James Kolar's New Book Will Blow the Lid off the JonBenet Ramsey Investigation

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Pasty said in her statement that Burke wouldn't of got pineapple out to eat because he had a "sweet tooth" and would want chocolate. Maybe JonBenet was protecting the box that she kept her candy in by smearing it with poop. Or Burke did it to get back at her.

I remember in PMPT that Burke had all of Pasty's attention until JonBenet stated school, then Pasty turned her full attention on her. And there is Pasty again overdoing it at school.

BR was said to wet the bed and his pants until Patsy DID turn her attention to his sister.
Talk about anitclimactic.

Yeah, not nearly the lid-blower that the arrest of JMK was, eh? And the climax leading up to the DNA results. That Lacy really knew how to blow lids. What a denouement!
stupid amazon has my book not coming in till August 9 - August 20. I ordered it over a week ago...

What the ?

I might as well cancel and get it elsewheres...
Whaleshark, I preordered at Amazon and then found it in stock at a local bookshop - there was no discount, of course, but I was willing to pay full price in order to read the book immediately. So I canceled at Amazon. You might call around and see if there's a shop where you live selling it - or see if Barnes and Noble can get it to you quicker than Amazon. You can buy the book directly through Kolar's website, but even there the wait is 7-10 days because it is self-published and (I assume) print-on-demand. So you might actually be able to get it quicker locally. Good luck!
Will do.... I'll start checking local inventory now...

Just hope it won't be a big deal or hassle to cancel the order from Amazon if I do find it..
Just hope it won't be a big deal or hassle to cancel the order from Amazon if I do find it..
It shouldn't be any hassle at all to cancel at Amazon, since the physical shipping process has not begun. People cancel preorders frequently, and Amazon states that you can cancel a preorder up until the time the order is actually being processed - you won't be charged until Amazon has the book in hand.

I think you'll be very happy with the print quality of this book. So often, self-published books have narrow inner margins that make reading difficult - you practically have to break the binding to read each sentence. This book is very professionally produced, with a nice font size and wide enough margins for eye comfort. The binding is solid but flexible. I was very impressed and found the book well worth its price, both in terms of the information it contained, and its readable format.
Okay, I am still fixated on the box of candy smeared with poo.

Aside from the obvious WTF with the smearing, I was wondering about a child even HAVING a box of chocolates in her room?

Maybe it's just me, but I'd never let my DD keep candy in her room....she would inhale it with abandon and she is TEN!

Not if it were poo-covered, but ya know......
Okay, I am still fixated on the box of candy smeared with poo.

Aside from the obvious WTF with the smearing, I was wondering about a child even HAVING a box of chocolates in her room?

Maybe it's just me, but I'd never let my DD keep candy in her room....she would inhale it with abandon and she is TEN!

Not if it were poo-covered, but ya know......

Well it is Christmas and kids sometimes have those selection boxes, maybe this what it was?

I can just imagine Burke and JonBenet cooking something up for Christmas, Ya Know, quality time together, minus the parents lol.

But poo on the box can only mean a few things, the most obvious I will leave to your imagination, another might be forensic deposit, another might be JonBenet having a toileting accident, possibly enroute to the bathroom, the most alarming would be if it could not be sourced to JonBenet, e.g. via dna.

Also, Burke could have been mad if the box of candy was hers and she didn't want to share any with him, and he smeared poo on it just to get back at her....

And I don't think it's that strange that candy was in her room, though.... some parents are more stringent than others.. some don't have a preference either way, and some don't even know that there are treats or candy or other things in their kids' room - hidden stashes, etc...

And if there was crap all over the place, drawers opened, clothes on the floor, unflushed toilets, dirty areas, house in general disarray anyway, Patsy probably wouldn't notice a box of candy with poo smeared on it in a room that was already messy....

especially if she is not the one used to doing most of the housecleaning...
Also, Burke could have been mad if the box of candy was hers and she didn't want to share any with him, and he smeared poo on it just to get back at her....

And I don't think it's that strange that candy was in her room, though.... some parents are more stringent than others.. some don't have a preference either way, and some don't even know that there are treats or candy or other things in their kids' room - hidden stashes, etc...

And if there was crap all over the place, drawers opened, clothes on the floor, unflushed toilets, dirty areas, house in general disarray anyway, Patsy probably wouldn't notice a box of candy with poo smeared on it in a room that was already messy....

especially if she is not the one used to doing most of the housecleaning...

Well I've been in houses where there was poo on the floor. I remember the first time seeing it, and I was shocked, I never knew some people live this way.

The people living in these houses were not economically advantaged, and in one there was a lot of young children, and I reckon this explained the reason why, but not why it was left?

Another thought is could this behaviour simply be an extension of JonBenet's absence of general hygene education?

I wonder what the housekeeper would think about poo on the candy box?

UK's right in that there's a couple of concerning issues with the poo on the chocolate.
Firstly that someone would do that, clearly indicating an "issue".
But also that nobody would clean it up!

