James Kolar's New Book Will Blow the Lid off the JonBenet Ramsey Investigation

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DNA Solves
Just read a few pages back about blood on the pillow case and fecal matter in bed and on candy box.

I did not know about those before. This does suggest JBR was hit on the head in her room. The kind of blow she received could have caused her nose or mouth to bleed - and make her poo from the shock of it. So maybe the candy box poo was transferred from clothing or body.

I still don't know what to think about too big pj's with skid marks. Can't figure out in my mind yet if they were JB's as we know she couldn't wipe well yet, or BR's I don't know if he cleaned well enough yet or not, but suppose not. They could have just been something laying around and grabbed to put on her before bed since everyone was tired and it was late. But someone was in the room with her if the head blow happened there.
Thank you for reply. This what scary me the most! Because if it's true then whatever happens IN THE BASEMENT prior her death is getting more and more uglier and complicated, IMO. 'Staging' becomes more involved around clothing (possibly washing them before placing on JBR; hence the weaker DNA); using 'hands-up' position for easy way to dressing and much-much more....But this scenario could explain why Barbie Nightgown was found with her blanket. Otherwise, this nightgown in the basement was always one of the 'holes' in my puzzle.

Yes, well that it all took place in the basement is one theory I've not considered in depth.

But on the surface it does appear that after a pineapple snack the children were opening gifts, and messing around, just how all of this translates into a sexual assault that ends up with JonBenet dead is a mystery?

Just read a few pages back about blood on the pillow case and fecal matter in bed and on candy box.

I did not know about those before. This does suggest JBR was hit on the head in her room. The kind of blow she received could have caused her nose or mouth to bleed - and make her poo from the shock of it. So maybe the candy box poo was transferred from clothing or body.

I still don't know what to think about too big pj's with skid marks. Can't figure out in my mind yet if they were JB's as we know she couldn't wipe well yet, or BR's I don't know if he cleaned well enough yet or not, but suppose not. They could have just been something laying around and grabbed to put on her before bed since everyone was tired and it was late. But someone was in the room with her if the head blow happened there.

Someone said Kolar stated the PJ's were too large for JonBenet. Here is my take on that: stuff was transferred, including JonBenet, from BR's bedroom, the poo could be a direct forensic deposit, which seems the case, hence my remarks about the housekeeper, who never ever said she saw poo other than on JonBenet's bed?

I just cannot see JonBenet wanting poo on her candy box!

this whole poooo thing stinks :floorlaugh:

Robotdog wants to know "were the parents ever asked about this?"
and if not then why not

and if they were what in the blazes was their explanation

seems like a fair question to be asked, as a matter of fact ALL questions are fair when it comes to a murder of a child..

this whole thing makes me sick
Thank you for reply. This what scary me the most! Because if it's true then whatever happens IN THE BASEMENT prior her death is getting more and more uglier and complicated, IMO. 'Staging' becomes more involved around clothing (possibly washing them before placing on JBR; hence the weaker DNA); using 'hands-up' position for easy way to dressing and much-much more....But this scenario could explain why Barbie Nightgown was found with her blanket. Otherwise, this nightgown in the basement was always one of the 'holes' in my puzzle.

Some think that JonBenet was wearing the red turtle neck found balled up in her bathroom. It upset Pasty when it was pointed out by Steve Thomas. Many have been waiting a long time to see the photo's taken at the White's Christmas party to see what she was wearing. Was Burke ever asked what JonBenet was wearing that night?

Pasty and JonBenet had a confrontation with Pasty wanting her to wear the red turtle neck because Pasty was wearing one and they would look a like. JonBenet held out for the white top with the star that she was found in.

Did Pasty hurt JonBenet in the bathroom? Pasty could of heard her skull crack if she slammed her down on the faucet in the tub if she was cleaning her up, put her in her bed trying to get her to wake up,then took her to the basement quietly like Burke said. Has it ever been said how much and where the green tinsel on the spiral staircase was found in JonBenet hair?

If Jonbenet had been sexualized, could she (like many who have) of been masturbating? and Pasty caught her? Could that account for the behavior of being to friendly and flirty along with the redness and irritation. I wonder why Pasty called Dr. Beuf after hours on the 17th?
Thank you for reply. This what scary me the most! Because if it's true then whatever happens IN THE BASEMENT prior her death is getting more and more uglier and complicated, IMO. 'Staging' becomes more involved around clothing (possibly washing them before placing on JBR; hence the weaker DNA); using 'hands-up' position for easy way to dressing and much-much more....But this scenario could explain why Barbie Nightgown was found with her blanket. Otherwise, this nightgown in the basement was always one of the 'holes' in my puzzle.

