Japan: 9.0 Earthquake-Tsunami-Nuclear Reactor Status #4

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I was astounded that he didn't at least admit that the crisis was ongoing. His writer should get a kick in the pants. mo

Thats wierd, I heard him very clearly that the crisis and devistation that Japanese people are dealing with needs "Our" help, and we of course will give them whatever assistance we can..Hummm I didnt hear BO say their was either No crisis nor that conditions there are getting better..I guess its all depends on your perceptions of his words :waitasec:

The Japanese People have not only endured a double devistating blow from Mother Nature..It is also having to deal with Man made issues, and repercussions of any and all infrastructures..including their Nuclear Facilities, which have been compromised..

I have to recognize these wonderful, people and their humbling attitudes..I am in awe of such Grace under Fire :twocents:..I just watched a women who brought to a site to identify a relative..Yikes, brought tears to my eyes how she humbly prayed, and thanked the person who brought her there..Man oh Man such Grace!! No theatrics..I just wanted to reachout and hug that poor women :=(
And that is why I don't necessarily believe when we're told nothing to worry about...

Michio Kaku, saw it this AM on TV, said all of us have a little piece of Chernobyl in us. Guess it depends where it landed whether you got cancer or not. Now, if we get a little piece of Japan in each of us, we can become real citizens of the world.
Power line connected to help cool Japanese reactor

Quote: The International Atomic Energy Agency reported that the new power cable was connected to reactor 2, which suffered a serious explosion Monday that breached its primary containment vessel. Due next for a connection is reactor 3, which suffered an explosion of its own and which is fueled by a more hazardous combination of uranium and plutonium oxide.

Read more: http://news.cnet.com/8301-30685_3-20044391-264.html#ixzz1GtZ6B4gL

Okay, so one power connection to be shared between six reactors... :confused:
Okay, so one power connection to be shared between six reactors...

Hey, I agree Quiche but i will take ANY positive news at this point. Then again, if it's true.
Don't know if this was posted yet,but it sorta says in simple terms what would happen if the worst case happens,and its not good. This guy claims there would be chain reaction and all 6 reactors could blow releasing deadly radiation not just to Japan but worldwide.

I know yesterday, I was feeling time was not on our side, but today, the longer this goes without the "big boom", the more hopeful I am. KWIM?
A charred Kindergarten bus :( :(

and this statement :(

"There is nothing left. The world needs to step in. Where are the Americans? The Japanese are too proud to ask, but we need help and we need it now."

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...t-classroom-parents-vanish.html#ixzz1GtHxtqpY

Regardless of what we want to think.. other countries even the ones on an equal playing field still look to us for support help and leadership...

I don't know who Ken Joseph is that asked "where are the Americans" but he's reported as a professor and that means he has enough formal education to know that as industrialized as Japan is that we can't just walk in there.

We can't send recon to assess any damage. We can't send large groups of rescue teams by air or allow our troops to disembark from a ship onto Japanese soil---without express permission from the govn.

We just can't. Where are we? We're waiting for the go ahead. We're trickling in as we can.

We are right there as always. We never waver. Where are the Germans? French? Italians? British? Australians? African Countries? (Too many on that continent to list but one did pledge help) and ever more importantly where is China and other Asian countries? India? The list goes on and on.

I'll bet anything someone turns this around and blames the US for not being there and doing more after this disaster. JMHO.

Don't know if this was posted yet,but it sorta says in simple terms what would happen if the worst case happens,and its not good. This guy claims there would be chain reaction and all 6 reactors could blow releasing deadly radiation not just to Japan but worldwide.


This gave me a lot more insight about the importance of getting the electricity back to the plant - #'s 5 and 6! Right on, if they went dry, dear God.

Hope my thinking is right and the electricity will do its job, at least to the last 2.
Don't know if this was posted yet,but it sorta says in simple terms what would happen if the worst case happens,and its not good. This guy claims there would be chain reaction and all 6 reactors could blow releasing deadly radiation not just to Japan but worldwide.


"Nuclear Thriller"? WTH? Did someone accidentally load all their sensitivity on a plane bound for Sendai?
I am freaked the hello out.... I have 2 little girls, and I'll be danged if a nuclear disaster prevents me from having grandchildren! Ok, that is very selfish, and we are a great strong family that will combat whatever comes our way, but seriously, I want to know how serious this is!!!!

But all we can do, is prepare, hope, and pray.... And pray that all of the predictions for March 19th are WRONG!!!!! Cause my entire family is on the west coast. And that I cannot fathom :innocent:

But above all, I hope that it is JUST the media forgetting about all of the people of Japan in shelters, I hope aid workers are still trying, and I hope they have enough to survive.

My cousin, his wife, and 2 kids are stationed in Japan..... His wife and 2 kids were on the last flight out from Tokyo, the day of the earthquake, the are in NM enjoying family, and I hope their goodbyes for her planned trip, were not his last :praying:
well....i'm praying for california a lot march 19 thru 26.

I just pray this guy isn't right again!


A section of Highway 1 in California collapsed into the ocean on Wednesday evening.

The collapse could close the road closed for months.


Interesting....roads don't usually collapse for no reason (though this one has buckled before).

Don't want to be a doomsday theorist, but I can't say I'm not worried.


ETA: Highway 1 isn't just a road, but a major thoroughfare between Northern and Southern California.
I don't know who Ken Joseph is that asked "where are the Americans" but he's reported as a professor and that means he has enough formal education to know that as industrialized as Japan is that we can't just walk in there.

We can't send recon to assess any damage. We can't send large groups of rescue teams by air or allow our troops to disembark from a ship onto Japanese soil---without express permission from the govn.

We just can't. Where are we? We're waiting for the go ahead. We're trickling in as we can.

We are right there as always. We never waver. Where are the Germans? French? Italians? British? Australians? African Countries? (Too many on that continent to list but one did pledge help) and ever more importantly where is China and other Asian countries? India? The list goes on and on.

I'll bet anything someone turns this around and blames the US for not being there and doing more after this disaster. JMHO.


I'll share your opinion, hope you don't mind. There are many countries that are there on the ground, many that are halping by way of humanitarian pledges from far away, it's not just us. Is he aware of the statements from the japanese that up until yesterday still said that they were "considering" us to take a look at the reactors and offer as much on site help in that respect as we could? Is he aware that it is not just our government, but also the citizenry of this country that is helping in every way they can? That we have teams on the ground, but this is too big even for us?

So I ask Mr. Joseph, what have you done today? Who did you share a blanket with, give a drink to or pull fro the rubble? If you haven't, Mr. Joseph, I ask to kindly and diplomatically sit down.

Japan has received offers of assistance from 14 international organizations and 102 countries (including a number of unexpected aid donors such as embattled Afghanistan and poverty-stricken Cambodia), according to the latest report from the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.


The US may be doing more, but others are helping.
Does anyone know if this is typical activity or is it on the increase?
I'm not in California but I always check the earthquake lists just for geek's sake. "Typical" in that area is anything under a 5.0 and there might be several in a day. The map looks perfectly normal for today.

California/Nevada Map:

Central US Map: http://folkworm.ceri.memphis.edu/recenteqs/

Even in Tennessee where I live we have at least one small trembler a week ~ and yes, we have a nuclear plant!

What's more important are the earthquakes over 5.0 in the world:

That list includes every country.
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