James Kolar's New Book Will Blow the Lid off the JonBenet Ramsey Investigation

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You know, there ARE kids like that. BR was caught "playing doctor" with JB - so you could say he was a "sexual abuser"-though that type of sex play is common between siblings. He did bash her with a golf club- the parents SAID this- and JB was treated by a plastic surgeon. He had his own knife, and according to Patsy, it had his name on it.
Does that make him a maniac? No. Even if he committed this crime it doesn't make him a maniac. But the FACTS are that ALL THREE PEOPLE who were in the house at the time of JB's murder MUST remain suspects until the killer is named.
He may be innocent - but he may be guilty too. And unless YOU know who the killer is, you can't claim with absolute certainty that he is innocent.

BTW- even if BR bashed his sister (which resulted in her death) I still do not think he had anything to do with the staging.

"playing doctor" so you could say he was a "sexual abuser" ........what the heck do you mean? children play at doctos all the time....it does not mean they are sexually abusing each other!! wtf?we used to be encouraged to "play at doctors" at my school ......what evidence do you have that Burke sexualy abused JonBenet? .,...........none that's what. oh and playing doctors isn't evidence of being a sexual abuser.

He hit her by accident with the golf club.....these things happen . it's not uncommon for childhood accidents to happen in this way between siblings , there is nothing sinister in that!nothing.

there is also no evidence that he ever used the knife in a threatening way towards anyone.

Burke is innocent.
Additionally, a box of candy located in her bedroom had also been observed to be smeared with feces. Both of these discoveries had been made during the processing of the crime scene during the execution of search warrants following the discovery of JonBenét’s body.
Foreign Faction, Who Really Kidnapped JonBenet, James Kolar, page 370​

Were the Ramseys ever asked about this?

How much was in this? could JonBenet afte going to the toilet and not wipping herself properly have transferred this to the chocolates when she went to eat one? how much are we talking about here?
LOL, must be an age thing, now what was the story oh yes, we were praying to the Lord.

Kolar confirms in his book via the 991 call, that Burke was indeed present. Now if Burke was innocent, and knew nothing of the nights proceedings. Why is there any need for him to pretend to be asleep etc?

Burke is involved, to what degree is yet unknown, so BDI is still on the table, and given, according to Kolar and expert opinion et al, that the prior chronic sexual abuse was digital then this could implicate Burke. Remember the housekeeper reporting JonBenet and Burke in bed together?

there is nothing suspecious about siblings being in bed together...this is not evidence of sexual abuse!

what exactly does Kolar say in his book that is new about the 911 call?
Actually, there are three inconsistent versions that I’m aware of:

TT: Okay. (inaudible) Let’s go back to the 25th, sorry about that. Get home about nine, nine-fifteenish, Burke’s downstairs playing; do you remember what kind of toy that was?
JR: Oh, it was a little thing that kind of unfolded, and it was like car ramp or something and then it folded all back together and it made something else.
TT: Was it like (inaudible) . . .Was it like putting stickers on it?
JR: Well, it was a plastic thing he had to assemble and he had some stickers too, and uh, he was intent on getting it done before he went to bed, so . . .
TT: Did you help Burke get into his pajamas that night?
JR: Yeah, like I do every night.
LE interview, 1997

Meanwhile, I went downstairs to try to get Burke to come up to bed, but he was deeply involved in assembling the miniature parking garage he had received that morning. I could tell he wasn’t going to go to bed until the project was finished, so I settled down on the floor beside him. Helping him complete what his mind was focused on was the best way to get us both in bed quickly.
Death of Innocence (2000,) John and Patsy Ramsey, page 11

"Burke plays downstairs in the living room by the Christmas tree. He's trying to assemble a mechanical robot made of the Legos he got for Christmas, so I sit down on the floor to help him put it together, but it's way too complicated for tonight."
The Other Side of Suffering (2012,) John Ramsey, page 7

I really don't think it's important whether he can remember the exact toy Burke was playing with...I couldnt accurately describe half of my kids toys and they don't have anywhere near as many as the Ramseys kids had...plus it was a new toy he got that Christmas so even less likely to remember exactly imo......what is important is that in all three statements he is consistent in saying that Burke was downstairs playing...John went down....brought Burke up to bed.

