Japan: 9.0 Earthquake-Tsunami-Nuclear Reactor Status #4

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Trust issues?

Can anybody think of a government that has been known for being honest to their people?

The press? How many cases do we hear so and so IS NOT a POI and they are quickly under arrest? Many, IMO.

We are victims of our press.
We only know what they tell us and on an as need to know basis, if that. JMO

It is important to think for ourselves, prepare for the worst and hope and pray for the best.

Many hurricanes and weeks with no power or water teaches one these things. :)

"O" good one. Remember Katrina and being told things were under control, some politicians even patted each other on the back.

Yeah, anyone with a TV should have learned a lesson from that.
I don't get it. If someone on the news says that this nuclear situation will be doomsday for the entire world, they are quoted here and everyone believes 100% what they have to say. But if someone says that no radiation will hit the US/we'll be fine/etc etc, they are ignored, lying, or they don't know what they are talking about. :waitasec:

Just to be clear, I did not say that I felt POTUS was lying. I am saying that we cannot know for certain what will happen b/c this is uncharted territory. We (no one) has ever come up against this situation. I believe we are not in danger now----but we don't know the final outcome yet, do we? Perhaps I am thinking of this too simply, but to me it will be over when these reactors are secure with no chance of leakage/blowage/meltage etc. Am I living my life like I think a radiation cloud will be over my head shortly? NO. I am just skeptical of everything b/c I feel there have been times that I have been purposely misled or given misinformation. JMHO.
Well, lots of you wanted to hear from him...he said about what I expected he would/could say. I don't feel better and I don't feel worse. I don't know what else he could have said, really.
I think, FOR ME, it wasn't what he was or could say. It was more of a recognition that he is aware, being informed, working with the experts and staying on top of the situation that I wanted from him. His silence was saying more than anything he could have said.

I didn't expect him to come out and give us the reading that the drones picked up - or that several of the workers in the plant have sucumbed to radiation poisoning or that when this fuel reaches upteen thousands degrees its gonna blow. Just a recognition of the seriousness of this event and how important it is for all of us.

Like I said, he did what we all have been saying he should do, so I'll shut up for now.
damage to the reactors danger to those nearby.
evac'd US people that were within 50 milies

byond 50 mi radius no evacuation

should take purident mearsures IF situation deterioriates

authorized evac of all us deplendents who wnated it...

Hmmm... that's not what I've heard.

A guy from my hometown, who currently lives in Japan, posted 12 hours ago on facebook that he was being evacuated. He lives 300 km south of anything. :eek: Scary!

And I believe this guy, because he was saying there was nothing to worry about that he was so far away, etc. when people were posting that they were so worried about him and to get out of dodge. Then he posted, "well nevermind; we're being evacuated."
Well, lots of you wanted to hear from him...he said about what I expected he would/could say. I don't feel better and I don't feel worse. I don't know what else he could have said, really.

Maybe he could have said he understood why we felt some discomfort, because of the many differing versions being told to us.

Maybe he could have spent a few minutes answering questions.

Maybe he showed me, once again, he is above the masses, when he turned around and walked off.

Maybe he had to pack for his trip to Rio.
Well, lots of you wanted to hear from him...he said about what I expected he would/could say. I don't feel better and I don't feel worse. I don't know what else he could have said, really.

I was astounded that he didn't at least admit that the crisis was ongoing. His writer should get a kick in the pants. mo
well....i'm praying for california a lot march 19 thru 26.
Hmmm... that's not what I've heard.

And I believe this guy, because he was saying there was nothing to worry about that he was so far away, etc. when people were posting that they were so worried about him and to get out of dodge. Then he posted, "well nevermind; we're being evacuated."

Well that is what the president said.. not me.. soo....
On Fox news they are reporting that 2 different flights from Tokyo landing at Chicago's O'Hare have passengers setting off radiation alarms. Not sure what this will mean if anything. I guess there is potential for contamination to other passengers. hmmmm............now that does not sound good.
I don't feel that this has been at all doomsday. Maybe some have a lower panic level than I have and aren't comfortable with the what if's. I like the what if's. But, hmm, I guess we can just post the "flowery" stuff from now on. Well, ok, no I can't I'm allergic to flowers. lol. I know this is not a time to start arguing with each other...that's stoopid.
Japan nuclear crisis deepens as radiation keeps crews at bay

Authorities have drafted in extra workers and turned to ever more radical tactics as fears grow that pools used to cool down spent fuel rods have leaked, leaving the rods exposed and in danger of catching fire, which could release huge amounts of radiation into the air.


very telling image of #3
Radiation measurements from areas nearest the nuke plants are being blanked out from reports.


The Japanese government's radiation report for the country's 47 prefectures Wednesday had a notable omission: Fukushima, ground zero in Japan's nuclear crisis. Measurements from Ibaraki, just south of Fukushima, were also blanked out.
MOX: The Fukushima Word of the Day and Why it's Bad News

All of the fuel rods in all of the other reactors are made essentially of uranium with a zirconium cladding to seal in radioactive emissions. Reactor 4 uses something different. Its fuel rod are only 94% uranium, with 6% plutonium stirred in and then the same zirconium shell. This mixed oxide (hence the MOX moniker) formulation has one advantage—and a number of disadvantages.


"This sort of fuel is more difficult to control than uranium fuel," he told the Augusta Chronicle. "The risk of accidental criticality are different. You have the same kinds of problems, they are just more intense with plutonium."

Read more: http://ecocentric.blogs.time.com/20...f-the-day-and-why-its-bad-news/#ixzz1GtVfEEAd

note: they got the wrong reactor-- #3 has the MOX fuel.

(someone else is going to get their tail kicked)
i just read the story about the 30 school school children still waiting to be picked up.....so freaking sad.


A charred Kindergarten bus :( :(

and this statement :(

"There is nothing left. The world needs to step in. Where are the Americans? The Japanese are too proud to ask, but we need help and we need it now."

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...t-classroom-parents-vanish.html#ixzz1GtHxtqpY

Regardless of what we want to think.. other countries even the ones on an equal playing field still look to us for support help and leadership...
Radiation measurements from areas nearest the nuke plants are being blanked out from reports.


The Japanese government's radiation report for the country's 47 prefectures Wednesday had a notable omission: Fukushima, ground zero in Japan's nuclear crisis. Measurements from Ibaraki, just south of Fukushima, were also blanked out.

And that is why I don't necessarily believe when we're told nothing to worry about...
Well, it's 5:30ish AM and a new day is dawning there, I Pray that the news will be brighter.
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