First sign of poo in my house and it'd be cleaned up quick smart. But then I'm pretty sure that's what a toilet is for, so we then return to the first point - clearly someone had an issue.
BR was said to wet the bed and his pants until Patsy DID turn her attention to his sister.

And jonbenet had supposedly just started wetting the bed after being potty trained. I was reading an old interrogation of patsy's where she blames occasional redness and irritation of jonbenet on her not wiping well when she urinated. She claimed wet panties caused it when jonbenet would say her bottom hurt. The yeast infections were blamed on pooping habits. Just shameful.
Okay, I am still fixated on the box of candy smeared with poo.

Aside from the obvious WTF with the smearing, I was wondering about a child even HAVING a box of chocolates in her room?

Maybe it's just me, but I'd never let my DD keep candy in her room....she would inhale it with abandon and she is TEN!

Not if it were poo-covered, but ya know......

Pasty told LE that JonBenet had a special box that she kept her candy in. I take that as in her room

You have two choices. One is that for some reason JonBenet had a special box and kept her candy in and she smeared poop on it to keep someone from eating it. Or you have someone smearing poop on the box to ruin it for JonBenet.

Would that follow a pattern of conflict and agitation between them at times?
JB had been potty trained for THREE years before she began to wet and soil again- and nit just her bed- her pants, too. That, even more so than bedwetting, is what raises a flag.
UK's right in that there's a couple of concerning issues with the poo on the chocolate.
Firstly that someone would do that, clearly indicating an "issue".
But also that nobody would clean it up!

First sign of poo in my house and it'd be cleaned up quick smart. But then I'm pretty sure that's what a toilet is for, so we then return to the first point - clearly someone had an issue.

Well yeah and walls aren't used as toilet paper usually either, but Burke also smeared poop on a wall previously as well...

... And more than one someone in that house had an issue...

"We have good news! We're able to get this part of your order to you faster than we originally promised:

A. James Kolar "Foreign Faction - Who Really Kidnapped JonBenet?"
Previous estimated arrival date: August 09, 2012 - August 20, 2012
New estimated arrival date: August 06, 2012"

(...sorry if I'm using the wrong thread)..

I have a question in regards of the 'abrasion' marks presumably left on JBR body (not face!) by the train toy. I saw Mr. Kolar's pictures and I could understand that dimensions and size are matching. What I cannot understand is:

- JBR was found in the long sleeve white shirt covering her upper torso, right? So, if these marks was made by the toy (kind of 'pocking' her body) then the CORRESPONDING marks on the shirt MUST be there, possibly in the form of the holes or in the form of some kind of round indentation on the shirt's material, isn't? If these marks are not on shirt then which statement is correct?:
a) these 'abrasions' have nothing to do with the events of this night, possibly done much earlier (we would need JBR pictures from Whites party to proof this statement). Means: stun gun theory is 100% out the window!!!;
b) JBR didn't ware this shirt when she went to bed this night. Means, the white shirt with the silver star was placed on JBR during the 'staging' and this could 'open the door' to much more speculations...
c) we're back to 'square one'...the source of these 'abrasions' is unknown.

What am I missing???

(to add: maybe my question was answerd in Kolar's book. I didn't read it yet. Just ordered, waiting for 'delivery':)
(...sorry if I'm using the wrong thread)..

I have a question in regards of the 'abrasion' marks presumably left on JBR body (not face!) by the train toy. I saw Mr. Kolar's pictures and I could understand that dimensions and size are matching. What I cannot understand is:

- JBR was found in the long sleeve white shirt covering her upper torso, right? So, if these marks was made by the toy (kind of 'pocking' her body) then the CORRESPONDING marks on the shirt MUST be there, possibly in the form of the holes or in the form of some kind of round indentation on the shirt's material, isn't? If these marks are not on shirt then which statement is correct?:
a) these 'abrasions' have nothing to do with the events of this night, possibly done much earlier (we would need JBR pictures from Whites party to proof this statement). Means: stun gun theory is 100% out the window!!!;
b) JBR didn't ware this shirt when she went to bed this night. Means, the white shirt with the silver star was placed on JBR during the 'staging' and this could 'open the door' to much more speculations...
c) we're back to 'square one'...the source of these 'abrasions' is unknown.

What am I missing???

She may have originally been wearing the Barbie Nightgown found in the wine-cellar?

Kolar might be indirectly suggesting that JonBenet was naked when the abrasions were inflicted?

She may have originally been wearing the Barbie Nightgown found in the wine-cellar?

Kolar might be indirectly suggesting that JonBenet was naked when the abrasions were inflicted?


Thank you for reply. This what scary me the most! Because if it's true then whatever happens IN THE BASEMENT prior her death is getting more and more uglier and complicated, IMO. 'Staging' becomes more involved around clothing (possibly washing them before placing on JBR; hence the weaker DNA); using 'hands-up' position for easy way to dressing and much-much more....But this scenario could explain why Barbie Nightgown was found with her blanket. Otherwise, this nightgown in the basement was always one of the 'holes' in my puzzle.

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