Also Cynic I would be very interested in what you thought of Kolar's response to your question about the "garotte" and the hair being pulled from the head rather than cut by the coroner.....thanks.
I've been reading here and at FFJ, but can't log in or post there. There was someone who had been in the house and mentioned how small the rooms were and how low the ceilings were in the house. If Burke had hit her with a golf club there would of been marks on the ceiling. How low were the ceilings? An average eight feet or? Wouldn't low ceilings impede? (words are running through my mind for the correct words) the upward thrust for the downward blow? So to me it wasn't a golf club. it had to of been something shorter.

Burke mentions the knife. A knife to make JonBenet go to the basement? A knife used to cut the bindings for JonBenet.

Were there any *advertiser censored* or bondage type movies in the home? That Burke may of watched with an older brother?

all this makes me so mad...if the ceilings were that low,why the heck would the "intruder" need a suitcase to stand on?
....and I do think it matters A LOT that JR changed the story about what toy Burke was playing with that night.Because it means he LIES.If he was telling the truth he would have said he doesn't remember.What 10 year old boy lets his dad help him into his PJ's anyways?
aaagh,so frustrating.They truly only wanted us to see the chocolate box but not the crap it was covered with...
Well he is most certainly complicit in the homicide of JonBenet. He is still refusing to cooperate with the cold-case review investigators.

Maybe he was just helping his parents, as a good son will do, then again, maybe they were assisting him, with a protracted cover up, and 911 call?

We don't really know he was complicit. He may not know anything other than what his parents told him. He was up during the 911 call, we can be pretty sure of that, but how do we know he didn't get up just after hearing PR shouting about the note? IOWs he may have been up, but only got up a minute or two before the call was made.
We don't really know he was complicit. He may not know anything other than what his parents told him. He was up during the 911 call, we can be pretty sure of that, but how do we know he didn't get up just after hearing PR shouting about the note? IOWs he may have been up, but only got up a minute or two before the call was made.

Ok, I think he was, because he play-acted at being asleep, conforming with his parents wishes to enact a staged homicide. This was admitted at a later date.

Then there is his reference to JonBenet walking into the house, the night before. Also assuming the pineapple and teabag in glass are coincident, then he saw JonBenet shortly before she was killed.

Otherwise we have Burke and John's version of events confirming each others, along with John assisting Burke with his pajamas, really, I doubt this.

Even if Burke is innocent, he is refusing to assist the cold-case reviewers, precisely because he knows what happened that night.

So if his parents were responsible, then he knows, if its BDI, either way, Burke knows, game over.

Then we have this:
When asked again what he thought had happened, Burke advised without hesitation that he knew what had happened to JonBenét and that she had been killed. He stated that he thought someone had quietly carried her downstairs to the basement and that person had then either stabbed JonBenét or struck a blow to her head with a hammer.
A chill ran down the back of my neck as I watched Burke twice physically imitate the act of striking a blow with his right arm during his casual discussion of this matter.
Foreign Faction, Who Really Kidnapped JonBenet, James Kolar, page 353

Now this is pretty specific crime-scene details, particularly the bit regarding someone carried her downstairs to the basement, how was Burke to know that? JonBenet could have walked down to the basement. How does Burke know JonBenet was unconcious, how does he know the origin of her assault lay upstairs? Then there is the head trauma, again something not known until the autopsy, and the mention of a hammer, mmm, well thats just so interesting. e.g. is the temporal sequence correct, enter left flashlight?

Ok, I think he was, because he play-acted at being asleep, conforming with his parents wishes to enact a staged homicide. This was admitted at a later date.

Then there is his reference to JonBenet walking into the house, the night before. Also assuming the pineapple and teabag in glass are coincident, then he saw JonBenet shortly before she was killed.

Otherwise we have Burke and John's version of events confirming each others, along with John assisting Burke with his pajamas, really, I doubt this.

Even if Burke is innocent, he is refusing to assist the cold-case reviewers, precisely because he knows what happened that night.

So if his parents were responsible, then he knows, if its BDI, either way, Burke knows, game over.

Then we have this:

Now this is pretty specific crime-scene details, particularly the bit regarding someone carried her downstairs to the basement, how was Burke to know that? JonBenet could have walked down to the basement. How does Burke know JonBenet was unconcious, how does he know the origin of her assault lay upstairs? Then there is the head trauma, again something not known until the autopsy, and the mention of a hammer, mmm, well thats just so interesting. e.g. is the temporal sequence correct, enter left flashlight?


