James Kolar's New Book Will Blow the Lid off the JonBenet Ramsey Investigation

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I'm also curious about these batteries. Did they have unreadable prints that were smudged or were they purposely wiped clean of everything? Or something in between? How long does it take for fingerprints disappear on batteries inside of a flashlight? Can forensic technicians even tell us with certainty the answers to these questions?

i want to know these answers also :)
Here is a copy of a reply I posted on DocG's blogspot - just wanted to share:twocents:. and for those who haven't read Kolar's book, WHY NOT? !!!!

:moo:After going through Kolar's book 3 times, I sense he may be asking us to take a closer look at John, now more than ever before. He presented JR more as a primary character in the book than any other connected individual to the case. While he does bring Burke into the theme towards the end of his book with credible information, I feel it may be that this could be an attempt to "flush out" the direct evidence that would be supportive of the Theory of Prosecution, which Kolar presented to Stan Garnett in January 2011.

Here are comments from the Kolar book:
1. Prologue, xi: "...I BELIEVE there are still active steps to be taken to achieve resolution and closure in this case."
2. Pg 444: "I fully realize that some of the information provided herein is, at best, circumstantial, and there currently exists no direct evidence that could be used in a court of law to convict anyone who may have been involved in the death of this child. Regrettably, there are many murders committed in this country that present similar circumstances, and YET, in some fashion, many prosecutors have made the concious decision to leave no stone unturned when pursuing the leads presented for the homicides committed in their jurisdictions."
3. Pg 440:: "Unfortunately, Stan Garnett inherited all of these problems when he took office in 2009. It was an active homicide ivestigation in which his predecessor had already publically exonerated THE VERY PEOPLE whom LAW ENFORCEMENT AUTHORITIES COULD NEVER CLEAR OF INVOLVEMENT. The investigation had been so thoroughly compromised that it was UNLIKELY" the prosecution of anyone would ever take place."

Kolar states very clearly that deciding to do this book came only after a great deal of anguish, and at the risk of great harm, both physically and emotionally. Now consider this statement of his from the book: Pg 454 - "... is to help prevent child abduction and sexual exploitation, aid in the recovery of missing children, and ASSIST OTHER CHILDREN WHO HAVE BEEN VICTIMIZED BY THESE TYPES OF CRIMES." Kolar then states that a donation from the sales of the book will go to this same org, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

Is it possible that with this charitable act, Kolar is attempting to provide some offering of benevolence for Burke, as a great deal of information that could incriminate Burke was offered as Kolar presented "discoveries made during my inquiry (pg 454)". While Kolar is clear that his intent was to reveal the truth about this crime, thereby furthering some justice for JB, he also acknowledges that some would have felt he should have continued to maintain his silence.

While we cannot presume to read anything more into Kolar's book than what is carefully written, we can rely on these facts: The case remains OPEN as a MURDER INVESTIGATION, Kolar has prepared and submitted a Theory of Prosecution (for the second time, at the request of Stan Garnett), and Kolar BELIEVES (he does not 'think', 'guess' or 'hope') the case can come to a resolution.

If we can trust Mr. Kolars career credentials, then I expect we can join him in remaining convinced there is a justifiable avenue of prosecution for the murder of JonBenet Ramsey.
I got my book in the mail a couple of days ago. I'm on page 183 and I have a whole page of notes so far. I'm not nearly as knowledgeable as some of you are on this.....so be forewarned I will be back with my notes and questions :)
i want to know these answers also :)

Consider this: The flashlight is a plant by the murderer to deflect away from the knowledge of the real "bash" weapon. It was thoroughly cleaned so as not to be traceable in any way, then placed in a prominent position where it was sure to be discovered.

Refer to Kolar book, photo pg. 49: A flashlight is standing right there in the middle of the counter amidst food. The victim's advocate people were there preparing food on the morning of the 26th. If the flashlight had been there all the time, you would think someone would have touched it, moved it, or even thought it odd enough to bring to the attention of the police.

Could it have been placed there at a later time of the morning, just to confound the scene even further - maybe during the time JR was deemed "unaccountable" for as he passed through the kitchen?? Just a speculation and MOO! :moo: When Arndt was alone at the scene, she might not have had time to go browsing the house (so may not have seen the flashlight on the counter) while she also was expected to keep an eye on the family. BPD might have easily dismissed it as belonging to one of them - remember, they have been considered "inept" by some (tongue in cheek, here).
I got my book in the mail a couple of days ago. I'm on page 183 and I have a whole page of notes so far. I'm not nearly as knowledgeable as some of you are on this.....so be forewarned I will be back with my notes and questions :)

:greetings: There is strength in numbers, Shelby1! Some of us are really getting fired up on this website to see something move forward in a stealthy manner towards resolve of this case, which has been fueled by Kolar's book. Will LOOK FORWARD to hearing from you in the near future. And here's a couple of things about reading the book which got passed around: Read it from start to finish - don't skip around. And, my urging is to read the EPILOGUE a few times over. Kolar himself said "the Epilogue says it all".
Here is a copy of a reply I posted on DocG's blogspot - just wanted to share:twocents:. and for those who haven't read Kolar's book, WHY NOT? !!!!

