Jaycee's Bio dad

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I'm not sure why Jaycee would need to think of her stepdad as her own dad unless her mom gets back together with him or just at family get togethers with her half sister. She only knew him for 3 years and if the couple divorces, that could be even more confusing. Jaycee may want to know her real dad after the big farce she and her girls were subjected to for so many years. She may even want to make sure he's her real dad before getting involved with some man.
Where was he when she was a child?
she is not a child at all - she is 29.
I can not imagine that any of the Laws that pertain
to children will work here.

YES. So I am wondering just what LEGAL argument that Allred will advance here?!! This isn't a baby, and child support is hardly an issue.

What a horror. IMO, Jaycee doesn't NEED this fol-de-rol. Bio dad oughta be ashamed and focus on his own family. I think you suggested he could donate anonymously - - now, that would be admirable! If it is true that he was unable to find Terry Probyn after the birth (I think, though, he said he was unable to contact her, and I'm not sure what that means), he sure didn't pay for a private investigator to find her, or pursue claiming paternity through legal means. And now . . . I would suppose Ms. Allred is working pro bono or on a contingency basis, should he sell his "story". Ugh.
His own words were that a mutual friend told him the baby looks like him, so knowing this, he could have FOUND JC had he wanted to and established paternity at that time.
Too little, too late.
I have great interest in this (obviously) because my daughter's own father disappeared for 20 years! Even his own mother thought he was dead. I found him, thru the internet and because of this he reunited with his own family just before his mother died. In time for an inheritance even.

My daughter views my husband, now ex husband as her father since he raised her since she was 7 years old, and new him since she was 4 years old. She told her bio dad she has no need for him in her life as she already has a father.

BTW, even if JC only new Mr. Probyn from 9 yrs until she was kidnapped, my guess is that she DOES view him as her father, and hardly remembers not knowing him. How much does she remember prior to say when her mother met him? Not much my guess.
I read that Jaycee was just beginning to open up to the step dad when she was abducted. Since the two are split up, she hadn't know him long, and never knew her real dad, maybe she's better off for a good long while with just trusted women.
YES. So I am wondering just what LEGAL argument that Allred will advance here?!! This isn't a baby, and child support is hardly an issue.

What a horror. IMO, Jaycee doesn't NEED this fol-de-rol. Bio dad oughta be ashamed and focus on his own family. I think you suggested he could donate anonymously - - now, that would be admirable! If it is true that he was unable to find Terry Probyn after the birth (I think, though, he said he was unable to contact her, and I'm not sure what that means), he sure didn't pay for a private investigator to find her, or pursue claiming paternity through legal means. And now . . . I would suppose Ms. Allred is working pro bono or on a contingency basis, should he sell his "story". Ugh.

What legal argument? she is not under 18 years of age...but now they seem to think they have grandparent rights :eek:
and I think he will exhaust that avenue.

He does not have a story to sell. it is called "Dead Beat Dad" who will buy that chit...
He did not hire an attorney to find her then, why now? His guilt? or his new found fame?
GOOD intentions it is NOT...Good intentions can be done discreetly, anonymously and he can file his intent with an attorney for the day JC is ready.

All who will work pro-bono will get so much exposure they can never pay for that much PR.
My hope is that pro-bono attorney would be in the top tier.
I Hope JC's attorney will get rid of this loser, till JC wants (if at all) any contact with him.
JC does not need this right now, but she most likely does not know because she is kept away from news.
I imagine she was told that he is interested if she wants, when ever she is ready.
IT is JC's Mom that does not need this right now. She has enough on her plate.
But I swear people are so disgusting sometimes that, I say God and his wisdom should make it so that AzzHoles that are inhumane all must go.
IMO it is inhumane what he is doing, she needs time, healing and love. She does not need emotional tugs. I have to say I did stick up for him till he lawyer ed up.
The daughters would have been what? 2 and 5 at the time. There is no way they would have understood what was going on, the youngest probably could barely even speak. And in any case, they would have had their own mother who was no relation and who likely wouldnt have been too thrilled at the prospect of confusing them at that age. Its the sort of thing that would be told to kids when they were much older, but by then Jaycee was gone and pretty much everyone assumed she was dead.

2 - 5 year olds know half sibs all the time! What a shocker to be OLDER and only then being told you have other siblings!

