James Kolar's New Book Will Blow the Lid off the JonBenet Ramsey Investigation

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Heyy Roy, as it stands,

SG limits himself to no comment, as he has not read the book.

"When asked by TODAY.com, the office of current Boulder District Attorney Stan Garnett said he had no comment, since he has not read the book."

LW, has not yet read the book:

The Ramsey family’s attorney, L. Lin Wood, told TODAY.com he has not yet read the book, but that he thinks the book is “nonsense” if it suggests there was no intruder responsible for the murder.
Wood noted that he believes Kolar self-published the book for reasons of “public notoriety” or “fame.”
“I am troubled by the idea that a former member of the law enforcement investigation would choose to take information gained from the investigation and publish it for his own personal reasons, at a time when the case has not yet been solved,” said the attorney.
Moving forward, Wood is hopeful DNA evidence in the FBI’s possession is what will bring the killer to justice, just as DNA exonerated the Ramsey family.


The case was moved over to the Boulder Police Department in 2009. Current police chief Mark Beckner said last week that he’s about 100 pages into reading the book himself and “it seems pretty accurate.”

I think a lot of the book is probably pretty accurate Tad. The first part of the book is pretty much rehashing the evidence at hand. Not sure what your point is Tad. After the cold case meeting which Kolar was a part of, he has contacted the BPD and DA's office. Kolar states he didn't even get knowlege of receipt of his information.

FWIW, I liked the book. I think it is important. And I think this case has not been proven IDI or RDI. I think some of Lin Wood's statement are probably correct. I hope Beckner and Garnett comment on the book. If Beckner reads it all and agrees with everything in it, we got a real issue on our hands.
heyya Roy,

Point being?, just to document public reactions/statements, of the principle LE and LW.

From the blog radio interview of CM I gathered
that ML is Hawaii bound and will not be able to be contacted for further comments.

Roy, I'm glad you enjoyed the read and wondered if there is any material, or new details within the book that could support a known IDI scenario?
heyya Roy,

Point being?, just to document public reactions/statements, of the principle LE and LW.

From the blog radio interview of CM I gathered
that ML is Hawaii bound and will not be able to be contacted for further comments.

Roy, I'm glad you enjoyed the read and wondered if there is any material, or new details within the book that could support a known IDI scenario?

A known IDI scenario? Not sure I follow you. There certainly is a possibility that one or more persons got into the Ramsey house and tried to kidnap JBR or just kill her. Some DNA left at the scene could be a source of that evidence. I do still think IDI until Beckner and Garnett can or will say anything to offset the DNA evidence in this case. I think Mr. Kolar made some strong points in offsetting Lou Smit's theory. I also think he made some good points as to why they had to keep looking at the family. It was due to their own statements.

IMO, this case still has more questions than answers. And they are all to blame really. It is unfortunate.
Heyya Roy, as it stands,

SG limits himself to no comment, as he has not read the book.

"When asked by TODAY.com, the office of current Boulder District Attorney Stan Garnett said he had no comment, since he has not read the book."

LW, has not yet read the book:

The Ramsey family’s attorney, L. Lin Wood, told TODAY.com he has not yet read the book, but that he thinks the book is “nonsense” if it suggests there was no intruder responsible for the murder.
Wood noted that he believes Kolar self-published the book for reasons of “public notoriety” or “fame.”
“I am troubled by the idea that a former member of the law enforcement investigation would choose to take information gained from the investigation and publish it for his own personal reasons, at a time when the case has not yet been solved,” said the attorney.
Moving forward, Wood is hopeful DNA evidence in the FBI’s possession is what will bring the killer to justice, just as DNA exonerated the Ramsey family.


The case was moved over to the Boulder Police Department in 2009. Current police chief Mark Beckner said last week that he’s about 100 pages into reading the book himself and “it seems pretty accurate.”
hmmm,,,so, L Lin Wood thinks Kolar wrote this book for fame and notoriety? What did he have to say about JR's motivation for writing his own little book? Sorry, but you can't have it both ways. If the dad can make money off the case, why shouldn't an investigator? Also, to hear him say, 'at a time when this case has not been solved', really, really angers me. So, people can speak out After the case is solved? And how many more decades doe he expect that to be? hogwash. If somebody has something to say, let him speak... because a lot of us want to hear it. MOO..
people arn't objective here......if you don't have a RDI or BDI theory you get jumped on........

Wow! After having the same experience at your regular haunt I would have to say this statement is a bit hypocritical. I also remember me saying something along those lines to you and your pack of IDI who by the way are not objective and every bit if not more vicious and just for the fun of it.

By the by "Burk is Innocent" Is not what I call being objective....

For what its worth, I smell what you're stepping in and I can sympathize..... Finding yourself alone in enemy territory sucks.....
Wow! After having the same experience at your regular haunt I would have to say this statement is a bit hypocritical. I also remember me saying something along those lines to you and your pack of IDI who by the way are not objective and every bit if not more vicious and just for the fun of it.

By the by "Burk is Innocent" Is not what I call being objective....

For what its worth, I smell what you're stepping in and I can sympathize..... Finding yourself alone in enemy territory sucks.....

This is good-:rocker:
I have to say that i have theorized idi quite a bit and asked lots of questions over the past years and everyone has been very nice. I really respect ws for that and all the posters.
In Steve Thomas' book, he said that Patsy was obsessed with designer upholstery, furnishings, window treatments, etc. but that if you looked into the corners, there was dust and junk and in the bedrooms, piles of clutter and dirty clothes.