:moo:After going through Kolar's book 3 times, I sense he may be asking us to take a closer look at John, now more than ever before. He presented JR more as a primary character in the book than any other connected individual to the case. While he does bring Burke into the theme towards the end of his book with credible information, I feel it may be that this could be an attempt to "flush out" the direct evidence that would be supportive of the Theory of Prosecution, which Kolar presented to Stan Garnett in January 2011.

Here are comments from the Kolar book:
1. Prologue, xi: "...I BELIEVE there are still active steps to be taken to achieve resolution and closure in this case."
2. Pg 444: "I fully realize that some of the information provided herein is, at best, circumstantial, and there currently exists no direct evidence that could be used in a court of law to convict anyone who may have been involved in the death of this child. Regrettably, there are many murders committed in this country that present similar circumstances, and YET, in some fashion, many prosecutors have made the concious decision to leave no stone unturned when pursuing the leads presented for the homicides committed in their jurisdictions."
3. Pg 440:: "Unfortunately, Stan Garnett inherited all of these problems when he took office in 2009. It was an active homicide ivestigation in which his predecessor had already publically exonerated THE VERY PEOPLE whom LAW ENFORCEMENT AUTHORITIES COULD NEVER CLEAR OF INVOLVEMENT. The investigation had been so thoroughly compromised that it was UNLIKELY" the prosecution of anyone would ever take place."

Kolar states very clearly that deciding to do this book came only after a great deal of anguish, and at the risk of great harm, both physically and emotionally. Now consider this statement of his from the book: Pg 454 - "... is to help prevent child abduction and sexual exploitation, aid in the recovery of missing children, and ASSIST OTHER CHILDREN WHO HAVE BEEN VICTIMIZED BY THESE TYPES OF CRIMES." Kolar then states that a donation from the sales of the book will go to this same org, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

Is it possible that with this charitable act, Kolar is attempting to provide some offering of benevolence for Burke, as a great deal of information that could incriminate Burke was offered as Kolar presented "discoveries made during my inquiry (pg 454)". While Kolar is clear that his intent was to reveal the truth about this crime, thereby furthering some justice for JB, he also acknowledges that some would have felt he should have continued to maintain his silence.

While we cannot presume to read anything more into Kolar's book than what is carefully written, we can rely on these facts: The case remains OPEN as a MURDER INVESTIGATION, Kolar has prepared and submitted a Theory of Prosecution (for the second time, at the request of Stan Garnett), and Kolar BELIEVES (he does not 'think', 'guess' or 'hope') the case can come to a resolution.

If we can trust Mr. Kolars career credentials, then I expect we can join him in remaining convinced there is a justifiable avenue of prosecution for the murder of JonBenet Ramsey.

midwest mama,
Please Remember Here, The Case Remains Open As A Murder Investigation, For Which Only An Adult Suspect Could Be Prosecuted
Seems like Kolar is telling us something here, e.g BDI is no go?

If its JDI then we need Burke as a state witness, whats the chance of that happening? Otherwise John can just blame it all on a PDI?

So unless Kolar has forensic evidence we do not know about, I doubt anyone will be prosecuted, so whats all this stuff about a Prosecutable Case?

Kolar does not explicitly mention who he thinks was responsible for the death of JonBenet, although it’s clear that he feels that there is behavioral evidence, some statements to childhood friends ,as well as some things found during the course of executing a search warrant in the home that collectively form a somewhat troubling picture of Burke.

I haven't been following this for a while but has Burke emerged at all in a suspicious light since that night? Any arrests? Rumors of emotional disturbance or has he been a model citizen? Something like this would have pushed him around the corner if he were responsible I would think.
Consider this: The flashlight is a plant by the murderer to deflect away from the knowledge of the real "bash" weapon. It was thoroughly cleaned so as not to be traceable in any way, then placed in a prominent position where it was sure to be discovered.

Refer to Kolar book, photo pg. 49: A flashlight is standing right there in the middle of the counter amidst food. The victim's advocate people were there preparing food on the morning of the 26th. If the flashlight had been there all the time, you would think someone would have touched it, moved it, or even thought it odd enough to bring to the attention of the police.

Could it have been placed there at a later time of the morning, just to confound the scene even further - maybe during the time JR was deemed "unaccountable" for as he passed through the kitchen?? Just a speculation and MOO! :moo: When Arndt was alone at the scene, she might not have had time to go browsing the house (so may not have seen the flashlight on the counter) while she also was expected to keep an eye on the family. BPD might have easily dismissed it as belonging to one of them - remember, they have been considered "inept" by some (tongue in cheek, here).