While I really don't have any problem with what you've said, all I'm really trying to do is caution not to get too carried away with assumptions. Even reasonable ones.

Even if Burke is innocent, he is refusing to assist the cold-case reviewers, precisely because he knows what happened that night.

But it might also be that he doesn't want to cooperate because he knows he has no additional info (.e.g. all he knows is what his parents have told him) and it's a painful thing for him to discuss.

I once heard JFK's son JFK Jr interviewed and he was asked if he'd seen Oliver Stone's movie "JFK" or if he had any thought on who really killed the president. His reply, in essence, was that it was not fun for him to consider various theories, and that he didn't watch the movie, or repeatedly view the Zapruder (sp?) film because it was rather painful to him. I think the same logic applies to Burke.

So while your assumption that he knows, and that is his reason for not cooperating is reasonable on the face of it, it's not the only reasonable explanation. The danger here is in treating assumptions as if they are facts.

So if his parents were responsible, then he knows, if its BDI, either way, Burke knows, game over.

Well certainly if it's BDI he knows. It's very possible, and in my opinion very believable that if it's his parents, he may not know that. He may actually believe IDI. Certainly he's been indoctrinated with IDI theories over the years. And it must be quite difficult to believe one's own parents killed one's sister. IOWs Burke is not exactly the most objective observer/analyst of the situation.

Now this is pretty specific crime-scene details, particularly the bit regarding someone carried her downstairs to the basement, how was Burke to know that? JonBenet could have walked down to the basement. How does Burke know JonBenet was unconcious, how does he know the origin of her assault lay upstairs? Then there is the head trauma, again something not known until the autopsy, and the mention of a hammer, mmm, well thats just so interesting. e.g. is the temporal sequence correct, enter left flashlight?

Sounds to me as if he's repeating a story he's already been told. That she was carried might simply be an inference. (She had to get down there somehow) As I'm reading it, Burke does not suggest she was unconscious, only that she was carried. It's a reasonable inference on your part, but an inference that may be wrong. As I read the part about the knife and hammer, it does not seem to me that he's suggesting those things were done upstairs. It seems to me that he's saying those things happened in the basement. I'd note also that he doesn't really seem to know if she was stabbed or hit with a hammer (and we know she wasn't stabbed) so he may just be making up what he thinks might have happened. It's funny he says hammer, and not flashlight or golf club. Finally, I wouldn't place much stock in his arm motions, kids do that sort of thing when they are talking.

Again, I'm not disagreeing with you, just cautioning that it's easy to start building theories based on reasonable assumptions which can still turn out to be incorrect.
While I really don't have any problem with what you've said, all I'm really trying to do is caution not to get too carried away with assumptions. Even reasonable ones.

But it might also be that he doesn't want to cooperate because he knows he has no additional info (.e.g. all he knows is what his parents have told him) and it's a painful thing for him to discuss.

I once heard JFK's son JFK Jr interviewed and he was asked if he'd seen Oliver Stone's movie "JFK" or if he had any thought on who really killed the president. His reply, in essence, was that it was not fun for him to consider various theories, and that he didn't watch the movie, or repeatedly view the Zapruder (sp?) film because it was rather painful to him. I think the same logic applies to Burke.

So while your assumption that he knows, and that is his reason for not cooperating is reasonable on the face of it, it's not the only reasonable explanation. The danger here is in treating assumptions as if they are facts.

Well certainly if it's BDI he knows. It's very possible, and in my opinion very believable that if it's his parents, he may not know that. He may actually believe IDI. Certainly he's been indoctrinated with IDI theories over the years. And it must be quite difficult to believe one's own parents killed one's sister. IOWs Burke is not exactly the most objective observer/analyst of the situation.

Sounds to me as if he's repeating a story he's already been told. That she was carried might simply be an inference. (She had to get down there somehow) As I'm reading it, Burke does not suggest she was unconscious, only that she was carried. It's a reasonable inference on your part, but an inference that may be wrong. As I read the part about the knife and hammer, it does not seem to me that he's suggesting those things were done upstairs. It seems to me that he's saying those things happened in the basement. I'd note also that he doesn't really seem to know if she was stabbed or hit with a hammer (and we know she wasn't stabbed) so he may just be making up what he thinks might have happened. It's funny he says hammer, and not flashlight or golf club. Finally, I wouldn't place much stock in his arm motions, kids do that sort of thing when they are talking.

