James Kolar's New Book Will Blow the Lid off the JonBenet Ramsey Investigation

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Thank-you Chris, for directing my attention to Doug's blog. I have over the years read various threads on JonBenet. But,this is the one I have long waited for. Reading your posts learning fom the years spent sleuthing ...never giving up for the truth.

I immediately grasped the importance of Doug's blog. Without realizing it,I too had been seduced by the expert hand writing analysis and got lost in the weeds ....along with many others.

PR,perhaps understood best the importance JR placed on an ideal of feminine perfection. I think JR was JBR's Svengali. I think that Patsy was in total denial about how JR's sinister behavior would destroy BR and her beloved JB. I think PR lived in a fantasy world of pageants and coronets.

"playing doctor" so you could say he was a "sexual abuser" ........what the heck do you mean? children play at doctos all the time....it does not mean they are sexually abusing each other!! wtf?we used to be encouraged to "play at doctors" at my school ......what evidence do you have that Burke sexualy abused JonBenet? .,...........none that's what. oh and playing doctors isn't evidence of being a sexual abuser.

Burke is innocent.

I'm sorry- didn't realize you were there that night and KNOW he is innocent.

Because I wasn't there, so I don't know that he is innocent. I do know that someone in that house did this. And was in that house.

As for the sexual abuse- yes, kids DO explore each other sexually and I did say that it was common among siblings especially. I did not say he was a sex abuser, but what I said was "if you want to call him a sexual abuse etc..."
What was overlooked in the past is not today. Today, he MIGHT be classified a sex abuser had he been shown to be the one who inflicted the vaginal injuries.
JonBenet, on occassion, would climb into Burke's bed, to spend the night. This she did in the days running up to her death. Coincidence, you decide?


She could have felt safer with Burke.
Kolar's book is #32 in the True Crime category, and around #2100 of all books on Amazon. That number is constantly updated, so it was probably higher a few days ago. I think that's pretty high when you consider that the book cost $33, Kolar has only done one interview to promote it (WS Radio), and none of the networks have aired anything about it.
She could have felt safer with Burke.
and this is what makes me feel bad about suspicion, being focused on BR. Also, if those 2 were experimenting, who's to say it was B's idea? A lot of molested children act out, and 'reenact' what they've learned. If JonBenet was being abused, and it looks like she was, the experimenting, might have been at her initiative. I have a hard time picturing a 9 year old brother terrifying his sister into silence, and her not tattling... because what happened to JonBenet, was pure evil, and IMO, this kind of behavior would have been noticed and stopped, before it led to murder. But, then again, I don't know. If this was any other case, I think the obvious would have been assumed, and JR would have been put on a hotplate...but it's not any other case, and a good case can be made against any of the 3 in the house, which IMO, can be chalked up to some fancy maneuvering by somebody. I relistened to the 911, and honestly, PR seemed genuine. And considering that JR was in the vicinity of the phone, and speaking sternly to BR, well, why didn't HE make the call? He wasn't the one who was in a raw panic and danged near hyperventilating, so I don't get this. Regardless of what happened, why didn't the calmer parent make the call?
Kolar's book is #32 in the True Crime category, and around #2100 of all books on Amazon. That number is constantly updated, so it was probably higher a few days ago. I think that's pretty high when you consider that the book cost $33, Kolar has only done one interview to promote it (WS Radio), and none of the networks have aired anything about it.
I did see where The National Enquirer ran a story about it, so that should generate some publicity. IDK how this stuff works, but if they start running excerpts, even more people will be interested.
I did see where The National Enquirer ran a story about it, so that should generate some publicity. IDK how this stuff works, but if they start running excerpts, even more people will be interested.

Lets hope so. Then the R's will be asked to do media interviews, which they will try and pass on to their lawyers, will the media buy that response again?
She could have felt safer with Burke.

Sure she could have. BR's bedroom was one room that I've never seen much detail or analysis on, and with him being bundled out of the house early in the morning, along with his bed being made, it all makes for quite an unremarkable event.

how did BR know details of the crime?
1.the Ramseys always claimed they didn't read the autopsy report,it would have been too painful
2.even if they did,would a parent talk about those details with a 9 years old?don't think so
3.if those marks match a toy found near the body indeed then IMO this changes a lot of scenarios re this crime!