Personally, I don't think the flashlight was used to hit Jonbenet hard enough to cause the kind of damage shown in the autopsy. The flashlight would have been cracked (if plastic) or dented if metal. But, Ill go read more about it because I havent seen a complete description of it.
midwest mama,

Seems like Kolar is telling us something here, e.g BDI is no go?

If its JDI then we need Burke as a state witness, whats the chance of that happening? Otherwise John can just blame it all on a PDI?

So unless Kolar has forensic evidence we do not know about, I doubt anyone will be prosecuted, so whats all this stuff about a Prosecutable Case?


IMO, (and I did read Kolar book very-very 'carefully'), this book is the first major shake-up by exposing:
- DA corruption (legal matters here, some should be prosecuted);
- dirty 'poop' Ramsey 'secrets' (kind of squizing Burke to come clean, talk to LE... otherwise his future adult life will be REALLY 'poopy':).

In addition, I do believe Kolar put pressure on others LE, DA, Government authority to take the 'seal' off from certain medical documents. Plus, someone mention on this forum (I believe KK or DD) Kolar would like to see the 'domino' effect. Someone should start talking...Maybe next will be Kane?...

IMO, a LOT of actions must done on the Government-level BEFORE we can even hope for continuation....

Regardless of outcome, THANK YOU MR. KOLAR!!!! It was extrimely BRAVE of you to do what you've done already....
I've just finished the book. Phew. I've done nothing but read all day.

I have a few observations and thoughts.

*First, I want to write out the scenario that I have in my head. I reserve the right to change my mind, though.

I now believe that Burke is the one that hit JBR over the head and I think that Burke was the one that was molesting JBR.

I think he used one of the golf clubs in the basement (the ones that John adamantly wanted his friend to get for him two days after JBR died, but the police wouldn't let them go down to the basement). I will forever wonder what was in that golf bag and what evidence was on a club or clubs.

I think JBR was up much later than John and Patsy stated. Or, she went to bed only to get back up a couple of hours later. Patsy had to deny, deny, deny about the pineapple because the contents of the stomach clearly put JBR in the kitchen eating at around 1 a.m. and she had already said that she was in bed. I think Patsy was running around doing last minute tasks in order to be ready to fly to Michigan early the next morning. JBR and B are in the basement --yes they should be in bed, but Patsy is too distracted and isn't paying attention. Something makes B angry... Maybe JBR threatened to tell on B for his actions? Maybe he was sick of her and all the attention she received? Maybe she touched one of his new toys? (I would like to hear more from his doctors and from anyone around him...teachers etc. about how he acted. Just the small amount in the book is enough to make me think he was a disturbed child. I also don't think that this is the first time he's tried to physically harm her--I think he used those train tracks earlier to poke at her.)
Patsy hears or maybe B comes up and tells her what he has done. JBR looks critically injured...maybe Patsy thinks she is dead already. Patsy wakes John up and they have a long discussion about what to do. They've already lost one child...if they don't cover this up, they will lose two. They concoct the Foreign Faction story (the ransom dollar amount is so low it's ridiculous AND it just HAPPENS to be the exact amount of John's bonus....riiiight). John rigs up the strangulation device. Patsy writes the note and puts the tape over JBR's mouth (hence the mucus being under the tape and the fibers from Patsy's sweater). They spend time going over their story. They tell Burke over and over what not to say....which isn't hard because he doesn't seem to care the JBR is gone. They decide to wait until 6 a.m. and then they will call two sets of friends in order to add some "chaos" to the scene. The more distractions the better. And the rest their lives are spent/being spent making sure that the real truth is never discovered.



Why didn't they do DNA on the feces? It could have been beneficial...if it was Burkes it would prove that he's got some issues, right?

Why did they say that the flashlight wasn't theirs? To throw the police off? I always figured it was on the counter because John used it on Christmas eve when he went to the neighbors to get the bicycle.


It's eerie how similar the psychics drawing of intruder was to JMK.


Like I said, this is what's running through my head right now....it could change.
I've just finished the book. Phew. I've done nothing but read all day.

I have a few observations and thoughts.

*First, I want to write out the scenario that I have in my head. I reserve the right to change my mind, though. skip

Dear Shelby1,

Are you reading my mind???!!!! WOW...yes, as of today, after reading Kolar's book, I had the same scenario (see post 64 on '3 critical questions' thread)...amazing!!! the same outcome. I'm glad...Hope more people could see the same POSSIBILITY....
Shelby1, that's basically my take on what happened, too.

As to the psychic drawing that looked like JMK: Most psychics tap into the astral plane, which is the realm of wish-fulfillment, strong emotion and imagery. JMK was obsessed with JBR and stamped her image with his own as a consequence of the strength of his own desire; nothing to do with JBR, herself. It is not surprising that a psychic would pick up on JMK's obsession and interpret it as a concrete connection between him and JBR.
Shelby1, that's basically my take on what happened, too.

