paintbrush" inserted into her like that, I immediately thought there HAD to be something going on there other than sexual abuse.

I may be wrong, of course, but it seemed like a desperation, an attempt to cover up the prior sexual injuries by a someone who in fact couldn't bear to use his/her own hand to defile the child like that

See, here's the problem: if someone were sexually assaulting her that night with a PAINTBRUSH, why would this person do that?

I can see why someone so determined as Smit to believe these "good Christians" couldn't have possibly committed such a thing on their own child came up with OH! It must have been a sadistic pedophile! It does seem quite cruel.

But since I see no significant evidence any intruder came into the home that night, I asked myself why, looking at the three remaining suspects who were in the house, would parents do such a thing to a child they clearly loved?

Let's say it wasn't Burke, just for the sake of argument, so it was a parent inserting that paintbrush so cruelly into the child. What would be the benefit?

If the child had already been sexually abused that night, then she was already bleeding, already had vaginal injuries that would show up at autopsy.

So why do such a cold, brutal thing to her dying body?

To cover up PREVIOUS vaginal injuries, of course. Injuries that happened before that night. Which is why in this theory, there was no sexual abuse going on THAT particular night. That's why the paintbrush was needed to inflict fresh injuries: to cover up the older abuse.

So if you're following: once the head blow was struck, once the child was dying, whatever caused someone in that family to decide she had to be strangled with a ligature, what also had to be covered up was THE PRIOR MOLESTATION.

If this is the way the logic went that night, then that person KNEW about the prior molestation.

And Patsy Ramsey did, IMO, because of the phone calls to Dr. Beuf after hours on Dec. 17; because of the fact that there would have been bleeding Patsy would have seen in JB's underwear; because JB might have decided to tell on someone; because friends were already noticing something had changed in JB and the change wasn't good, described by more than one as JB looking burned out; and finally because Patsy told her good friend Pam Archuleta that JB was "flirting" and "too friendly."

This child was murdered. She was sexually assaulted in a very strange way the night she was brutally killed. Maybe I'm just a cynic myself at this point in six decades of living among human beings, but I find the fact that she had chronic vaginal injuries TOO COINCIDENTAL to believe this was somehow unrelated.

Maybe it's because the Ramseys and their excusers have never stopped denying THE FACT that she had vaginal injuries prior to the night she was murdered. Maybe it's because the evidence is too strong that Patsy wrote the note. Maybe it's because there is too much evidence that leads straight to the family, and they have been running from it ever since.

But there is only one way I can see an intruder in that home, that night: he would have to have been a genius of crime and misdirection and the luckiest killer in history as the family did every single thing they could to appear guilty and help him escape from justice.

Of course it's just my opinion, and I can make other arguments with other theories as you suggest: that Burke used the paintbrush on his sister, and he struck the head blow, and possibly was the one who also strangled her with the ligature.

Because in actual fact, there was none of the three in the home that night who was not capable of committing every element of this crime, except for writing the note: that was clearly Patsy.
Sorry, just saw this.

We spent a few weeks doing various photo twistings and experiments. We posted the results and our thoughts about it at FFJ, as we worked through it.

We finally came to conclude that the cord ending tied onto the ligature over the segement of broken paintbrush was actually burned or melted, as Kolar tells us now in his book.

Cynic did the hard part and realized the end was melted, but I led him there...OH YEAH I DID! :woohoo:

Lord, the things we do to try to figure out this case.... Here is the thread, including our tortured and probably a bit insane explorations:

How were the ligature cords cut and the paintbrush handle broken? - Forums For Justice

ty cynic and kk.

photo of cord ending tied to ligature:
[ame="http://www.forumsforjustice.org/forums/showpost.php?p=189202&postcount=20"]Forums For Justice - View Single Post - JonBenet Ramsey autopsy photos - CAUTION GRAPHIC![/ame]
Without reading all that just at the moment, are we sure the cord wasn't a shoelace?

The aglets on the end of shoelaces, the little plastic bits, are always the first bits to come off or come apart.

The difference between a reasonable quality shoe and a run of the mill quality of shoe is what the lace is like underneath the aglet.

Crappy shoes, like my own, are just the lace and become frayed when the plastic aglet comes away. But others are sealed at the ends and do not fray.

Just a thought.

Wonder what the case is with the hitech shoes. Perhaps the imprint of the shoe in the basement is of someone having a shoelace removed while pressing the shoe/foot on the ground for leverage while removing it?

Alllllll just speculation of course.

Sorry, just saw this.

We spent a few weeks doing various photo twistings and experiments. We posted the results and our thoughts about it at FFJ, as we worked through it.

We finally came to conclude that the cord ending tied onto the ligature over the segement of broken paintbrush was actually burned or melted, as Kolar tells us now in his book.

Cynic did the hard part and realized the end was melted, but I led him there...OH YEAH I DID! :woohoo:

Lord, the things we do to try to figure out this case.... Here is the thread, including our tortured and probably a bit insane explorations:

How were the ligature cords cut and the paintbrush handle broken? - Forums For Justice
Without reading all that just at the moment, are we sure the cord wasn't a shoelace?