Perhaps most tellingly, Kolar asks if then-9-year-old Burke Ramsey, JonBenét’s brother, might at one point have “physically demonstrated firsthand knowledge of the lethal blow that had been struck to the head of JonBenét.” He cites information, psychological studies and statistics about “sexual abuse perpetrated by children 12 years of age and younger” in the book, Sexually Aggressive Children, Coming to Understand Them.

Two newly discovered bits of evidence were entered into the case file during Kolar’s tenure. The marks on the victim’s back, presumed caused by a stun gun, were shown to match a toy seen in the basement near where JonBenét’s body was found. And photographs of a still-intact cobweb, in the window of the basement train room that, it had been suggested, intruders used for access and egress, could rule that window out, as a point of entry.

i think this is HUGE,what do you make of this?
if I understand the autopsy correctly those marks are the result of something that happened before she died,not post-mortem.if she was hit/hurt with a toy then I guess IDI,PDI and JDI don't make much sense,or?dunno

all this new info makes me think of something I noticed long ago while watching that clip from PR's LE interview,she loses her temper at some point and says you're going down the wrong path buddy.she always sounded very honest to me when saying that,she sounds frustrated,something like, buddy,you have no idea what happened and I am annoyed I CAN'T tell you,but it's NOT what you're suggesting.

just IMO
it still amazes me how a cop or a DA would get past this:

one of the two kids is missing and there's a RN threatening the kids life
the parents don't even bother to wake the boy up to see whether he's alive and well!!!!HELLO!!!
the parents don't even bother to wake him up and ask him whether he saw or heard something!!
what else?they leave him there ALONE upstairs sleeping (what if the bad intruders come back?)!!!


if you're buying this then I am sorry but you got a real problem with common sense and logic,you don't have to be a parent,even animals have the instinct to PROTECT their babies
fgs,i sometimes go every 15 min to check whether my baby is breathing and you don't check on your kid after the other one was kidnapped by a threatening foreign faction?you don't wake him up,hey maybe he saw something and he is SCARED?maybe he's not sleeping,maybe he had been DRUGGED?????

i am sorry,but if this ain't a huge red flag then i don't know what is!
it still amazes me how a cop or a DA would get past this:

one of the two kids is missing and there's a RN threatening the kids life
the parents don't even bother to wake the boy up to see whether he's alive and well!!!!HELLO!!!
the parents don't even bother to wake him up and ask him whether he saw or heard something!!
what else?they leave him there ALONE upstairs sleeping (what if the bad intruders come back?)!!!


if you're buying this then I am sorry but you got a real problem with common sense and logic,you don't have to be a parent,even animals have the instinct to PROTECT their babies

Exactly, Maddy, you nailed it there. I think the cops there that day saw lots of things that made their "hinky meter" go off (We learn now that Patsy asked a cop to remove his shirt and gun?), but they just didn't quite know what to do. After all, they weren't big city cops used to seeing stuff like this all the time. On the other hand, the FBI-SA said almost immediately, "Look at the parents."

(Too bad BPD and the DA didn't "listen carefully!")
When considered alongside the myriad of inconsistencies found during a review of their various interviews, I disagree.

Although Kolar’s answer surprised me, it has no impact on my views of the case.
The possibility also exists that he may have a mistaken recollection of this. This was not addressed in his book and therefore not necessarily something that he may remember with clarity.
In defense of my view that hair was connected are these two pics. It sure looks as if hair is connected to me, but that is the only reason that I asked the question.

Thanks, cynic, for posing the question. You can't imagine how much I wanted to know the answer to that one thing (Well, that and a lot more). So I nearly pulled my own hair out when I was listening to the live broadcast right when you asked about it and my connection started failing or something. I had to wait until the show was posted to listen to his answer. Thanks to Tricia for doing the show, and to you and all who participated (C, K, & Z).

About his response... He seemed pretty uncertain of the answer and didn't seem to understand the significance of it until you explained it to him. Since this was something that happened early on the case, and since Meyer didn't make note of it in the AR, I can see why it might not have seemed important to him. Even then, he seemed to hedge the answer to something like (not a direct quote), "If I recall, I think some of the hair had been pulled out from the scalp."

