Jimmy Ray Rodgers Sentenced to LIFE IN PRISON

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I can tell you that I was given breaks in my life that made all of the difference. I could have been arrested. I deserved it.

Had I been arrested, I would never have had the career in Corporate America that I had, probably would have never met my current husband and never have had the charmed life that I now have.

It is amazing how a few decisions by a few kind police officers can make all of the difference in a kid's life.

I'm so glad to hear that you benefited from the kindness of those police officers.

Parts of this trial have really caused me to reflect on my own life. I grew up in a dysfunctional family and was the scapegoat child. I was told I was the cause of every problem. I was told a lot of lies about myself... Things I can't imagine saying to my own children. But for the grace of God my life could have taken an awful turn too. I had a very independent and stubborn sense of self and that saved me I think (although it was what made me so "difficult" too).

After completely cutting ties with my abusive parents and getting therapy I'm in a much healthier place now, but this sentencing hearing brought up a lot of memories and a sense of resolve to be compassionate. You just never know the difference a little sincere concern and kindness might make.
Well, as cold hearted as i am, i must say after hearing about JRR's childhood, i believe a bit more that he was absolutely manipulated by CWW to take part in the murder. Remembering that it was stated many times CWW was a 'mentor' to him, i think JRR would do anything to please him. Yes, he chose to do it, but i am actually wondering if it wasn't on the trip down that the entire story was told to him. I fully believe he got what he deserved with Life, and it always bothered me about CWW saying how he got 'out of control' with the hammer. I think that is EXACTLY what CWW wanted to happen, so he had a way to 'back out' of being the one to kill TS. It does explain more about JRR's looks, attitudes and just 'vacant' stares sometimes. The boy had issues. And he mentally is still a kid. He had NO ONE growing up, except his brother, who admits he left him in the hell to get away himself. His brother was saved by going in the military. It gave him what he needed to get back on track. JRR had nothing.
The statement that CWW made that JRR 'got out of control' with the hammer really bothers me too because ONE SWING with a hammer to a human being's head is out of control!!

So thankful for answered prayers that justice has been served for TS and they are all locked up.

So saddened by the fact that these 3 stooges actions and lack of remorse have affected so many families, children, TS's patients and friends.
I value the freedom to work out our feelings here. It looks like we all are trying to process following these two recent trials and the stiff sentences. Everyone is entitled to their views and opinions.

Welcome, NotVeryBright. Enjoyed your long post, and witty style of writing. Here's one of your gems:
How would I be acting, sitting there, knowing my shiny yet greasy head was being blasted to who knows how many TVs, phones and computers.

Not replying to any one post, just trying to express more thoughts going through my head.

People keep going back to what an evil liar CWW is and resenting his plea deal. Didn't that Colorado DA say something like "sometimes you got to make a deal with the devil" which is CWW. He got a sweet deal, but it was necessary to nail Mark the main behind the scene, betraying murderer of Teresa.

Now, Judge Kyle got his fill of CWW in two trials. Don't try to blame what JRR took part in all on CWW. Judge didn't seem to think JRR was coerced or manipulated into doing the crime. JRR is no dummy, I've seen him in trial size people up. JRR did time so I'd bet he's fairly street smart. Remember, this is important, JRR thought he was going to make $10,000.

Something I notice now days on some of the talent shows is they make their contestants tell a sad story that pulls on heart strings before they perform. There must be a few on the show that have to make up a touching story because their life wasn't so bad. Anyways, it was the defense's job and the witnesses to tell JRR's sad story and they did outstanding. Tears for that little boy, oh yes, we all wish he was given more breaks in his life, but remember he bashed a woman to death as a grown man.

Please note, I didn't give JRR the Life sentence. The Judge did. Judge Kyle had to follow guidelines, plus he saw that soon after getting out of prison another worse crime was committed by JRR. Supporting the Judge's decision seems the right thing to do. I'm sure he felt sorry for Jimmy's tough life, but he also sees criminals on a daily basis and knows some just keep reoffending.

This wasn't about JRR's tough life. This was to get Justice for Teresa and her Loved Ones.

Someone asked about Judge Kyles 2 cases he mentioned at the end of rodgers case. I found this and altho I still don't know which cases, 1 is mentioned there that I would think may be one. The one where the boy kills his mother ,24 hours after being released :( I wish there were more Judge Kyles. Florida is fortunate to have him.https://www-media.floridabar.org/uploads/2018/10/Kyle-Bruce.pdf
Someone asked about Judge Kyles 2 cases he mentioned at the end of rodgers case. I found this and altho I still don't know which cases, 1 is mentioned there that I would think may be one. The one where the boy kills his mother ,24 hours after being released :( I wish there were more Judge Kyles. Florida is fortunate to have him.https://www-media.floridabar.org/uploads/2018/10/Kyle-Bruce.pdf

Wow, how did you find that? Thank You. It only adds to my deep respect for Judge Kyle.

