Jason Young to get new trial

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Had the jury voted a different way, unanimously, they likely would have been proclaimed to be "brilliant" by those who wanted JY to be found not guilty. A jury tends to be respected by people who agree with their verdict and castigated by those who don't.

I think the jury did the job they were asked to do when they took their oath. They were given the responsibility of deciding guilty or not guilty based on if the state met the legal burden of BARD after sitting there and watching/hearing dozens of witnesses. They came to a unanimous decision. I'd say they found the evidence compelling based on that decision.

I think it's likely that the next jury will be a hung jury too. There's some that will hold firm to he's guilty regardless of evidence to the contrary. The state never explained the gas mileage or the timeline, and the judge instructed the jury to consider that he had an accomplice even though there's no evidence that he had one.

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The wrongful death judgement will not go away. He defaulted and was found responsible in a civil action for MY's murder. As such he was legally determined to be the "slayer" of Michelle. That wording is in the judgement. He earned that title and he got it.
I think it's likely that the next jury will be a hung jury too. There's some that will hold firm to he's guilty regardless of evidence to the contrary. The state never explained the gas mileage or the timeline, and the judge instructed the jury to consider that he had an accomplice even though there's no evidence that he had one.

I know better than to ever think I know what any jury might do. It's a mystery every time. They could hang, they could convict, they could acquit. I can never tell, and stopped trying to read tea leaves eons ago.

Of course there's another potential scenario that could happen: JY is offered and accepts a plea for 2nd degree murder.
He found out from his friends what happened and knew his daughter was ok. He knew the police were focused on him, so he did not talk to them. As I've said a dozen times in this thread, "Everything you say can and will be used against you."

The gas station thing doesn't make sense at all. He would've been on empty or very near empty by the time he got there, and $15 wouldn't have filled his tank. Her description doesn't match. For a cold blooded, meticulously planned, down to the minute murder plot, it doesn't add up that he would blow his cover to harass a gas station attendant and risk being seen on camera. He didn't know the security cameras weren't working. And on top of all that, anyone who's pumped gas since 2001 knows that you pay before you pump.

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Not at a "mom and pop" gas station.
My dog stays mostly where I tell her to. Was the dog allowed upstairs?

I spank her too if she leaves waste in the house... but I can't spank her hard. I love her too much. She is a 13 year old mini-weiner dog named Eve.

Please, please don't hit/spank your dog. Hitting an animal is never necessary, it's cruel, and it teaches them absolutely nothing. If your dog messes in the house you need to roll up a newspaper and hit yourself over the head. A 13 yr old dog is a senior citizen. Your dog has an accident because she can't help it. Don't punish her when it's her human who isn't there to take care of her.

As for Mr G, the Young's dog, he was allowed access to the whole house, IIRC.
It is, but I wonder if he spoke to Meredith during that trip back home. If so, she would have filled him in on what she found at the house that afternoon. Additionally, if police wanted to notify him about what they found, they would have done that. I suspect that they were instead asking him a lot of questions rather than telling him anything. If that was the general tone of the conversation (questioning him), that would be a reason to end the call - especially in light of the fact that he had been warned not to talk to police.


Noone knew her COD at first. There was so much blood. Was she shot? Was she stabbed? Noone knew? I would want to know if they knew what happened. He never once asked what happened to her?
Did MF even talk to JY that afternoon? To my recollection there was no phone call between them. He refused to speak to anyone. He wouldn't take calls. Where is this "MF was filling him in on the details" coming from? At the point he got to the house he also would not speak to anyone. Testimony is that he went and laid down with his daughter in a back bedroom at MF's house and wouldn't come out. He finally did after most everyone left to go to the sheriff's dept. At that point he was alone with his mother in law and he did make a couple comments to her.
Only because he didn't show up..the judgement and title were only given by default.

That's what I said. He defaulted. It was his choice to do so. He will remain the "slayer" of his wife, by legal decree.
Only because he didn't show up..the judgement and title were only given by default.

