Jaycee's Bio dad

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if im wrong about him, which i doubt, and his emotions really are genuine, which i doubt, then he needs to back off and let jaycee decide what she wants to do. theres a lot of discussion about jaycee possibly having to face garrido at trial.........why does this jackass feel the need to put himself up as an adversery?

I'm not saying he really is genuine, just that he seemed at least somewhat genuine. But, again, I have no idea and the only thing I've seen of him is that video from abc news posted here that I just watched 5 minutes ago.

I thought his choice of words was interesting in some sections, like where he is talking about wanting his family to give her the love and support that she hasn't had in 18 years and how they are "waiting for her call". The cynical part of me is thinking, yeah I'm sure Jaycee or her mother Susan was probably thinking the same thing for at least the first 11-12 years of her life. So, yeah, I am definitely not buying this whole long lost dad thing either at least not right off the bat.

Also, I'm not necessarily the biggest fan of Gloria Allred. She seems to like to find secondary victims in these types of situations and drum up so much media attention that it begins to overshadow the true victim(s) (ala the amber frey fiasco).
I know the man is upset but his speech is slurred and I don't wonder if he hasn't had a mild stroke recently or suffered a head injury perhaps? Maybe he is thinking strictly finite, of Jaycee's future. He wants to put her in the will... of course meet up with her. None of us knows how much of a chance he had to do that before she was abducted.

He hasn't actually done anything other than engage Allred. That's a choice he may live to regret. I think he deserves the benefit of the doubt, as do all the players in this unusual situation. The only criminals here are Phillip and Nancy Garrido.
I'm not saying he really is genuine, just that he seemed at least somewhat genuine. But, again, I have no idea and the only thing I've seen of him is that video from abc news posted here that I just watched 5 minutes ago.

I thought his choice of words was interesting in some sections, like where he is talking about wanting his family to give her the love and support that she hasn't had in 18 years and how they are "waiting for her call". The cynical part of me is thinking, yeah I'm sure Jaycee or her mother Susan was probably thinking the same thing for at least the first 11-12 years of her life. So, yeah, I am definitely not buying this whole long lost dad thing either at least not right off the bat.

Also, I'm not necessarily the biggest fan of Gloria Allred. She seems to like to find secondary victims in these types of situations and drum up so much media attention that it begins to overshadow the true victim(s) (ala the amber frey fiasco).

this is what kills me. and like i said, i have personal experience with paternal abandoment so i know where jaycee is coming from here, is he didnt care abotu her 30 years ago, didnt care about her 20 years ago, didnt care if she was still alive 10 years ago, but now he's gonna be there for her.......what a joke
I need to correct Jaycee's mother's name...I called her Susan in that last post. Her name is Terry. Sorry, I knew that! But, the abc news article that had the video with bio dad referred to her as Susan and that got me confused. Come to think of it, that is interesting that abc news referred to her by the wrong name. I wonder if that is their error or if Ken Slayton is referring to her by the wrong name? What a mess!

Slayton, 63, believes he is Dugard's biological father. The Vietnam vet claims he had a brief affair with Jaycee's mother Susan Dugard in August 1979 at Lake Havasu. She later told him she was pregnant.

"Ken and Susan lost contact and about one year later, a friend told Ken that Susan had given birth to the baby and that the baby looked like Ken," said attorney Gloria Allred.

I need to correct Jaycee's mother's name...I called her Susan in that last post. Her name is Terry. Sorry, I knew that! But, the abc news article that had the video with bio dad referred to her as Susan and that got me confused. Come to think of it, that is interesting that abc news referred to her by the wrong name. I wonder if that is their error or if Ken Slayton is referring to her by the wrong name? What a mess!


well apperently it was the lawyer calling her susan. good maybe they'll serve the wrong people with there horse manure court order they might want
I know the man is upset but his speech is slurred and I don't wonder if he hasn't had a mild stroke recently or suffered a head injury perhaps? Maybe he is thinking strictly finite, of Casey's future. He wants to put her in the will... of course meet up with her. None of us knows how much of a chance he had to do that before she was abducted.