Said "thousand of cases in twelve years"... just imagine the horrible things he had to hear. He has had to look into the depravity of many humans. I don't know how he manages to be such a kind, upbeat Judge, but I support him getting some golf in often.

I think you're right about that one case in Section 32. The Judge says, "I will never forget it."

Yes, he's a Florida treasure. :)
Wow, how did you find that? Thank You. It only adds to my deep respect for Judge Kyle.

Said "thousand of cases in twelve years"... just imagine the horrible things he had to hear. He has had to look into the depravity of many humans. I don't know how he manages to be such a kind, upbeat Judge, but I support him getting some golf in often.

I think you're right about that one case in Section 32. The Judge says, "I will never forget it."

Yes, he's a Florida treasure. :)
I just googled "Florida Judge Kyle cases he presided over" Didn't come up with much except those 2 I have posted, but, read lots of praises about him. I thought the same you did about how much he's had to hear. And it's kind of funny but when I first started watching him, I really didn't like him :( I quickly caught on that he runs his courtroom very well and shows great respect to the families on both sides and jurors.I could also tell he wasn't buying rodgers upbringing as a way to get off with a lesser sentence, but, felt some compassion toward his brother. I believe he's a judge that believes ,you made your bed ,now lay in it. Just my opinion.
I have a question about JRR's sentence, hopefully an attorney or someone with knowledge can answer.
JRR was given life but the death penalty was also on the table. If he gets a retrial would that put the death penalty back on the table as an option or would life be the most he could get since that's his sentence now?
I just googled "Florida Judge Kyle cases he presided over" Didn't come up with much except those 2 I have posted, but, read lots of praises about him. I thought the same you did about how much he's had to hear. And it's kind of funny but when I first started watching him, I really didn't like him :( I quickly caught on that he runs his courtroom very well and shows great respect to the families on both sides and jurors.I could also tell he wasn't buying rodgers upbringing as a way to get off with a lesser sentence, but, felt some compassion toward his brother. I believe he's a judge that believes ,you made your bed ,now lay in it. Just my opinion.

Yes, I was surprised how vocal he was in disagreeing with the jury. He said in his statement that he thought the jury must have thought X. But he clearly stated that he believed that Jimmy did do the blows. In my opinion.

I agree with others that there was a lot of lying going on about the bludgeoning.

Notice, graphic description below

There is no way it was a crazy person doing it indiscriminately as I saw the photos that were posted of her autopsy. Those Hammer marks were evenly spaced all around the crown of her head.

Evenly spaced around the crown of her head.

St. Theresa comments makes me think that that was done purposely . They were not all clustered in a frenzy in one place. I can't imagine how that pattern was done other than purposefully as she was dying?
...I grew up in a dysfunctional family and was the scapegoat child. I was told I was the cause of every problem...I had a very independent and stubborn sense of self and that saved me I think (although it was what made me so "difficult" too).

After completely cutting ties with my abusive parents and getting therapy I'm in a much healthier place now, but this sentencing hearing brought up a lot of memories and a sense of resolve to be compassionate. You just never know the difference a little sincere concern and kindness might make.
I'm so glad that you survived your childhood. Hopefully, you were able to move on successfully and "prove" your parents wrong.

It's amazing that I am the only one amongst my siblings that went on to higher education; and I am the one who has what society would consider to be the trappings of success.

I could write a book about my dysfunctional upbringing and life. I give all of the credit to God for saving me (more than once). I still struggle in certain areas. It's amazing that we can look successful on the outside yet still be that damaged child on the inside.

Before I veer too far from the topic at hand...I think that most, if not all of us agree that JRR received the sentence he deserved, and MS is about (hopefully) to receive the sentence that he deserves.

It is CWW that still bothers me. I also find him to be a liar and a manipulator. I actually think that he married his long-time girlfriend before he was arrested because he knew that she would then be eligible to receive his disability checks (if I am correct).

If that's a correct assumption, AW has received a tidy sum from the taxpayers of CWW's state because he has not been formally sentenced yet.

I sure hope that I am wrong; however, this would be yet another way that this slime ball has beaten the system with his wife going along for the ride.
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I value the freedom to work out our feelings here. It looks like we all are trying to process following these two recent trials and the stiff sentences. Everyone is entitled to their views and opinions.

Welcome, NotVeryBright. Enjoyed your long post, and witty style of writing. Here's one of your gems:

Not replying to any one post, just trying to express more thoughts going through my head.

