Jaycee's Bio dad

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I'm confused. Could someone please post the link where the Slayton camp states they think they have grandparents rights? Because if that doesn't exist, all of the posts regarding grandparents rights are for naught.

Also, IF he were just doing this for monetary gain, what does he have to sell? He has no stories of Jaycee, no real ties to her other than genetically and obviously hasn't spoken with her since her recovery. I mean....with nothing to tell he has nothing to sell. So the accusations just make no sense.

The focus of the anger should solely rest on the shoulders of Phil n Nancy. Not a man that is just offering help in any way that he can and only if and when she is ready for it. People make mistakes, people change and people have the right to be forgiven. We, none of us, are perfect, ever.

It's not like he sought the media's attention to begin with, they sought him out. Just like Glo likely did. And what is so suspicious about him retaining counsel? Usually only suspicious when a suspect in a crime lawyers up. He simply is doing it out of necessity because of Glo's connects and because of constant harrassment by paparazzi. Anyone in their right mind, considering the days of when privacy was respected are long gone, would do the same to protect their best interest. It's not like he's filed an actual claim in an actual court. He's SIMPLY putting himself out there so when the time is right, Jaycee will know she's welcome.

Like I said before...Would the people that continue to slam this man feel better about him if he had said "I don't care about her or anything about her or those kids or her life."? Doubtful. Damned if he does, Damned if he don't.
BBM. I so completely agree!:clap::clap::clap:
Story from Inside Edition, snipped, read it all at: http://www.insideedition.com/storyprint.aspx?SpecialReportID=3357

Jaycee's Other Family

INSIDE EDITION talks to the other family of Jaycee Dugard...the one she never knew existed.

Jaycee's half-sisters and her biological father are speaking out for the first time, exclusively to INSIDE EDITION.

"We want to know her, we want her in our lives," says Brittney Slayton.

Sarrah Slayton says,"I'm just as curious as my sister is. This is all just a shock. We'd really like to know who she is."

Ken Slayton is a 64-year-old retired truck driver who lives outside Los Angeles.

He told INSIDE EDITION that 30 years ago he had a relationship with Jaycee's mom Terry that only lasted a month.

After they broke up, she told him she was pregnant with Jaycee.

Slayton says, "She told me I was the father. That's the last time that I talked to her, heard from her."

"Did you ever meet Jaycee?" asks INSIDE EDITION'S Jim Moret.

"Never met Jaycee," says Slayton.


When Jaycee disappeared, Ken was married and had two other daughters, Sarrah, now 24, and Brittney, 21.


"When she was abducted, obviously we were too young to understand what happened," Brittney says.

Sarrah says, "We always thought she was dead."

Then came the astonishing news that Jaycee was alive, and had been kept a prisoner in a backyard all these years, and that she has two daughters. They are Ken Slayton's granddaughters.

"It's so overwhelming I can't even deal with it," says Slayton.


Now Jaycee's other family hopes they can welcome her and her two daughters into their family someday.

Moret asks, "What do you want Jaycee to know?"

"I want her to know that we're here for her when she's ready," says Brittney.


IMO, I don't think it's at all right to be calling them "Jaycee's other family".
Tizzle, I understand what you are saying about forgiveness and changing. Don't get me wrong Mr. Slayton is in a damned if he does, damned if he doesn't situation, but frankly he put himself there. It is because of his poor choices years ago, that brought him to this place.

He should have gone about this WITHOUT A HIGH PROFILE person like Gloria. It is probably she who called the news conference.

He could/should have gone about this in a more quiet way. Like write a letter to Ms. Probyn to let his desire to get to know JC be known.

My posts have mostly been towards people who make excuses for his delayed desire to get to know JC, or talk about rights, like grandparents rights. Rights are not the issue, and should not be the issue here. It is what is the right thing to do that should be at issue.
Understanding, Maturity to deal with it? Maturity to deal with what? They have other older siblings you know.
What sort of SHAMEFUL event are you talking about since only someone who feels shame needs such things as understanding and maturity under the circumstances you are describing? Kids do not need maturity to play with and to grow to love their siblings. Quite the opposite in fact.