He hasn't actually done anything other than engage Allred. That's a choice he may live to regret. I think he deserves the benefit of the doubt, as do all the players in this unusual situation. The only criminals here are Phillip and Nancy Garrido.

LOL you are so nice. I've wondered about a possible drug/alcohol problem. That would kinda explain the self centered attitude and some of the other behaviors as well as the slurring.
LOL you are so nice. I've wondered about a possible drug/alcohol problem. That would kinda explain the self centered attitude and some of the other behaviors as well as the slurring.

yup drugs and alchohol........just the "role model' jaycee and the girls are looking for!!! :banghead:
im probably gonna get it for making the comparison.............
but "he wants to cotrol her situation" doesnt that sound a little like the ----- she just spent the last 18 years with? :banghead:

Yes that thought crossed my mind also. From the age of birth to age 11 he wasn't interested and her mother made her decisions. From the age of 11 to age of 18, two strangers made her decisions for her. At the age of 18 when she attained majority, two strangers were still making decisions for her. And now she has gotten out, and another stranger wants to take over making decisions for her. But this stranger has a nebulous claim to being to being the contributor of her second X chromasome.
Yes that thought crossed my mind also. From the age of birth to age 11 he wasn't interested and her mother made her decisions. From the age of 11 to age of 18, two strangers made her decisions for her. At the age of 18 when she attained majority, two strangers were still making decisions for her. And now she has gotten out, and another stranger wants to take over making decisions for her. But this stranger has a nebulous claim to being to being the contributor of her second X chromasome.

i cant say how he raised his own kids cause i dont know. all i know for sure is he didnt raise jaycee, didnt visit her, didnt offer her finacial or emotional support and sure as hell didnt do anything but drop sperm between blankets. he's not her 'dad' nor is he the girls "gramps". dna means nothing when you lack where it matters........in your heart, in your soul
very well said. he blew it 30 years ago now he thinks he can just waltz back in......if jaycee wants to reconnect with him, and her half sisters, thats her choice. you cant force her to do it. and grandparent rights here is a joke.........he wasnt a parent to her, why does he get to play grandparent to them?

I would guess maybe for the benefit of his daughters?

If they don't get the chance to connect with their nieces now, the familial bond will likely never be forged, so it is kind of important. At this point in their lives the girls are connecting with their relatives on their mothers side as a blank slate, if some of those relatives are excluded, those bonds will be lost forever. They can't be formed later.

From the point of view of the girls, they carry no baggage from the past as far as family is concerned. There is no reason why Sarah and Britney should be treated differently from Shayna in that regard, they are all Jaycee's half sisters, and none of them had any prior relationship with the nieces.

From a legal point of view, however, the Slayton girls have no standing because there is no proof that their father is Jaycee's father, other than anecdotal accounts. That IMO is the reason for all of this. I would guess that Slayton has either been ignored by the Probyns or their representatives, or told to get lost. Jaycee probably hasn't been told about all of this and since she is being kept in isolation from external news sources she would have no other way of finding out about it. So, in that situation what is Slayton supposed to do? Just let any chance of him and/or his daughters connecting with Jaycee and the two girls slide, possibly forever? But, in order for him to get past the shield around Jaycee and the kids, and ask directly, he needs to prove that he is her real father. And that is why a paternity test would be needed. With that in place he would be able to appeal directly to Jaycee (since she is an adult and not subject to parental consent), and not her mother, who is likely not very sympathetic to him.
this is what kills me. and like i said, i have personal experience with paternal abandoment so i know where jaycee is coming from here, is he didnt care abotu her 30 years ago, didnt care about her 20 years ago, didnt care if she was still alive 10 years ago, but now he's gonna be there for her.......what a joke

NO, you DON'T know where Jaycee is coming from here. That's just it...NO ONE does, just like NO ONE knows where Ken is coming from here. I'm sorry for your situation, however, you can't possibly believe that your personal experience and Jaycee's experiences are comparable, do you? Mainly because you don't know the circumstances surrounding his uninvolvement in her childhood. TERRY MAY HAVE BEEN THE ONE THAT WANTED IT THAT WAY! Do you know for a fact that he was pursued for involvement or financial help for Jaycee but didn't comply? Do you? Until you can verify otherwise, it's kinda ridiculous to judge Mr. Slayton so harshly for simply putting himself out there to offer his help if/when it's necessary. It's not like Terry demonstrated the best decision making skills when she got pregnant with Jaycee to begin with. It was claimed, after all, to have only been a months long "fling". And if she didn't pursue any kind of paternity judgement against him, well I'm sorry, but that just speaks volumes to me. So how can you be so certain that she isn't responsible for his having been absent? Maybe she was in another relationship, too, and didn't want to be found out?