Again, I'm not disagreeing with you, just cautioning that it's easy to start building theories based on reasonable assumptions which can still turn out to be incorrect.

Again, I'm not disagreeing with you, just cautioning that it's easy to start building theories based on reasonable assumptions which can still turn out to be incorrect.
Whilst some of my speculations will be wildly inaccurate, some will be correct, this I expect, since I was not there.

Burke is now old enough to know, even if he was not involved. Will he have read the books and watched the movies, you bet! Will his friends tell him when crazy stuff is posted onto the internet, of course. Has Burke ever asked DS, his schoolboy friend, Who do you think did it?. Burke knows that everyone and their dog knows it was not IDI. And as time passes silence as a default position will become untenable, however legal it might be.

Some of James Kolar's information brings BDI back into play, for a while it was simply an option.

"playing doctor" so you could say he was a "sexual abuser" ........what the heck do you mean? children play at doctos all the time....it does not mean they are sexually abusing each other!! wtf?we used to be encouraged to "play at doctors" at my school ......what evidence do you have that Burke sexualy abused JonBenet? .,...........none that's what. oh and playing doctors isn't evidence of being a sexual abuser.

He hit her by accident with the golf club.....these things happen . it's not uncommon for childhood accidents to happen in this way between siblings , there is nothing sinister in that!nothing.

there is also no evidence that he ever used the knife in a threatening way towards anyone.

Burke is innocent.

I think there may be a linguistic distinction between U.S. and Brits. On this side of the pond, “playing doctor” is a euphemism for sexual exploration by children -- not the same thing as “playing at doctors” on that side of the pond .
We don't really know he was complicit. He may not know anything other than what his parents told him. He was up during the 911 call, we can be pretty sure of that, but how do we know he didn't get up just after hearing PR shouting about the note? IOWs he may have been up, but only got up a minute or two before the call was made.

JR was a narcissistic ...perhaps he was even a mistogenist. *I think PR and JBR ....were his ideal's of what a woman 'should be'. I have a feeling he might have co-authored with Woody Allen the famous quote,"I want what I want".*

Nor do i believe,PR and JBR personalities individually would be lethal....but togeather were toxic.
So here,the stage is set for the perfect *storm and an epic tragedy. *I believe JR self absorbed arrogance guided BR. Perhaps,BR perpetrated
behavior toward JBR that he had covertly observed.(i.e. pretending to be asleep)

This is a rough draft of my theory. I am checking today if 'The Foreign Faction',is available to borrow for Amazon Prime members. It may be only Kindel E-books can be borrowed for Prime users not paperbacks.*

But,one thing I know in the end ....it was not about BR the golden boy or JBR the genetic embodiment of feminine perfection. In the end it was what had
always been the most important .....JR and PR's considerable self consequence.
IMO, if Burke was involved, I believe the staging wasn’t just for the benefit of the police, it was also for the benefit of Burke himself. HE didn’t kill his sister – an intruder did. This enabled him complete denial in his mind. To the extent that he now claims he doesn’t even remember that night.

Even if the R’s knew that Burke couldn’t be legally prosecuted, they also knew that that kind of thing would haunt him; he would forever be known as that boy that killed his sister. That would hinder his future to a far greater extent than being that boy whose sister was murdered.

As previously noted, he was 3 weeks from turning 10… I’m not sure how he couldn’t remember anything about that night; the night his little sister was supposed to have been brutally and savagely killed in his own home. On Christmas.

