James Kolar's New Book Will Blow the Lid off the JonBenet Ramsey Investigation

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Can I please correct you there, it was a miniature parking garage that Burke was putting together and he wasn't in the train room but in a living room/lounge...please see page 9 of Death of Innocence by the Ramseys.

Woa , hold on people! I just checked John's book the other side of suffering and on page 7 he now says " Burke plays downstairs in the living room by the christmas tree...he's trying to assemble a "mechanical robot made of Legos2 so I sit down on the floor to help him ...but its too complicated for tonight"..
This theory presupposes incredible psychological insight from the Ramseys, neither of whom ever demonstrated much. The thought they had a rational conversation about how to protect Burke from the psychological trauma of killing his sister is not believable.

I'm not sure where the "rational discussion" thing came in... I don't believe that to be the case at all. As a matter of fact, I think the decisions made that night were made in haste and were sloppy. But, in the end, worked.

I also think that if there were any rational discussion going on that night, they would have just called the police and an ambulance!

If it's BDI, then I believe J & P went into emergency management mode, with J taking the lead. To me, it was more of an instinct to protect and maintain the family than anything else.
You mistake passion for promotion. Finally we have the truth.

If you would have been with us through the years of balony we have had to deal with you would understand the excitement and relief many of us feel to finally have a book like this

Tricia,your unwavering passion for the truth reminds me of a famous quote:

All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.

Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)
One of my problems with the BDI theory is that I honestly think that if he had something major to hide his parents would not have let him out of their site. Think about it - a nine year old with information you don't want shared... Are you going to let them away from your side for a minute? or keep them close by so you can shush them should they start talking? Also I just really can't see JR covering in that manner unless he himself had something to hide. He seems very self centered, narcissistic even, and I just can't see him going to that extreme level of cover for someone else, even his own child. So even if BR did swing the club/maglight/whatever, there was something else that needed to be hidden. If BDI and there was no molestation that night, I believe they would have rushed that child to the hospital to attempt to be saved. I have considered that maybe the swing of the club was not meant for JBR. Perhaps someone walked in on some type of molestation and swung that golf club or light at the perpetrator and struck JBR instead. The club/flashlight swinger is who I am 50/50 on PR or BR.

That is one of my doubts, too, gypsychild; but as usual, I can see both sides of it!

I think, ultimately, it would depend on the child. Some children are liable to talk, and others aren't. I know in my family we were thoroughly conditioned to never speak of what went on at home. We simply knew not to, no matter what.

At the age of 10, it may have been enough in Burke's mind to know that Dad was going to take care of this. If BDI, it may have been more dangerous to have him there at the house than not.

The R's took many gambles that night, I think, and got lucky more than once. Can't say they won though.
Woa , hold on people! I just checked John's book the other side of suffering and on page 7 he now says " Burke plays downstairs in the living room by the christmas tree...he's trying to assemble a "mechanical robot made of Legos2 so I sit down on the floor to help him ...but its too complicated for tonight"..

In his new book, it was a robot made of legos. In DOI, it was a miniature parking garage.
In his new book, it was a robot made of legos. In DOI, it was a miniature parking garage.

LOL, must be an age thing, now what was the story oh yes, we were praying to the Lord.

Kolar confirms in his book via the 991 call, that Burke was indeed present. Now if Burke was innocent, and knew nothing of the nights proceedings. Why is there any need for him to pretend to be asleep etc?

Burke is involved, to what degree is yet unknown, so BDI is still on the table, and given, according to Kolar and expert opinion et al, that the prior chronic sexual abuse was digital then this could implicate Burke. Remember the housekeeper reporting JonBenet and Burke in bed together?
One of my problems with the BDI theory is that I honestly think that if he had something major to hide his parents would not have let him out of their site. Think about it - a nine year old with information you don't want shared... Are you going to let them away from your side for a minute? or keep them close by so you can shush them should they start talking? Also I just really can't see JR covering in that manner unless he himself had something to hide. He seems very self centered, narcissistic even, and I just can't see him going to that extreme level of cover for someone else, even his own child. So even if BR did swing the club/maglight/whatever, there was something else that needed to be hidden. If BDI and there was no molestation that night, I believe they would have rushed that child to the hospital to attempt to be saved. I have considered that maybe the swing of the club was not meant for JBR. Perhaps someone walked in on some type of molestation and swung that golf club or light at the perpetrator and struck JBR instead. The club/flashlight swinger is who I am 50/50 on PR or BR.

