Japan: 9.0 Earthquake-Tsunami-Nuclear Reactor Developments #3

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Graphite, graphite... was this a lung issue with the graphite?

But whatever warnings are now being issued by foreign governments to their citizens in Japan, there are significant differences that set this apart from the catastrophe in Ukraine, even as the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission warned that a pool of spent fuel rods at Fukushima had boiled dry.
At Chernobyl the nuclear reactor exploded after a surge in power that blew the top off the power plant and sent hot fuel – and importantly, its more radioactive fission products – high into the upper atmosphere, where it floated across national borders.
A fire that broke out in the graphite core forced more radioactive material into the air, helping it spread further. The reactor had no containment facility to even slow the release of radiation from the plant.

Just caught this on the running banner:

The Japanese government is looking into the deaths of 14 evacuees at Fukushima prefecture once they arrived at the shelter (not exact but close).

Does that mean some people got to a shelter and then died? hhhmmmmm......

gotta watch for this.

not. good.
I'm sharpening my pitchfork right now!! HA! Just kidding.... I think all along I've been gathering that info based on the president's statements, etc. Soooo... it was just comforting to hear it again. I'm not worried about ME even... just our children. And their future. Maybe no tuna for a while.

Oh and I apologize for the "don't touch the tuna" zona. I read back and I didn't realize how....... yeah.

I understand. I shared yesterday I was a year old at the time of TMI-2. In spite of my reproductive cancer, I was able to have two children... One of which will be 9 mo old on the 1st of April. I worry for my boys and all children of the world...
What happens if "they" just walk away? We know that at at least 2 reactors there are exposed fuel rods that are hot. If "they " walk away then those rods heat to a point and then "meltdown" into a mess. Then what? How long does it talk before anyone can get in there to clean it up or cover them up or bury them or what?
Good question. but whatever the answer is, it sure would be better than an explosion.
In this live loop, it was reported that power was lost @ the plant due to the earthquake.


We've been reading for days that the power @ the plant was lost due to the tsunami.

WOW---if this is true. gosh. You are right, sorrell----I have heard repeatedly that the earthquake was not the trigger but the tsunami and the fact that it flooded the area thereby disabling the back up generators that were providing pumping power (and I guess also ruining the batteries that were also supposedly there). WOW>
Here's to hoping there is something left to power up at the plant.
They're there and waiting. For some reason, there's a "delay".

Shepard smith on fox news said he was told the cannons which were given by one of our US navy ships were delivered 5 or 6 hours ago according to the nayv ships facebook page but the japanese have said it's too dangerous for anyone to get close enough to operate them........

This isn't directed at you JTSYS. Your post reminded me of something that will be an indication as to how bad things are in Japan.

An excellent indication IMHO.

Where are the dependents of the active duty personnel that are assigned to Japan at this moment?

Are they in Japan? Or have they been evacuated to another location?

That will tell you exactly what the threat level is in (all over) Japan if you know where those dependents are located.

At the first "scent" of danger they will evacuate those dependents so fast it will make your head spin. Those dependents will be first in line---usually before diplomats, usually before govn workers, usually before any amercians that would need to be evac'ed. Seriously not kidding about that...

FWIW, when NK started cutting up and threatening to bomb SK off the face of the planet (there were some skirmishes not really covered in media well...) those dependents living in SK were put on emergency status and were being readied to be evac'ed out of the country.

JFYI, look for the dependents and that will give you an idea what's going on IMHO.

We have heard nothing about evac's here on HI from Japan and we spouses would hear it first before any media got wind of it. For sure.
I'm sharpening my pitchfork right now!! HA! Just kidding.... I think all along I've been gathering that info based on the president's statements, etc. Soooo... it was just comforting to hear it again. I'm not worried about ME even... just our children. And their future. Maybe no tuna for a while.

Oh and I apologize for the "don't touch the tuna" zona. I read back and I didn't realize how....... yeah.

You are forgiven although I almost lost it thinking of no tuna tomorrow :crazy: ;}
new guardian info

.14am: So far there have been four attempts by helicopters to dump giants buckets of water on the No 3 reactor at Fukushima Daiichi, and only one has succeeded in hitting the target.

2.04am: How difficult has the tsunami damage made rescue efforts? Australian emergency crews in Japan are digging through ice to rescue bodies trapped in Minamisanriku, where more more than half of the coastal town's 17,000 residents are still missing.

ABC News reports that until yesterday the crews were having to walk 20km there and back each day to the rescue site, until the Japanese military were able to help.

1.51am: News of a radioactive plume that could reach California may only serve to increase sales of iodide pills in the US. But Twitter warns:

Potassium Iodide Pills (KI) are NOT antiradiation pills! Americans should NOT be taking KI as it can have negative side effects for some!less than a minute ago via TweetDeckNuclear Fissionary

That tweet comes from a pro-nuclear blog Nuclear Fissionary.

1.45am: A UN forecast of the movement of a radioactive plume coming from the Fukushima reactors shows it possibly reaching California on Friday, the New York Times is reporting:

On Wednesday, the agency declined to release its Japanese forecast, which The New York Times obtained from other sources. The forecast was distributed widely to the agency's member states.

But in interviews, the technical specialists of the agency did address how and why the forecast had been drawn up.

"It's simply an indication," said Lassina Zerbo, head of the agency's International Data Center. "We have global coverage. So when something happens, it's important for us to know which station can pick up the event."

The report makes clear that any likely plume would have "extremely minor health consequences in the United States".

Now, ask me if I believe that. Come on, someone ask me, I dare ya...

And... so far there has been no radiation released... Even though ponds are dry and it is my opinion the "50" have perished... They're still working diligently at the plant to bring the situation under control...
@ Kat... and I know it's been a while since you posted this link...

hawaii news now makes me lmao when I see it as I read it as Hawaii new snow

Apologies for the OT and making a joke...
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