Maybe seeing things from an objective point of view might help you. Are you perfect? Have you never made a decision in your life that you regret? Mr. Slayton is not the criminal here, Nancy n Phil are. Aim your anger towards the people deserving of it. While his timing may not be the best, his heart is in the right place, he just wants to offer his help, to show that she has more love available to her. Not so bad in my book.

I'm not saying he couldn't have pushed for more rights where Jaycee, the little girl with no daddy, is involved. He could have. He should have been there for her. But he wasn't. I don't condone being a deadbeat dad and find it repulsive, but this situation is A LOT different than your average run of the mill paternity case. Now he has a second chance to try to make it right. To me, that is a miracle. And I don't think it's right to condemn this man just yet, without ALL of the FACTS. None of which you have. All you know is what you've been told, the same as me. Calm down already....
Also, don't you think Jaycee would find it hurtful that she is thought of as nothing more than the result of "sperm between blankets"? Maybe the "sperm donor" and other insulting comments should be kept to a minimum. I was offended and I'm not even the result of "a sperm donor" as you say.
I know this is a hot topic and emotional. But please, be respectful to one another and name calling of the players just doesn't add to constructive discussion. thanks.
Take 5 if this is gettin' ya worked up.
This paternity test thing is quite interesting and, I might add, not exactly the best timing. I've been working late, so I'm not caught up on everything here.

I'm curious though, do we know for a fact that it's the bio dad who got the ball rolling with the whole paternity test issue? What I mean is, maybe it's Jaycee who asked him to take the paternity test after he started speaking to the media and identifying himself as her father. I mean, honestly, it doesn't sound like Terry knew him very well and Jaycee might want to be absolutely certain that he is the guy.

I'm too tired to think of another way to word that without it sounding awful. lol So I apologize. But, really, I am just curious if we know for sure who started the whole idea about proving paternity. His choice of an attorney (Allred) is interesting too. I always thought she was sort of more about helping out women victims, but I guess she's changing her clientele?:waitasec:

He said he wants DNA or he will sue...
Nobody else could have started this....
He is a me, me, me, SOB
NO, you DON'T know where Jaycee is coming from here. That's just it...NO ONE does, just like NO ONE knows where Ken is coming from here. I'm sorry for your situation, however, you can't possibly believe that your personal experience and Jaycee's experiences are comparable, do you? Mainly because you don't know the circumstances surrounding his uninvolvement in her childhood. TERRY MAY HAVE BEEN THE ONE THAT WANTED IT THAT WAY! Do you know for a fact that he was pursued for involvement or financial help for Jaycee but didn't comply? Do you? Until you can verify otherwise, it's kinda ridiculous to judge Mr. Slayton so harshly for simply putting himself out there to offer his help if/when it's necessary. It's not like Terry demonstrated the best decision making skills when she got pregnant with Jaycee to begin with. It was claimed, after all, to have only been a months long "fling". And if she didn't pursue any kind of paternity judgement against him, well I'm sorry, but that just speaks volumes to me. So how can you be so certain that she isn't responsible for his having been absent? Maybe she was in another relationship, too, and didn't want to be found out?

Maybe seeing things from an objective point of view might help you. Are you perfect? Have you never made a decision in your life that you regret? Mr. Slayton is not the criminal here, Nancy n Phil are. Aim your anger towards the people deserving of it. While his timing may not be the best, his heart is in the right place, he just wants to offer his help, to show that she has more love available to her. Not so bad in my book.