People keep going back to what an evil liar CWW is and resenting his plea deal. Didn't that Colorado DA say something like "sometimes you got to make a deal with the devil" which is CWW. He got a sweet deal, but it was necessary to nail Mark the main behind the scene, betraying murderer of Teresa.

Now, Judge Kyle got his fill of CWW in two trials. Don't try to blame what JRR took part in all on CWW. Judge didn't seem to think JRR was coerced or manipulated into doing the crime. JRR is no dummy, I've seen him in trial size people up. JRR did time so I'd bet he's fairly street smart. Remember, this is important, JRR thought he was going to make $10,000.

Something I notice now days on some of the talent shows is they make their contestants tell a sad story that pulls on heart strings before they perform. There must be a few on the show that have to make up a touching story because their life wasn't so bad. Anyways, it was the defense's job and the witnesses to tell JRR's sad story and they did outstanding. Tears for that little boy, oh yes, we all wish he was given more breaks in his life, but remember he bashed a woman to death as a grown man.

Please note, I didn't give JRR the Life sentence. The Judge did. Judge Kyle had to follow guidelines, plus he saw that soon after getting out of prison another worse crime was committed by JRR. Supporting the Judge's decision seems the right thing to do. I'm sure he felt sorry for Jimmy's tough life, but he also sees criminals on a daily basis and knows some just keep reoffending.

This wasn't about JRR's tough life. This was to get Justice for Teresa and her Loved Ones.

Thanks for the welcome um, Moo. See now all I want to do is crack wise about your name. I wont sorry lol right anyway,
First, I hope it's ok for long posts but that's how I have to do this, kinda helps work through fear if that makes sense. I actually tried a couple short posts but yea caused more problems in my brain than it's worth, so now to the um issue? here,
I agree with you and think that is what I was getting too. Cww and the devil deal, that and no ones going to convince me the guy lives that long anyway be it the karma bus or well something painful. Same for MS. I'm probably wrong but I'm still thinking he takes himself out. JRR while yea, I got some weird soft spot for the sack of rot it certainly doesn't excuse Jack crap. He had choices that Friday and he chose this. He also graduated, held jobs, knew if you dont use birth control you reproduce, ugh. He knew right from wrong and proved in the past he understood such. I think with my post to this , um ok wait.... sorry needed a fatty so I can think. Um, oh yea so my earlier post I think that was my point. My past, jesus but, but it would also be no excuse either, not even a reason for doing such a just evil act. Because like that jackwang I understand right from wrong and I understand choices, mostly lol. Like when I get really bad manic I black out, sometimes for weeks on end with no memory of most things. Still, no excuse because while I have no memory of intense episodes, as life is happening, at that moment, I still know right from wrong and still make life choices. Just cant remember but I would also bet all that a prosecutor would have their experts tell a jury the same thing I just told y'all if I tried using my upbringing or even my conditions for such nasty things....... And while there are certainly people that qualify for a um, mental defense?? I wouldn't because while I'm broken sure I can still tell right and wrong. Not um disagreeing or anything malicious um just explaining myself I think lolol good pot.

Oh yeah my name thingy. I don't know who said it was a bad name but I really don't even remember joining this place and dont know if its changeable, um but everyone calls me Lucky so just call me Lucky even though I'm not. Ok bye now
Yes, I was surprised how vocal he was in disagreeing with the jury. He said in his statement that he thought the jury must have thought X. But he clearly stated that he believed that Jimmy did do the blows. In my opinion.

I agree with others that there was a lot of lying going on about the bludgeoning.

Notice, graphic description below

There is no way it was a crazy person doing it indiscriminately as I saw the photos that were posted of her autopsy. Those Hammer marks were evenly spaced all around the crown of her head.

Evenly spaced around the crown of her head.

St. Theresa comments makes me think that that was done purposely . They were not all clustered in a frenzy in one place. I can't imagine how that pattern was done other than purposefully as she was dying?

You said above "Yes, I was surprised how vocal he was in disagreeing with the jury. He said in his statement that he thought the jury must have thought X".

I'm not sure I understand what you mean. I don't feel he disagreed with the jury. I didn't see or hear anything that would make me think that?But, I could have missed it.

Can you explain further? And what statement are you referring to?
Thanks for the welcome um, Moo. See now all I want to do is crack wise about your name.

Hey, what's wrong with my name!?! :confused: I can tell you like to wise crack. That might be a better name for you. :) Oh, I forgot your real name is Lucky.

I just want to say that some of the points you brought out about JRR graduating and using birth control do show he has a working brain. So, no excuses for him not knowing he drove down to Florida to make murder money, and got a tee shirt as a souvenir.
You said above "Yes, I was surprised how vocal he was in disagreeing with the jury. He said in his statement that he thought the jury must have thought X".