So, you are saying that they are going to be understanding and not be confused at all when they are told that they have this sister, who lives somewhere else on the other side of the state and has a different mommy? Sorry bud, the real world doesnt work that way. If I was in that situation there is absolutely NO way that I would have that conversation with my kids until they were old enough. To do so is irresponsible in the extreme.
He could/should have gone about this in a more quiet way. Like write a letter to Ms. Probyn to let his desire to get to know JC be known.

He may not have had faith that such a message would have been passed on. The fact that they are having this apparent legal dispute at all sort of suggests some kind of disaggreement took place regarding paternity.
So, you are saying that they are going to be understanding and not be confused at all when they are told that they have this sister, who lives somewhere else on the other side of the state and has a different mommy? Sorry bud, the real world doesnt work that way. If I was in that situation there is absolutely NO way that I would have that conversation with my kids until they were old enough. To do so is irresponsible in the extreme.

Bud? I am no Bud so please don't refer to me as bud.
So in your world children become BIG FAMILY SECRETS apparently because it is sooooo confusing and shameful.

I have two half siblings. Each of them are half siblings to eachother, but we grew up in the same home and I never considered them half, but always knew they had different fathers from my own. Each of them also has half sibling, who lived in different states with different mothers.
None of this was a secret or a big deal, and frankly if I grew up not knowing the truth about any of this, only to be told when I was older, I would have felt betrayed.

Blended and split up families are a fact of life. Always have been in fact. Years ago, often a mother or father died young, and wound up half siblings with COUSINS even because dad married mom's sister, or visa versa. So what, it is not a crime for cripes sake, why make it out to be one.

It is so transparent that you are motivated for an an excuse as to why Mr. Slayton never established parentage for JC.

He did not want to pay child support for a child he had with a woman he barely knew and decided to walk away. Big deal, happens every day, and now am sure sure he probably regrets his prior actions.

Yeah, that's the ticket, I lied to my kids about having another family FOR THEIR OWN SAKE. ha ha ha
Except that that is exactly what they are, like it or not.

To me, calling them "Jaycee's other family" implied a level of closeness that is not there yet. That Sarrah and Brittney are on a par, on the same level, as her immediate family. Yes, I know they are related, and so they are family. But it is up to Jaycee what level of closeness to allow.

Jaycee is most likely wary about people she will allow into her life, relatives or not. Even women are not necessarily safe, as Nancy was hardly her ally . . .

She may, however, also be influenced by her mother's feelings and opinions about this man Ken Slayton. And so even as I write that it's up to her, I would hazard that . .. it's really not . . . and this goes for lots of things.
Tizzle, I understand what you are saying about forgiveness and changing. Don't get me wrong Mr. Slayton is in a damned if he does, damned if he doesn't situation, but frankly he put himself there. It is because of his poor choices years ago, that brought him to this place.

He should have gone about this WITHOUT A HIGH PROFILE person like Gloria. It is probably she who called the news conference.

He could/should have gone about this in a more quiet way. Like write a letter to Ms. Probyn to let his desire to get to know JC be known.

My posts have mostly been towards people who make excuses for his delayed desire to get to know JC, or talk about rights, like grandparents rights. Rights are not the issue, and should not be the issue here. It is what is the right thing to do that should be at issue.
H$E IS A DEAD BEAT LOO$ER. with $ighnS in hi$ eye$
HE HAD 11 YEARS. Did nothing.
Really bad timing...I stood up for him till he lawyerd up.
That is not a need for good intentions.
good can be done discreetly, and anonymously.
SORRY but I do not wish him well...
To me, calling them "Jaycee's other family" implied a level of closeness that is not there yet. That Sarrah and Brittney are on a par, on the same level, as her immediate family. Yes, I know they are related, and so they are family. But it is up to Jaycee what level of closeness to allow.

Jaycee is most likely wary about people she will allow into her life, relatives or not. Even women are not necessarily safe, as Nancy was hardly her ally . . .