That might explain why it has been said the wrist bindings were lose. If someone tied her up during the crime, and later she needed to be redressed or dressed, they'd need to be untied. You have to retie them else it shows she was attended to sometime well after her death but you are not as committed as the original person who binded her.
There are a few things in Kolar's book that I find very interesting
One of the housekeepers said-JB wet her bed every night for a week straight
then it stopped for awhile-then it started again
I would want to know-who was in the house at the week straight-then left & then came back?
Also-their priest that was called that morning said he heard JR say when he was carrying her up the stairs-I don't think he meant to kill her-Who was he talking about?
JR told the guy who showed up after JB was found with JAR/and a woman who's name escapes me now that-he found JB at 11am! I believe JB's body was in the room under the stairs & when JR went missing for that 1 1/2 hrs-he moved her to the WC & that is why FW never saw her-jmo
That might explain why it has been said the wrist bindings were lose. If someone tied her up during the crime, and later she needed to be redressed or dressed, they'd need to be untied. You have to retie them else it shows she was attended to sometime well after her death but you are not as committed as the original person who binded her.

Yes, it's possible. However, would be the first wrist binding before she was 'dressed' during the staging be visiable during the autopsy? I mean, if she've been tide while in her nightgown or naked then somehow her wrist would have some kind of marks. Especially, if we'll assume that this first binding was done BEFORE the head blow. In this case, I'm sure JBR would try to get her hands out and it would leave marks, agree? But if the binding was done for the staging purpose AFTER the head blow AND JBR was waring the nightgown then the 're-dressing' requires the hand-up position for take nightgown out and put shirt on. And, therefore, placing the rope ON THE TOP of the shirt's sleaves. Hence NO MARKS on the wrists. Makes sense? Again, JMO, and one of many possible scenarios.
I'm looking back through photos from the Daily Beast and the photo of A Officer and a Gentleman poster. In the movie one man hung himself from the shower rod.

Also in one photo you can see a long black electrical cord on the floor connected to what looks like a model train transformer in the lower left side sitting on the edge of a white table.

Could someone been mad enough at JonBenet to place the exposed wire ends on her face and back?

Just thinking

In some of the post John had three different stories about what he played with Burke Christmas night. In the interview with Steve Thomas, Pasty said she had held back some present for Burkes birthday. She said it Legos blocks. In one of John's stories he said that he and Burke were putting together Legos Blocks
There are a few things in Kolar's book that I find very interesting
One of the housekeepers said-JB wet her bed every night for a week straight
then it stopped for awhile-then it started again
I would want to know-who was in the house at the week straight-then left & then came back?
Also-their priest that was called that morning said he heard JR say when he was carrying her up the stairs-I don't think he meant to kill her-Who was he talking about?
JR told the guy who showed up after JB was found with JAR/and a woman who's name escapes me now that-he found JB at 11am! I believe JB's body was in the room under the stairs & when JR went missing for that 1 1/2 hrs-he moved her to the WC & that is why FW never saw her-jmo

This is the first time I have ever heard the comment from JR that "he didn't mean to kill her". I do know one of the parents said "We didn't mean for this to happen". Was that first quote in Kolar's book, or is there another source for it?

The guy who showed up with JAR was the fiance (now husband) of Melinda Ramsey, who is the woman you refer too. They were supposed to have flown to Charlevoix and meet Patsy and family there.
So what is the answer - who killed her according to Kolar - PLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEESE.
Just read a few pages back about blood on the pillow case and fecal matter in bed and on candy box.

I did not know about those before. This does suggest JBR was hit on the head in her room. The kind of blow she received could have caused her nose or mouth to bleed - and make her poo from the shock of it. So maybe the candy box poo was transferred from clothing or body.

I still don't know what to think about too big pj's with skid marks. Can't figure out in my mind yet if they were JB's as we know she couldn't wipe well yet, or BR's I don't know if he cleaned well enough yet or not, but suppose not. They could have just been something laying around and grabbed to put on her before bed since everyone was tired and it was late. But someone was in the room with her if the head blow happened there.

Somewhere in the Bonita Papers on Forums For Justice is a statement from Linda Wilcox (iirc) who was a former Ramsey housekeeper. She quit or left before JonBenet's death. Her statement, however, said that JonBenet did not have many clothes until she got old enough to participate in pageants and that JonBenet often wore Burke's clothing since JonBenet had so little clothing of her own. Sorry I didn't record the link but a "search" at Forums For Justice for "Linda Wilcox" should find the statement.
This is the first time I have ever heard the comment from JR that "he didn't mean to kill her". I do know one of the parents said "We didn't mean for this to happen". Was that first quote in Kolar's book, or is there another source for it?