Borders on mental child abuse to me, and certainly would be a very selfish path for a parent to choose. Like waiting to tell adopted children they are adopted when they are like 25 years old! If my parent did such a thing to me I am afraid I would NEVER TRUST THEM AGAIN!

Unless one is trying to make contrarian points of view, just for the heckofit, well then I guess it requires they make great leaps in what would be considered socially acceptable choices.
Since JC was born to an unwed mother, JC had no legal father, giving Slayton 18 years to become her legal father which he apparently chose not to do.

Except that she was missing, presumed dead, for the last 18 years. That would make this case different.
2 - 5 year olds know half sibs all the time! What a shocker to be OLDER and only then being told you have other siblings!

Borders on mental child abuse to me, and certainly would be a very selfish path for a parent to choose. Like waiting to tell adopted children they are adopted when they are like 25 years old! If my parent did such a thing to me I am afraid I would NEVER TRUST THEM AGAIN!

Unless one is trying to make contrarian points of view, just for the heckofit, well then I guess it requires they make great leaps in what would be considered socially acceptable choices.

She may become a rich girl if a movie, a book happen.
He may be standing in line for his :furious:

I can imagine him write a book:
I turned over every stone to look for her.
someone told me she looks just like me.
I was so busy with my family I had no time
to look her up and then she was gone.

IMHO nobody told him she looks like him: :furious: :loser:
He saw the posters on every TV station and newspaper. :twocents:
BTW, even if JC only new Mr. Probyn from 9 yrs until she was kidnapped, my guess is that she DOES view him as her father, and hardly remembers not knowing him. How much does she remember prior to say when her mother met him? Not much my guess.

Apparently not enough of a father to want to see him immediately though.
2 - 5 year olds know half sibs all the time! What a shocker to be OLDER and only then being told you have other siblings!

Borders on mental child abuse to me, and certainly would be a very selfish path for a parent to choose. Like waiting to tell adopted children they are adopted when they are like 25 years old! If my parent did such a thing to me I am afraid I would NEVER TRUST THEM AGAIN!

Unless one is trying to make contrarian points of view, just for the heckofit, well then I guess it requires they make great leaps in what would be considered socially acceptable choices.

Stuff like that you generally wait until kids are in their teens before you tell them. Otherwise they may not understand and certainly wouldn't have the maturity to deal with it. But, as I pointed out in a previous post, those girls had their own mother who no doubt would have had an opinion on the matter, it wouldn't have been solely up to the father.
Except that she was missing, presumed dead, for the last 18 years. That would make this case different.

He had 11 years of doing nothing.
In 7 more years she would have been considered adult and not in Child support years. 11 years shows HISTORY.

By the way I did stick up for him till he lawyers up. He has no good intentions at all.
And JC's mom has more then enough on her plate.
If I was her I would instruct my attorney to get rid of him.

Let JC do whatever she decides whenever she decides.
And she is not in the deciding state of mind at all for a long time.
Do we know when Brittney Lee and Sarah Lee Slayton were told about their "half-sister"? Do we KNOW that it was just recently?

BTW, his evidence that Jaycee was given the middle name Lee after him (just like his 2 daughters) is weak at best. Lee or Leigh is a very classic middle name for girls. IMO, giving BOTH your daughters YOUR middle name smacks of a lack of imagination, if not a rather disturbing stress on PATERNITY. *cough*

As I said before, Jaycee may have issues with men right now. Who could blame her. Slayton oughta bug off, turn off the crocodile tears, fire Ms. Allred and free up her time for DESERVING clients for her FEMINIST viewpoint, and, as songline has suggested, anonymously donate to Jaycee if he's feeling guilt for spilling his sperm and skittering off.
This may be an unusual case however, because the grandchildren were in forced confinement and therefore the absence of a relationship would be a weak argument.

The law looks at the best interests of the child.
Because he has no relationship with these children (no matter what reason), I find it hard to believe any judge would rule these children should be forced to visit him, or he should be allowed to visit them.
I'm not sure why Jaycee would need to think of her stepdad as her own dad unless her mom gets back together with him or just at family get togethers with her half sister. She only knew him for 3 years and if the couple divorces, that could be even more confusing. Jaycee may want to know her real dad after the big farce she and her girls were subjected to for so many years. She may even want to make sure he's her real dad before getting involved with some man.

some say she knew him 9 years can someone please set me right?
Reading through the code MBK posted, my take on that is Slayton could petition for visitation rights to the grandchildren, but before he can do that he would have to establish that he is indeed the grandparent. Otherwise he would have no standing in the court - this is similar to some of the issues being discussed in the MJ case, where there is some debate about who the biological father of the kids is.