She may, however, also be influenced by her mother's feelings and opinions about this man Ken Slayton. And so even as I write that it's up to her, I would hazard that . .. it's really not . . . and this goes for lots of things.
It is not her family at all.
He has a chance here to get his daughter's famous too.

If she is influenced by her Mom so be it.
He is a sperm Donner.
A good man does not do this at this very sensitive time.
I wonder what Slayton did, if anything, to help find Jaycee in 1991 and afterwards? I'm guessing: not much (Answering some basic questions as to where you were when the kidnapping occurred by law enforcement doesn't count for much). To me, that would be much worse than this latest stunt.

The man--and the rest of his family who stood in support during the press call--have no scruples at all. For the life of me, I cannot understand how someone could do such a thing to a stranger, let alone their own child. It boggles the mind.
Tizzle, I understand what you are saying about forgiveness and changing. Don't get me wrong Mr. Slayton is in a damned if he does, damned if he doesn't situation, but frankly he put himself there. It is because of his poor choices years ago, that brought him to this place.

He should have gone about this WITHOUT A HIGH PROFILE person like Gloria. It is probably she who called the news conference.

He could/should have gone about this in a more quiet way. Like write a letter to Ms. Probyn to let his desire to get to know JC be known.

My posts have mostly been towards people who make excuses for his delayed desire to get to know JC, or talk about rights, like grandparents rights. Rights are not the issue, and should not be the issue here. It is what is the right thing to do that should be at issue.
I did send her an e-mail...I wonder if she will reply. I was not complementary at all.
I gave her my BIG New York mouth, :) I know how to be nice too, I sent JCs lawyer a very nice e-mail.

She is starting to remind me of that other media *advertiser censored* OPRI, the one on the ANS case Larry's Lawyer. Nobody is interested in her now.
this is what this one is working up to I think :waitasec:
I am sick of this :loser: :loser: :loser:
I was on his side, and I am really over him.
I find him dispicabel.
His timing, his method, his intentions suck.

GOOD intentions do not look this way at all.
How many people do good deeds anonymously, discreetly, with pure heart.
Nothing is pure about this.
He did not make 1/10000 of this commotion for 11 years.

He can go to hell.....I do not need to read this anymore, I just get really :furious:

she is so vulnerable right now, and her mom has so much on her plate.
This is what he does? :butthead: @#$%&*! :censored:
He need to go on a very long walk on a very short pier.
Do we know when Brittney Lee and Sarah Lee Slayton were told about their "half-sister"? Do we KNOW that it was just recently?

BTW, his evidence that Jaycee was given the middle name Lee after him (just like his 2 daughters) is weak at best. Lee or Leigh is a very classic middle name for girls. IMO, giving BOTH your daughters YOUR middle name smacks of a lack of imagination, if not a rather disturbing stress on PATERNITY. *cough*
As I said before, Jaycee may have issues with men right now. Who could blame her. Slayton oughta bug off, turn off the crocodile tears, fire Ms. Allred and free up her time for DESERVING clients for her FEMINIST viewpoint, and, as songline has suggested, anonymously donate to Jaycee if he's feeling guilt for spilling his sperm and skittering off.
TO me he is just another me, me,me, me A hole.
that is why they may have his middle name.
When JC was born to 11 she couldn't do anything for him.
NOW her fame can...He is rubbing up against it for the me, me, me factor.
Forget "imagination"...That is far too sophisticated a thought.
TO me he is just another me, me,me, me A hole.
that is why they may have his middle name.
When JC was born to 11 she couldn't do anything for him.
NOW her fame can...He is rubbing up against it for the me, me, me factor.
Forget "imagination"...That is far too sophisticated a thought.

song you summed up my feelings perfectly. must be the northeastern connection (im from mass lol). no one can convince me this guys motives are pure or even decent............he had from the time terry told him she was pregnant (summer of 79) to the time jaycee was stolen (june 91) to get involved here........he didnt. now he wants to play daddy and grampa 3 decades later. it is, of course, up to jaycee. but in the end he is not good for her. thats my opinion
Story from Inside Edition, snipped, read it all at: http://www.insideedition.com/storyprint.aspx?SpecialReportID=3357

Jaycee's Other Family

INSIDE EDITION talks to the other family of Jaycee Dugard...the one she never knew existed.