The aglets on the end of shoelaces, the little plastic bits, are always the first bits to come off or come apart.

The difference between a reasonable quality shoe and a run of the mill quality of shoe is what the lace is like underneath the aglet.

Crappy shoes, like my own, are just the lace and become frayed when the plastic aglet comes away. But others are sealed at the ends and do not fray.

Just a thought.

Wonder what the case is with the hitech shoes. Perhaps the imprint of the shoe in the basement is of someone having a shoelace removed while pressing the shoe/foot on the ground for leverage while removing it?

Alllllll just speculation of course.

I think all that was needed to melt the ends would be a heat source not necessarily a flame put to it. I can see a factory using something like the use to seal ends of zip lock bags. A heat seal I guess?

I've watched my husband cut (bent the rope in two placed the knife between the two pull up and cut then use a lighter to seal the ends. So could it be the end of a piece of rope?

The fusing can be done by holding the end of
the rope to the side of a candle or other small flame.
If the end of the rope is placed in the flame or held
too close to the flame, the plastic will ignite causing
the end of the rope to turn black. Burning plastic
can also give off toxic fumes . If the end of the
rope is held above the flame, unburned carbon particle
will be deposited on the melted plastic causing​
it to turn black.

How Do You Burn The End of a Nylon Rope?:

Whipping Marine Boat Ends:

Would a child be flirty and too friendly if another young child was abusing her? it would seem most likely to happen if a child were being groomed and molested by an adult.
Hm. Good point, but actually, it does sound like an adult to me.

Because very early in this case, I'm talking about when we found out that the child had a "paintbrush" inserted into her like that, I immediately thought there HAD to be something going on there other than sexual abuse.

I may be wrong, of course, but it seemed like a desperation, an attempt to cover up the prior sexual injuries by a someone who in fact couldn't bear to use his/her own hand to defile the child like that

See, here's the problem: if someone were sexually assaulting her that night with a PAINTBRUSH, why would this person do that?

I can see why someone so determined as Smit to believe these "good Christians" couldn't have possibly committed such a thing on their own child came up with OH! It must have been a sadistic pedophile! It does seem quite cruel.

But since I see no significant evidence any intruder came into the home that night, I asked myself why, looking at the three remaining suspects who were in the house, would parents do such a thing to a child they clearly loved?

Let's say it wasn't Burke, just for the sake of argument, so it was a parent inserting that paintbrush so cruelly into the child. What would be the benefit?

If the child had already been sexually abused that night, then she was already bleeding, already had vaginal injuries that would show up at autopsy.

So why do such a cold, brutal thing to her dying body?

To cover up PREVIOUS vaginal injuries, of course. Injuries that happened before that night. Which is why in this theory, there was no sexual abuse going on THAT particular night. That's why the paintbrush was needed to inflict fresh injuries: to cover up the older abuse.

So if you're following: once the head blow was struck, once the child was dying, whatever caused someone in that family to decide she had to be strangled with a ligature, what also had to be covered up was THE PRIOR MOLESTATION.

If this is the way the logic went that night, then that person KNEW about the prior molestation.

And Patsy Ramsey did, IMO, because of the phone calls to Dr. Beuf after hours on Dec. 17; because of the fact that there would have been bleeding Patsy would have seen in JB's underwear; because JB might have decided to tell on someone; because friends were already noticing something had changed in JB and the change wasn't good, described by more than one as JB looking burned out; and finally because Patsy told her good friend Pam Archuleta that JB was "flirting" and "too friendly."

This child was murdered. She was sexually assaulted in a very strange way the night she was brutally killed. Maybe I'm just a cynic myself at this point in six decades of living among human beings, but I find the fact that she had chronic vaginal injuries TOO COINCIDENTAL to believe this was somehow unrelated.

Maybe it's because the Ramseys and their excusers have never stopped denying THE FACT that she had vaginal injuries prior to the night she was murdered. Maybe it's because the evidence is too strong that Patsy wrote the note. Maybe it's because there is too much evidence that leads straight to the family, and they have been running from it ever since.

But there is only one way I can see an intruder in that home, that night: he would have to have been a genius of crime and misdirection and the luckiest killer in history as the family did every single thing they could to appear guilty and help him escape from justice.

Of course it's just my opinion, and I can make other arguments with other theories as you suggest: that Burke used the paintbrush on his sister, and he struck the head blow, and possibly was the one who also strangled her with the ligature.

Because in actual fact, there was none of the three in the home that night who was not capable of committing every element of this crime, except for writing the note: that was clearly Patsy.

I think they didn't know she was still alive until someone shoved the paint brush into her vagina and she moved or gasped. The paint brush was to mask prior abuse.

They made a choice of killing her to end her suffering and to save face, or to take the chance she'd wake up and talk. The sexual abuse would of been found in the hospital as soon as she got there because they would inserted a catheter and then they a hell of a lot of explaining to do, because at that point all that would be dealt with would be the sexual abuse and an accident. So they chose to kill her and blame that small foreign faction for raping and killing their daughter and left her behind.

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