"Jersey" and MW #2

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Wouldn't surprise me a bit if the cops lied. They apparently have lied about a lot of things in this case.

It is doubtful on this one because it was the evidence used in order to get the search warrant.
bbm=which time? :floorlaugh:

I hear ya. I agree with most that Megan is not someone who I would assume to be blatantly open and honest in general. JM0.

But, I am leaning towards believing her about not receiving the phone call and probably not having any knowledge or involvement in Lisa's disappearance. See, if she did answer the phone or if she knew who did and that it was related to Lisa, she would have just told LE from the get-go that she was not in possession of her phone for a range of time that included that call. She would know the general time of the call and cover her azz. It wouldn't matter if LE told her 8:30 and/or 11:57 and/or 2:30, she would have known the truth when originally questioned. She wouldn't appear to be changing her story to fit these new times that are being thrown at her because she would have known the real time(s) all along. KWIM?

I think it's possible the story is changing around her and we are learning more from her, instead of (or as much as) that she is actually changing her story. In any case, I do agree that Megan wants to put as much distance between herself and that call as possible, whether she's involved or not. Nothing good can come from being associated with one of the last calls made by a reportedly stolen phone connected to a baby's abduction.

I do believe that she was at the Waffle House in the wee hours and shopping with food stamps very early in the morning on Oct 4th. If she used that as her alibi and she didn't show up on surveillance (or wasn't positively ID'd by an employee), I'm not sure we'd be hearing much from Megs at this point.

The hrd issue is another thread, but briefly semen and blood (non-menstrual) are "human remains" and decompose as such.

I need to hear 2nd hit and forensics of that "area" to be convinced.

(Okay not the best source for info, BUT...)

Something I found in that video that is VERY interesting to me, is the discussion about verizon and their restricted service. If a call was made from a restricted verizon phone, the call would be re-routed to verizon customer service, and they would have record of that. So, let's say for a moment that DB wasn't lying about the phone being restricted. Is it possible that someone (possibly an intruder) tried to dial out on her phone, the call was re-routed and verizon had a record of it, and this is how LE was able to trace the call to MW?

I honestly don't know...cell phones are strange magic. They confuse and frighten me. ;)

ding, ding, ding! And would it show up as a vm? Is it routed to the same place as vm? (don't expect you to know that Kat, just asking in general) Judge Jeanine is adament no call could be placed from their phones due to the restriction but yesterday's report stated otherwise.


I agree with MK-around 2:12-do not agree with MF at all. He said the 7 other members of MW's former home are drug addicts! :maddening: How does he know that? Did he see them all use drugs? Of course not-some of them are children FGS! :banghead: And he keeps repeating everyone but DB has been cleared! :furious: Not true-LE has not said anyone is cleared!


Jersey is still on my radar. MW not so much. DB nope.

At this stage I tend to believe that MW isn't involved.

Hard to believe that druggies or dealers would want to steal the baby. The only was I could possibly see that is if DB owed them huge amounts of money.

Possibly MW is relishing her new found fameand that's why she doesn't just zip it? Reading all the attention she gets on FB and some of her comments, it is possible.

ding, ding, ding! And would it show up as a vm? Is it routed to the same place as vm? (don't expect you to know that Kat, just asking in general) Judge Jeanine is adament no call could be placed from their phones due to the restriction but yesterday's report stated otherwise.


I agree with MK-around 2:12-do not agree with MF at all. He said the 7 other members of MW's former home are drug addicts! :maddening: How does he know that? Did he see them all use drugs? Of course not-some of them are children FGS! :banghead: And he keeps repeating everyone but DB has been cleared! :furious: Not true-LE has not said anyone is cleared!


Jersey is still on my radar. MW not so much. DB nope.


ITA, MF's comments were irresponsible. It is as if they always need a TH to comment about anything just to fill air time.
Wouldn't surprise me a bit if the cops lied. They apparently have lied about a lot of things in this case.

LE lie all the time, they are under no obligation to tell the truth to people they are interviewing or investigating, however they ARE obliged to tell the truth to judges who issue search warrants. I am prepared to believe they lied to DB, JI and MW in an effort to elicit information from them but I am not prepared to believe they would risk jeopardising any future trial by lying on an affidavit to obtain a search warrant. I fully believe an HR dog did alert - this is not to say it may not have been a false positive alert however.

About the time of the call from DB's phone to MW's phone - they originally told MW it was around 8 pm, then near midnight. They said MW's number was written on DB's hand, then she was told it wasn't. They accused DB of killing her child with no evidence that was what happened. They said the parents stopped cooperating when the parents said they not not and were still talking to LE.

Given how much time has passed and how LE keeps saying that so many occurrences have been blown off by LE, such as the baby sightings, diapers in abandoned house, gas can found in woods near dumpster, now PB being at the house, then not, SB's husband being cleared, now another neighbor was with DB and SB, yet they appear no closer to any answers that the morning of Oct. 4. I have no confidence in the cops involved in this case.
ding, ding, ding! And would it show up as a vm? Is it routed to the same place as vm? (don't expect you to know that Kat, just asking in general) Judge Jeanine is adament no call could be placed from their phones due to the restriction but yesterday's report stated otherwise.


I agree with MK-around 2:12-do not agree with MF at all. He said the 7 other members of MW's former home are drug addicts! :maddening: How does he know that? Did he see them all use drugs? Of course not-some of them are children FGS! :banghead: And he keeps repeating everyone but DB has been cleared! :furious: Not true-LE has not said anyone is cleared!


