Japan: 9.0 Earthquake-Tsunami-Nuclear Reactor Status #4

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Japan nuclear crisis worse than feared: US March 18, 2011 6:25AM

SENIOR US officials have warned that the Fukushima nuclear emergency is far more serious than the Japanese government has acknowledged, as America moves to bolster Japan's faltering response and avoid a full-scale meltdown.
As radiation continued to pour from at least two of the four badly damaged reactors yesterday, the Obama administration authorised the first evacuations of Americans from Japan, while the Pentagon prepared plans to protect its 40,000 troops stationed in the country from a possible nuclear meltdown.

In a detailed assessment of the crisis to US congress, the head of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Gregory Jaczko, suggested the situation was far more serious than the Japanese had publicly acknowledged and warned that radiation levels at the plant had become "extremely high".

Washington has sent in an unmanned Global Hawk spy plane to examine the damaged reactors and an eight-man team of NRC expert advisers.

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US President Barack Obama yesterday telephoned Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan, vowing to "do everything possible" to support Japan.


東京電力の公式アカウントです。今日は電力需要がかなり多かったのですが、皆さまのご協力でなんとか乗り切ることができました。ありがとうございました。明日からもよろしくお願いいたします。 計画停電についてはこちら。http://www.tepco.co.jp/index-j.html

Hahaha Quiche

TEPCO official account. Today is quite a lot of demand for electricity could somehow overcome With your help everyone. Thank you. Thank you from tomorrow. Click here for rolling blackouts
Slight earthquake in England


As for California,don't they talk about foreshocks? Anyone in California feeling any tremors in the last few days?

I'm in California, but in the foothills, and have NEVER felt one up here - Thank God!! There was a small one - perhaps a 3.0 - but did not feel that one as I was riding in a car. I lived thru the Sylmar and LaPriedo (sp?)... boy WHAT a ride!! LOL! I just found out there IS a fault line up here - I believe it's called the "Foothills Fault", but don't take my word for it!

In the video shared of earthquake predictor guy - he didn't say HOW BIG this coming quake will be... ??
I just pray this guy isn't right again!


A section of Highway 1 in California collapsed into the ocean on Wednesday evening.

The collapse could close the road closed for months.


Interesting....roads don't usually collapse for no reason (though this one has buckled before).

Don't want to be a doomsday theorist, but I can't say I'm not worried.


ETA: Highway 1 isn't just a road, but a major thoroughfare between Northern and Southern California.


Highway 101 is a major thoroughfare--freeway in many places-- between Los Angeles and San Francisco. It runs along the coast in some places, runs parallel to the coast but 20 or 30 miles inland in most places.

Highway 1 (often called "Pacific Coast Highway" or "PCH") also runs up the coast, but it is just a two-lane road for much of its length, sandwiched between the beach and the coastal mountains. It's one of the most beautiful roads in the world, but it is NOT uncommon for part of it to fall into the sea or for a mudslide to cover it, etc.. It is under almost constant repair.

It's the latter that runs through Malibu. We've seen it in countless movies where the characters "take a drive up the coast."

(ETA I see from later posts that Mgardner is also a Californian, so obviously s/he and I just disagree as to what constitutes a "major thoroughfare." Certainly, PCH is "major" if you need it to get to your house in Malibu or if you live in a coastal area like Big Sur, where it is the only road. My point was just that in many places, Highway 1 is just two lanes of asphalt on a patch of sand between mountainside and surf; it isn't a giant, concrete superhighway.)
China Urges Full Disclosure on Japan Radiation Leaks

The Chinese government on Thursday urged its crisis-hit neighbor Japan to issue prompt and accurate information about radiation leaks from a nuclear power plant ravaged by an earthquake and tsunami.

Concerned by rumors circulating in China about nuclear fallout and radiation exposure, China's Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu called on Tokyo to issue prompt and accurate details about stricken nuclear power plant ravaged by last week's earthquake and tsunami.


Oh thats ironic coming from China.When did they become the transparency police?
Thursday, Mar 17, 2011 17:27 ET
Japan's troubling history of downplaying disasters

For decades, the country has been slow to respond to damage reports and quick to shun foreign aid

Last night, helicopters doused the reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in a desperate attempt to prevent a meltdown. Starved of electricity to operate the cooling systems, the reactors have been a point of major international concern since the earthquake and resultant tsunami tore through the complex last Friday. While the Japanese government called for the first evacuation of the surrounding area soon after the earthquake struck, officials insisted that no radiation had leaked into the atmosphere until several hours after one of the reactors exploded.

Differing reports of the crisis have dominated the dialogue over the past few days. Nuclear scientists outside of Japan suggested that problems appeared much worse than the government and representatives of the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) reported -- they warned of a disaster "worse than Chernobyl." But the Japanese officials continued to contradict suspicions with reports that things were under control. When an evacuation perimeter needed to be created, American experts called for a 50-mile radius. The Japanese authorities said 12.4 miles was sufficient. This morning, high levels of radiation were detected 18.6 miles from the plant

Japan rallies around Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant workers' heroism in fight to stop meltdown

There are no greater heroes in the world this week than the small army of technicians battling darkness, hunger and probably lethal radiation to stop a meltdown at Fukushima.

Some haven't even stopped working to find out if their loved ones survived the quake and tsunami that began the crisis a week ago, according to one of their colleagues

Japan rallies around Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant workers' heroism in fight to stop meltdown

There are no greater heroes in the world this week than the small army of technicians battling darkness, hunger and probably lethal radiation to stop a meltdown at Fukushima.

Some haven't even stopped working to find out if their loved ones survived the quake and tsunami that began the crisis a week ago, according to one of their colleagues


Omg, can't they drop a load of food to them?

Quote: An email from the daughter of one of the workers was read on national television: "My father is still working at the plant - they are running out of food. We think conditions are really tough. He says he's accepted his fate. Much like a death sentence."
Thursday, Mar 17, 2011 17:27 ET
Japan's troubling history of downplaying disasters

Many pages back on an earlier incarnation of this thread, we were admiring the grace of the Japanese under tremendous pressure, but also talking about how that strong sense of honor and decorum has its downsides.

Downplaying disasters and being reluctant to ask for help are two of them.
OT- Billie Dunn has been arrested!!

That's a really really good video under the article entitled

U.S. to evacuate Americans out of Japan

I've never seen anything like that. Really good video, if anyone wants to watch it's almost 10 mins long though.

Thanks, Kat, for posting this link. I did watch the video and I am pretty sure that military officer said "this is unprecedented" at least 3 times. I appreciate his tone of calm. And I have to say this----I admit I do not care for our President nor did I vote for him. HOWEVER----I think he did a difficult thing when he called the Japanese PM late last night and offered America's assistance AND also told Mr. Kan that he was ordering the evacuation of American military dependents from Japan. I have to think that must have caused a ruckus---but I am thankful that our leader put our military and their families ahead of "keeping face" and not causing any kind of rift in international alliances.
Omg, can't they drop a load of food to them?

Quote: An email from the daughter of one of the workers was read on national television: "My father is still working at the plant - they are running out of food. We think conditions are really tough. He says he's accepted his fate. Much like a death sentence."

Days and days ago I told someone that I felt these workers would be like the kamakasi (sp) pilots in the war...they will go down for their country....it appears that is what is happening. So sad.
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