I've been reading here and at FFJ, but can't log in or post there. There was someone who had been in the house and mentioned how small the rooms were and how low the ceilings were in the house. If Burke had hit her with a golf club there would of been marks on the ceiling. How low were the ceilings? An average eight feet or? Wouldn't low ceilings impede? (words are running through my mind for the correct words) the upward thrust for the downward blow? So to me it wasn't a golf club. it had to of been something shorter.

Burke mentions the knife. A knife to make JonBenet go to the basement? A knife used to cut the bindings for JonBenet.

Were there any *advertiser censored* or bondage type movies in the home? That Burke may of watched with an older brother?
LOL, must be an age thing, now what was the story oh yes, we were praying to the Lord.

Kolar confirms in his book via the 991 call, that Burke was indeed present. Now if Burke was innocent, and knew nothing of the nights proceedings. Why is there any need for him to pretend to be asleep etc?

Burke is involved, to what degree is yet unknown, so BDI is still on the table, and given, according to Kolar and expert opinion et al, that the prior chronic sexual abuse was digital then this could implicate Burke. Remember the housekeeper reporting JonBenet and Burke in bed together?

Omg , according to this thread not only is Burke a golf club,knife wielding lying maniac he is now also a sexual abuser .....wow some kid eh ??!!!
Omg , according to this thread not only is Burke a golf club,knife wielding lying maniac he is now also a sexual abuser .....wow some kid eh ??!!!

Well he is most certainly complicit in the homicide of JonBenet. He is still refusing to cooperate with the cold-case review investigators.

Maybe he was just helping his parents, as a good son will do, then again, maybe they were assisting him, with a protracted cover up, and 911 call?

Burke mentions the knife. A knife to make JonBenet go to the basement? A knife used to cut the bindings for JonBenet.

Were there any *advertiser censored* or bondage type movies in the home? That Burke may of watched with an older brother?

I had heard about this before. Something Burke said about he knew what happened to Jonbenet. Does anybody know what the exact quote was?
Omg , according to this thread not only is Burke a golf club,knife wielding lying maniac he is now also a sexual abuser .....wow some kid eh ??!!!

You know, there ARE kids like that. BR was caught "playing doctor" with JB - so you could say he was a "sexual abuser"-though that type of sex play is common between siblings. He did bash her with a golf club- the parents SAID this- and JB was treated by a plastic surgeon. He had his own knife, and according to Patsy, it had his name on it.
Does that make him a maniac? No. Even if he committed this crime it doesn't make him a maniac. But the FACTS are that ALL THREE PEOPLE who were in the house at the time of JB's murder MUST remain suspects until the killer is named.
He may be innocent - but he may be guilty too. And unless YOU know who the killer is, you can't claim with absolute certainty that he is innocent.

BTW- even if BR bashed his sister (which resulted in her death) I still do not think he had anything to do with the staging.
Woa , hold on people! I just checked John's book the other side of suffering and on page 7 he now says " Burke plays downstairs in the living room by the christmas tree...he's trying to assemble a "mechanical robot made of Legos2 so I sit down on the floor to help him ...but its too complicated for tonight"..
Actually, there are three inconsistent versions that I’m aware of:

TT: Okay. (inaudible) Let’s go back to the 25th, sorry about that. Get home about nine, nine-fifteenish, Burke’s downstairs playing; do you remember what kind of toy that was?
JR: Oh, it was a little thing that kind of unfolded, and it was like car ramp or something and then it folded all back together and it made something else.
TT: Was it like (inaudible) . . .Was it like putting stickers on it?
JR: Well, it was a plastic thing he had to assemble and he had some stickers too, and uh, he was intent on getting it done before he went to bed, so . . .
TT: Did you help Burke get into his pajamas that night?
JR: Yeah, like I do every night.
LE interview, 1997

Meanwhile, I went downstairs to try to get Burke to come up to bed, but he was deeply involved in assembling the miniature parking garage he had received that morning. I could tell he wasn’t going to go to bed until the project was finished, so I settled down on the floor beside him. Helping him complete what his mind was focused on was the best way to get us both in bed quickly.
Death of Innocence (2000,) John and Patsy Ramsey, page 11