I have figured that the kids were pretty much neglected so didn't put too much stock in skid marks in underwear and her not knowing if there was pineapple there are not. The kids may have never been taught proper hygeine and fended for themselves alot. I know patsy had severe health issues but she felt well enough to flit all over the place socially. I've also never figured why, due to the wealth and severe cancer., that they did not have full time cleaning people and proper nannies. Maybe they did have stuff to hide.
I've also never figured why, due to the wealth and severe cancer., that they did not have full time cleaning people and proper nannies. Maybe they did have stuff to hide.

I was wondering the exact same thing. They have all this money, and she is so concerned with outward apperances, etc, I cant believe they didnt have someone keeping the place clean instead of it being a pig sty.
They had multiple different housekeepers throughout time, but the housekeepers didn't live there... Perhaps the place was a mess by the time the housekeepers got there each day or few days- whatever the schedule was.... And at Xmas time, the housekeeper had been off for a day or 2 already so the place was messy already by that time...

Plus there are housekeeper statements about how messy the house was and what had to be done to clean after them...

They didn't have laundry baskets or toilet paper rings and such.... Generally unorganized until a housekeeper showed up.

So they were messy regardless and in-between housekeeper visits.
In Steve Thomas' book, he said that Patsy was obsessed with designer upholstery, furnishings, window treatments, etc. but that if you looked into the corners, there was dust and junk and in the bedrooms, piles of clutter and dirty clothes.

A reflection of what was inside her.
The jacket fibers.....I always thought there was a small chance it was just police tactic during the interview and they were not really a match,but now we KNOW for a fact,the fibers matched !!!! And it wasn't some Walmart jacket you can find all over the place,Patsy claiming she "borrowed" the jacket even though she had the same one,ridiculous......that to me is PROOF Patsy did the staging .....and the note is self explanatory IMO,that was definitely Patsy.....
Good description from DeeDee249 on the housekeeping situation:
The housekeeper said the house was always that messy. Clothes strewn all about and no laundry hampers. LHP (the housekeeper said that she discussed getting hampers, but Patsy never did. They just dropped clothes on the floor wherever they took them off- a point made by LE when they discussed with Patsy JB's poopy black pants on the bathroom floor.
LHP reported that Patsy's mother Nedra used to chide Patsy for her messiness- saying that the housekeeper was there to clean- not pick up after everyone, and how could she do a good job cleaning when there was stuff all over. LHP reported that when she got there in the morning, crumbs were all over the counter and the lid was off the peanut butter jar- nothing was ever put away unless she did it.
Interesting that the appearance of the basement gives the impression of it having been ransacked. But their house always looked like that. When they had their holiday party on Dec. 23rd, Patsy had LHP move the paint tote from the Butler's Pantry to the basement to get it out of the way.
Heyya Roy, as it stands,

SG limits himself to no comment, as he has not read the book.

"When asked by TODAY.com, the office of current Boulder District Attorney Stan Garnett said he had no comment, since he has not read the book."

LW, has not yet read the book:

The Ramsey family’s attorney, L. Lin Wood, told TODAY.com he has not yet read the book, but that he thinks the book is “nonsense” if it suggests there was no intruder responsible for the murder.
Wood noted that he believes Kolar self-published the book for reasons of “public notoriety” or “fame.”
“I am troubled by the idea that a former member of the law enforcement investigation would choose to take information gained from the investigation and publish it for his own personal reasons, at a time when the case has not yet been solved,” said the attorney.
Moving forward, Wood is hopeful DNA evidence in the FBI’s possession is what will bring the killer to justice, just as DNA exonerated the Ramsey family.


The case was moved over to the Boulder Police Department in 2009. Current police chief Mark Beckner said last week that he’s about 100 pages into reading the book himself and “it seems pretty accurate.”

Typical riposte by LW, e.g. ad-hominem, instead of addressing any of the books claims.

I have figured that the kids were pretty much neglected so didn't put too much stock in skid marks in underwear and her not knowing if there was pineapple there are not. The kids may have never been taught proper hygeine and fended for themselves alot. I know patsy had severe health issues but she felt well enough to flit all over the place socially. I've also never figured why, due to the wealth and severe cancer., that they did not have full time cleaning people and proper nannies. Maybe they did have stuff to hide.

You bet, and it is not simply the state of the house.

We know JonBenet had hygene issues, we know Burke used to wet the bed, as did JonBenet. We are now told there were feces in JonBenet's bedroom. Not something I associate with 6-year old girls. And Kolar hints a pair of soiled pants may actually belong to Burke.

I posted some quotes from Kolar's book on his research and investigation into the chapter on "Sexual Behavior Problems" of children. If you want to use the quotes, feel free, of course, but do give Kolar credit as per copywrite law:


Holy cow, KK. I just read what was there up to now. Looks like even though Mr. Kolar is being coy about coming right out and naming the person he feels is responsible for JonBenet's death (probably legal reasons for that), he makes it pretty clear who the evidence points to.

I have to say though, I get frustrated every time I read something over at FFJ, because I want to add something to the conversation, and can't.

But thanks for the post and for keeping us at WS in the loop. I know it's a feat to type all that in there for us, and I appreciate the effort and your many contributions.
You bet, and it is not simply the state of the house.

We know JonBenet had hygene issues, we know Burke used to wet the bed, as did JonBenet. We are now told there were feces in JonBenet's bedroom. Not something I associate with 6-year old girls. And Kolar hints a pair of soiled pants may actually belong to Burke.


Pasty said in her statement that Burke wouldn't of got pineapple out to eat because he had a "sweet tooth" and would want chocolate. Maybe JonBenet was protecting the box that she kept her candy in by smearing it with poop. Or Burke did it to get back at her.

I remember in PMPT that Burke had all of Pasty's attention until JonBenet stated school, then Pasty turned her full attention on her. And there is Pasty again overdoing it at school.

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