Jaycee's half-sisters and her biological father are speaking out for the first time, exclusively to INSIDE EDITION.

"We want to know her, we want her in our lives," says Brittney Slayton.

Sarrah Slayton says,"I'm just as curious as my sister is. This is all just a shock. We'd really like to know who she is."

Ken Slayton is a 64-year-old retired truck driver who lives outside Los Angeles.

He told INSIDE EDITION that 30 years ago he had a relationship with Jaycee's mom Terry that only lasted a month.

After they broke up, she told him she was pregnant with Jaycee.

Slayton says, "She told me I was the father. That's the last time that I talked to her, heard from her."

"Did you ever meet Jaycee?" asks INSIDE EDITION'S Jim Moret.

"Never met Jaycee," says Slayton.


When Jaycee disappeared, Ken was married and had two other daughters, Sarrah, now 24, and Brittney, 21.


"When she was abducted, obviously we were too young to understand what happened," Brittney says.

Sarrah says, "We always thought she was dead."

Then came the astonishing news that Jaycee was alive, and had been kept a prisoner in a backyard all these years, and that she has two daughters. They are Ken Slayton's granddaughters.

"It's so overwhelming I can't even deal with it," says Slayton.


Now Jaycee's other family hopes they can welcome her and her two daughters into their family someday.

Moret asks, "What do you want Jaycee to know?"

"I want her to know that we're here for her when she's ready," says Brittney.


IMO, I don't think it's at all right to be calling them "Jaycee's other family".

feel bad for these girls here actually. but there dad made this mess, not jaycee. you cant force jaycee to clean up his mess for him. if jaycee wants to connect with them then fine
song you summed up my feelings perfectly. must be the northeastern connection (im from mass lol). no one can convince me this guys motives are pure or even decent............he had from the time terry told him she was pregnant (summer of 79) to the time jaycee was stolen (june 91) to get involved here........he didnt. now he wants to play daddy and grampa 3 decades later. it is, of course, up to jaycee. but in the end he is not good for her. thats my opinion
I totally agree, she is a vulnerable candidate for his BS. :banghead:
feel bad for these girls here actually. but there dad made this mess, not jaycee. you cant force jaycee to clean up his mess for him. if jaycee wants to connect with them then fine

We have gone through this before.
JC is brain washed. they do not know how to want anything....

SOMEDAY she will know what she wants and it is a very long way off.
When JC can be centred enough to know what JC may want and not what
may be expected of her she may actually like seclusion and privacy too,
we have no idea. Neither does she.

The entire deal with the dad and his family sucks,
His timing and intentions suck.
JC and real family all have too much on their plate, "Timing is everything"
he needs to take his daughters and lay low somewhere. Disappear for a long time.
He could have used a cheep lawyer, just to make his HEART FELT intentions known,
and let them reach out when ever they are ready.
Now that would be an entirely different thing.
TAHT IS NOT WHAT HE DID, his girls need to get going too...:furious:
I'm pretty sure Jaycee knows what she wants. The problem is that it may not be what other people think she should want, and that is where the real damage will be done sadly.
We have gone through this before.
JC is brain washed. they do not know how to want anything....

SOMEDAY she will know what she wants and it is a very long way off.
When JC can be centred enough to know what JC may want and not what
may be expected of her she may actually like seclusion and privacy too,
we have no idea. Neither does she.

The entire deal with the dad and his family sucks,
His timing and intentions suck.
JC and real family all have too much on their plate, "Timing is everything"
he needs to take his daughters and lay low somewhere. Disappear for a long time.
He could have used a cheep lawyer, just to make his HEART FELT intentions known,
and let them reach out when ever they are ready.
Now that would be an entirely different thing.
TAHT IS NOT WHAT HE DID, his girls need to get going too...:furious:

Well now, don't you have it all planned out.....;)

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