My comp froze and I didn't know if this went through!
I think it's likely that the next jury will be a hung jury too. There's some that will hold firm to he's guilty regardless of evidence to the contrary. The state never explained the gas mileage or the timeline, and the judge instructed the jury to consider that he had an accomplice even though there's no evidence that he had one.

Sent from your mom's smartphone

I don't believe there will be a hung jury next time. I think the defense will come out swinging with its own theory and they will rip apart prior testimony. I also doubt the next Judge allows Gracie's testimony because of the faulty photo lineup.


Noone knew her COD at first. There was so much blood. Was she shot? Was she stabbed? Noone knew? I would want to know if they knew what happened. He never once asked what happened to her?

There was testimony that at first they thought Michelle had suffered a miscarriage, and then I know Meredith Fisher thought she fell, per the 911 call. Jason and his family were on their way back to Raleigh as soon as they got the news, I am sure there were phonecalls going on and not everyone was thinking clearly, they were probably all in shock. I am sure Jason asked what happened and I am sure he was told CY was okay.
My understanding of "rage killing" is that it is a spontaneous, uncontrolled response to a situation or experience, and I don't understand how anyone could drive for several hours in an uncontrollable rage. If rage was a factor in this murder, I would categorize the rage as an underlying trait that is commonly seen in sociopathic behaviour. Has Jason been diagnosed as a sociopath?

"The sense of entitlement that comes with sociopathy is astonishing to those who abide by the social laws and conventions of our culture. Where does the entitlement come from? It stems from an underlying sense of rage. Sociopaths feel deeply angry and resentful underneath their often-charming exterior, and this rage fuels their sense that they have the right to act out in whichever way they happen to choose at the time. Everything is up for grabs with sociopaths and nothing is off limits."


"Antisocial Personality Disorder--also referred to as sociopathy, psychopathy or dyssocial personality --generally involves, since childhood, a chronic and pathological anger, rage and resentment toward others. As I have suggested elsewhere (see previous post), antisocial personality disorder is, at its core, an anger disorder. Sociopathy centers around a deep-seated hostility toward family, culture, world, destiny, fate, God, reality, and indeed, toward life itself. But the dyssocial personality is highly proficient at masking this underlying and largely unconscious hostility and hatred. They are masterful actors, having honed and practiced their skills since early childhood. Like the narcissistic personality disorder, they have learned to conceal their deeply wounded true selves behind what Winnicott called a "false self." What the world sees in such badly damaged and dangerous individuals is an extremely rigid defensive persona, to employ Jung's pragmatic term, which originates from the dramatic masks worn by stage actors in the ancient Greek theatre. A carefully constructed and meticulously maintained false self, behind which the raging, wounded, depressed true self lies. For example, Drew Peterson has been reportedly described by former girlfriends and wives as extremely controlling, possessive and jealous, at times spying on them and reacting angrily and abusively to any actual or imagined abandonment, betrayal or rejection."


He no longer loved Michelle. His attack didn't go how he planned. I'm not saying he drove several hours in an "uncontrollable rage". I'm saying when she was being beat, that was rage. All that pent up anger he had for her came out.
Only because he didn't show up..the judgement and title were only given by default.

My comp froze and I didn't know if this went through!

I think it might be a moot point anyway because whatever money was collected would go to CY. If it didn't, he could turn around and sue whomever collected it and didn't give it to CY, imo.
The wrongful death judgement will not go away. He defaulted and was found responsible in a civil action for MY's murder. As such he was legally determined to be the "slayer" of Michelle. That wording is in the judgement. He earned that title and he got it.

And, it is because of allowing this information into the trial, we go into Round 3.
I don't believe there will be a hung jury next time. I think the defense will come out swinging with its own theory and they will rip apart prior testimony. I also doubt the next Judge allows Gracie's testimony because of the faulty photo lineup.


Next judge?

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Next judge?

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I doubt it will be the same Judge! I also thought there was a possibility that Judge Stephens might be retiring.
I am interested in the legal team for the defense, Bryan Collins is a Judge now, I think Kurtz and Blum might take Cooper's case again, and I don't know about Mr. KIinkosum.And, the prosecution....Holt, Cummings, Boz?
I don't know.
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