That's not really the definitive answer I can be satisfied with to stop pursuing it. I can imagine that some of the hairs would be pulled out from the weight of the paintbrush and cord being joggled about as JR ran up the stairs holding her body. "Some" hairs would be pulled out like that. This wouldn't be the same as saying that every single hair that was caught under the cord was pulled out by the root. Were that the case, I could drop saying that the "handle" was completely nonfunctional (even though I would still have a hard time believing it was actually used as implied by its being there). Not your fault, cynic, you asked the question and explained the reason perfectly.
Here's one excerpt on the hair tied in the knots from Kolar's book:

Page 54-55:

Another piece of similar looking cord was embedded in
JonBenét’s neck. The loop around her head was determined to be
configured with a slip knot, with the trailing end leading from the
midline of the back of her neck and wrapped around a splintered
stick. The stick measured approximately four and a half (4 ½”)
inches in length, and both ends were splintered. The word “Korea”
was printed on the stick.

The trailing end of the cord extended approximately four (4”)
inches beyond the slip knot, and the end of the cord was frayed.
The length of cord departing the portion of the slip knot encircling
JonBenét’s neck to the stick measured approximately seventeen
(17”) inches. The end of the cord that had been wrapped around
the stick was observed to be burned / melted.

The cord around her neck was situated in a horizontal fashion
with a slight vertical cant as it reached the back of her jaw line.
This position indicated that the cord had been applied manually
and was not consistent with a death caused by a vertical hanging.

Hair from JonBenét’s head was entangled in the slip knot, and
it appeared that force had been applied by pulling on the end of
the cord with the wrapped stick, embedding the cord in the flesh
of her neck. Dr. Meyer had to clip some of JonBenét’s hair in order
free the ligature from her neck.

The stick was later determined to be a portion of a broken
paintbrush handle found in an art tray near the entrance to the
Wine Cellar. The slip knot was situated at the rear of her head,
so it was presumed that JonBenét had been facing away from
the perpetrator as they had tightened the noose around her neck.

Dr. Meyer carefully cut, marked, and removed the garrote from
JonBenét’s neck. The remaining furrow was dark red in color and
revealed how deeply embedded the cord had been buried into the
flesh of her neck.

Cynic, notice the "burnt" end of the cord. As you predicted....
Here's one excerpt on the hair tied in the knots from Kolar's book:

Page 54-55:

Cynic, notice the "burnt" end of the cord. As you predicted....
I noticed, it made me smile.
I'm sorry- didn't realize you were there that night and KNOW he is innocent.

Because I wasn't there, so I don't know that he is innocent. I do know that someone in that house did this. And was in that house.

As for the sexual abuse- yes, kids DO explore each other sexually and I did say that it was common among siblings especially. I did not say he was a sex abuser, but what I said was "if you want to call him a sexual abuse etc..."
What was overlooked in the past is not today. Today, he MIGHT be classified a sex abuser had he been shown to be the one who inflicted the vaginal injuries.

Don't be sorry, of course I wasn't there but you know what I am stating my opinion , I am entitled to express my opinion after considering the available facts about this case, just to clarify; my opinion is that Burke is innocent.

We must have our wires crossed because here in the UK kids playing doctors and doctors and nurses does not mean exploring each other's private parts , it means exactly what it says...playing at doctors, ie one child is the doctor the other the patient and they pretend to have a broken arm etc all perfectly innocent

what was the evidence from the house keeper on this ?
did she elaberate on what she meant by "playing doctors" what exactly did she actually see?
Don't be sorry, of course I wasn't there but you know what I am stating my opinion , I am entitled to express my opinion after considering the available facts about this case, just to clarify; my opinion is that Burke is innocent.

We must have our wires crossed because here in the UK kids playing doctors and doctors and nurses does not mean exploring each other's private parts , it means exactly what it says...playing at doctors, ie one child is the doctor the other the patient and they pretend to have a broken arm etc all perfectly innocent

what was the evidence from the house keeper on this ?
did she elaberate on what she meant by "playing doctors" what exactly did she actually see?

Here in America "playing doctor" is a euphemism for sexual activity, as in examining private parts.