As to the psychic drawing that looked like JMK: Most psychics tap into the astral plane, which is the realm of wish-fulfillment, strong emotion and imagery. JMK was obsessed with JBR and stamped her image with his own as a consequence of the strength of his own desire; nothing to do with JBR, herself. It is not surprising that a psychic would pick up on JMK's obsession and interpret it as a concrete connection between him and JBR.

Psychic? No such thing imo

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Psychic? No such thing imo
Maybe not, but Kolar's book includes a psychic drawing of JBR's murderer (hence the issue being raised). This is a peripheral matter, to be sure, since JMK had nothing whatever to do with the Ramsey family; and Kolar did not present the sketch as evidence of anything other than how far-flung the case had become when he left the BPD.
Hmmm seems like it would have just been easier to dispose of Jonbenet's body. No one would have known if or when or how she died. I am still unconvinced, sitting on the fence about the whole affair.

I don't think they really had the option of taking her off and dumping her. They would of been arrested right then and there, when she was found dead. To take her and dump her like trash screams someone in the family killed her.

Keeping her in the house was their best option, but only if she was hidden. They couldn't say they woke up and found her that way. It pointed right back at them. So she had to be hidden and then be found. It would buy them more time to get out of that hell hole, and for them to hope to God they wouldn't be in handcuffs the next time they stepped foot in Boulder.

Someone mentioned the photo's of the stacked boxes near John's golf clubs and wondered about the significance of the three photos. I can see that they have tape on them. I wonder if someone took a piece of tape and used it on JonBenet's mouth?
midwest mama,

Seems like Kolar is telling us something here, e.g BDI is no go?

If its JDI then we need Burke as a state witness, whats the chance of that happening? Otherwise John can just blame it all on a PDI?

So unless Kolar has forensic evidence we do not know about, I doubt anyone will be prosecuted, so whats all this stuff about a Prosecutable Case?

There are several statements by Kolar that he feels this case can be brought to a resolution, and with his 20 page Theory of Prosecution presented into the hands of Garnett, he must have justifiable reason to believe this case can at least be put before a grand jury. As of the writing of his book, he had not received a response from BPD or DA regarding his presentation to Garnett.
There are several statements by Kolar that he feels this case can be brought to a resolution, and with his 20 page Theory of Prosecution presented into the hands of Garnett, he must have justifiable reason to believe this case can at least be put before a grand jury. As of the writing of his book, he had not received a response from BPD or DA regarding his presentation to Garnett.

The case has already been presented to a Grand Jury. Can it even be presented again? There really isn't any new evidence- though some things in Kolar's book are new to US.
The case has already been presented to a Grand Jury. Can it even be presented again? There really isn't any new evidence- though some things in Kolar's book are new to US.

There is nothing against the Colo govt starting a formal, transparent review is there?

Or LE?

Just a lack of backbone and a fear of what may be dug up, perhaps...
There is nothing against the Colo govt starting a formal, transparent review is there?

Or LE?

Just a lack of backbone and a fear of what may be dug up, perhaps...

LE was "supposed" to be reopening the case, weren't they? The "new" (aka "old") DA said he was taking a look with "fresh eyes" too. Guess his eyes were closed. I agree about the lack of spine. Jellyfish have more.
The case has already been presented to a Grand Jury. Can it even be presented again? There really isn't any new evidence- though some things in Kolar's book are new to US.


Sorry, I respectfully disagree. And here is why.

- Grand Jury had done their work in October 1999 which is 7 years before Kolar presented his overview of the case to DA. Granted, evidences of spider web and possibly BR/JBR 'poop' business were probably available to GJ in 1999. But not DNA and stunt gun fiasco. So, in 1999, the 'evidences' of IDI were 'on the table', polluting GJ vision;
- In 1999, GJ was conducted under DA watch-dog. BPD wasn't involved and wasn't allow to provide any knowledgeable guidance. Now, case is back to BPD and if new GJ will be assembled - BPD will be involved, Hence, possible different outcome;
- In 1999, JR wasn't call to testify. Now, under BPD power, JR must testify and nobody will tread him with the 'golden gloves';
- In 1999, GJ doesn't have the right question to ask BR. Since 2008, BPD is trying to talk to BR but he refuse to talk. Now, if new GJ, Burke must testify!;
- Finally, the most important, in preparation for the new GJ, the medical history (which are currently 'sealed') must be 'unsealed'.

So, as you can see, new GJ (which Kolar was pushing since 2006) would/could help to finally get the resolution in JBR murder. And I do honestly believe that this is the right way to go. Hope, Kolar book will make the difference and we can see in near future new GJ. ....JMO

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