"Burke plays downstairs in the living room by the Christmas tree. He's trying to assemble a mechanical robot made of the Legos he got for Christmas, so I sit down on the floor to help him put it together, but it's way too complicated for tonight."
The Other Side of Suffering (2012,) John Ramsey, page 7
I had heard about this before. Something Burke said about he knew what happened to Jonbenet. Does anybody know what the exact quote was?
It was mentioned in Steve Thomas' book among other places.
Here is the latest from Jim Kolar:
As I reviewed the video of the DSS interview between Dr. Bernhard and Burke, he was asked if he knew what had happened to his sister or if he had talked to his parents about it. Burke stated that he knew what happened and indicated that he had asked his father where he had found JonBenét’s body. His father had told him that she had been found in the basement.
When asked again what he thought had happened, Burke advised without hesitation that he knew what had happened to JonBenét and that she had been killed. He stated that he thought someone had quietly carried her downstairs to the basement and that person had then either stabbed JonBenét or struck a blow to her head with a hammer.
A chill ran down the back of my neck as I watched Burke twice physically imitate the act of striking a blow with his right arm during his casual discussion of this matter.
Foreign Faction, Who Really Kidnapped JonBenet, James Kolar, page 353
You know...if you tell the truth, you don't have to worry about remembering what you have already said.

Very telling in this case- the many versions the Rs told about that night.
It is also VERY telling that the Rs lawyers insisted the Rs be given transcripts of previous interviews (unheard of in standard police procedures) as well as refusing to allow the Rs to be asked any questions they had previously been asked. WHY? Simple- because they needed to know what they had previously said to be sure any subsequent answers matched up- something that would be unnecessary if they were telling the truth.
They also refused to allow them to be questioned separately and there were certain questions LW wouldn't allow them to answer at all.
The same reason why he won't allow BR to face police again. Because they are all lying and because he doesn't want to risk them saying something that doesn't match up with what they have already said.
There is no other reason.
Actually, there are three inconsistent versions that I’m aware of:

TT: Okay. (inaudible) Let’s go back to the 25th, sorry about that. Get home about nine, nine-fifteenish, Burke’s downstairs playing; do you remember what kind of toy that was?
JR: Oh, it was a little thing that kind of unfolded, and it was like car ramp or something and then it folded all back together and it made something else.
TT: Was it like (inaudible) . . .Was it like putting stickers on it?
JR: Well, it was a plastic thing he had to assemble and he had some stickers too, and uh, he was intent on getting it done before he went to bed, so . . .
TT: Did you help Burke get into his pajamas that night?
JR: Yeah, like I do every night.
LE interview, 1997

Meanwhile, I went downstairs to try to get Burke to come up to bed, but he was deeply involved in assembling the miniature parking garage he had received that morning. I could tell he wasn’t going to go to bed until the project was finished, so I settled down on the floor beside him. Helping him complete what his mind was focused on was the best way to get us both in bed quickly.
Death of Innocence (2000,) John and Patsy Ramsey, page 11

"Burke plays downstairs in the living room by the Christmas tree. He's trying to assemble a mechanical robot made of the Legos he got for Christmas, so I sit down on the floor to help him put it together, but it's way too complicated for tonight."
The Other Side of Suffering (2012,) John Ramsey, page 7

Thank you,
I have ordered the new book as well.

It's very interesting to go back and reread some of BlueCrab's threads/posts about the Bonita Papers in light of what is in Kolar's book. Seems to be a lot of things in Bonita's writings that are being proven to have been accurate all along---from back in 2004 when they were vehemently refuted by many. Were any charges ever filed over the theft of those reports?

I wish we knew what happened to BlueCrab. I didn't always agree with him but he certainly was intelligent and is now proving to have had many of his "facts" straight.
I can't post at FFJ about several things in the book that helped me have a better understanding of what happened to JonBenet.

I had a hard time (visua) in her hymen being "eroded" but it clicked in place with "shriveled".

John talks about Burke's intent and focus of putting together and completing the present before he went to bed. Did JonBenet make Burke mad in the basement over his trains and he bashed her in the head?

Was the person who hit JonBenet in front of her or behind her when it happened?

Is Burke a left or right handed?

Where do I find the Fernies statements? Are they here on WS or just FFJ?

Chocolates in JonBenet's bedroom covered with poop.

When did JonBenet's dog decide it like living with Joe Barnhill more?
The feces smeared box of candy is very disturbing. Does kolar say where the candy was found or what patsy or the housekeeper had to say about when the candy was purchased or given to jonbenet? If it had been laying around up under a bed and the dog had an accident that is one thing but others are creeping me out.
The feces smeared box of candy is very disturbing. Does kolar say where the candy was found or what patsy or the housekeeper had to say about when the candy was purchased or given to jonbenet? If it had been laying around up under a bed and the dog had an accident that is one thing but others are creeping me out.
Additionally, a box of candy located in her bedroom had also been observed to be smeared with feces. Both of these discoveries had been made during the processing of the crime scene during the execution of search warrants following the discovery of JonBenét’s body.
Foreign Faction, Who Really Kidnapped JonBenet, James Kolar, page 370​

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