I think that is most likely the reason for what is going on,
The law looks at the best interests of the child.
Because he has no relationship with these children (no matter what reason), I find it hard to believe any judge would rule these children should be forced to visit him, or he should be allowed to visit them.

The kids were being held captive their entire lives, of course he wouldnt have had contact with them, and the court would consider that. Under the circumstances specific to this case, the court may decide that it is in the best interests of the children that they be provided the opportunity to know their biological kin, since it was a right denied to them by force.
The kids were being held captive their entire lives, of course he wouldnt have had contact with them, and the court would consider that. Under the circumstances specific to this case, the court may decide that it is in the best interests of the children that they be provided the opportunity to know their biological kin, since it was a right denied to them by force.

Even if their mother doesn't want them to (in case she doesn't?)?
I don't see it.
Stuff like that you generally wait until kids are in their teens before you tell them. Otherwise they may not understand and certainly wouldn't have the maturity to deal with it. But, as I pointed out in a previous post, those girls had their own mother who no doubt would have had an opinion on the matter, it wouldn't have been solely up to the father.

Understanding, Maturity to deal with it? Maturity to deal with what? They have other older siblings you know.
What sort of SHAMEFUL event are you talking about since only someone who feels shame needs such things as understanding and maturity under the circumstances you are describing? Kids do not need maturity to play with and to grow to love their siblings. Quite the opposite in fact.

Mr Slayton had 11 years to establish paternity while JC was a child. He did not. Even after Jc went missing, nothing could have stopped him from trying to do same. I am sure she has not been declared legally dead, and even if she was it could not be done until years after the fact.

Poor Mr. Slayton hands tied, with an apparently selfish wife and two small children he's so worried about damaging psychologically by letting them know they have another sibling named Jaycee (never mind that he already had children that were older than JC) lets give him a parade.
some say she knew him 9 years can someone please set me right?

People Magazine
November 25, 1991Vol. 36No. 20
Too Cruel a Theft
By Karen S. Schneider
As Her Horrified Stepfather Looked On, Jaycee Dugard Was Stolen by Strangers

THE EARLY MORNING SUNSHINE flashed on Jaycee Dugard's blond hair, pink windbreaker and white sneakers as she headed up the long hill from her home to the school bus stop. Her mother, Terry, 32, had already driven off to work. In the garage, Carl Probyn, 43, stopped his chores to watch the little girl. Three years had passed since he married Terry, and for much of the time the child, accustomed to life alone with her mom, had resented Carl's intrusion. But in the nine months since the family had moved from Orange County, Calif., to the rural beauty of South Lake Tahoe (pop. 25,000), Carl had watched with pleasure as the quiet 11-year-old opened up to her new life, to her new baby sister, Shana, now 22 months—and especially to her new dad.

I'm confused. Could someone please post the link where the Slayton camp states they think they have grandparents rights? Because if that doesn't exist, all of the posts regarding grandparents rights are for naught.

Also, IF he were just doing this for monetary gain, what does he have to sell? He has no stories of Jaycee, no real ties to her other than genetically and obviously hasn't spoken with her since her recovery. I mean....with nothing to tell he has nothing to sell. So the accusations just make no sense.

The focus of the anger should solely rest on the shoulders of Phil n Nancy. Not a man that is just offering help in any way that he can and only if and when she is ready for it. People make mistakes, people change and people have the right to be forgiven. We, none of us, are perfect, ever.

It's not like he sought the media's attention to begin with, they sought him out. Just like Glo likely did. And what is so suspicious about him retaining counsel? Usually only suspicious when a suspect in a crime lawyers up. He simply is doing it out of necessity because of Glo's connects and because of constant harrassment by paparazzi. Anyone in their right mind, considering the days of when privacy was respected are long gone, would do the same to protect their best interest. It's not like he's filed an actual claim in an actual court. He's SIMPLY putting himself out there so when the time is right, Jaycee will know she's welcome.

Like I said before...Would the people that continue to slam this man feel better about him if he had said "I don't care about her or anything about her or those kids or her life."? Doubtful. Damned if he does, Damned if he don't.

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