Japan: 9.0 Earthquake-Tsunami-Nuclear Reactor Status #4

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Most people on CNN sound cautiously optimistic because for the 1st time in a couple days the news is better than it was the day before. I'm choosing to see things thru their eyes.
I hope so Hockeymom. I hate to sound like I don't care about all Japanese effected but thinking about those wee ones and what they must be going through right now just tears me up :(
2220: Japan turned down an earlier US offer to provide technical support for cooling fuel rods at nuclear reactors hit by a massive earthquake and tsunami, a Japanese newspaper reported on Friday, reports AFP.

2226: The Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper, quoting a senior official of the ruling Democratic Party of Japan, said the US made the offer immediately after the disaster damaged Fukushima No 1 nuclear plant. According to the unnamed senior official, US support was based on dismantling the troubled reactors run by Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO) some 250 km (155 miles) northeast of Tokyo. However, the government and TEPCO thought the cooling system could be restored by themselves. The report has not been independently verified.

2220: Japan turned down an earlier US offer to provide technical support for cooling fuel rods at nuclear reactors hit by a massive earthquake and tsunami, a Japanese newspaper reported on Friday, reports AFP.


Wow! Thats just pure stupidity! If I were a citizen there I would be livid!
Another thing,why did it take so long for them to come up with the idea of the "extension cord"? Or maybe they did,but didn't say anything? Why do they hold out so much info to their people.


That's a really really good video under the article entitled

U.S. to evacuate Americans out of Japan

I've never seen anything like that. Really good video, if anyone wants to watch it's almost 10 mins long though.
OT....amid this crisis, my baby girl got accepted to Tarleton State University today!!!!!!.....I'm so excited for my little future Ag Teacher!!!!!
woot tk that's awesome!
Could Japan’s Nuclear Radiation Contaminate the World’s Food Supply?

Quote: The severity of this contamination depends on the life of the radioactive isotopes that would be released if a meltdown were to occur. Some like iodine 131, would only affect humans if plants and vegetables were consumed immediately after contamination because they quickly degrade. Others, like caesium, are more dangerous because they remain radioactive for about 28 years.

Read more: http://latino.foxnews.com/latino/he...contaminate-worlds-food-supply/#ixzz1Gu3JKJj8
Maybe he could have said he understood why we felt some discomfort, because of the many differing versions being told to us.

Maybe he could have spent a few minutes answering questions.

Maybe he showed me, once again, he is above the masses, when he turned around and walked off.

Maybe he had to pack for his trip to Rio.

Maybe walking is how people get from one place to another. You wanted what, levitation?


Barack Obama is not a nuclear physicist, nor does he pretend to be one. But he has access to the most knowledgeable advisors in the world. Any questions that might have been asked would have required him to confer with those advisors, something that couldn't be done efficiently in the middle of a press conference.
High radiation levels hamper efforts to cool Japanese reactors


The helicopters also took new pictures of the spent fuel pools on the roofs of the reactor buildings and have apparently confirmed fears that the pool at reactor No. 4 has boiled dry. Although the company has been saying that the fuel rods in the pool have remained partially covered, Gregory Jaczko, chairman of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission on Wednesday said that the best information he had at that time indicated the pool was dry and emitting high levels of radiation.

The new pictures apparently show no smoke or steam rising from the pool.

The spent fuel pool is a particular source of concern because it contains at least 135 tons of fuel rods, more than is in any of the reactors. Moreover, the fuel rods are not inside a containment vessel. If they start burning, the ash will be released directly into the environment.

:rolleyes: Yes, we wanted him to levitate. How cool would that have been.
Don't know if this was posted yet,but it sorta says in simple terms what would happen if the worst case happens,and its not good. This guy claims there would be chain reaction and all 6 reactors could blow releasing deadly radiation not just to Japan but worldwide.


Did anyone notice the title for this video?? Nuclear Thriller

definitely... :(

prayers to everyone on this earth...
Tokyo Electric Power Company is the official account. March 11, earthquake occurred in northeastern Pacific Ocean. Accidents at Nuclear Power Plants Fukushima Daiichi leakage of radioactive material due to load shedding, local residents around the plant, everyone's citizens to the inconvenience and worry a tremendous Our society, deeply sincere I apologize. Provides information on power outages and radiation.


Not a great translation, but you can get the gist of it.

Excellent read and guidelines for shielding from radiation, short of building a fallout shelter until the risk passes. Since we all have a baseline of background radiation we live and work with. It would be helpful to know what we're already exposed to on a daily basis. Err a baseline to compare future exposure.

Sooooo who wants to go to the beach and get some sun? ;)

PS, I still don't believe we have anything to be afraid of from Japan but they might.
A very dear friend of mine wrote me today that her son has been deployed to Japan. He's in the Navy. Please pray that he will be safe as he does what he can to help the Japanese people. :heart:

China Urges Full Disclosure on Japan Radiation Leaks

The Chinese government on Thursday urged its crisis-hit neighbor Japan to issue prompt and accurate information about radiation leaks from a nuclear power plant ravaged by an earthquake and tsunami.

Concerned by rumors circulating in China about nuclear fallout and radiation exposure, China's Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu called on Tokyo to issue prompt and accurate details about stricken nuclear power plant ravaged by last week's earthquake and tsunami.


東京電力の公式アカウントです。今日は電力需要がかなり多かったのですが、皆さまのご協力でなんとか乗り切ることができました。ありがとうございました。明日からもよろしくお願いいたします。 計画停電についてはこちら。http://www.tepco.co.jp/index-j.html
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