Jersey is still on my radar. MW not so much. DB nope.


Yep, some of the stuff we're getting from the talking heads seems to come from sources in their own heads (rather than verified sources). I don't mind if they state it clearly as opinion, but sometimes it's not clear what they purport to be theory vs. fact.

Jersey is still on my radar, but just a little blip. Megan, tiny little blip. I am now interested in Dane, more than Megan. He does cop to having the phone for some of the time frame in question but we still don't know much about him and who he knows or where he was on the night of the 3rd or morning of the 4th. I hope we learn more about him soon; could help put some pieces together. JMO.

Debbi, well we're not on the same page there, she's still lit up like a Christmas tree for me, but I do hope you're right about her.
About the time of the call from DB's phone to MW's phone - they originally told MW it was around 8 pm, then near midnight. They said MW's number was written on DB's hand, then she was told it wasn't. They accused DB of killing her child with no evidence that was what happened. They said the parents stopped cooperating when the parents said they not not and were still talking to LE.

Given how much time has passed and how LE keeps saying that so many occurrences have been blown off by LE, such as the baby sightings, diapers in abandoned house, gas can found in woods near dumpster, now PB being at the house, then not, SB's husband being cleared, now another neighbor was with DB and SB, yet they appear no closer to any answers that the morning of Oct. 4. I have no confidence in the cops involved in this case.

So says MW. Who is to say that this secret person who told her that her number wasn't written DB's hand wasn't lying. It is a fact that the call was made, so even if they said it was written on her hand and it wasn't, it doesn't change the fact that a call was placed.

LE didn't lie, the family did stop cooperating. Is there a link to the parents speaking to LE after police made that statement?

How do we know that they just blew off the sightings or any of those other things? How do we know they weren't investigated and proven not to be part of the case? Diapers in the abandoned house were said to be too old weren't they? How hard is that for LE to figure out?

Just because we're just now hearing about these new people doesn't mean that LE didn't know.

Respectfully, I don't see anything here that points to LE lying to obstuct the case or that they're being incompetent.

Just because we don't hear from LE doesn't mean we know what they're doing or not doing. They seem pretty thorough to me, given all the people they've investigated so far, other that DB.

Maybe if the parents would answer those vital questions that they need answered, LE can move forward.

One thing that kinda struck me yesterday was before the newest time was reported on by MK, there was that interview that MW did with JVM (I think the night before). During that interview, JVM cites the 8PM time as the call coming in. At no point, either then or the whole interview, does MW attempt to correct or clarify the times.
I don't think MW necessarily is involved but I do think someone she knows may be.

As to what sort of burglar or druggie absconds with a baby. One who panicks when a baby wakes up and begins to raise a ruckus, or a female one who doesn't want to hurt a baby but wants to quiet her or remove her loud behind before the household is roused.

If a female was involved in a burglary she might take the child in that circumstance. If she was with a less maternal feeling male during a burglary, he might then take off with the child in order to "dump" it somewhere (alive or dead) so as to distance himself from the females act of taking the child.

Have we heard at all whether DB or JI associated with MW or any of her known associates?
It is a fact that the call was made, so even if they said it was written on her hand and it wasn't, it doesn't change the fact that a call was placed.

snipped by me. it is? :waitasec: not picking on you annalia, i am just not sure that this is a fact yet. LE hasn't commented have they?
snipped by me. it is? :waitasec: not picking on you annalia, i am just not sure that this is a fact yet. LE hasn't commented have they?

Doesn't the FBI have her phone?

I can see MW embellishing little bits here and there, but I can't see her just making that up.

You may discuss comments by MW on her Facebook page since MSM is reporting on it. We don't want Facebook comments by the masses because they are considered rumors.

Thanks everyone and I hope that helps. :)
The hrd issue is another thread, but briefly semen and blood (non-menstrual) are "human remains" and decompose as such.

I need to hear 2nd hit and forensics of that "area" to be convinced.

So by that thought process then, would feces, urine, saliva, hair, nails, sweat, vomit and shedding sking all be "human remains"?
I really don't know where to post this so I'm putting it here. If it's in the wrong place, perhaps someone will move it or just delete it.

Does anyone else wonder about all these "new" people coming out of the woodwork? I'm wondering how much it's costing the spin doctors or the wealthy benefactor to get all these people out and about and casting doubt as to who might have done what? It just seems odd that a girl who has nothing, no money, no car, is suddenly able to move into an apartment now. Maybe she's earned it? She certainly has caused a lot of confusion.

As to the phone number that was supposedly on DB's hand, I have no doubt that even though the phones were supposedly stolen, LE had the phone records within hours, and they scoured every number and every text message on those phones. They can tell anybody anything if they think it will get them to talk, even tell somebody another person had the number written on their hand.

IF and that's a big IF, this child was taken by someone, I think DB and maybe even JI, knows who took her, and if they don't actually know, they have a good idea. I also think DB is hiding a lot from JI, or at least she thinks she is.

I'm really on the fence as to WHO did what, but with all the stories coming out, I think they're getting themselves prepared for a trial down the road. All these different stories and time lines will help them get a not guilty verdict because the reality is, nothing can be proven, at least not at this point in time.

I do think it's very possible that somewhere in this world, there is a blond haired, blue eyed baby girl with a brand new family......
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