The guy who showed up with JAR was the fiance (now husband) of Melinda Ramsey, who is the woman you refer too. They were supposed to have flown to Charlevoix and meet Patsy and family there.

DeeDee, iirc, the "We didn't mean for this to happen" comment is in the Bonita Papers. Maybe a statement Patsy made while staying with friends right after JonBenet's death. Or maybe the statement was in Judith Phillips' writings. Either way, I read it at FFJ.
DeeDee, iirc, the "We didn't mean for this to happen" comment is in the Bonita Papers. Maybe a statement Patsy made while staying with friends right after JonBenet's death. Or maybe the statement was in Judith Phillips' writings. Either way, I read it at FFJ.

I'm not talking about that comment "we didn't mean for this to happen". I have see that one many times myself. I was referring to the comment in an earlier post that JR was allegedly overheard by his pastor saying :"I don't think he meant to kill her" as he carried JB up the stairs. THAT is the comment I wanted the source for. I have never read that anywhere.
I'm not talking about that comment "we didn't mean for this to happen". I have see that one many times myself. I was referring to the comment in an earlier post that JR was allegedly overheard by his pastor saying :"I don't think he meant to kill her" as he carried JB up the stairs. THAT is the comment I wanted the source for. I have never read that anywhere.

There was only FW and JR in the basement, and nobody on the stairs. FW ran upstairs first to dial 911, with JR following, carrying JonBenet's body away from him.

When Arndt and JR were face to face over the body, JR groaned softly, and told Arndt, "It has to be an inside job.", excerpts from ITRMI.

After JonBenet's had been found, victim advocate Grace Morlock told detectives, Joh Ramsey said more than once that he didn't think that the kidnapper meant to kill his daughter, because she was wrapped in a blanket

I'm not talking about that comment "we didn't mean for this to happen". I have see that one many times myself. I was referring to the comment in an earlier post that JR was allegedly overheard by his pastor saying :"I don't think he meant to kill her" as he carried JB up the stairs. THAT is the comment I wanted the source for. I have never read that anywhere.

DD, I don't have the book either, but apparently it is more info from Kolar. KoldKase quoted the following:
Father Holverstock advised he had been heating a glass of water in the kitchen microwave when things began to happen. Fleet White had a look on his face that he'd "never seen before," and racing past him through the kitchen, exclaimed that JonBenet had been found.

The next thing he knew, he was standing in the foyer area near the top of the basement stairs, and John Ramsey had his daughter in his hands. It was Holverstock's recollection that Ramsey blurted out, "I don't think he meant to kill her, because she was wrapped in a blanket," or that "she was warm, she was wrapped in a blanket."
[ame="http://www.forumsforjustice.org/forums/showpost.php?p=190986&postcount=6"]Forums For Justice - View Single Post - Sexual Behavior Problems (SBP) - from James Kolar's book about Ramsey case[/ame]

Chief Marshal James Kolar offers perspective on Ramsey murder
Book delves into evidence for new take on infamous murder
August 1, 2012

“I disclosed what I think are the key components,” Kolar said. “Witness statements, behavioral things, police reports, evidence photographs and physical evidence, all in the open record, that I felt discounted the elements of the intruder theory. Those are things the Boulder Police Department was pointing to for years that people just ignored.”

August 02, 2012

"This hour Peter spoke to reporter Carol McKinley and Jim Kolar, author of "Foreign Faction: Who Really Kidnapped JonBenet?"


PB:You, you call the book Who really kidnapped ... Was there a kidnapping at all Jim?

JK: Well, I think, if you look at what I interpret as the evidence, I think she was struck in the kitchen or the dining room where the pineapple was being consumed and then moved downstairs afterwards. When you move one person from one room to another, even in the same home or apartment that's considered a kidnapping, ___ it's against their will.

PB:You, you call the book Who really kidnapped ... Was there a kidnapping at all Jim?

JK: Well, I think, if you look at what I interpret as the evidence, I think she was struck in the kitchen or the dining room where the pineapple was being consumed and then moved downstairs afterwards. When you move one person from one room to another, even in the same home or apartment that's considered a kidnapping, ___ it's against their will.

This does not make sense to me at all. Why would an R want to bludgeon JonBenet and take her down to the basement?

That could all be accomplished with promises of treats and gifts etc.


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