I'm not saying he couldn't have pushed for more rights where Jaycee, the little girl with no daddy, is involved. He could have. He should have been there for her. But he wasn't. I don't condone being a deadbeat dad and find it repulsive, but this situation is A LOT different than your average run of the mill paternity case. Now he has a second chance to try to make it right. To me, that is a miracle. And I don't think it's right to condemn this man just yet, without ALL of the FACTS. None of which you have. All you know is what you've been told, the same as me. Calm down already....

IMO he is a criminal.
HOW DARE HE put himself upon her at this fragile time????
A human can make good intentions known discreetly and appropriately.
and waited for the right time. but you need a heart to do that....
Ok, forget what I just said LOL...I just finished watching the abc news "news conference" video with him and Allred, which our member named Stephens posted on page 4 (or so). Thanks, Stephens!

Wow, that was interesting. His emotions do seem genuine, but his timing is really, really, really bad.

I can act out any emotion you want and so can you.
His timing tell the real story. One needs a heart to care about how this would effect her NOW.
Stephens, the difference between 1979-91 to today is 30 years. A LOT of changing can be done in that amount of time. And just because the today show says people close to the Dugards say it was a "cheap publicity stunt", doesn't make it that. I tend to not believe everything the news tells me. FACTS will change my mind, however, I have seen no facts saying it wasn't Terry's doing that he wasn't present in Jaycee's life and that she didn't keep her from him. That does happen, I've seen it. And no, you probably won't succeed in "trying to talk some sense into my head" because 1. I'm confident in my ability to think freely and 2. I know how to view things objectively and until there are FACTS stating otherwise I will continue to be objective. Obviously something a few here are not capable of. I like to go through life trying to see the good in people until I have solid proof that they aren't good. Makes it more peaceful for me to not be angry at people for things and events I know NOTHING about. People change, especially when 30 years have elapsed. You know that people change for the better, sometimes, don't you?

Song, could you post the clip where its said he wants DNA or will sue? I haven't seen that one yet, either.
Stephens, the difference between 1979-91 to today is 30 years. A LOT of changing can be done in that amount of time. And just because the today show says people close to the Dugards say it was a "cheap publicity stunt", doesn't make it that. I tend to not believe everything the news tells me. FACTS will change my mind, however, I have seen no facts saying it wasn't Terry's doing that he wasn't present in Jaycee's life and that she didn't keep her from him. That does happen, I've seen it. And no, you probably won't succeed in "trying to talk some sense into my head" because 1. I'm confident in my ability to think freely and 2. I know how to view things objectively and until there are FACTS stating otherwise I will continue to be objective. Obviously something a few here are not capable of. I like to go through life trying to see the good in people until I have solid proof that they aren't good. Makes it more peaceful for me to not be angry at people for things and events I know NOTHING about. People change, especially when 30 years have elapsed. You know that people change for the better, sometimes, don't you?

Song, could you post the clip where its said he wants DNA or will sue? I haven't seen that one yet, either.

When I have time I will look for it. It is here somewhere, look and you will find.
BY the way people do not grow a heart. They just don't. Believe what you like.
I too stuck up for him at first. I stood up for Casey Anthony for a very long time too.
But I don't walk around with Rose colored glasses.
I like fair, I like just, and I am not afraid of my anger. I do not need to be a "good girl".
IMHO - I already am a good girl, and It is really OK to confront things and not be stroking.

GOOD INTENTIONS are not done this way. not at all.
These poor people: This is all they need right now..
At best he is HEARTLESS.....self serving, what is the hurry now?????????????????????????
I cant find one reason for this behaviour that is OK or caring..

Good intentions can be discreet, anonymous,
done by sending an attorney to notify good intentions
and sitting by and waiting for appropriate time.

When I have time I will look for it. It is here somewhere.
BY the way people do not grow a heart. They just don't.
I too stuck up for him at first.
GOOD INTENTIONS are not done this way. not at all.
Good intentions can be discreet, anonymous, done by sending an attorney to notify good intentions and sitting by and waiting for appropriate time.

I'd be really surprised if there isn't a backstory you don't know about. This whole thing screams of it.

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