While it's generally used in referencing children exploring each other's "parts", there's a lot of adult ribald comedy taken from this phrase: the sexy nurse in a skimpy uniform, etc.

Burke may be legally innocent of having some kind of sexual activity with his sister, as they were both children. Even if he forced her, and we have no way of knowing how or if this was what happened to JonBenet, he was still a minor and was not culpable under the law as having committed a crime.

In cases of child sexual abuse, involving older siblings, once social services and law enforcement are brought in, usually professionals are brought in for counseling and wellness checks, etc.

I'd imagine if Burke were the one who caused JB's prior chronic vaginal injuries, his parents would be expected to cooperate with those professionals to make sure the children were protected, counseled, and that it didn't happen again.

Burke would not have been charged with any crime, though. Which is part of the puzzle: why wouldn't the parents take JB to the emergency room if Burke caused these injuries? He was a minor.

There is a lot of debate over this, you probably know.

It's also one reason John Ramsey and his older son, as well as Patsy's father who lived nearby and was involved with the children, are still considered in this element of the case.

Statistically, older brothers are the most likely to commit sexual assaults on their younger sisters, far and away.
Don't be sorry, of course I wasn't there but you know what I am stating my opinion , I am entitled to express my opinion after considering the available facts about this case, just to clarify; my opinion is that Burke is innocent.

We must have our wires crossed because here in the UK kids playing doctors and doctors and nurses does not mean exploring each other's private parts , it means exactly what it says...playing at doctors, ie one child is the doctor the other the patient and they pretend to have a broken arm etc all perfectly innocent

what was the evidence from the house keeper on this ?
did she elaberate on what she meant by "playing doctors" what exactly did she actually see?

Fair M,

Kold Kase is not entirely accurate with kids playing doctor. Sometimes it is inferred as KK suggests but many kids play doctor and it is a harmless activity. It depends actually.
Here in America "playing doctor" is a euphemism for sexual activity, as in examining private parts.

While it's generally used in referencing children exploring each other's "parts", there's a lot of adult ribald comedy taken from this phrase: the sexy nurse in a skimpy uniform, etc.

Burke may be legally innocent of having some kind of sexual activity with his sister, as they were both children. Even if he forced her, and we have no way of knowing how or if this was what happened to JonBenet, he was still a minor and was not culpable under the law as having committed a crime.

In cases of child sexual abuse, involving older siblings, once social services and law enforcement are brought in, usually professionals are brought in for counseling and wellness checks, etc.

I'd imagine if Burke were the one who caused JB's prior chronic vaginal injuries, his parents would be expected to cooperate with those professionals to make sure the children were protected, counseled, and that it didn't happen again.

Burke would not have been charged with any crime, though. Which is part of the puzzle: why wouldn't the parents take JB to the emergency room if Burke caused these injuries? He was a minor.

There is a lot of debate over this, you probably know.

It's also one reason John Ramsey and his older son, as well as Patsy's father who lived nearby and was involved with the children, are still considered in this element of the case.

Statistically, older brothers are the most likely to commit sexual assaults on their younger sisters, far and away.

So if I read you correctly. Burke may have been playing doctor, with JonBenet's tacit approval, e.g. no direct coercion, after all, apparently JonBenet would on occassion, voluntarly sleep in Burkes bedroom.

Some allegations and speculation have Burke down as the person who has been digitally assaulting JonBenet. But on the 26th December after a party something happens which causes the R's not to diall 911?

I reckon its whatever caused JonBenet to go into a coma, is whats been covered up, the R's knew the abuse would be revealed eventually, at best they could mask it, as they did.

Probably the mix of inducing a coma and sexual assault did not look to good for the R's reputation. Lets face it some relatives of Auto-Erotic Asphyxiation cases, are so embarrassed they try to pass their death off as suicide, and in the process are denied insurance claims! So possibly the R's thought they would roll the dice and attempt to stage their way out of any public embarrassment, except they never bargained on the media circus with JonBenet's pageant videos being aired on the news stations?

I still think most of what we have in the wine-cellar is staging, even some of her injuries might be the result of staging gone wrong. Could it be so simple a case of someone throttling JonBenet to prevent her from crying out, and when the pressure is released its too late, she is in a coma, and the rest is as they say history?


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