I'm not sure I understand what you mean. I don't feel he disagreed with the jury. I didn't see or hear anything that would make me think that?But, I could have missed it.

Can you explain further? And what statement are you referring to?

Sure, I think I've cued it up to four minutes and 9 seconds where he starts talking about it to help explain below.

The judge says he does not understand why the jury said what they did and it appeared to be a conflicted verdict because a weapon was clearly used.( And that he was a principle.) He questioned the jury as saying I don't know if it was an attempt by the jury because they felt your client was taken advantage of or because he was younger or wasn't as culpable or they didn't like the fact that mr. WRight got second-degree murder.

He goes on to say that there was no mention of the weapon....etc

ETA I tried to cue it to 4 min 9 seconds, but not working. Just move to that time to better understand what I'm talking about. The judge obviously to me did not agree with the jury and said such. He was explaining why he thought he should have gotten it for the first charge also. But that's just my opinion. But it doesn't matter as to adjudication sentencing as he only needed one, not both.

We talked a little bit up Thread about that. And that it may not have been unanimous by the jury on the first charge, and since they had the second one they could still move forward with the life sentence.

I hope my explanation and the video helps you understand what I was trying to say.
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Excellent DIXIEGIRL..thank you for posting the video/time mark for the judge's explanation. (So much info...it's good to have a reminder/reference.) I noticed the judge said Jrr has 30 days for an appeal. Is that the same for the Head Clown, MS??
I was thinking, "If either Jrr or MS files an appeal....then Cww would have to testify all over, again." Double yuck! The Hannibal Lector voice & sniffling was really wearing on my patience. I am "assuming?" that is why Cww's sentencing is still on hold, until February 2020, as he may still be needed to testify if an appeal is granted in either case. Anyone??
Excellent DIXIEGIRL..thank you for posting the video/time mark for the judge's explanation. (So much info...it's good to have a reminder/reference.) I noticed the judge said Jrr has 30 days for an appeal. Is that the same for the Head Clown, MS??
I was thinking, "If either Jrr or MS files an appeal....then Cww would have to testify all over, again." Double yuck! The Hannibal Lector voice & sniffling was really wearing on my patience. I am "assuming?" that is why Cww's sentencing is still on hold, until February 2020, as he may still be needed to testify if an appeal is granted in either case. Anyone??

Hi IQ,

appellate court will only look at the written records taken in court. No new testimony or new evidence will be considered. And there is more time involved in an appeal altogether. Not sure if it is 10 or 30 days for JRR to file his notice of appeal. I go by what the judge said.
Then there are additional deadlines, which have to be met by the appropriate circuit court(s) etc. It takes several months for an appeal to formally move before a panel of judges.

I do not think that CWW's sentencing delay has anything to do with it therefore. IMO it has to do with his plea, mainly to tell the truth during JRR's and MS' trials. It also helps AWW to still receive benefits from CWW's insurance of course.


Sure, I think I've cued it up to four minutes and 9 seconds where he starts talking about it to help explain below.

The judge says he does not understand why the jury said what they did and it appeared to be a conflicted verdict because a weapon was clearly used.( And that he was a principle.) He questioned the jury as saying I don't know if it was an attempt by the jury because they felt your client was taken advantage of or because he was younger or wasn't as culpable or they didn't like the fact that mr. WRight got second-degree murder.

He goes on to say that there was no mention of the weapon....etc

ETA I tried to cue it to 4 min 9 seconds, but not working. Just move to that time to better understand what I'm talking about. The judge obviously to me did not agree with the jury and said such. He was explaining why he thought he should have gotten it for the first charge also. But that's just my opinion. But it doesn't matter as to adjudication sentencing as he only needed one, not both.

We talked a little bit up Thread about that. And that it may not have been unanimous by the jury on the first charge, and since they had the second one they could still move forward with the life sentence.

I hope my explanation and the video helps you understand what I was trying to say.
Thank you, makes sense to me now. I'm a little slow sometimes on trying to dissect some things :) You explained it perfectly :)
...um ok wait.... sorry needed a fatty so I can think. ...
. edited by me

Thank you so much, I'm enjoying your thoughts, comments and posts in general and at this second, I'm dying with laughter and memories! I haven't heard that term in years other than in my head. My DH didn't know what I meant when I said it - too young lol. :D .
We used to say "a big ole' fatty" (and it's not the big fat tires in Highway Star although it's from that era).

Welcome to Websleuths NotVeryBrightLuckyWisecracker! You fit right in. *chanting* 'you are one of us you are one of us you are one of us'

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