It was hastily and sloppily done, but it served its purpose. They lost JonBenet, but they did, in the end, save Burke.
It's called compartmentalization. And yes, the Rs were well aware of it:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-yZuomuias"]Was Burke Ramsey a Suspect in JonBenet's Death? - YouTube[/ame]

(Good catch, IM)
Additionally, a box of candy located in her bedroom had also been observed to be smeared with feces. Both of these discoveries had been made during the processing of the crime scene during the execution of search warrants following the discovery of JonBenét’s body.
Foreign Faction, Who Really Kidnapped JonBenet, James Kolar, page 370​

What other things of JonBenet were covered in poop?
"playing doctor" so you could say he was a "sexual abuser" ........what the heck do you mean? children play at doctos all the time....it does not mean they are sexually abusing each other!! wtf?we used to be encouraged to "play at doctors" at my school ......what evidence do you have that Burke sexualy abused JonBenet? .,...........none that's what. oh and playing doctors isn't evidence of being a sexual abuser.

He hit her by accident with the golf club.....these things happen . it's not uncommon for childhood accidents to happen in this way between siblings , there is nothing sinister in that!nothing.

there is also no evidence that he ever used the knife in a threatening way towards anyone.

Burke is innocent.

Back in the day "playing doctor" was thought to be somewhat innocent "show me yours and I'll show you mine discovery and if caught you both got a spanking, but it can be called sex abuse in today's world.

I think it depends on the age of the kids involved and them being in the same age range more than a few years difference. Then maybe it makes the older child the aggressor and abuser.

How much time did Burke spend with JAR? Did he watch movies with him? More older adult movies than PG 13? Not outright *advertiser censored* or bondage films but more what we've come to think of as normal?
What other things of JonBenet were covered in poop?

Some of her underwear was alleged to be fecally stained. Google "Holly Smith JonBenet" for detailed information. She thinks JonBenet had been abused.

Back in the day "playing doctor" was thought to be somewhat innocent "show me yours and I'll show you mine discovery and if caught you both got a spanking, but it can be called sex abuse in today's world.

I think it depends on the age of the kids involved and them being in the same age range more than a few years difference. Then maybe it makes the older child the aggressor and abuser.

How much time did Burke spend with JAR? Did he watch movies with him? More older adult movies than PG 13? Not outright *advertiser censored* or bondage films but more what we've come to think of as normal?

JonBenet, on occassion, would climb into Burke's bed, to spend the night. This she did in the days running up to her death. Coincidence, you decide?

Yes, Tricia, it's me. I enjoyed your radio interview. Good work. The Kolar book looks to be extremely interesting. I ordered a copy right away. Finally someone close to the case has summoned up the courage to state the obvious. This was an inside job for sure. I'd never seen a picture of the broken window until the other day when I watched the newly released video. Amazing that no one's mentioned that corner cobweb until now. Fascinating!

I'd given up on this case many years ago, but now that an important new book by an authoritative author is out, and with fresh evidence that's apparently consistent with my own take (up to a point at least), I've decided to wade into the fray one more time. Instead of posting once again on the forums, I've decided to create a blog on which I can put my thinking out there in one place without interruptions or distractions. Everyone is invited to read and comment: http://solvingjonbenet.blogspot.com/

Bumping this post because Docg has an interesting theory of the case. I remember reading his theory years ago, but had largely forgotten about it. It's worth taking a look at.
I was reading some old interviews with patsy regarding the pineapple and she said that burke would be more interested in chocolate than fruit if getting himself a snack. She must not have known about the candy box at that time. I'd sure like to know if the candy was received in a stocking that day and if the smearing was on purpose. If not., then there could have been more of a cleanup than thought due to bowels releasing from the head injury. No way do i believe that jonbenet did not wipe well enough to smear feces with her hands and for it to be vivible as the book suggests.
I really don't think it's important whether he can remember the exact toy Burke was playing with...I couldnt accurately describe half of my kids toys and they don't have anywhere near as many as the Ramseys kids had...plus it was a new toy he got that Christmas so even less likely to remember exactly imo......what is important is that in all three statements he is consistent in saying that Burke was downstairs playing...John went down....brought Burke up to bed.
When considered alongside the myriad of inconsistencies found during a review of their various interviews, I disagree.
Also Cynic I would be very interested in what you thought of Kolar's response to your question about the "garotte" and the hair being pulled from the head rather than cut by the coroner.....thanks.
Although Kolar’s answer surprised me, it has no impact on my views of the case.
The possibility also exists that he may have a mistaken recollection of this. This was not addressed in his book and therefore not necessarily something that he may remember with clarity.
In defense of my view that hair was connected are these two pics. It sure looks as if hair is connected to me, but that is the only reason that I asked the question.



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